Sona Θ3 |
Blaster Damage: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Brought back to the here and now by the cool shock of system alert messages, Sona Identifies the elf caster, human assailant, and the dwarf demolitionist and makes the obvious call.
Operate Machines (Laser module): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 6) + 2 = 14
Laser damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
A hot beam of laser-fire opens a hole in the dwarven demolitionist before Sona ducks behind a convenient chest-high storage crate through a rain of blaster bolts.
Defend (self): 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5) + 1 = 7
She manages to ricochet one such bolt with a chromium wristband, catching the human with a grazing shot in the shoulder. Using my 1 hold to deal my level (1) in damage.
Blaster Damage: 1d8 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Sona takes a moment behind the crate to assess her system status and check on BunkR.
>Absolutely delightful
>Be sure to take detailed stereoscopes
>You may want to revisit the experience later
Bone'ead Rotgut |
Bone'ead was never the brightest crayon in the box, so when he watches the fireball fly at him he instinctively raises his Tree-Club to try and smash it away!
I'm not 100% sure what to roll for a move like that, but, I'm assuming it's STR? I can reroll it or whatever if needed
Defy Danger: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 5) + 2 = 11
Bastian Kray |
As the ship lurched from another explosion, Bastians quarters rattled again, the sound a mixture of groaning bulkheads and the clattering choir of a multitude of empty bottles. Passed out drunk as usual, he was starting to slowly come to, the peaceful void of drunken sleep slowly giving way to nightmares.
It was happening again! He felt his heart in his throat, his breath ragged as he huddled behind whatever scrap of cover he could find. Around him everything was dark, the blackness of the night sky flickering with the light of weapons fire, like some surreal and deadly rave. He clutched his rifle tightly, its deadly potential his only solace as he sat alone in the mud. All around him were the screams of the dying, most of them distant but some so close he was tempted to cover his ears. He looked down at his medics satchel sat in front of him, the logo on it taunting him. His tears ran more freely as he stared at it, confronted with the duty he had run from, which he was even now neglecting. The distant panicked calls for a medic rang clearer than any other sound, growing louder until they drowned out everything else.
Then it happened, as it always did. Everything exploded into a rolling red inferno of fire and smoke, throwing him through the air, a trail of blood following him as he arched though the night sky. Hitting the ground hard, he barely held onto consciousness. Looking around in a haze, he tried to obey his instincts which screamed for him to run, but somehow his attempts to move only resulted in feeble crawling. Rolling onto his back he looked down, seeing the cause of his failure to stand. Two bloodied stumps stared back at him, one slightly longer than the other, but both mangled beyond any hope of recovery.
With an anguished roar he flew out of his bed, punching wildly at the air and losing his balance. Flailing wildly, he grabbed a shelf, tearing it with him as he fell, landing hard on the floor in a shower of bottles and whatever else he had stored on the shelf. Groaning, he rolled onto his back. Looking down, his blurry vision focused on his legs. For a moment, he saw an after image from his dream, bloodied stumps, before reality cemented itself and replaced them with his robotic prosthetics. "Ugh, I need a drink." He groaned, shutting his eyes and letting his head fall back onto the floor. He lay there a moment in silence, about to drift back to sleep when his cabin was once more rattled by an impact on the outer hull. "Wha? Whats going on?" He mumbled, getting shakily to his feet and shambling towards the intercom. "Hey, captain, whats going on? Not taking another shortcut through an asteroid field are you?" He half yelled, an accusing tone to his voice as he remembered that particular incident. The volume of his own voice caused him to wince and rub his temple with a groan.
Hullo everyone, thought id get myself into things while I fiddle with character creation.
MCKhaos |
2BR, let's see your flamethrower damage roll.
Sona, I don't think you can roll a defend on yourself. I'm going to interpret that sequence as a defy danger partial success, your return fire, and then ducking behind the crate out of fire. For the partial you either get hit with a bolt (1 dam as you rolled) or you lose contact with 2BR.
The dwarf cries out in pain as Sona's bolt pierces his armor. He is hurt, but he isn't dead. Like a professional, he returns to setting charges. The elf stares in amazement as the ogre bats aside the fireball, scorching the trunk. Sona dives out of the way just in time to avoid the last of the flames. At this point the humans both turn to fire at Rotgut, while the elf's gloves begin to crackle with electricity. He yells, Kill that beast!
Rotgut, you had their interest. Now you have their attention.
What do you do?
Bone'ead Rotgut |
Brute force not working? Your not using enough of it! Bone'ead notes the setting of the charges from the dwarf and changes tactics, roaring and swinging his club in outrage at the audacity of this stunted one...
Hack and Slash: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 = 13
Can I get a size ruling on dwarves? I dunno if they count as "Small or Tiny" But I would not count then as human sized..
MCKhaos |
I got interrupted before I could review Bastian's post in full. I will.
MCKhaos |
I'm not binding myself to this ruling on dwarf size ... But rule of cool prevails here.
Rotgut charges the dwarf, heedless of the blaster and electric bolts pelting his hide. Take 1d8+2 from the elf, and a separate 2d8(best roll only) from the humans. Both attacks are mitigated by armor.
The poor dwarf, fully engaged in planting the charges, doesn't even see the tree trunk as it turns him into a paste.
Unfortunately, the detonator survives, floating effortlessly to the elf's hand. Good enough! Get clear!
The elf and the two humans rush towards the entrance where Sona and BoT are in cover.
What do you do?
Bone'ead Rotgut |
Damage from elf: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Damage from Humans: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
Enraged by the pain of the electricity and blaster bolts pelting him, Bone'ead roars in defiance! The pulp of the dwarf still dripping from his club, He begins smashing his club down wildly at the set charges in a wild attempt to disable them.
I just remembered I can BREAK things, gonna roll STR and see what happens!
BREAK: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5) + 2 = 12
I choose the I do it instantly and I dont hurt anyone options
Sona Θ3 |
A compartment opens along Sona's shin and a small utility handle snaps magnetically from its holster into her right hand. The oscillators under her chassis begin winding up again, still recovering from her rapid discharge. This time, as the energy wells up, light begins to bend around Sona's left hand as the kinetic displacement module begins to glow.
Brandishing the utility handle, a jagged band of chromatic light issues forth as the engineer activates her arc beam separator. Functionally similar to the invaders' beam weapons, Sona's is manufactured for heavy duty use, separating scrap metal into sizable chunks. The "blade" is longer, wider, and creeping with the excess static of an unfocused beam like an old-fashioned lumber saw. If the invaders close the distance she will be ready.
From her position of cover, Sona assesses the battle, assisted by a combination of previous footage and wireless triangulation. She takes special care to track the electromagnetic signature of the explosive. Once her force palm is charged, she needs to blast it somewhere safe and out of reach. The contingency of failure due to magical interference already being analyzed for use in future magic nullification operations. A better gauge of the time remaining would aid in risk/cost analysis as well.
Discern Realities: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (6, 1) + 0 = 7
What is about to happen?
Bastian Kray |
"Again!?" Kray replied into the coms, rubbing his temple again, this time due to his astonishment at what he had just heard. "What is it about this heap of scrap that attracts these vultures, cant they see we dont have anything worth taking?"
Not waiting for a reply, he stomped to his small personal workbench. Looking it over quickly, he scooped a few choice items into his large pant pockets, then picked up his shotgun and threw a belt of shells over one shoulder. Finally, he looked at himself in his small mirror, shaking his head at what he saw. "Might scare em off with my dashing good looks." He said to himself, lighting a half smoked cigar and chewing on it a few times.
Another rattling of the hull and the not too distant sounds of weapons fire reminded him to get a move on, and he bolted out into the hallway, loading armor piercing shells into his weapon "Boarders, so probably armored, better use something that makes a big hole." Bastian preferred ballistic weapons to lasers. True, sometimes they jammed, and there were plenty of things lasers were better at, but there was something immensely satisfying about seeing some punks strolling around in laser resistant gear and the surprised look on his face when it completely failed to protect him from receiving a gaping new chest cavity. The good honest bucking in his hands when he fired and the ease of use were just an added bonus.
MCKhaos |
Sona, time seems to slow as your processors kick into overdrive. You see the elf and humans in mid flight, attempting to put as much distance as possible between themselves, and the ogre/explosives. The elf's thumb is poised over the remote detonator. At the same time you analyze the ogre, trunk raised to crush the explosives. You predict that the likely result will be the deactivation of the detonation pins, rendering them inert. However, you also predict that the flailing ogre will destroy the power couplings in the process, disabling the engines.
Sona Θ3 |
Sona sorely regretted overclocking the ORACLE module. She also regretted not loading her repair protocol. Still, if the captain was having difficulty performing evasive maneuvers before, he would have much more dificulty with the engines dead. Sona stands from her position behind the crates and aims for the treetrunk club and pushes-
Operate Machines: Kinetic Translator: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 2 + 1 = 10
-attempting to catch it short of the engines. Destroying or knocking the explosives away are still an objective, but first and foremost, save the engines.
MCKhaos |
2BR, your flamethrower appears to have no effect. One soldier opens fire with a chain gun, the other hits the intruder alarm.
What do you do?
MCKhaos |
Kray, you rush towards engineering, only to turn a corner to find three soldiers in power armor running in your direction. The tallest, with unique markings on its armor, appears to have a remote detonator in its hand, but is otherwise unarmed.
The slightly shorter two do not have weapons drawn. They are sprinting at full speed towards you.
What do you do?
MCKhaos |
Sona, with your intervention, Ratgut scatters the explosives away from the power couplings, while doing only minimal damage. The engines are unaffected. Unfortunately, the explosives have not been disarmed, and now litter your engineering bay.
The mercenaries have passed you, and are sprinting down the corridor behind you. BoT (in Moosh's absence) has seriously wounded one of the humans, but they are all still on the move.
What do you do?
Sona Θ3 |
You will be happy to hear that two of the armed infiltrators have been neutralized, and engines are still very much not destroyed. Once we have this mess of high explosives disabled and cleaned up, the engineering bay should be secured. Infiltrators appear to be planting explosive charges throughout the ship. All human personnel should be made aware that handheld detonators are in play.
Spout Lore: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7
Having worked from most important information to least, Sona continues to spout serial numbers and details about the hardware she has seen so far. She expects the captain will cut her off once he's had his fill. Anything interesting Sona recalls she recites to the captain. She makes no implication of orders for the captain to follow.
As she speaks, Sona begins to clean the emptied room, starting with any explosives that are still blinking. She is not only scratching a mental itch by tidying her work quarters, but hoping that doing so might reveal some tactical information. If she can get the explosives deactivated, she will move on to the engineering console to assess the ship's status. She does none of this quickly.
BunkR BustR |
2BR sprays the highly flammable gas over the enemies, but the lack of oxygen prevents any fires from catching.
He is taking heavy fire from the chain gun.
But he is a BunkR BustR. He's designed to be taking heavy fire.
> D-d-divert p-power from weapons to sh-shh-shi-
Running at the one with the gun. Lots of slashing to be done: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 3) + 2 = 91d10 ⇒ 3
The crunching blades spin up, dealing an additional 2 damage.
MCKhaos |
Sona, your analysis of the attack suggests, with a 2% margin of error, that the mercenaries are attempting to disable the ship in order to confiscate the cargo. You predict that another squad will be in or on the way to the cargo hold, which is one level above engineering.
2BR, your target raises an arm to shield from your attack. You grind through the armor, and the arm, and a satisfying spray of blood coats your chassis. However, the armor's vacuum safety protocols immediately seal the breach. The soldier uses his other arm to send a large EMP charge through your chassis.
Meanwhile, his comrade turns back from the alarm system, and brings a chain sword down on your left arm. Do you have arms?
Take best of 2d8+1 damage, mitigated by armor.
Your enemies press the attack.
What do you do?
BunkR BustR |
Damage A: 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (3) - 3 = 0
Damage B: 1d8 - 3 ⇒ (4) - 3 = 1
2BR doesn't give a rats ass for that chainsword. His forcefield keeps most of it away, and what creeps through is grinding against his chassis more-or-less uselessly.
The EMP on the other hands is wrecking havoc in his systems. His minimal internal shielding struggles to get him through it.
[Defy Danger with INT, I'm assuming: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
Bone'ead Rotgut |
Is their launch tubes throughout the ship, or Did Sona finish in the Engineering room and travel to the launching tubes? I assumed it was a separate room in another part of the ship
Sona Θ3 |
There are two "decks" with consoles. The captain is on the bridge with the Piloting, Sensors, Comms, and Lasers. Sona entered the Engineering deck where they were setting charges. It controls the Generator, Life Support, Reactors, and Launcher Station. Sona is maintaining connection with 2BR through the two ships' combined networks. All you organics have to talk to the captain.
MCKhaos |
What would I roll to grab hold of that chainsword? Assuming I can overcome this EMP, that is
Hack and Slash. The EMP only did one damage to your hardened systems. You are one tough robot. You didn't need to roll a special defy danger for that. It was just narrative flavor to his counterattack on your partial success.
BunkR BustR |
Oh, of course. I thought that was a stun thingy.
Inside 2BR's systems, the antivirus suddenly realises that the 'EMP' is in fact an out-of-date version of itself, quietly trying to go about it's business. It meekly subsides, leaving enough processing power to
Doing exactly that: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5) + 2 = 9
MCKhaos |
Roll your damage
As you impale his comrade, the soldier you previously disarmed strikes you again with an EMP blast, hoping to overload your circuits.
Take 1d8+1 damage.
EDIT: Generally for everyone, if you roll an attack move (H&S, Volley, or a Spell) and you get 7+, you can go ahead and roll your damage in the same post. If your damage is piercing or otherwise special please indicate that in the post too.
MCKhaos |
Chainsword (close, messy, +2 damage against unarmored opponents, 1 weight)
Both of the soldiers are severely wounded, but are unwilling, or perhaps unable, to disengage. Desperate, they charge as one, attempting to carry you out through the hull breach. Behind them, blast doors seal over the exit from this room.
Defy Danger Str: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7
Over the shipwide comms you hear: Intruder in Life Support Control. Life Support failing. Helmets mandatory. Seal Section 8.
The message repeats. You are either ejected from the room by the two soldiers, or knocked onto your back.
BunkR BustR |
He's out of there, chainsword in hand.
Out in the vacuum, 2BR crawls swiftly across to another random location along the ship hull. Naturally, he does what he does best.
Shredding that hull: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 = 9
The hull is wide open in seconds, and a very expensive mess. 2BR extrudes a few sensors, and sticks his head inside the hole.
Discerning Realities: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
MCKhaos |
When you shred ... is that the modified bend bars lift gates move?
2BR, after a quick look around you determine that the function of the room you have discovered is ... actually, you tell us what you have found.
Regardless of the room's purpose, a soldier appears to have noticed your imminent entrance, and hidden along the hull to your aft side. As you peer in your head is hit with a shotgun blast. The shower of shrapnel doesn't penetrate your armor, but you have lost communications with Sona. That is your failure in play. Mark XP, which in DW speak means you gain 1 xp.
BunkR BustR |
Yes, exactly.
Streaming past 2BR's head is a random collection of sanitary waste napkins, cleansing liquids, dirty water and various... fluids. 2BR seems to have found the bathroom. Not exactly the highest in regards to strategic value, but theres nothing quite like surprise attack in the loo to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.
Introducing this new fellow to my chainsword: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 5) + 2 = 8
Messy, +2 damage if unarmored, which I assume he isn't: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Bastian Kray |
Stopping in surprise, Kray took one look at the detonator, realized what it was and pumped off a few shells. He aimed for the hand, knowing the detonator would get destroyed with it if he hit his mark.
Volley: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 1 = 3
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Cursing loudly as another lurching of the ship caused his shot to go wide, ricocheting down the hall, he dove through the nearest door for cover. "Get em big guy!" He yelled at the ogre, hoping his dimwitted companion would keep their attention. Sticking his shotgun around the corner, he pulled the trigger repeatedly, hoping to stop the enemy advance.
The stats I used were just "averages" while I decide on a class.
Sona Θ3 |
Sona looks up from her work when the connection with Mr. BustR is lost. She accesses the enemy ship's communications console again.
>Kind sir:
>We have been infiltrated.
>Command codes are compromised.
>Temporary access code: Would you kindly.
>Initiating security protocol: Darknet.
>Would you kindly shut down all comm ports,
>and scramble shortwave if you can.
Command Machines: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11
When the ship chirrups an affirmative response, she smiles. Sona now has all the explosive plastic lumped together and wrapped with copper wire. She's tinkering with one of the detonators, hoping to change the frequency of the signal required for detonation... there are no detonators attached to explosive compound =P
Bone'ead Rotgut |
Bone'ead continues to chase the 3 enemies through the ship, and grunts in approval as the trio are delayed by the efforts of Bastian. Running in from behind he swing his club at the elf...
Hack and Slash: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 2 = 8
and shudders as his club connects once again!
Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 6
MCKhaos |
2BR, the hapless soldier is felled instantly by your blade. She manages to take another shot before collapsing, but the bullets ricochet harmlessly. You find yourself in the women's bathroom. The blaring intruder alert and repeating message still indicate that the ship believes you are in life support control.
What is your next goal?
Kray, your wild shots miss the elf, but drop the human that BoT previously injured. Your efforts also force the now duo to stop long enough for Rotgut's trunk to slam the elf to the floor. He will not rise again.
Rotgut, the pesky little remaining human rolls under your trunk, onto his back, and begins firing into your torso. Take 1d8 damage.
Kray, you hear heavy foot steps come to a stop in the corridor behind you, then the unmistakeable sound of a grenade clinking its way down the corridor towards you and the ogre. This is your failure in play. Mark xp.
What do you both do?
Sona, the destroyer's comms are down. I'm curious to see what you plan with those explosives.
The Cap'n is currently bent on destroying the enemy ship. The space combat has been highly narrative because the PC's are dealing with internal threats. If you make your way to some of the combat stations, I will zoom the action out. Otherwise, you should let the Cap'n know what to do.
Bone'ead Rotgut |
Damage to self: 1d8 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6
Bone'ead roars inpain as the bolts bite through his tough hide. He lumbers through the doorway Bastian has taken cover in and leans heavily against the wall
Bone'ead hungry. Think am need eat!
He reaches into his oversized pack and there is the sound of flesh tearing as he rips off a bit of the dead animal within, greedily stuffing his mouth as quickly as he can..
Make me bread: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 1 = 10
It takes almost no time, and I did not eat something I should not have
Good Eatin' Healin: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Sona Θ3 |
Sona takes the helmet off the bloody smear she shoveled into a neat pile in the corner, and mashes it down onto the top of the explosives. Any lights the helmet has, she turns on. Wiping the blood off her hands, she leaves a message on the plastic explosives. Taking a step back, she admires her work. At a distance, the explosives look like a man in the fetal position.
~Captain, I'm at the launch terminal. I need line of sight on their docking bay.~
Her target is an area in front of the docking bay, in range of tractor beams. If the bay is still open for boarding/evacuation, she'll aim for the interior. Sona takes her time, waiting for the data to align within a 16.67% margin of error. That would be the odds of a 6 or lower.
Launch Station: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 5) + 2 = 8
The payload ejects from the launch tube, spinning gently end over end toward the destroyer. She's fishing for idiots. Normally someone in danger would sound a mayday, but comms are down. If she can manage to get the charges inside, that would be optimal. She enters the command word and waits to send.
Just let me know if you need more rolls.
MCKhaos |
Somewhere deep inside a Lodestar Destroyer, in pursuit of prime target, job number 7784922, client: AoS.
Yes, cadet?
I think we have a floater from the boarding party.
Not sure. With comms down and external sensors damaged, it's difficult to ID. It is one of ours. No clear life signs.
Employment Agreement Section 47, Paragraph B, cadet. The Combinat will attempt to recover your body if reasonable to do so. Bring him in.
Aye, Lieutenant.
A few moments later ... On a flight deck on a Lodestar Destroyer.
A soldier watches calmly as a body is brought onto the deck by tractor beam. The soldier trots over to ID the body. What the fu---
Sona Θ3 |
The blood is dabbed onto the body like a dot-matrix printer. The message is a full rendition of anti-piracy laws in numerous languages.
Sona waits for the docking bay doors to close before executing the signal.
~We should not have any more trouble from boarding parties, captain. I will continue cleaning up down here. Let me know if the boys downstairs need assistance.~
MCKhaos |
Sona, you inflict best of 2d8+2 on the destroyer, bypassing shields and armor.
Sona Θ3 |
Decoy Bomb: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (3, 8) + 2 = 13 10 ship damage.
Looking at the reference for a destroyer, it should have around 2HP left. >.> too bad the away crew can't get any updates from their bridge...