
Captain-Green's page

Organized Play Member. 27 posts (1,384 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

Hey guys I’m currently building an investigator for strange of aeons, currently undecided on which archetype to take between empiricist or physic detective bard in the party which will have most skills covered but don’t like the idea of single point of failure.

20 point buy also using world is square rules variant, taken first level as a swash buckler to bring my character online earlier in terms of dealing damage
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 8

Hey guys,

So my party have just killed the fire giant king in a honorable duel.

They left ashpeak to get re-supplied etc, so i've got a few questions how you dealt with a few things

Firsty doesn't give a time scale, but I assumne that when/if the group is spotted by the tower in the crater where the keep is, that is when the colossal scorpion goes to work on cutting the chains?

Secondly, if the party kill all the mobs in the crater how long does it take until Voltus does the emergency take off?

Thirdly if he does take off when the party are in the keep how fast does it travel and where does it travel to?

If you can let me know what pages these are in the book be very grateful so I can read around them, it's possible i've missed this information when reading the book.

Currently the party is coming to part 3 of book 4 about to enter the tomb, I've read over it couple of times and can't see to find out if the PC's can locate any information on about completely destroying Skirkatla, can someone point it out which page it on or best way to incorporate this kind of information into the game?

Maybe get them on the path to find information about Skirkatla in a library or something similar?

As the title says, currently running my first adventure and we on book 3 one of the party members has brought in a new character a enchantment Sorcerer.

The Sorcerer has been built to pretty much max everything in enchantment so the DC's are pretty high and giants have a pretty poor will save.

So my question is how can I balance out the fights to make it bit more even? Possible giving every giant iron will to give them more of a chance to save?