
C. Richard Davies's page

106 posts (107 including aliases). 5 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Not quite an errata note, but something you might want to correct. The unicorn entry (p. 333) states that they are "sometimes associated with good-aligned deities". You might change that to "holy".

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... Illuminated Consortium of Epopts?


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Though I don't think the the Rangers started getting robots (in 1980) until after Gundam (1979) you're right that they did have them before GoLion (1981). The game changer was a series that came out in 1978 about some guy in a spider-costume. You've probably never heard of him.

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Cute Wizard of Oz reference in this one.

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Kevin Mack wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

And the artwork on page 66 is utterly TERRIFYING! Poor, poor Amiri...I never though she could experience such horror...
What happens?

She's subject to the blood tears haunt, causing her to weep blood at the sight of a spirit gouging its eyes out, while lacking the Diplomacy or Religion skills needed to do anything other than suffer the bleed damage. So she's crouched in a pool of her own blood. Very grand guignol.

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... so ... anybody else hearing Geb's words in the late René Auberjonois' voice?

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This has happened a few times with products that were delayed, like this one. There's nothing to do but wait until morning in Seattle, when the customer service team goes to work.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Golarion does not have an equivalent to St. Kargoth or Lord Soth does it?

Closest graveknight equivalent to either of those unworthies would probably be Lictor Shokneir, first appearing in Undead Revisited.

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keftiu wrote:

Give them a few more decades and I bet the Magaambya will figure out all four traditions. I imagine them and Rahadoum were two major factors in driving Golarion's magical understanding in the future that leads to Starfinder.

Considering that their present level of understanding is the work of millennia, I suspect you might be low-balling how long it's going to take. But otherwise, yes.

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A question regarding the goloma: are these inspired by something in real world mythology, or are they Golarion originals?

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Evan Tarlton wrote:
Who on the writing team is an old school Wonder Woman fan? I caught that reference, and I want to know who to high five (and thank for the implication).

Um, if you're talking about the violet ray, that's a real thing, or at least a "real" thing. I don't know whether it was on William Moulton Marston's mind when he came up with the purple healing ray, but it does seem likely.

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RiverMesa wrote:
I could see some sort of "desert human" (probably more creatively-named than that) heritage being added, akin to the wintertouched human from LOCG, suitable both for the Akitonian Hylki and other Golarion desert-dwelling humans, but I'm not betting on it.

Considering that most of Akiton is a cold desert, I'd just use that very same wintertouched heritage. For hot desert dwellers on Golarion, the abilities of the 'desert elf' heritage would probably do quite nicely.

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This is a wonderful story. Not was. Is, and always shall be.

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... on the one hand, information about other fighting tournaments sounds really cool, but on the other, I'm not all that thrilled at the idea of Hao Jin being turned into a damsel in distress.

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But does it feature a slightly loopy SRO buddy named Floyd?

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This is something I'm putting together for a homebrew setting. It's not meant to exactly match the Greek myths, but I'm trying to capture their feel to the best of my ability.

Aphrodite (CN)
Edict: pursue romance regardless of personal cost, encourage others to follow their dreams
Anathema: claim to be more beautiful than Aphrodite, choose security over passion
Follower Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Deception
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: indulgence, passion, secrecy, trickery
Cleric Spells: 1st: charm, 2nd: humanoid form, 3rd: enthrall

Apollo (LN)
Edict: heal the sick, teach music and song
Anathema: refuse medical aid, show cowardice
Follower Alignments: CG, LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill: select Medicine or Performance
Favored Weapon: Shortbow
Domains: confidence, healing, knowledge, perfection
Cleric Spells: 1st: soothe, 2nd: false life, 4th: resilient sphere

Ares (CN)
Edict: attain victory in battle through fair means or foul, push your limits
Anathema: prevent conflict through negotiation, continue to fight a losing battle
Follower Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NE
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Intimidation
Favored Weapon: Greataxe
Domains: ambition, might, protection, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm

Artemis (N)
Edict: live in the wilderness, own no more than you can carry
Anathema: abandon chastity, kill wantonly
Follower Alignments: CG, CN, LG, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Domains: family, nature, travel, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: tree stride

Athena (LN)
Edict: revere a father-figure, live a chaste life
Anathema: claim to be wiser than Athena, betray your father-figure
Follower Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: Spear
Domains: cities, perfection, truth, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: mage armor, 2nd: humanoid form, 3rd: hypercognition

Demeter (N)
Edict: assist in planting and harvest, take part in the mysteries
Anathema: betray or harm a child, reveal mysteries to outsiders
Follower Alignments: Any
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Domains: earth, family, nature, sorrow
Cleric Spells: 1st: temporary tool, 2nd: shape wood, 3rd: wall of thorns

Dionysus (CN)
Edict: eat, drink and make merry, celebrate theatre
Anathema: deny pleasures for yourself or others, show mercy to enemies
Follower Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NE
Divine Font: heal or harm
Divine Skill: Select Occultism or Performance
Favored Weapon: Staff
Domains: delirium, freedom, indulgence, nature
Cleric Spells: 1st: fleet step, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: hallucination

Hades (LN)
Edict: conduct funerals, console the bereaved
Anathema: create undead, despoil graves
Follower Alignments: LE, LN, N, NE
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Stealth
Favored Weapon: Shortsword
Domains: darkness, death, secrecy, wealth
Cleric Spells: 1st: phantom pain, 2nd: invisibility, 3rd: haste

Helios (N)
Edict: rise with the dawn, fulfill the charges which you have been given
Anathema: neglect your duty, yield to personal desires
Follower Alignments: LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: Spear
Domains: duty, fire, sun, time
Cleric Spells: 1st: burning hands, 3rd: fireball, 4th: wall of fire

Hephaestus (LN)
Edict: craft new creations, pay attention to details
Anathema: carelessly destroy others’ creations or research, engage in shoddy work
Follower Alignments: CG, LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Crafting
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Domains: creation, fire, might, wealth
Cleric Spells: 1st: summon construct, 3rd: meld into stone, 4th: stoneskin

Hera (N)
Edict: avenge any insult to yourself or Hera, give counsel to women
Anathema: commit adultery, fail to treat adultery as an insult
Follower Alignments: LE, LN, N, NE, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: select Diplomacy or Thievery
Favored Weapon: Light mace
Domains: family, secrecy, tyranny, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: anticipate peril, 2nd: misdirection, 3rd: nondetection

Hermes (N)
Edict: outwit your opponents instead of overpowering them, play pranks
Anathema: destroy knowledge, be completely honest
Follower Alignments: All
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: select Athletics or Deception
Favored Weapon: Staff
Domains: confidence, knowledge, travel, trickery
Cleric Spells: 1st: penumbral shroud, 3rd: invisibility sphere, 6th: mislead

Hestia (N)
Edict: keep the hearth fire burning, care for children
Anathema: abandon your family, exalt yourself above others
Follower Alignments: LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: Mace
Domains: family, fire, protection, vigil
Cleric Spells: 1st: soothe, 2nd: humanoid form, 7th: magnificent mansion

Poseidon (CN)
Edict: sacrifice before any ocean voyage, eat fish and other sea food
Anathema: show excessive pride, aid followers of Athena
Follower Alignments: CE, CN, N, NE
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Survival
Favored Weapon: Trident
Domains: destruction, earth, travel, water
Cleric Spells: 1st: hydraulic push, 3rd: feet to fins, 5th: mariner’s curse

Selene (N)
Edict: cast light in places of darkness, lead the lost
Anathema: intentionally mislead someone, abandon a creature in darkness
Follower Alignments: CG, CN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Arcana
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: dreams, magic, moon, nightmares
Cleric Spells: 1st: message rune, 2nd: humanoid form, 3rd: enthrall, 4th: suggestion, 5th: summon entity, 6th: mislead, 7th: project image, 8th: dream council, 9th: weird

Zeus (N)
Edict: show hospitality to strangers, lead and try to lead wisely
Anathema: seek to escape mortality, kill kindred
Follower Alignments: Any
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: Longspear
Domains: air, lightning, might, tyranny
Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 2nd: animal form, 3rd: lightning bolt

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Whatever powers, in whatever form, there may be, may they be kind to them. For love is love. Amen.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Also, now that Sleight of Hand is no longer a thing what skill do I use for juggling? It seems like performance, but that's charisma based so it seems hard to make a comedy juggler who is very good at juggling and very bad at comedy.

Juggling Lore.

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Aenigma wrote:
I'm really not sure why Rovagug doesn't grant access to the Might domain, because I think it's more suitable for him than the Zeal domain.

Because he doesn't share his Might. He does share his ferocity [Zeal].

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Lucas VerBeek wrote:

Finally got around to reading about that Crimson Reclaimers

Even more convinced of the identity of the mysterious Patron now.

Honestly, it's so obvious that I'm almost inclined to think it must be a fake-out, that it's actually going to be someone else.

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Mechagamera wrote:
Any chance ZK could become connected to the kytons? Between the look and the Plain of Shadows, it seems like a good fit. Of course that doesn't quite fit with my desire that kytons become occult instead of divine (they haven't shown up yet, so no reason they couldn't be occult), but it isn't that big a difference, since the Outer Rifts could be connected to occult power.

The kytons are now known as velstracs, and some of them are described in Tomorrow Must Burn.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Most other PDFs are full book price in my experience.

... okay, regardless of what I think of the rest of this dispute, I think you should know that your experience has led you to make a very factually incorrect argument.


Shadow of the Demon Lord -- PDF $18.99, Softcover Book $39.99

Shadowrun Fifth Edition Corebook -- PDF $19.99, Hardcover Book $59.99

Modern AGE Rulebook -- PDF $18.95, Softcover Book $34.95

GURPS Basic Set 1: Characters -- PDF $29.99, Hardcover Book $49.95

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Lanathar wrote:

For Kineticist you gave one line “needs it own class”

Can I be devils advocate and ask “Why?”

If I can be avocatus Dei and answer: "Avatar".

To elaborate: Benders don't feel like Sorcerers.

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The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Could anyone share the events that leaded to Lord Gyr of House Gixx disaparence?

This is, I believe, the first time it's been mentioned. I suspect it might have something to do with the schemes of Avid of House Arnsen, revealed in Towns of the Inner Sea.

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Gilfalas wrote:

Which makes me wonder if the showmakers of 'Stranger Things' had to pay Hasbro for using Demogorgon referances in their show, since they show a miniature of the classic D&D Demogorgon.

They probably had to pay to show the miniature, anyway.

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Interesting that it doesn't repeat the "typically", which to my mind would be even worse ... you've invested and sacrificed so much to defeat this thing, and now it's back right in front of you and IT DOESN'T EVEN CARE THAT YOU KILLED IT.

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I have to say that I found the ultimate outcome of this adventure to be a little disappointing from an "eeevil" standpoint. You're asked to choose to ally with one of two courtiers, help them in their fell designs against each other. And the conclusion of your association with them is the ritual murder of the one you've been hostile towards for the entire adventure.

I think it would have made much more sense if the one you were expected to sacrifice was the one with whom you'd been allied, who's been helpful and useful to that point, rather than the one you've been thwarting and harming up until then. If the sacrifice is someone who's been valuable to Thrune, then surely the one who brought you to their attention would be more 'deserving'.

And Hell is betrayal, after all.

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Wszebor Uriev wrote:

So I expect to see a hardback AP every year to take the place of something else.

I suspect we won't see another one like this until 2019, the ten-year anniversary of Pathfinder RPG.

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I'm looking forward to the "what happens if they lose" Continuing the Campaign paragraph in this one. "On the whole, that is a good thing for pretty much everyone else."

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And to think, all this time, it was your cup that was poisoned.

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I think a sorcerous warlock is definitely needed for my Tian-min mahou shoujo character. Possibly with an item bond vigilante talent, for wands, broaches, portable artillery pieces ...

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I just hope she doesn't name her ship "Joery" or something like that ...

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Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
But "evil" in a D&D cosmology isn't (just) that.

Yes, it is. Evil is that which wishes to harm. Good is that which wishes to help. Neutrality is that which recognizes that too much help is just as bad as any harm, and so strives to keep the two in balance.

It is very simple.