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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters.

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I picked this up because it has the details for technology faults and radiation hazards that I, as a GM, wanted to get ready for in PFS season 6.

As far as the value of the book goes, PFS legal-wise, you are only going to get about a dozen pages of content out of the 68pg book.

There are 6 feats that are legal, including Technologist (a must for season 6 skill monkeys) that gives you access to expanded uses of Disable Device, Heal, Kn: Arcana/Engineering/Geography for interacting with technological devices.

There are about 12-13 new spells with technology themes; however, 2/3 of them are just re-skinned existing spells (Protection from Tech, Magic Circle Against Tech, Detect Radiation, Remove Radiation, etc.)

Three of the five archetypes are allowed: A cleric that can channel to heal/harm robots, a rogue that replaces magical trap abilities with technological trap abilities, and a barbarian that str/dex rages and has firearm proficiency. The only prestige class, Technomancer, is not allowed.

The rest of the book is filled weapon/armor/wondrous item descriptions. About 95% of the weapon descriptions start with "This extremely deadly..." ... blah blah blah. None of these items in the book are legal anyways. Though I have to admit that I am exceedingly disappointed that the Sonic Screwdriver, er, e-pick, is not legal... but here's hoping for one on a chronicle sheet!

Overall, worth a couple bucks, but for PFS legal content, it's severely lacking in yummy goodness.


Print Edition Unavailable

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Terrible pick for new players during Free RPG Day


I feel the mod really goes against the idea of free RPG day.

At our FLGS, people are encouraged to try out new game systems. Page 34 of the Guide to Society Organized Play points out that:

Guide to Society Organized Play wrote:
Most players whose first experience in a campaign results in a character death don’t return to the campaign.

After running this scenario last week I am regretting inviting one of my friends to make this weekend's free RPG day their first Pathfinder Society experience. I am an experienced GM (4-star in PFS) and I tend to use kid gloves when dealing with tactics where I have a lot of leeway, and I still managed to completely destroy the party without really trying to.

Paizo needs to return to interesting, inventive scenarios that capture people's imagination and hearts.

We Be Goblins was an excellent free RPG day mod for that. There was a lot more variation in encounters, memorable moments, and fun antics. If you failed, it didn't matter because it was fun regardless and players had stories to tell for months.

This mod feels like a stale, brutal dungeon crawl... that's what Bonekeep is for. This is up there with Master of the Fallen Fortress in terms of brutal introductory mods. I know at the end, all it left me with as the GM with was a dirty feeling.