
Captain Phoenix's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 239 posts (269 including aliases). 9 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 12 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Silver Crusade

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Our first Pathfinder Second Edition book is here, giving you the Aasimar and Tiefling Ancestries, playable right now.

The book is a 40 page bookmarked PDF, which includes aasimar and tiefling heritages, ancestry feats, and random racial features for each ancestry.

The book is written by Kim Frandsen (Pathfinder Player Companion: Wilderness Origins), with art and layout by Bob Greyvenstein.

Sovereign Court

The Upload Downloadable Products or Manage Consignments page, accessed from the Account page, seems to be down. When I attempt to access it I get the following message:

The requested application was not found on this server.

Silver Crusade

Hey Folks.

You can find the latest news, products, and blog posts from Rising Phoenix Games by heading to the last post in this thread.

Good Gaming!

Sovereign Court

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Konnichiwa traveler.

Rosuto-Shima, a place torn between honoring the old traditions and embracing the new, onrushing age of steam.

Take up your katana and enter the world of Steampunk Musha, an East Asian inspired Steampunk setting for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

The release of the first book, Steampunk Musha - Explorer's Guide to Rosuto-Shima, is drawing nearer. If you haven't heard about the world we're creating yet, you can find out more here:

Steampunk Musha Official Blog
Steampunk Musha Facebook Page
Steampunk Musha on Google Plus
Fat Goblin Games on Twitter

Our bi-weekly dev blog has plenty of spoilers and some tantalizing flash fiction.

I'll be posting updates here, so watch this space!

Sovereign Court

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Happy holidays Pathfinder friends, and a very Merry Christmas from us at Rising Phoenix Games. To celebrate the festive season, we've published a Free Field Guide on Drive Thru RPG. You can download your copy here.


Never leave the tavern without a good guide.

Wicked wings descend like darkened death from above. When the baleful strix marks you as his target, there's nowhere left to run.

Baleful Strix—A Free Field Guide is a richly illustrated and comprehensive set of field notes dealing with a rare and deadly race of fiendish hunters.
Inside this beautiful book you'll find full stats for the baleful strix and comprehensive coverage of their wicked customs and social structure.

Now's also a good time to mention that we're also running a contest on our blog. Yay! More free books!

Sovereign Court

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Never leave the tavern without a good guide!

With feathers aflame, the majestic phoenix rises from the ashes, a symbol of hope to the broken, driving fear into the hearts of the wicked.

Phoenixes—A Field Guide is a richly illustrated and comprehensive set of field notes dealing with phoenixes and phoenix ecology. The book includes 7 phoenix subspecies, the phoenix guardian monk archetype and the Order of the Phoenix cavalier order.

Now on Drive Thru RPG

Sovereign Court

Dying Dead is a new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible adventure for an individual 5th-7th level character.

The undead are being murdered and their resting places destroyed. Now it’s up to you to calm the walking dead and bring a new form of justice to the acropolis of Alabaster. Can you broker peace with a long-dead king, calm restless spirits and track down the dark forces that haunt the night? It’s all up to you.

Available on Paizo.com

Sovereign Court

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I'm building a level 7 Pathfinder necromancer. The GM says any Paizo hardcover is allowed. I want to min max him for animate dead, so I can have a legion of undead soldiers.

Any good ideas regarding feats? Since I only get Animate Dead at level 7, I don't think a metamagic feat will help much until later. I could multiclass to get desecrate, but then I loose animate dead... what's a necromancer to do?

Sovereign Court

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I know there are a bunch of people playing 1-on-1 campaigns, and I'd love to hear about your experiences. What worked, what didn't, what would you try differently?

My wife and I started our 1-on-1 campaign yesterday. Honestly, we’ve been talking about playing for ages, but things finally fell into place. I knew I didn’t want to go rules heavy, even though my wife is an experienced player (her PFS character is at least a level above mine). So, for our first session, we didn’t even touch the dice. I’m hoping this also means we can quickly pick up the game at any time, just using the apps I have on my phone.

We started out with a Q&A. What did her character do? Did she have any family? How old was she? What was she good at, what was she bad at? Did she have friends? What about enemies? This built up the backstory, but it also helped us stat up her character. Taking a huge departure from the norm, we decided I’d keep her character sheet; she’d be playing blind, according to what she thought her character was good at, not what’s on the paper.

The questions quickly developed into a story. When my wife couldn’t quite decide on a name for her character, I said “Well, that’s because the day of your naming quest is fast approaching, upon which your name shall be decided.” Spiced with the sudden revelation of an unknown sister who had vanished during her own naming quest and the guilt of parents who had kept this a secret for so long and BANG, we had several plot hooks.

NPCs and pivotal monsters were also developed in the same way, all becoming firmly linked to the characters life and the story we’re telling.

It also rescued “mistakes”. At one point I introduced a character, Rujio, who it was later discovered would be taking his naming quest on the same day as my wife’s character.
“But if he’s taking the naming quest, why does he have a name?”
“Well, um? Drat!”
But we turned it into a big part of the story. Rujio was an upstart, a nonconformist who was a load of trouble; he’d even given himself a name, a practice unheard of in society.

This process made the whole game much more collaborative, so we’re both deeply invested in it after only a few hours of what was essentially character creation.

Sovereign Court

All the fun of RPG SS Season 9 has me inspired, so I decided to make some monsters of my own, which I'll now release into the wilds (mwahaha!!!). Please feel free to critique and post your own monster ideas. I figure any CR is fine, let's just practice what we've learned from Season 9.

My first monster is kind of a poor mans homunculus...

Spider like mechanical legs and a needle sharp probe jut out from the rim of a glass jar. Within the liquid, a single eye swims about.

Eye in a Jar CR 1/2
XP 200
Any alignment (same as creator) Tiny construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1

----- Defense -----
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
hp 10 (1d10+0);
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
Defensive Abilities construct traits;

----- Offense -----
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee probe +3 (1d6 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

----- Statistics -----
Str 2, Dex 14, Con —, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 7 (11 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +5, Perception +1, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb
Languages Common (cannot speak);

----- Ecology -----
Environment any land
Organization solitary
Treasure none

----- Special Abilities -----
Poison (Ex) Stab—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/minute for 60 minutes; effect sleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Eye of the Creator (Su) The eye within an eye in a jar maintains a magical link with its donor, if he or she still lives, allowing them to see anything the eye in a jar sees.

Many a suspicious mage has constructed an eye in a jar to watch over his lieutenants, sacrificing one of his own eyes for the ability to keep a constant watch on his affairs. Shrewder mages, however, prefer to use the eyes of trusted subordinates, or even monstrous allies, to ensure a constant vigil over their domain. A common punishment for a hapless watchman who neglects his duty is the removal of both eyes to be placed in separate jars. Should the unwilling donor die in the process of removing the eyes, the eye in a jar, although much less useful, can still be used as a sentry, in which case they are often instructed to trigger traps against any intruder.

Consummate spies, an eye in a jar is the perfect substitute for a casting of arcane eye, due to their longevity and their ability to travel to other planes of existence while maintaining the magical link to their donor.

Sovereign Court

I've often wondered how I could tie all my player's character backstories together in a way that would really add value to the story and the campaign as a whole. A buddy of mine wrote a great post that addresses this, so I thought I'd share, especially because his solution would work perfectly with Pathfinder:

Hill Folks' DramaSystem as a Meta System


Sovereign Court

I wrote up some rules for hoverboards on my blog. I cover rules for speed, turning, grinding, ramps and biting the dirt.

I still need to play test them, but mostly I based the rules off the rules for Flying, so it should be easy for you to modify these rules to suit your needs.


Have fun.

Sovereign Court

I wrote some encounter outlines for adventures set in mythical Japan or Tian Xia’s Minkai Empire, based on some fascinating fairy tales from Japan. You can find the second one in the series on Rising Phoenix Games.

I’d love to know what you think and if you’d like to see more.

The third part of the series features a very famous Japanese tale of a giant centipede and a dragon king.

Sovereign Court

The god who created Avernos has been forgotten by all but a small, dying sect. As evil spreads from the Abyss, so too do lies spread throughout the heart of man. Lies that mask our coming doom.
These are the final days of Avernos. It is time to choose a side.

The Dark
Foul demons and beasts spill over the Jaws of the World, bringing war, pain, and death. Meanwhile, cultists and dark beings spread lies, subtly undermining the foundation of society with sloth, greed and lust. War, deceit and malice are a cancer that claws at the failing heart of Avernos.

In Bastion, the great castle-city of humanity, none shed a tear for the dying. Far from the war and grief, bound by false oaths and corrupted hearts, the city slowly eats itself from within. Those who learn the truth disappear, leaving silent corridors and not a word of warning.

The Light
The world needs messengers. Heroes who will risk it all to expose the corruption, to halt the onslaught, to rouse the world from its slumber and warn of the doom at hand. Are you such a hero, ready to step into the breach for a world that will never acknowledge you?

There is much to do. Elves, those brilliant beings that once walked the world freely, now stay ensconced in the Veiled Lands, far from the raging wars and the arrogance of men.

Dwarves, with their long memories, remember the old ways and fight on, but their numbers are slipping all the more rapidly into decline. Men have forgotten the old friendships, and so the Dwarf Holds fight a war they cannot win alone.

Avernos is a free campaign setting, with new entries added every week. Join us on the edge of oblivion.

Sovereign Court

I wrote these campaign traits for a Japanese themed campaign I'm writing. Having looked at loads of campaign traits, I think these are pretty balanced, but I figured folks here might have some interesting ideas.

Please note that the traits are meant to tie in with major themes of the campaign, which include:

  • Not everything or everyone is what they seem.
  • Monsters and magic are the stuff of legends (at least when you start out)
  • Most adventures will include navigating mountains, rivers or both to some degree.
  • Player characters are intended to be human.

Born of Mountains: You were born and bred in the mountains. As a result, you are particularly adept at navigating mountainous terrain and climbing rocky surfaces. In mountainous areas you gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks made to prevent yourself from getting lost. Furthermore, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Climb checks when attempting to climb rock faces.

Born of Seas: You were born and raised near the ocean or on a sea faring vessel. As a result, you are particularly adept at navigating oceans and other bodies of water, as well as swimming. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks made to prevent yourself from getting lost while at sea or navigating rivers and lakes. Furthermore, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks when in the ocean or in rough waters.

Disciple of Truth: There is truth behind every façade, and you have endured much pain to realise that. Perhaps a parent or gardian lied to you as a child, or someone close betrayed you, or you believed in a falsehood and suffered because of it. Now you have become adept at seeing the hidden truth behind the lies. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Sense Motive checks and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.

Disciple of Lies: Perhaps you trusted too liberally, leaving your heart unguarded, and were made to suffer for it. You have since learned that it is best to hide your true intentions. You gain a +1 on Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Scars of the Tengu: During your life you’ve suffered much at the hands of a secretive society known as the Tengu’s Mask. As you grew older, your hatred for them, or your quest for revenge, led you to discover much about their evasion tactics. As a result, you gain a +1 trait bonus to attack rolls made against known Tengu’s Mask operatives.

Scars of the Youtei: You have seen things beyond explanation and discovered a world only ever hinted at in stories. Perhaps you or a loved one suffered at the hands of some monstrous creature or you had a brush with someone not of this world. As a result, you gain a +2 on Perception checks to see through disguises.

You can find out more about the campaign on my blog.

Sovereign Court

This mini wasn't originally sculpted as a gate, but rather as a summoning portal. Too small to be a gate, but a cool piece of dungeon dressing never-the-less. I'll probably use mine as some kind of trap at some point.

Sovereign Court

Hi friendly Internet people.

As you may know, this week marks 2 years since the great earthquake and tsunami that hit northern parts of Japan. Recovery is still on going and we (a group of English teachers in Japan) are working towards raising some money to help out. As such I'm planning to auction off an introductory session of Pathfinder, using the Beginners Box. I'll run the game for the winner of the auction and three friends.

What I'm looking for are posters or any kind of promotional material to help me grab attention to the game. Things like pictures of people playing the game or anything like that would also help. Does anyone know if Paizo put out any posters that I'd be allowed to print out? I'll probably use many of the GM resources available here at paizo.com for the Pathfinder Society too, but specifically I need stuff about the Beginners Box.

Sovereign Court

One of the really useful monsters in the Beginners Box is the will-o'-wisp. You can literally have one follow the PC's from the very beginning of their adventures and use it in some great ways. I recently wrote an article to give you some idea how to use this creature, check it out: Feast of Fear - A Campaign Hook

Let me know what you think.

Sovereign Court

Hey everyone, I like the irony that I'm introducing my little adventure on these boards on April 1st, but it has always been a favourite day of mine.

I wrote a four part solo campaign on my blog which you can play through with any level 1 Pathfinder character. It includes downloadable maps and NPC's... have a look and let me know what you think: