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Dimensional Assault:
Prerequisites: Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you use abundant step or cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge. Death from Above:
Benefit: Whenever you charge an opponent from higher ground, or from above while flying, you gain a +5 bonus on attack rolls in place of the bonuses from charging and being on higher ground. I was wondering if you end your Dimensional Assault movement on higher ground adjacent to your target, you could gain the benefits of Death from Above, right?
I'm looking for a stable Pathfinder Society or even a regular Pathfinder group in the Austin area. I haven't had much opportunity to play Pathfinder, but I have plenty of experience with 3.5 and have spent a great deal of time pouring over the books itching to play. I have a flexible schedule and hope to find a weekly group, but I'm not picky about it. As long as it's Pathfinder I'll be happy.
Just to set up, I'll go through the paces: Near as I can tell, any damage that isn't precision based that is added to an alchemists bomb damage is part of it's splash damage. A few examples:
The new discovery, Immolation Bomb reads:
Yeah, kindof wordy. Anyways, does this apply 1d6 + int mod + any other modifiers each tick?
So what's the general reception of Open Design books for pathfinder. Are there any insights into the legitimacy of the books towards play? Do most of the people here consider them 'printed house rules' or something more? The only books I've looked at that are Open Design are the Advanced Feats books. Would these be considered splat books, not sure what defines that term. Are these the only books so far that are Open Design or are there others, I haven't dug around to much yet.
Back in February, a post was put up with a a valid question. I recently had this issue shoved in my face and would like a solid ruling on it myself. Ravingdork wrote:
The particular problem was the limitations when applying to the summoner...can I get some insight here?
So I decided to read up on how Organized play limits the purchase/acquisition of magical items, and I'd like to make sure I understand it correctly. The items available to a player are pretty much limited to: +1 Weapons, Armor, Shields, and potions, scrolls, oils of level 0-1, and any item that appears on their chronicle sheets. Is that it or did I miss something. I see the mention about your TPA giving you a higher than normal cap on the cost of items you can buy, but that doesn't change the pool you can select items from.
Ok, so, I wanna make sure I have this right. A sleeping creature gets a perception check at a +10 DC on all other creatures it would otherwise normally have a chance to notice, right? The sleeping creature has it's eyes closed, so all other creatures automatically have total concealment relative to sleepy head. A creature can sneak up to sleepy head in broad daylight because of concealment. When is a perception check made at all? When a creature comes into the radius of your senses? Well, the DC of a visible creature can be done at any point that you have line of sight, then +1 DC per 10 feet. Since you're asleep (eyes closed), you don't have line of sight, so it is with your ears that you make this check. So a sleeping person uses the sense of hearing. The sense of hearing doesn't automatically make you aware of something, so you make a perception check...but when? How close must a creature be before you stand a chance to hear them...the same as a visible creature? Do you only make a perception check while asleep when someone moves? Makes sense... Does a successful perception check automatically rouse someone? Would a roused character pinpoint their enemy's location immediately, or simply be aware of their presence? I suppose one check would be made to rouse someone, followed by an immediate move action to actively search for the source, but there are no rules for this. In this case, a creature put to sleep during battle with say, the witches sleep hex, would have a chance to wake up every time someone moves, with a DC of 10+1 per 10' away +Stealth DC if anyone tries to sneak. This makes a modicum of sense, since higher level characters begin to show levels of skill beyond anything in Guinness the higher level they are, and those who have trained themselves in being aware of their surroundings have almost no chance of being snuck up on in their sleep by anything less then a decent sneaking person and a good die roll. An untrained peasant has a 50/50 chance of waking up from someone who ISN'T sneaking up on them to be roused? Makes sense. An untrained, average peasant sneaking up on another untrained peasant has a 50/50 chance of being undetectable (rolls a 11+ on stealth, +10 DC for sleeper, sleeper rolls max 20). On another matter, the special ability scent automatically makes you aware of all those within 30'. Does this mean anything with scent is immediately roused once something that isn't protected from such detection comes within 30'? Does the creature with scent have any advantage at all while asleep? Perhaps the only benefit of scent is a perception check to be roused against a perfectly silent enemy. Does this mean a creature with scent bypasses stealth DC to be roused by the presence of a stealthy/invisible/concealed enemy? That would mean a perception check is still made, but it is a much easier one.
"An eidolon gains the ability to push creatures away with a successful attack. Select one type of natural attack. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of the selected type, it can attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the target of the attack is pushed 5 feet directly away from the eidolon. This ability only works on creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the eidolon. Creatures pushed in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different natural attack." So, the rules on this are pretty clear until you interrupt someones movement with it during an AoO. I'm really hoping to get a dev or some errata to get a solid ruling on whether Push simply repositions a a character who was Pushed mid movement and allows them to continue until they've used up their alloted movement, if it uses up 5' of their movement, or if their action is stopped dead cold. I'm on the side that it doesn't use their movement since they don't provoke an AoO, but I still think it should stop their movement to... Edit: As a side note, a similar effect happens when you ready a bull rush attempt against a moving target...are they not stopped?
So I have 3 Questions. 1. When moving through threatened space, can each 5' of movement trigger an AoO for leaving a threatened space?
2. The Eidolon Evolusion Push states any successful attack can prompt a combat maneuver to push the target 5' back. If used during an AoO does this end the targets movement completely, or allow it to continue moving with whatever movement it has left?
3. A situational question. If you could keep moving after a push, would you continuously trigger new AoOs trying to move through a threatened area?
Ok so it's Fighter VS. Summoner, but who's doin all the work, right? Anyways. I've heard a lot from both ends on who would win in an Eidolon vs. Fighter scenario, and I wanted to get some general perspective on it. To begin with, does anyone know a solid, universal optimized PFRPG fighter build(complete with magic items) to toss against an equally optimized eidolon with summoner? Whichever general build (TWF, 2HF, Sword/Board) one would think gives the fighter the best chance, but nothing specifically designed to take down the Eidolon with heavy investment (like an outisder bane weapon ect.). Lets make it PFRPG stuff only, no 3.5. I have my own summoner build I've been working on and I'd like to think it'd kick the fighters butt. At the same time, if a fighter could down an optimized summoner/eidolon combo I'd be pretty happy about how the PFRPG fighter has turned out.
I used to think that this spell cast upon a creature gave all of it's Natural Attacks the +1 per four caster levels enhancement. Having actually LOOKED at it, I now see it effects ONE natural attack, or all for +1. Is there any way to give this spells' full bonus to a creature with 5-7 natural attacks with one or two castings? Some sort of meta-magic perhaps...? I've thought about permanency but I don't want that much gold to be blown away by a dispel, nor do I want to have to pay every time my caster level goes up 4...
So I'm looking for good feats to use while mounted and I've run across these 3 that confuse me a little. Mounted Combat: Once per round you can make a ride check(as an immediate action) when your mount is struck in combat. If your check is higher than the attack roll, the attack is negated. Trick riding: Among other bonuses, you can make a second ride check per round to negate an attack on your mount. Indomitable Mount: Once per round you can make a ride check(as an immediate action) instead of a saving throw for your mount. So you might have guessed by now, but, I'm not sure how to interpret an extra Immediate Action per round. Should I just consider the wording "you can use one extra Immediate Action per round if it is to negate an attack on your mount with a ride check"? Even then, I'm not sure what my options are during a round. Can I make a ride check to make a save for my mount, then if it is hit, make a ride check in the same round afterwards? Sign in to create or edit a product review. |