
Caius The Disillusioned's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts (63 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Silver Crusade

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HelloCthulhu wrote:

The most silly and pointless rule (not the most important one, mind you), is the fact, that you can only draw a weapon as part of a regular move, if your BAB is +1 or higher.

I have never seen a more niche rule. It only applies to like half the players for the very first level of the game. After this, it is never relevant again. It doesn't make anything more fun, it doesn't balance anything, as warriors are already the best at level 1, and it doesn't seem to make much sense.
I have never understood why this rule exists, why anybody ever even thought of it or what they hoped to accomplish with it.

I have the same problem with Exotic Weapon Proficiency requiring a +1 BAB. If the human warpriest of Torag wants to start out able to take vengeance with the Dwarven war axe he inherited from his dying Dwarf mentor, shouldn't he be able to? Is it really going to break the game that much if the rogue is proficient with spiked chain at level 1 than if he uses the Combat Trick rogue talent to get proficient with it at level 2?

Silver Crusade

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FWIW, I do actually believe the intent and flavor of the class means it's supposed to be a Outsider other than the character trying to enter the class. But as written, it does seem like any Outsider of sufficient hit dice with the ability to heal himself up from or prevent himself from falling to zero hit points can meet the requirement by himself, mechanically speaking.

I don't agree that it should have to be a Good-subtype outsider only. Granted, those are the ones who will be doing it ninety-nine percent of the time but Good-subtype is very specific rules wording which they chose not to use.

Silver Crusade

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Zarius wrote:
Native Outsider isn't the same thing as an Outsider. Proooobably not.

Native is a subtype. It doesn't make the Outsider less of an Outsider any more than a Humanoid with the Giant subtype is less of a Humanoid.

Silver Crusade

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Here's one for ya. Say I want to take the Mystery Cultist prestige class. One of the ways to qualify is by "being rescued from the brink of death by a willing good outsider of CR 5 or greater." (Chronicle of the Righteous p.48)

Now let's say I've got a level 6 Aasimar paladin (CR 5) who falls below zero hit points in combat. He casts Hero's Defiance as an immediate action and brings himself back up above zero hit points. Since he is a good outsider who has rescued himself from the brink of death, does he now qualify for the prestige class? Or can he only qualify if a different outsider saves his life?

Silver Crusade

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Ludovicus wrote:

I'm sure this question has come up before, but I haven't seen a version of it in a while, so: what are some feats you think are seriously underrated? For instance, ones that you don't see all that much, but you think most characters should seriously consider?

I dig Steadfast Slayer. It makes small melee characters a lot more worthwhile.

Silver Crusade

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Ran an adventure once where the Reveal that the kindly villagers were an evil cult was at a feast thrown in the PC's honor. They reanimated the roast cow into a Burning Aurochs Skeleton and set it loose on the PC's. Fun times.

Silver Crusade

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Creatures can have multiple primary attacks and multiple secondary attacks. Secondary attacks are usually things like tail slaps, wing buffets, etc. whereas claws, bites, and slams are almost always primary. Now if you're using a weapon, ANY natural attacks you do along with it become secondary. So if your bloodrager swings a sword in one hand and takes a claw swipe with the other, that claw will be at -5 and half strength bonus. But if he just uses his two claws, then he gets full attack bonus and full strength out of them.

Silver Crusade

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If I recall correctly, the crowd scene at the end of "Airheads" has Lemmy Kilmister yelling "I play Dungeons and Dragons too!" Since Lemmy is pretty much the baddest sonuvab~+&~ to ever live, that cameo told me the film had nothing but love for gamer culture.

Silver Crusade

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When you're the CN Ranger's Favored Enemy and he really gets into character.

Silver Crusade

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Being a writer and musician and highly sentimental, I would be all about Shaelyn. I wish I could fall in with Sarenrae but I can't. Because while I love everything about her, I hate the sun.

Silver Crusade

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Wrath of the Righteous:

Well a city fell on me and now I'm a super hero. Guess I'll go punch out the naughty cricket god.

Silver Crusade

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I find this perspective interesting. I'm not going to tell you what perspective to adopt, but do you consider this transaction "Buying the PDFs"?

It seems to me that the enormous disparity between twenty bucks (or whatever it is) and three hundred and fifty dollars worth of stuff does change the character of the transaction.

In my mind, Paizo have offered an inducement to donate to charity - namely a promise to gift the donator a whole truckload of PDFs. I think they have an obligation to fulfill that promise, but I don't think it's such a mercantile transaction as your thought experiment suggests.

Note your first sentence "I should contribute to this" and its evolution into "But I bought them". To me, they're not the same thing.

That's actually an incredibly brilliant way of explaining things. The PDF's were offered as an incentive, and incentivized rewards can fluctuate in delivery time as anyone who has ever backed a Kickstarter can tell you. Ideally they'd be placed immediately into your hands like in the best mercantile transaction, but it's not always the case. It's not even always the case for the best mercantile transactions.

Paizo clearly was not anticipating how popular their donation incentive would be. They are working round the clock to keep up with the band, and doing a decent job of it. I've managed to download the PDFs I wanted most and can rest easy knowing that the rest will be there. Anybody who has ever dealt with this company directly knows they offer excellent customer service and I think that will shine through in the end.

Silver Crusade

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Not liking something and not understanding why something is used aren't even remotely the same thing. And since you clearly read what I wrote you can see that I clearly demonstrate that. If that's you not trying to antagonize, you're very bad at it.

And the minimum credit card thing can get your business's contract with the credit card company revoked. So it's not just a "those damn hippies don't understand business!" thing.

But, given that you make those conflations, I can make the assumption that you are OK with businesses doing whatever they have to do to take your money and run, so you defending them when that's the charge against them (NOT by me, but by the position I was trying to explain originally) isn't ideal.

I'm not saying those damn hippies don't understand business, I'm saying you don't. Besides, the credit card thing is so barely relevant anymore that it's practically a formality: if you're going to Applebee's then you're already intending to spend more than ten dollars anyway.

You never did answer the original question of why you hate DRM so much. In this case, yes it is annoying in the sense that it is preventing us from getting our PDF's as fast as we want, but the concept itself is just good business sense and Paizo's take on it is one of the most liberal that you'll find.

Silver Crusade

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Orcs Of Golarion stated that Orcs wore masks in battle and that there was a great deal of cultural significance attached to this. Subsequent publications have made no mention of this practice, with Scarred Witchdoctors being the only Orcs who use masks in a practical extent.

Silver Crusade

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Otherwhere wrote:
Kaouse wrote:
Did anybody mention full attacking being a full round action rather than a scaling standard action? Because it's really silly that spell casting automatically scales as the caster levels up, but the martial effectively becomes worse at fighting as he levels up, needing to stay in the same place to attack more than once.

That has been brought up before, as has the CMB/CMD system.

The whole "move then attack, or attack then move, but not move/attack/move" leads to a clunky system, especially when you're dealing with mounted combat.

"Clunky? Hey, here's a solution! Another Feat! 'Ride by Attack'! Now you can do that thing that makes sense but couldn't because the system got in the way."

Yes - Pathfinder went the other way from old AD&D and really enhanced casters but screwed martials.

I always hated the old "can only use blunt weapons" rule of Clerics in older editions. It was based on one or two brief passages in medieval manuscripts about priests defending themselves with maces in order to "avoid spilling Christian blood." A religious edict that makes no sense in a polytheistic fantasy world where even the nice gods have no problem with violent solutions. The Pathfinder notion that Clerics know how to fight, but prefer to stick to simple easy-to-use weapons due to the amount of time their religious duties consume, makes far more sense.

Silver Crusade

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Lord Fyre wrote:

I'm going to risk being pummeled.

I wish her costume had a bit more "fanservice"

I think this woman looks incredibly powerful and sexy. It's a gorgeous, breathtaking illustration that makes you want to learn more about the character and/or make your own character that's every bit as great as her - something that I think the iconics should do. It makes sense for characters like Seoni and Amiri to dress the way they do. It fits with who they are and how they act and think. This character dresses in a way that makes sense for her, and it doesn't make her any less easy on the eyes.

I'll tell you another thing. I had a bad playtest experience with Occult Adventures and as a result had absolutely no interest in picking up this book or using any of its content. Thanks to Rivani here, both her text and her artwork, now I do again.

So there you go. Paizo made a purchaser out of a skeptic, and they did it all without using fanservice. Pretty good, I'd say.

Silver Crusade

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I play an Aasimar Magus who came from a family of Aasimars who were all divine casters. She thought there was something wrong with her because she had no connection with the gods, so she threw herself into her military training. Then one day she discovered she could cast spells and realized the gods had simply given her a different kind of magic.

Silver Crusade

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Has anyone tried the Eldritch Guardian archetype out of the new Familiar book? What are your thoughts on it? I was excited when I heard about it. I mean, what could be more awesome than a Fighter with access to a familiar, right? But when I finally read it I was disappointed. Basically you burn your first two Bonus Feats for a Familiar that doesn't do anything... unless you have Bonus Feats. The other perks of having a Familiar seem negligible for a Fighter who's crippled out of the gate. Is there something about the Eldritch Guardian that I'm just not seeing?