Queen Abrogail II

Brana Perun's page

18 posts. Alias of Laruuk.

I'm a little confused by this order.

It seems to have shipped by itself rather than shipping with Order #3736605.

Is this one of those occasions where sending it in two packages is cheaper than sending it in one?


Now that I have the Rules Reference cards, please cancel my card subscription.


Sara Marie said to let Customer Service know if my S&S PACG subscription didn't spawn Adventure Deck #2 with this months order.

This is me letting you know.

Can you square this away for me?


Predictions? Guesses? Wishlist?

Personally I'd like to see Serpent's Skull or Jade Regent with Curse of the Crimson Throne a close third.

I haven't played the three adventure path's above, so they may be terrible, or at least very hard to adapt, for a card game set.

What Adventure Path would you like to see turned into a card game set?

Which Adventure Paths would be best suited for a card game set?


I just say WOW!

I've gone through the setup, and watched the Mike Selinker preview on YouTube and absolutely cannot wait to play.

When I ordered it, immediately purchased the character add-on deck, my next Paizo order will be the rest of the Adventure Decks.

In case you can't tell, I'm really impressed thus far.

I am getting back sooner than expected.

Please reinstate my subscriptions and combine it with Order 3291518.

Thanks so much!

Please suspend my subscriptions.

Heading out of town for a couple weeks.

I will start a new thread to UNsuspend when I return.

Thanks in advance!

Picked this up yesterday and have only thumbed through it so far.

Just getting into the combat rules today, but I like the write ups of the races and classes.

Will spend the next few days really digging into it, but I like what I've see, fluff-wise, so far.

Now for the crunchy bits.

Anyone else picked this up? What do you think so far?

Please combine the following two orders into one. Thanks!

3226573 and 3215250


When I look at "My Account" page, it says I have zero payment methods.

When I look at "My Subscriptions" it shows my current payment method.

When I try to add or change my payment method, even though the website goes through the process, nothing changes.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

EN World has the info HERE.

Or you can go straight to AMAZON.

Checking the status of these two orders. I see they were combined and I took them out of my sidecart last week so they could be shipped as soon as possible.

Not terribly upset or worried, but want to make sure they didn't get stuck in a queue somewhere and need to be prodded.

Thanks in advance!


Forgot to transfer money to my 'Paizo only' account last week and my subscription authorization failed.

Oversight corrected, please rerun the authorization.


Checking the status of my order.

I've added and removed several items.

It's been pending since the 10th.

Know you're crazy busy, enough time has passed I've started wondering.

Customer Service Demi's,

Now that my orders are combined (Captain Planet flashback...), I see that I have ordered two copies of both Dragons Revisited and Dark Markets—A Guide to Katapesh.

Please trim that order to one of each, instead of two.



Please combine orders 2837125 and 2891103.


I live an hour away from Paizo HQ. I'm sure I'm not the only subscriber that lives relatively close to Paizo HQ.

Have you guys ever considered letting us pick up our subs at the warehouse?

Is it logistically feasible? It wouldn't save me any money once I drive out there and back home, but I'd love to make a trip to Paizo HQ every month.

I see "Pathfinder Modern" mentioned in a few threads from time to time.

Other than a modern campaign setting, I don't understand what rules you need to play in a 'modern' setting that aren't already presented.

Sure, you'd have to change Gold Pieces to 'credits' or dollars or something, a few other changes like that ...

I am NOT trying to start a flamewar and I'm NOT against a 'Pathfinder Modern' rulebook, I don't understand what would be significantly different from the rules as currently presented.

I'm asking "What would be so different in 'Pathfinder Modern' that you'd need a rulebook for it?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Warehouse minions - work harder, move faster!


Okay, seriously.

Please pass on my understanding to the warehouse crew that has been working hard to get all the subscriptions out as quickly as possible.

I haven't received my "ship" email yet (and no, this is not a ploy to get my order fulfilled faster). There has been a little whining (some of which has been perpetrated by me) and wanted to make sure that along with the whining, there is some praise and respect for the warehouse folks as well.


If I order pizza for the warehouse right now, will my shipment be placed at the front of the queue????

Just a thought..


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Am enjoying PaizoCon. Just finished a game called "Character Killing Session" run by the always entertaining Bill Webb. According to Bill, we were the first party to survive this one-shot Swords and Wizardry session. Bill thinks he's getting soft.

Have one ticket left. I'm at the hotel all day. I'll check this thread regularly.

Two of my (wonderful, loving, thankful) children have opted out of the banquet tomorrow.

This leaves me with two tickets.

They are yours for the asking. (The tickets, not the kids - probably.)

Please cancel my Campaign Setting, Player Companion and Map subscriptions.

Starting a new job in the near future and need to cut a few extraneous expenses until I get fully settled in.


Customer Service Demigods,

Please cancel my comics subscription.


Steve Y.

Customer Service Demigods,

Is it too late to combine Order # 2526679 with my upcoming monthly shipment?

If it is, that's totally cool, if it's not, can you work your customer service magic for me?


Steve Y.

Customer Service Demigods,

Any prediciton on how November/December Subscriptions are going to be?

I want to make sure my budget doesn't get killed because production suddenly gets caught up and my normal subscription costs double.

I know you can't guarantee anything, but if you could give me a 'bold assumption', it will help me plan.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is my 100th post on the Paizo Messageboards and I wanted to make it something special. After mulling it over for a few days, I decided to start a thread that I think will be fun for everyone.

The format I'm going to use is: short anecdote, lesson learned.

Today I made a new album on my FaceBook account called “Pathfinder Pics”. There are currently three photos of my kids playing through the Beginner Box and one of Paizo boxes stacked up in my game room (I’m deployed and having them sent home – read the PDFs here). Not 20 minutes after I uploaded the photos, Wes Schneider ‘liked’ all the photos. I was impressed that he’d take the time to do that and my kids were over the moon about it, once I explain who Wes is (via FB Chat).

First thing I've learned from/about Paizo is:

1. Paizo sees us as loyal fans and customers, not cash cows.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Currently deployed. Five months left. (just providing backstory)

Bought my three teenage girls the BB to get them introduced to Pathfinder so I can run a campaign for them when I get back.

The received the BB Friday, here is the email I received from my wife that reveals the events of Monday - they had a busy weekend so Monday is the first day they've actually stayed home.

Wife wrote:

The girls are supposed to be finishing a little touch-up painting in Bricky's room...instead they are sitting in the living room floor rolling dice and creating characters!

Painting can wait!

Almost brings a tear to my eye!

Any Pathfinders on FOB Pasab?

I'm looking to start a group for the last five months of the deployment.

Prefer to play, but can GM.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was introduced Pathfinder on my last deployment back in 2009. A co-worker lent me his Core Rulebook and I perused it. Liked what I saw, and the two of us tried to get a group together to game the deployment away. It never happened – guess we were the only two gamers on the FOB.

I returned home in the summer of 2010 and got right back into my semi-weekly 3.5 homebrew campaign sessions. My best friend and I take turns DMing, though he does the lion's share of it.

I'm deployed again ( yay :-/ ), and finally climbed aboard the Pathfinder bandwagon. I’ve purchased the majority of the Core books and (as you can see above) subscribed to several of the product lines.

Every month there are packages from Paizo being stacked in my game room awaiting my return to be fondled – non-sexually, … mostly…

Yeah, I get the PDFs with my subscription, but it's just not the same as actually holding the book, is it?

Just this morning I ordered the Beginner Box and Minis for my three teenagers to get them started on Pathfinder (They’ve already shipped btw – unholy smokes that was fast!). They are pumped about 'having their own game' and, according to my (wonderful, patient, understanding) wife, have blocked off every Saturday afternoon to play - barring teen activities at their church.

I don't have to advocate the intellectual benefits of role-playing games to this audience, so suffice it to say that I am pleased with what Pathfinder will give to my teens. All parents say this, but my kids are pretty smart and creative as it is, Pathfinder is going to help them in so many ways they don’t even realize.

So, to sum up this gushing praise I want to say Thank You to all the folks at Paizo – past, present, and future.

Thank you for giving me hours of enjoyment while separated from my family for these nine months.

Thank you for publishing products with a high production value and the amazing attention to detail that you do.

Thank you for providing the rich and storied universe of Galorion to play in.

And finally,

Thank you for providing a constructive outlet for my teenagers and their creativity, which will only increase the more the play and benefit them for years to come.

I'll be home soon and have already made plans for Paizocon and PAX Prime next year (I live in South Hill). Not to mention the campaign I am planning to run for my kids.

See you in five months!

Customer Service Goblins,

I have the Beginner Box, Beginner Box Minis, and a couple other sundry items in my shopping cart.

I want all of these items to ship as soon as possible and not wait for my monthly subscription shipment.

What is the best way to do this?

I'm currently sitting in a tent in Afghanistan and have about six months until I get back home.

I've ordered my teenagers the Pathfinder Beginner Box and am going to encourage them to play through it between now and the time I get home. They are no stranger to RPGs, but we usually play DC Heroes (M&M3).

I want them to have a grasp of the rules because I've been tinkering with an idea for a campaign to run them through.

It is a time-travel campaign and I'm fishing for ideas to round it out.

It's going to start in Galorion's distant future, about 7,000 years from the time in the current setting.

It has a bit of steampunk to it for this very first 'module'. Very Victorian with low-level magic being prevalent, but anything mid to high level being mythic and legendary. Most households have a 1st or 2nd level arcane caster of some type in the family tree.

There are Airships that utilize trapped elementals for flight and maneuverability

Steam Trains use fire elementals to heat the water.

There are mundane gas lamps in major cities

There are firearms, revolvers, long rifles, etc.

The Pathfinder Society still exists and there are still plenty of items and knowledge that need to be rediscovered.

All core races are still in the population, though half-orcs and half-elves are very, very rare. Gnomes and Halflings are prevalent along with Elves and Humans.

My starting plan is for the PCs to be hired by the Pathfinder Society to find the Staff of XX (Wand YY, Orb of ZZ, or whatever). I haven't picked a module to repurpose, but I have some ideas and it will eventually be found in the recently rediscovered lost city of Tumen.

When they find the Staff of XX, it lets off a brilliant white light and they are instantly transported to present-day Galorion. Then I'll lead them into one of the APs - probably RofR or CotCT - with the real goal of finding a way home.


I'm perusing the boards and have seen SEVERAL references to other subscribers reading the PDFs of this months shipment.

My order is still pending.

AP is on backorder?

I've got six more months in the great big sanbox of Afghanistan and have several ideas for a campaign when I get back to my normal gaming group.

I start with a villian. I create the villian, usually level 10, and then decide what his goals are. What he wants, how he would go about achieving his goals, and where his base of operations is.

Once I know the end game, I backwards plan the campaign until I find a good spot for the 'random group of adventurers' to stumble onto things and start causing problems.

I'm interested to hear how the rest of you go about campaign planning.