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![]() This is something I'm putting together for a homebrew setting. It's not meant to exactly match the Greek myths, but I'm trying to capture their feel to the best of my ability. Aphrodite (CN)
Apollo (LN)
Ares (CN)
Artemis (N)
Athena (LN)
Demeter (N)
Dionysus (CN)
Hades (LN)
Helios (N)
Hephaestus (LN)
Hera (N)
Hermes (N)
Hestia (N)
Poseidon (CN)
Selene (N)
Zeus (N)
![]() So it's been grandly announced that the Advanced Player's Guide will introduce the Investigator, Oracle, Swashbuckler and Witch classes. There's already been speculation about how the 2e versions of these classes will differ. This is not that thread. This is the thread to speculate about the 2e versions of the REST of the classes. Arcanist: Not sure where to go with this. Bloodrager: Maybe a barbarian-only archetype that gives Focus spells? Or an Instinct? Cavalier: In the playtest, this was an Archetype that focused on mounted combat. I hope that returns in some future product. Gunslinger: Likewise, allowing any character to learn how to use these weapons at the expense of their traditional abilities makes a certain sense to me. Hunter: Do the new rules for Animal Companions make this obsolete? Inquisitor: If I were doing it, I'd make it a third Clerical Doctrine rather than its own class, as Warpriest already is. Kineticist: Needs its own class. Magus: Will probably be its own class, eventually. Medium: Merge this with the Spiritualist. Mesmerist: Probably its own class. Occultist: Never sure what to make of this. Maybe merge with the Magus? Psychic: The major Occult caster, its bound to be its own class. Shaman: Everyone's expecting this to be a Primal caster. Surprise us by making it Occult. Shifter: I don't even want to talk about it. Skald: Bard-only archetype that gives rage? Slayer: Makes for a good Rogue's Racket, I think. Spiritualist: See Medium. Summoner: Complicated enough that it probably needs its own class, rather than any of the other possibilities. Vigilante: The secret identity mechanism begs to be an Archetype that any class can use. Warpriest: See Inquisitor. ![]()
![]() In Order 8024009, I purchased the PDF versions of the 2nd edition Pathfinder corebook and bestiary. All my attempts to download these files have resulted in either a corrupt zip file shorter than the file described on my Digital Content page, or a corrupt zip file equal to that length from which nothing can be extracted. I have tried Windows' extractor, WinZip and WinRar, without any success. I have used two different browsers to access my account. Nothing has worked. Addendum: I am able to access other files from my Digital Content, just not either version of the 2nd edition corebook or bestiary. ![]()
![]() One probably inevitable flaw in the design of this product is that not all the pieces fit together. For example, the Background Skills section notes that you can use the Artistry and Lore skills even in a regular campaign, but no abilities which can be unlocked are provided for them in the Skill Unlocks section. Any suggestions for how to use these two novel concepts together? ![]()
![]() I realize that it's either too early or too late to be asking this, but while I was thinking about interesting things to do with retraining, a different thought occurred to me. Obviously, I don't know how the Mythic rules are going to change between the playtest document and the final product, but as things stand now, one of the features of a mythic character is their mythic path -- of which a character can have only one -- which determines which path abilities they can choose. Here's my question -- if a sorcerer can (with GM's permission) "retrain" and gain a different sorcerer bloodline, shouldn't it be possible for a mythic character to "retrain" and take a different mythic path, or at least different path abiities, than were previously chosen? Are there rules for this in Mythic Adventures already, or am I going to have to houserule it? ![]()
![]() Went to the online store today to wishlist the PDFs of the products that will be out at the end of the month, so that when I have the money to buy them I'll remember which ones I want. (My memory sucks.) But there is no "PDF Available October 25" or whenever listing for Lands of the Linnorm Kings. There is no "PDF Available now" listing either. Is it not going to be released in electronic format? |