
Castle Blades's page

Organized Play Member. 180 posts (181 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

I’m trying to build a character based off Katsuki Bakugo from the anime My Hero Academia. The character shoots explosions out of his hands and can use them to maneuver. They are typically within a close to touch sort of range. I’m just looking for advice on how to best build a character as close to him as possible. I’ve been out of the game for a few years, so I’d really like some help creating pathfinders version of him.

I'm going to be running an adventure on Google+. If you wish to join please check it out. What it's about is explained in the community description. I'll only be taking the first two.

Pathfinder: The Change is Coming

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My friend is running an 11th level gestalt campaign, and I want the most broken gestalt build possible. Could you guys give me ideas of what to do? Thank you!

Male Human? Gnome? Whatever I am playing at the Moment Usually end up as some hodge podge of everything for a specific character concept

If you must talk talk here

Male Human? Gnome? Whatever I am playing at the Moment Usually end up as some hodge podge of everything for a specific character concept

You all reside in the infamous Snapping Turtle Tavern. Inside the crowded interior are many people, humans, Drow, elves, dwarves, Halflings and everything in between. The door of the tavern swings open and a burly man shoves his way in. In front of him is a platinum haired woman (Audria). He forces her into seat and he goes to the bar ordering a drink.

Male Human? Gnome? Whatever I am playing at the Moment Usually end up as some hodge podge of everything for a specific character concept

The Drow city of Kev'ronn is one that everyone knows, after all it is the only one that rises above the surface. Many people head to the city to trade and receive the quality items that are made by the Drow there. It's not strange for the occasional person to go missing in the city, after all that happens even in the most normal of cities, but one day, a very important person goes missing, Father Dawnsinger, a cleric of the Platinum Dragon Balserius. There are many reports of two Drow entering the temple, but none ever walking out. Investigation reveals no signs of struggle or any blood. For some reason you are in the city, whether it be to do some trading, look for an adventure or maybe someone you knew disappeared.

(Why are you in the city of the Drow and why would you care about the priest going missing? I need this to help with the setting of the scene.)

This is a game that will be taking place approximately the same time as my 'In the City of the Drow' game. This will revolve around finding the three guardians of the Grail of the Pheonix, a relic in a homebrew religion I created and [/url/ helped create. In addition to accepting new players I will be first giving priority to [url=Critzible] and any of the others that wanted to join my game but did not get a character made in time.

You will be playing 5th level characters, due to the premise of this game you will not be allowed to play CE or NE characters, and if you CN you can't just be a Murderhobo, afterall you are searching for the guardians of a Lawful Good Deity.

Stats: 3d8 up and down, meaning if you roll an 18 first that is your strength stat. You are allowed to roll for them all twice, but must pick one of the groupings.

Traits: 2 traits, one drawback may be taken for an additional one.

Wealth: Average Wealth By level

Classes: Any, but 3rd party have to be run by me first, and I will say outright that the Savage (monk/barbarian) hybrid class and the monster trainer will not be allowed.

races: Any, but it must make some sort of sense.

Health: max at first level then half+1 every level after that.

Gestalt: You may play a gestalt character, but you will be a level below everyone else and have the corresponding wealth. You may also triple gestalt, but you will be two levels below five and half the wealth of a third level character.

That should be all my rules, now I will post AdamWarnock's lore he helped create.

Grail of the Pheonix:
The Grail of the Phoenix is a holy relic of the Balserian faith that grants whoever drinks the waters that fill the cup will have all of their injuries and illnesses healed, their bodies restored to a youthful state (Young or Young Adult, 12-18 for humans), and be given centuries more of life. The Grail of the Phoenix has always been protected by three guardians that embody the virtues that Balserians admire, with the previous generation training the next. The guardians are always marked with platinum hair and eyes. On their backs is a rune that identifies the virtue they embody.
Audria, Faye, and Kaeli were to be the next guardians, but before they’re training was anywhere near complete, a group of cultists attacked the hidden temple where the Grail of the Phoenix is kept and slew two of the current guardians and mortally wounded the third before being driven off. The last guardian died of his wounds and left the three sisters to defend the temple on their own. Late one night, they were set upon by raiders who took the Grail of the Phoenix and Faye and Kaeli for some unknown purpose. Audria fought off her attackers, but was too exhausted to pursue the others and rescue her sisters. After waking up and taking stock of her situation, she goes to look for her sisters and the grail.

The ones that attacked her are also after her. Whatever purpose they have, they need all three of the guardians, and have attacked Audria a few more times while she’s been on the road. To try and avoid this, the last of the guardians has taken to hiding her hair and her eyes in the shadows of the hood of her cloak. The months have not been kind to her either, and her clothing and appearance are ragged.

Each of the sisters embodies a virtue that is important to the ideals of the Balserian faith, though they possess all three of them, the one they embody is particularly evident.

Audria - Strength, Determination, Nobility
Faye - Loyalty, Honesty, Valor
Kaeli - Hope, Purity, Empathy

Audria is a brawler, wading into melee and smashing at enemies with as much strength as she can muster. She uses a greatsword and heavy armor. She’s the most emotional of the three, exhibiting boundless joy and implacable rage. She has the most forceful personality of the three, and a tendency to not think things through.

Faye is a duelist, striking at the weakest points of her enemies to end fights quickly. She uses a longsword and shield to get in close and strike where her opponent is most vulnerable. She’s the most quiet and reserved of the three, speaking softly and being more subtle in her moods. She tends to overthink things a lot.

Kaeli is a dancer, weaving in and out of combat to confuse enemies and support her sisters. She uses a bow if not in melee, or a staff if she has to fight in close quarters. She’s the most cheerful of the three and helps to smooth out most of the conflicts between Audria and Faye. She’s the negotiator of the trio and often tries to avoid conflict.

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The Drow city of Kev'ronn is one that everyone knows, after all it is the only one that rises above the surface. Many people head to the city to trade and receive the quality items that are made by the Drow there. It's not strange for the occasional person to go missing in the city, after all that happens even in the most normal of cities, but one day, a very important person goes missing, Father Dawnsinger, a cleric of the Platinum Dragon Balserius. There are many reports of two Drow entering the temple, but none ever walking out. Investigation reveals no signs of struggle or any blood. For some reason you are in the city, whether it be to do some trading, look for an adventure or maybe someone you knew disappeared.

Looking for 4 to 6 players all 5th level.

Races: Any allowed even 3rd party, just need to run them by me first.

Classes: All, including 3rd party, just run them by me first and the Gunslinger will have to fire against regular AC and they can only have early firearms.

Stats: Roll 3d8 for each stat individually

Traits: 2 traits and one drawback for an additional trait.

Religion: All of the Golarion gods exist here along with some of my own ones.

I think that covers all my personal rules, if there are any questions please ask me.

Hey guys, I was making a character for my friends campaign that he is letting gestalt in, so I rolled my stats and got to thinking, after looking around I found the urban bloodrager and it hit me. I make a Dex based bloodrager/Magus that prestige's as a Dragon Disciple. Any build help, probably need an Archetype for Magus, I will be using the bloodrager spells for the spell combat.

Any thoughts on what would make a viable build for Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates? I just remembered how awesome that character was and want to play them, but I will only have her in waiting, so I need an 11th level build. My best idea so far​ is a fighter and alchemist hybrid. Any better ideas?

I know that 3rd party stuff is sometimes considered a taboo, but my DM and I totally love the stuff. So my question is anyone have any 3rd party classes or races that they just love, I would prefer stuff that is not on the d20pfsrd, but if you have any on there, I will gladly accept it. I will also like to see if anyone on here has cool custom classes or races that you would recommend whether that be your own or someone elses.

So my friend is running a game that takes place in the 1600's american colonies. Anyway that brings me to my character, I wish to play a cute little girl that is completely innocent looking, but after you get to know her, you realize something is up. She is not so innocent as she seems, she is actually an evil little girl, possibly a necromancer or something, maybe just a really adept rogue. I want some potential builds or concepts to help please, thank you for the help.

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I came up with this very random monster idea, not sure if the CR should be higher or not. Just check it out and give any suggestions. Pink Dragon

Is there any viable way to play a useful Arcane Archer? I was thinking about playing a Magus until I could qualify for the prerequisites, but that only lets me get up to 3 levels of arcane archer(We are level 11 characters). I know I could get 4 levels of arcane archer, but that requires multiclassing as a sorceror and fighter, but then I would have to deal with arcane spell failure, something I don't want to waste a feat on. Any Suggestions, thank you.

How would my 11th level Gnome Wizard be able to cast the reincarnate spell? I mean other than DM fiat, is there a legitimate way or would he have to hire a Druid to make him a staff with that spell in it? Could he copy the spell into his spellbook or what? I just want to know so he could mess with the things he is going to fight in our adventure, if all else fails he will die and I will play a Chaotic Neuteral Druid obsessed with that spell.

I think I want to play an 11th level gnome(for flavors sake) evocationist wizard with the Admixture Subschool. I want to focus him around using Evocation spells that he can freely change the energy damage of for whatever the challenge they face is.

I am open to any ideas regarding multiclassing or archetypes that may give him more damage or whatever.

Because of him being a Wizard, he would also need a familiar and I am free to any ideas of good Familiars (He is gonna be CE btw. Any and all advice will be welcome, thank you!

So I want to play a samurai, and you know what that means a mount, and that got me thinking. So I came up with this, he uses a lance and has the feats Mounted Combat and Ride-by attack. After long enough I plan on getting Spirited Charge and Vital Strike, any good suggestions for what feats or weapons I should use?

Str: 20
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 14
Cha: 14

Kikko for Armor.

I plan on playing a samurai, but not just any samurai, one that focus on charging things with his lance. I was searching for a way for him to ride a tiger, but I finally decided to settle for a horse. Anyway, for his two feats at first level(Cause they are human) I have decided to pick Mounted Combat and Ride-by Attack, this all so I can get the Spirited Charge feat at third level and deal 4d8 on a charge with him. Do you think this is a good build, if not some help would be nice.

I plan on playing a samurai, but not just any samurai, one that focus on charging things with his lance. I was searching for a way for him to ride a tiger, but I finally decided to settle for a horse. Anyway, for his two feats at first level(Cause they are human) I have decided to pick Mounted Combat and Ride-by Attack, this all so I can get the Spirited Charge feat at third level and deal 4d8 on a charge with him. Do you think this is a good build, if not some help would be nice.

Is there anyway to get a medium sized (Human) samurai to ride a tiger at first level? I just had a really cool idea for that, but if it doesn't work, are there any other mounts I could use in place of the horse and camel available to a a first level samurai? If so please inform me.

Is there anyway to get a medium sized (Human) samurai to ride a tiger at first level? I just had a really cool idea for that, but if it doesn't work, are there any other mounts I could use in place of the horse and camel available to a a first level samurai? If so please inform me.

Here it is, a Witch Archetype that focus' around cats. Go to [] Please give constructive critisizim.

I want to make a class that is forced to take the cat familiar, but at like 4th level the familiar becomes an animal companion functioning like a druids small cat one. I would want it to take away the ability to deliver touch spells and possibly the skill boost. Is this viable.

This is a class idea I just had, so I have next to no ideas for it. I know I want it to be based around Anime Catigirls ( But that is it. I was thinking maybe having the attributes of them as part of the class or maybe even getting the ability to transfer these attributes to an ally. Maybe they even get the ability to change an enemy into a catgirl and have the power to control them for a little bit. It would a caster class, maybe even getting baleful polymorph at some point. Sorry if this seems choppy, I just had the idea, and wanted to get some help with it before I lost it.

This is a class idea I just had, so I have next to no ideas for it. I know I want it to be based around Anime Catigirls ( But that is it. I was thinking maybe having the attributes of them as part of the class or maybe even getting the ability to transfer these attributes to an ally. Maybe they even get the ability to change an enemy into a catgirl and have the power to control them for a little bit. It would a caster class, maybe even getting baleful polymorph at some point. Sorry if this seems choppy, I just had the idea, and wanted to get some help with it before I lost it.

This is an idea I had a while back when I got into AC/DC. Anyway, the idea I have for this is this. A Tiefling bard that plays the lute and specializes in playing songs like Highway to Hell, and Thunderstruck, probably favoring a whip as a weapon. I was wondering if there is anyway to make this any better, good feats for this or certain bardic performances that will make it more rock.

I know I want to use the Shield Champion Brawler archetype. I was thinking about having one level as cavalier for the inspire courage class feature, but I don't want the mount for some reason, any ideas?

Wrist Rocket:
Damage: 1d8
Type: Bludgeoning and Piercing
Range: 60 Feet
Special: The Wrist Rocket is a three barreled gun that mounts on your wrist, and you can fire it as a swift action, cocking allows you to make another attack, and it takes a swift action to cock. You can reload it with a full round action that requires both hands. You can wield a weapon in the same hand as the Wrist Rocket, but you take a -2 on all attack rolls with it.

Sword Master:
Role: The Sword Master is a master on the battlefield, they dance around and deftly block attacks. If they are ever put into a situation it is difficult to get out of they, just talk themselves out.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d10
Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 gp (Average 150 gp)
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Knowledge(History), Knowledge(Local), Knowledge(Nobility), Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Stealth.
Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Swords Master is Proficient with all simple and martial and is proficient in with light armor and no shields.
Defensive Assault: Starting at 1st level a Swords Master can parry an attack, by foregoing a number of attacks in their turn. When attacked, the Swords Master can make an opposing attack roll to attempt to parry the attack, if the roll is higher, the attack is negated, otherwise it still hits.
Two Handed: At First Level a Swords Master has the ability to use two one handed weapons from the Blade Training Section without negative effects.
Blade Training: At second level a Swords Master can use the following weapons as as one weapon step lower( Two Handed to One Handed and One Handed to Light) , Rapier, Short Sword, and Scimitar. At sixth level they can use: Dueling Sword, Longsword, and Falcata. At tenth level they add the Bastard Sword and katana. At the fourteenth level they add: Greatsword.
Finesse: Starting at 2nd level a Swords Master gets a +1 bonus on combat rolls made with a weapon chosen from the Blade Training Section and gain Weapon finesse as a bonus feat.. This bonus increases by +1 for every three levels beyond 2nd.
Fleet Footed: Starting at 3rd level a Swords Master gets a +1 bonus to Dex checks while in combat. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd.
Blade Blocking: Starting at 5th level, a Sword Master can parry a ranged attack once a day. To do this they make an opposed attack roll against the attack, and if they beat it, they can choose to have the attack miss. They can use this ability an additional one time a day every four levels.
Armed Armor: At 17th level a Swords Master gains a +1 to AC for every two one handed weapons they are carrying and/or +1 to AC for every two handed weapon they are carrying.
Fast Footed: At 19th level a Swords Master can re-roll a Dex check once every 8 hours.
Blade Mastery: At 20th level a Swords Master can use all weapons from the Blade Training Section as light weapons.

Has good BAB bonus, poor Will and Fortitude, and Good Reflex.

What do you all think of this?