The Drow city of Kev'ronn is one that everyone knows, after all it is the only one that rises above the surface. Many people head to the city to trade and receive the quality items that are made by the Drow there. It's not strange for the occasional person to go missing in the city, after all that happens even in the most normal of cities, but one day, a very important person goes missing, Father Dawnsinger, a cleric of the Platinum Dragon Balserius. There are many reports of two Drow entering the temple, but none ever walking out. Investigation reveals no signs of struggle or any blood. For some reason you are in the city, whether it be to do some trading, look for an adventure or maybe someone you knew disappeared.
Looking for 4 to 6 players all 5th level.
Races: Any allowed even 3rd party, just need to run them by me first.
Classes: All, including 3rd party, just run them by me first and the Gunslinger will have to fire against regular AC and they can only have early firearms.
Stats: Roll 3d8 for each stat individually
Traits: 2 traits and one drawback for an additional trait.
Religion: All of the Golarion gods exist here along with some of my own ones.
I think that covers all my personal rules, if there are any questions please ask me.