Giant Slayer

Bran Grindle's page

75 posts. Organized Play character for Pauper Princess.


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Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran will accompany Narah to the graveyard.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

A bit uneasy, Bran puffs, "A necromancer? I should hope not. But if it's true, I'll not bridle my rage."

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
DM Are wrote:
Bran Grindle wrote:
For the hair touch.. not quite enough..

That's actually good enough! I forgot to say the group currently has a +2 bonus to diplomacy attempts within town.

Awesome, then it played out the way I had originally said..

Bran Grindle wrote:

Bran waves as Narah gestures toward the tavern. Having his attention stolen away from the butcher by Narah's momentary appearance, Bran is apologetic as he reengages him.

"Well met good sir, my name's Bran. How are you this fine evening? I'm looking for some quality cuts of jerky. What meats might you have available?"

The butcher spreads his arms wide. "What you see is what I've got. Pork, beef, and lamb. You won't find better quality meats anywhere within a few day's ride, that's for sure." His tone is oddly defensive.

Bran studies the offerings and rubs his chin. "I'll take a few pieces of the beef. Say, did you know the late professor Lorrimaor?" Bran inquires, half-interested, as he reaches for his coin pouch.

Bluff: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14 To not seem too interested.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 To gather information. (+2 is DM circumstance bonus)

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

For the hair touch.. not quite enough..

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

Bran waves as Narah gestures toward the tavern. Having his attention stolen away from the butcher by Narah's momentary appearance, Bran is apologetic as he reengages him.

"Well met good sir, my name's Bran. How are you this fine evening? I'm looking for some quality cuts of jerky. What meats might you have available?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Please, I beg of you, don't abandon us. I hope all is well.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

-With the children-
Bran smiles a toothy smile to the children, all but one of them seem terrified. The lone brave girl smiles back and points to Bran's hair. "I was given that haircut by a Goblin in the wilds of Varisia.. it was the last thing that little bugger ever cut." Bran looks proudly at the little girl. The little girls eyes filled with wonder, she asks to touch his hair. Bran obliges, smiling another toothy grin, and the other children seem to have a more calm attitude toward him.

-At the Outward Inn-
Bran smiles and nods, seeing to it that Narah is taken care of before making his way to the local butcher.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran chooses to accompany Narah to the inn, informing her that he will be visiting the local butcher and, once she is ready to visit Grimburrow, that is where she can most likely find him.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran not ever accused of being the "brains of the operation", and remember that he is a bit crazy due to what he witnessed as a child, will not always have the best strategy. This is part of his character, not quite enough to be a flaw, but just enough that he's sometimes "off" a bit.

Bran scratches his reverse mohawked head, seems puzzled, then his eyes light up as he turns to Maia. "A-hah, yes I believe that would be a wiser plan. I will go with Narah to see what we can extract from Father Grimburrow. And, you're probably right.. I should have my own room as I will likely, yet unintentionally, encroach on your privacy. I'd prefer to stay at the house. I can sleep anywhere, I'm used to sleeping on the ground in the wilds of Varisia after all."

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

"I will mill around about town near the library just in case.."

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

I'm sorry, I've been absent. This won't be a usual thing.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
DM Are wrote:

It looks like nobody wants to share a room with Maia.. Bran, Morthos: Do either of you have any input in regards to the will, the books, or Maia's suggestion?

Bran would share a room.

Bran looks to Maia and responds, "Provided there is some sort of dividing curtain or the like, I would not be opposed to share a room with you Maia. I respect your privacy as well as request mine.

Bran looks at the chest, then back at Kendra: "I would be glad to help with whatever I can."

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

GM, anything new on the Rage Power for Large size w/reach?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran lights up, a much needed break from his somber, quiet, trance he had been in since sprinkling the soil on the professor's casket, and looks to Kendra, "The way I met the professor was odd. I awoke one night, just as a horse chopper swung and all but scalped the middle of my head. I battled fiercely and fought off the three Goblins that had hoped to bring my demise. I was able to instead send them to their graves. The next morning, while I was packing up camp, I was startled by his [the professor's] voice. My defenses were heightened and I would have attacked him if it were not for what he told me. He had been watching me, studying me. I knew that if the professor wanted to harm me, it would have surely happened long before this encounter. He instructed and instilled in me that, to make it in this world, I had to be more aware of my surroundings and strike first."

Bran smiles widely. "Seeing that he was strong in mind, but not so strong in body, I decided to be his guide and body guard throughout Varisia for several months as he traveled and soaked in as much knowledge as he could. One day they came across a couple of Stone Giants that were not looking to talk. I had an extremely hard fought battle with one, finally removing it's head. The other had pummeled the professor to unconsciousness and grabbed him, running for the Stony Mountains. I was able to catch up to him and, after an exhausting battle, I was able to best the second Stone Giant. If it hadn't been for the professor's guidance, we both may have perished that day."

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran looks on as the casket is lowered into the ground. After Kendra puts forth the first shovel-full of soil, Bran picks up a large handful of soil and slowly lets it flow onto the casket, squeezing so that the particles take a moderate amount of time to empty from his hand as an hour glass. Bran watches the last bit of dirt fall from his fist, takes a deep breath, and steps aside so others may pay any final respects.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran hesitates, watching to see if anyone else makes a move to speak. Seeing that he is free to do so, Bran walks slowly to the casket's side, gently placing one hand on top. He looks down for a moment. Then, as though trying to look into each soul of each person present, he speaks.

"Petros Lorrimor..." Bran looks as though he may break and release tears just as many at the funeral have done already, but just as the emotion wells up, teeming and ready to flow out of his body, he sets his jaw resolutely and continues speaking, extinguishing the sorrow and turning to anger. "..was a man of integrity. What he lacked in stature and build, he made up for in character. He was a Giant among Halflings, if you will. I do not believe that it was without help that he passed. I saved his life once, but he saves my life day in and day out with the knowledge he imparted to me in our journey throughout the wilds of Varisia." Bran pats the casket lightly, looks up, and utters a silent prayer to Cayden Cailean, and returns to his seat.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Hmm.. a rage power that call upon his ancestry? So he could be large (giant-blooded) while raging or something?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran lifts his chin in acknowledgement, "I will certainly help carry the coffin." Bran moves into position about the middle on one side of the coffin, assigning himself to take on the bulk of the weight for one side.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran, seeing the familiar faces of Narah, Morthos, Maia, and Daniel, quickens his pace as he realizes he may get to the ceremony late.

Upon arriving he exchanges quiet hellos, then addresses Kendra.

"You must be the lovely Kendra. Your father spoke highly of you. He was a great man; knowledgeable, quick witted, and kind. He will be missed by many. My condolences and strength to you and your family in this time."

One of the "proper" things that Bran never lost during his transformation, from learned wealthy boy to middle-lower class adult barbarian, was his speaking. Although he may not be the brightest crayon in the box, his words defy his barbarian look.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

My apologies in advance if anything is wonky, I rebooted Bran so many times trying for a game... may be some tweaks that need to be made. If I throw up a weird number or something doesn't make sense, just yell at me and I'll fix it ASAP.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran will have traveled to the destination alone, he is a barbarian from the wilds of Varisia, not keeping a lot of company. Also, he will arrive last if no one protests that their character arrives last.

Bran pauses in place as he sees the gathering in the distance, a small, somber looking crowd gathered around a simple coffin at the corner of the cemetery.

"Gotta be on my best behavior..", he says as though talking to someone, "..gotta be strong for Kendra."

After the brief self-motivator he wrings his hands in anxiety, pulls out a small flask of Pharasman brew, and takes a gulp. Bran swallows, looks resolutely in the direction of the crowd, puts the flask away, and continues walking toward the gathering.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

I'll just stick with the fluff. It's no biggie, would be awesome to have a crunch reinforced giant-blooded barbarian, but I'll deal :)

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Are we going with no templates as the previous GM stated? Bran is giant blooded, but if no templates are allowed, it will just be fluff. Although the previous GM did allow for Bran to be Large sized with reach.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran Grindle, present!

Grand Lodge

Bran is still interested! Huzzah!

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

I think this campaign is officially dead, but anyone here, please keep Bran Grindle in mind if you spot another Carrion Crown campaign going up.. and I will do the same for you.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Anxious to play!

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Can you point him to our group? I don't want this group to get split up! On a side note, anyone read the info about where I got my inspiration for Bran?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

I am definitely still in. One question though.. are templates allowed or will Bran's giant-blooded characteristic be a matter of fluff? Can he be size Large? Just want to tie up some somewhat loose ends.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

So... forgive me, I'm a little confused... what is the party list? Do we still need someone? Do we have a list of confirmed party members?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
ICTSpiceMerchant wrote:

Sorry - forgot to add a couple of things I'd like to discuss:

1. Initiative. I intend to roll initiative whenever we enter combat. In order to honor efforts to boost initiative, we will use individual initiative until it becomes a bottle-neck for progress. If we discover that it's slowing things down too much to act in order, we will transition to group initiative where the average initiative will act first - whether . I'd prefer to never make this transition.

2. Perception. There will be times that I'll "roll" or take a look at passive perception to point things out to individuals. You're welcome to roll perception on your own when you want to specifically "activate" it, but I've found it can be difficult to know when to roll for that skill in particular in PBP games.

3. Skill checks. I'm currently GM'ing an Edge of the Empire game in real life (and loving it), and so I'm currently in a heavily narrative-focused mindset. I'm not going to break the rules or anything, but I'm also going to reward creativity alongside successful roles. When you take an action, such as Diplomacy, Survival or perhaps even some attacks outside of combat, please roll the dice in the same post as you take the action. I will then determine if your roll was necessary. Don't take the action and then wait for me to ask for your roll - that can bog things down, too.

4. Posting schedule. The pace of the game will be determined by the players. I'd prefer at least one post a day, but if a majority (4) of players can post more than that (and I can keep up), we will move at their pace. I don't want to leave any players behind, but if 2 of the six are holding us back, I may ask them to leave the game. Again, I'm not trying to be mean at all - I just don't want this game to die!

Will we be on the Slow, Medium, or Fast progression? Also, will we have opportunities to make purchases throughout the adventure path?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Daniel Chelas wrote:

Found my inventory on harddrive.

Hide Armor 15gp 25lbs
Spiked chain 25gp 10lbs
Scimitar 15gp 4lbs
Dagger x2 4gp 2lbs
Backpack, common 2gp 2lbs
waterskin 1gp 4lbs
Trail ration x4 2gp 2lbs
50ft silk rope 10gp 5lbs
Bedroll 1sp 5lbs

Encumbrance: 59lbs=Light load (0-66 =light)

Starting money: 195gp average.
Money Spent: 74 1spgp
Money Left: 120gp 9sp

Ok, so that leaves me alot to spend.
I'll get to those purchases tomorrow morning.

Daniel, how are you starting with 195 gold?

This says a fighter's average starting gold is 175?

Am I looking at the wrong table?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
ICTSpiceMerchant wrote:

If I do decide to adjust down, it would just be to 20. 15 is too radical of a drop.

We'll see - no decisions yet.

So we have three martial classes in a party of five. Are all three of you front-liners? I am, frankly, a little concerned about such an unbalanced group.

Being a Barbarian, there really is no other choice but to be a front line offensive character. Anyone not happy with Bran the barbarian?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Anyone want to check mine out? I have everything updated now, had a chance to do so on my lunch break. Bran is in this party, correct?

Err.... no it's corrected.. site kept eating my saves!

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran was dropped down to 20, but I did save his .por file for Hero Lab with the 25 point buy.. I'll revise him tomorrow night on here. I won't be home to do so until after 9pm Eastern Standard Time.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

I'm here. Don't we have have an open space? I think we should have a Rogue as well. Maybe invite Shush?

Grand Lodge

Looks like we may have a game? If so, I will withdraw my entry into the Council of Thieves you are running ICTSpiceMerchant. So, let me get this right, you are running two campaigns at once?

Grand Lodge

Bran isn't a ranger, he's a barbarian. His survival skills are good, so his day job is hunting.

Grand Lodge

Sinder Redscales wrote:

Sitting at the bar, a kobold turns around, looking at everyone present and listening to the conversation. "Are we talking about bugs, or are we talking about this city and it's residents." Eying the dirty and bloodied human hunter with a yellow slitted eye, he reaches to his side, tossing him a small waterskin. "Clean up and then come back in. We need some model of civility in this city..."

Sinder peered about, eying the quiet halfing hugging the far wall near the door and looking back around again. "...this city has been dead for years now. So if death scares you now, you should probably find a new place to drink. There are worse things then death here."

Bran catches the waterskin, smiles and nods to the red-scaled Kobold at the bar and promptly walks outside to clean up. He makes use of the new bar of soap he bought the day before. Making sure the waterskin isn't dirty or bloodied, Bran appears once again through the tavern doorway and sits next to the generous creature.

"Thanks for the water. The butcher I supply to next door has the unfortunate problem that his well has run dry. I was not able to wash up there."

Bran retrieves his tankard from his backpack and motions to the barkeep.

"Give me your strongest! After the hunt today, I need to unwind. Nearly got ourselves killed out there today. That apprentice attracted a pack of dire wolves with all that carrying on. If it hadn't been for my axe, Westcrown would have been burying the both of us."

He then turns to the crimson Kobold, tossing the now empty waterskin onto the bar next to him.

"I'm Bran Grindle. What's your name, friend?"

Grand Lodge

I'd like to throw Bran Grindle into the pot.

Bran walks into the bar, bloodstains on his hands and dirt on his brow.

"Barkeep, where might I find a wash basin? I just came from a hunt and I'm in need of strong drink and a good meal."

He takes a seat at the bar.

Info on Bran Grindle:

Bran Grindle
Human (Varisian) Barbarian (Drunken Brute) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 15 (1d12+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1; +2 circumstance bonus vs. effects that require hearing, +2 Trait bonus vs. mind-affecting effects for 1 hour after drinking alcohol
Resist fortified drinker
Speed 30 ft.
Melee greataxe +4 (1d12+7/×3)
Special Attacks rage (18 rounds/day)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Extra Rage, Extra Rage
Traits fortified drinker, westcrown firebrand
Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +3, Perception +5 (+0 to hearing checks), Survival +5 (+7 to avoid becoming lost when using Compass)
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ raging drunk, tireless rage
Combat Gear potion of enlarge person, meditation tea; Other Gear leather armor, buckler, greataxe, applejack (per gallon), backpack, belt pouch, blanket, winter, compass, crowbar, earplugs, flask, flint and steel, flotation device, marbles, marbles, marbles, marbles, mug/tankard, pot, rope, sack, silver key, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, whetstone, 51 gp
Special Abilities
Compass +2 circumstance for Survival or Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to avoid becoming lost.
Earplugs +2 save vs. hearing effects, -5 hearing-based Perception.
Fortified Drinker +2 save vs. mind-affecting for 1 hr after drinking alchohol.
Rage (18 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Drunk (Ex) Move action: consume alchohol - this round does not count against rounds of rage/day.
Westcrown Firebrand +1 Initiative, +1 attack rolls during a surprise round.

Answers to the 3 Questions:
Bran Grindle is the son of a wealthy Chelaxian couple. His parents were slain by a two-bit thief in the middle of the night when he was a young child. Bran awoke to hear a scuffle in the kitchen. As he peered around the edge of the doorway, he witnessed the gruesome murder of his mother and father. This altered Bran's thinking as he became a little crazy. He was taken in by another wealthy couple that were friends of his parents, but after a couple of years gone by and the killer not being caught, he fled to the wilds of Varisia in his rage. (Question 3) He blamed the government of Westcrown for not apprehending the killer.

In his madness, he had a transformation of sorts. He became barbaric and unrefined, losing much of his upbringing. It was in the wilds of Varisia that he also learned of his Giant-blooded lineage. As he matured, the Giant featured manifested and became obvious. Bran does not know what type of Giant blood is running through his veins, but he has embraced it nonetheless.

Bran returned to Westcrown by happenstance. He was attacked one day while sleeping, by a thief trying to steal what little he had. He followed the thief, but lost him once he reached Westcrown. It was then that his past came rushing to the forefront of his mind. He decided to find work there and try to find someone, anyone he may know from so many years ago.

(Question 1) Bran has lived in Westcrown for 3 years now. After reuniting with some of his family, although awkward at first due to his new look and barbarian lifestyle, he got a job working under the tutelage of a local huntsman. (Question 2) He is now a hunter and supplier for a local butcher in Westcrown, although the memory of the slaughter of his parents still haunts him. He can see the face of the thief as clear as the day he watched him kill his parents. If he would happen to see him again, woe to anyone that would get in the way of his revenge.

Grand Lodge

Bran was going to convince, whether by intimidation or diplomacy, that he should call it a night, but there would not have been any fighting on his part. I don't think things were out of hand, but it seemed as though we were running out of ideas to keep busy while waiting for the selection by the GM. I'm not throwing any sort of blame, and I don't mean that comment with any malice, just I think we were all getting restless wanting to know if we were going to be picked. I really enjoyed most of it. I enjoyed everyone's involvement, all of whom Bran interacted with in good character I believe. The entire group would be an amazing adventuring party; sad that only 6 will be chosen.

I think Borden played his character out well, given the circumstances without any actual direction, just a tavern by the road and what might happen therein. I hope the "brawl" as it was coined doesn't count against his eligibility in the AP.

Also, it seems that I'm a Borden lawyer, but I am not Borden. I just sort of felt like he was looked down on for the scuffle that had arisen.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Bran hoped his actions weren't perceived as malicious, as he too only wanted to get Borden to a room to sleep off the intoxication so he would be presentable at the funeral on the morrow.

Looks like Borden was still "thirsty".

Bran notices the lights dimming as the table and chairs appear in the center of the room. He looks on, puzzled, but intrigued nonetheless.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Borden Read wrote:

can't find rules on being drunk but I'm taking -2 on my rolls not my defences etc. CMD should be 13 - thanks for the catch

Borden takes an attack of opportunity on the untrained grapple.

1d20 + 3 - 2

A vicious elbow that is just mistimed enough to whoosh past his opponents ear. Sober, he may have landed it.

Borden follows up with a hook.

1d20 + 3 - 2

But his elbow strike earlier and the closeness of Mothos makes it difficult to hit out effectively.

Bran gives a hearty laugh and steps in front of Borden.

Come now friend, I believe you may have reached capacity on the good stuff this evening. Bran tries to convince Borden to keep it civil.

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Failing miserably I'm assuming.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Narah wrote:
Bran Grindle wrote:

Did I hear Chess? I remember that game! My father taught me to play when I was very young.

Given his usual, very emphasized volume, Bran is hard to be overheard. There is something that strikes her as odd about the wording, though. Does he want to fool his potential opponents into believing he was a novice, while he is really good at it?

[dice=Sense Motive]1d20+6

Bran sees the intrigued look on Narah's face. I've not played in a long time. Haven't stayed in civilization too long these past...15+ years.

Bran is not bluffing.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Shush the Halfling Rogue wrote:

Shush has not sat down yet. He is waiting for a few minutes.

My fine man, do you happen to be angry about something? Perhaps under the influence of anything? Or perhaps magic?

I am not angry at all, nor have I been subject to any magical influence that I am aware of. I do get a rush when I'm in a physical competition.

Bran relaxes from his position to arm wrestle as he hears there is a Chess game forming.

Did I hear Chess? I remember that game! My father taught me to play when I was very young.

Bran looks back at Sush.

Forget the arm wrestling, too slow little buddy. Time to engage my mind!

Back at the crowd talking about playing Chess..

Could I play?

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

Barkeep, that drink for Borden is on me! Nice contest sir! Bran then turns to Shush. Okay, ready when you are!

Best of five again.

Brand grasps Shush's hand, still surging with power from the last match.

I'll go ahead and roll first.

Strength Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Not sure if you would know, but yes, Bran is Raging at this time.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Maia Silndra Rose wrote:

As the two hulks go at the arm wrestling, maia Finally notices.

GO BIG GUY! I'm Rooting for you! She shouts across the tavern.

Bran winks at Maia.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

I'll go ahead and post round 3.

Delighted even more at the advantage he's gained, he goes into a rage.

Strength Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Bran laughs again.. You are a worthy opponent, but you must concede victory!

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Maia Silndra Rose wrote:

As the two hulks go at the arm wrestling, maia Finally notices.

GO BIG GUY! I'm Rooting for you! She shouts across the tavern.

Bran having the upper hand, he decides to toy with Borden. He give several short, but powerful bursts, pumping Borden's arm back and forth.

Strength Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Is that all you got? Bran laughs in a hearty, friendly manner.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1
Zorusk White Star wrote:

Zorusk looks up from his drink as the darkly beautiful elf speaks. He pushes back his hood and moves to sit next to her.

"Murder most foul, no doubt. The professor was an honorable man, but he dealt with dark forces. I fear the undead that he studied would become his end."

Zorusk finishes his whiskey.

"I plan to avenge his death."

Bran looks up from his arm wrestling match as the Orc speaks again. That's the story I got from that group of barbarians I met on the way here, murder. If the rumors are true, you have my axe in the fight!

Bran focuses back to the match at hand.

Pun intended.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Giant-blooded) Barbarian 1

You're on Borden! Mr broody mood over here doesn't seem to play well with others. Gimme your best shot!

Let's do best out of 5 strength checks :)

Strength Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Bran stains against Bordens grip.

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