
Calypsopoxta's page

Organized Play Member. 212 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I know it's been just above a month since the last post on this thread, but I just recently found an opportunity to play the game again and wanted to see if there's any new FAQs to help with synthesist issues and simply HAD to contribute to this one.

One pretty awesome thing a Synthesist can do is take the Dimensional Agility feat line to eventually become a very well rounded party tank.
Here's a quick level 20 run down I made a while back:

Stats at 1
Str 7>14(Fused)
Dex 7>14(Fused)
Con 7>13(Fused)
Int 16
Wis 20
Cha 16

[1]Skill Focus: Perception (half-elf)
[1]Improved Initiative
[3]Combat Reflexes
[5]Improved Natural Attack
[7]Dimensional Agility
[9]Dimensional Assault
[13]Dimensional Dervish
[15]Quicken Spell
[17]Vigilant Eidolon
[19]Power Attack

Evolutions: 26 +5 Half elf
31-3(+6 Aspect)

(1)Improved Damage: Claws
(3)Claws x3
(4)Limbs (Arms) x2
(5)Improved Natural Armor x5

(1)Skilled: Survival
(1)Skilled: Perception

Teleport twice your move distance giving everyone else flanks and full attacking everything you can and then show up next to whoever you need to defend with lunging threat range trips. This guy also happens to be a good tracker/spotter.

Hey Ravingdork (been a while), did they ever figure out (on an official level) if you could rend more than once a round as an Eidolon?

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Gignere wrote:
Calypsopoxta wrote:
Where in my post did I say anything about a normal summoners eidolon AC not being high. I said the item budget(slots included) allowed a synthesist to have a much greater AC. I don't think an eidolon with a 36 AC at level 10 is a...

Like I posted for most encounters the normal Eidolon will have 40 AC. 40 AC is high since CR approriate creatures needs a 20 to even hit the Eidolon. Also by level 10 a normal summoner can devote all his defense slot for the Eidolon if he so chooses, because he can cast Marionette Possession and basically gain all the benefits of a Synthesist with none of the drawbacks.

Have the Eidolon carry the suspended body in a big bag of holding, the summoner cant even be targetted.

"You project your soul out of your body and into the body of a willing creature. This possession is blocked by protection from evil or a similar ward. The target’s soul shares its body with you; it is helpless but can still use its senses. You and the target’s soul can communicate telepathically as if using a common language.

You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities. The body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and natural attacks (such as a bite or sting). A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal. You can’t choose to activate the body’s extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural abilities.

As a standard action, you can return to your own body, ending the spell. While your soul is possessing the target, your body is helpless. If the host body is slain, you return to your own body if it is within range, and the life force of the host departs (it is slain). If the host body is slain beyond the range of the spell, both you and the host die. Any life force with nowhere to go is treated as slain."

So basically every hour and a half you pull "yourself" out of the bag of holding to recast this spell. That is, until you run out of 3rd+ level spells. You aren't considered adjacent to your eidolon, so no shield ally. You get your single round of actions. You get whatever your aspect granted you in number of attacks (this could possibly work out). You get half the hit points of a synthesist (not in the same plane so you can't feed it hit points). To make this all completely infeasible, all of the eidolons evolutions are [Ex] or better...won't work. This is all assuming you don't suffocate in the bag of holding, or die before you place yourself in the bag as combat begins if you didn't have it going, since you have no defensive items whatsoever.

You're better off just putting yourself in an adamantine coffin on its back with breather holes...