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Brady Blankemeyer's page

Goblinworks Founder. Organized Play Member. 136 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Goblinworks Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been a silent person troll thingy >.<.

And Thanks!

Goblinworks Founder

Welcome Dazyk and Dios.

Goblinworks Founder

Hmm, so it is movement while casting. So is there chance of spell failures if you get hit while casting, or a lot of instant casts with the way it looked?

Cuteness just got even more dangerous.

Goblinworks Founder

My curiosity is with healing spells. Are they like Darkfall where you aim and hope it hits them, the automatic route but with-in a certain distance (click the spell and target them) with the ranges of cure spells or is there another guidance system used for healing in the thick of battle (concentration checks trying to heal while being hit)?

Recently participated at the Origins pathfinder events and didn't realize I had already created a society number but received one at Origins.

Was wondering if anyone knew who is best to contact on changing my number to the one I got at Origins so i can at least keep the pc's I used there.

Already sent in an e-mail to them about it, just waiting to hear from that. Thought if someone else had any insight on this if they went through it.

Goblinworks Founder

I just happened to though of this.

To those who didn't make the payment or failed. You think of doing a payment plan and offering them a second chance if they still want to do their donation.

I guess you would have some access to who didn't make the payment (I think with this). This would be a second chance for them to still contribute and get their kickstarter rewards.

Just a thought, I saw another kickstarter do it this way.

Goblinworks Founder

I was wondering, let's say I'm an expert or maxed out and some new person wanted me to make them a standard sword. Now could I use less materials since I'm so good at crafting I know how to make one faster and without using as much in the way of material.

Or could I add in maybe another bar of Iron to improve the quality or make it a heavier hitter/stronger durability to last them longer for this person and the difficulty would be slightly larger for me since I'm making it stronger, though I'm already a master so it shouldn't be a problem for me to do.

Goblinworks Founder

Hmm i was wondering about the reputation gain for doing nothing; sounds like word of mouth from people slowly spreading word about your deeds.

Goblinworks Founder

Okay just to get it out there since the spells are in the Pen and Paper game itself and some monsters tend to cast with spell-like abilities or as spells.

What if you were charmed/controlled in some way; does this activate anything if you say the Paladin (we'll use him, since they have the most to lose from killing someone innocent) attacks/kills the cleric while under the Mind Flayer's control?

Well I guess if there's forgiveness from the person dying knowing it wasn't their fault but the ramifications of the attack and killing in general should be observed if any flags would set off for others to take advantage of this particular situation. Especially if these spells are available to Players to use, though I doubt and hope they are not.

Goblinworks Founder

Woot Nihimon!

Goblinworks Founder

I think the one to watch on failed MMO's being relaunched is Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn; least watching a game try to relaunch and see if it fails or succeeds where it failed.

Darkfall 2.0 is a fix to what they knew was wrong with the design of the first one and attempt to gather new people who wanted to try but were scared of the PvP aspect.

I played the first Darkfall and I'm not a huge PvP person, I like to do it sometimes just not the turn at every sound kind of game. I had a person turn gray and knock me away from loot just so he could get it, I was dodging people on horses as they threw fireballs at me; thrilling yes, but for a new person trying to start up it's not fun.

With Darkfall it's start at the beginning or find it hard later on to even begin as the Gankers were getting bored and looking for easy targets. So how do you fix this and try to gather new people; you reboot the game with slightly new graphics, a smaller world and that everyone begins at square one.

Though it seems nice they allow you to pick a role and then build on it, so not everyone was macroing spells to raise their skill level.

If you're one that doesn't mind dying a lot (PvP oriented game) and losing gear but hardly ever allowed to carry a fancy sword/armor as it will either be stolen or destroyed from use, (hate having a bow/staff fall apart during combat), you might like Darkfall 2.0.

Goblinworks Founder

Thanks for a little more clarity on the action buttons like wielding a holy symbol or spell book.

I was wondering how it would eventually be by learning everything in the game and how they would use them. Think some will be working more to their characters skills before they start branching out. Like myself with the divine and maybe a shield for the off hand and being able to switch to a mace/holy symbol or the holy symbol/shield and so on.

Hmm I wonder what defensive abilities are attached with shield that will compliment my divine abilities. Give me that double support abilities with helping my team.

Heh Greatsword backstabber >.<

*giggles with excitement*

Goblinworks Founder

woot woot

Goblinworks Founder

Trial Run - Delta

Uses Nihimon's word for change and sets up which stage this would be of development, and trial run would still mean it's a test phase with the Delta wording for more emphasis

Goblinworks Founder

Hmm Valkenr

Goblin Bandage Phase
Goblin Finishing Touch Phase

Goblinworks Founder

Quest Completed - Loading Launch

Launch of the Goblin Delta Squad >:)

hehe Nihimon :)

Oh I wanted to go to GenCon it's a state away but I never mentally and physically planned for it he he. My lose this year.

Anyone pick up the Pathfinder comic? Artworks nice and stories something some of you might of acted out while playing the game.

Even had a short adventure and some level 1 pre-made characters in the back.

Now just waiting for the plush Pathfinder Goblin and I'm set for now hehe.

Goblinworks Founder

The models look great.

I would like to see a controlled economy, if you set up your shop in a low population or economical village then that's what you should expect for your profits.

Unless people start coming to you for your skill and you slowly are the reason the town is growing with new npc shops coming in due to your and other PC's actions in that town. Soon as you leave though the town starts slowly reverting to it's original state without your contributions.

Goblinworks Founder

Yeah Hanz that would be something too, war brings an abundant supply of materials to create more soldiers.

Armies moving forward stepping over dead, but fails to notice the army rising up from behind them.

*granted what they would set up for what was needed to do this, and the time all that fun stuff.*

Goblinworks Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The one thing I was always concerned with something like big battles was being a healer and trying to keep tabs on everyone that might need healing.

Some relief was having more then one medic in different groups that was able to keep tabs on their designated group(s). Like me I was clicking everywhere and some games it was hard to do that in the midst of battles without some kind of raid windows to see everyone's health.

Thinking of how battles I can't ponder how much practice it would take to get everything down and done effectively. Saturday - practice drills, sunday - we're doing a mock battle with others. That does sound fun though, and what possibilities of big battles will be like.

Like to know what all these abilities will be.

flank, flank them now!
How do you flank?
Did you not pay attention to the battle drills?
No, I was watching Dr. Who.

Goblinworks Founder

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Brady Blankemeyer wrote:

Content deleted, because it was long.


*giddy a major player touched my post*

Anyways, I never been one that was actively looking for PvP action. The only time was during WoW but that was forced in setup areas designated to do it, which really wasn't thrilling PvP action.

Meridian 59 was my very first MMO that I experienced the PvP action. You were watching dots that appeared on the mini-map and watching them even more when that dot was getting closer to you. They dealt with murder by the person turning red, allowing them to be attacked without consequence. The other thing was the victim had his own revenge with a revenant going after the killer, who wouldn't go away by hiding in a building and logging, it waited outside for that person.

What I learned now was always have a backup, some way to escape if need be. Whether it was a spell, a place you can head to or an item that helps speed your escape.

I just don't want to fight people unless I have to save someone... I want to make friends not enemies.

Goblinworks Founder

Well the way Ryan says it is there, but if all you do is PvP then you miss out on everything else that the game offers.

There are people that are all for PvP; after they had their fill of adventures and started to learn their character then they want to engage in what is more thrilling part of a game. Combating other live characters that don't have preset functions, people that sometimes offer a challenge to you.

So after the first few months of being active you probably won't see a lot of PvP, maybe the small time gankers that hope to win but just end up dying a lot so they make a new person. After those months with people getting gear and skill you probably will see more PvP style action going on.

It's just a matter of how far they can go with it, it's an aspect some want to see and you lose those people if they can't get their fill.

Goblinworks Founder

Like Darkfall and Ultima Online killing people was your way of getting money and gear to continue doing what you do.

The target was considered your training option.

Options of towns and avoiding practically everyone was your only option to survive. I could see it being a lonely world for these types of people as you can't trust anyone because they might be someone coming for revenge on you.

Goblinworks Founder

But if they squeeze to hard... I might pop.. *sniffle*

Goblinworks Founder

If you have beards and long hair then I should have the combat ability to grab them for bonus attack points.

I also want to be able to knock people unconscious, braid their beards or use a dye made with the prismatic spell to color your beard... and no matter how many times you shave it the beard grows back with the same color.


Goblinworks Founder

To think of the traps you could set on a battlefield. Having a wiz/sor casting the web spell in several areas, or mist; just to set up an ambush.

Group is fighting off an army, they know they're losing so they back off and let the enemy follow them. Little do they know that druids have dug trenches and rangers/druids set up snare spell in the area. Trenches could have webbing in them with people hiding below waiting the enemy to come in.

The group backing up had Freedom of Movement cast on them so they can move freely through the impairments that are set up.

With what the game system allows, a battlefield would be a thrilling place to be on.

Goblinworks Founder

Man I miss playing around a table or real-time online gaming with other people.

I would favor the usual racial bonus some have just from being that race, like elves having a better resistance to charm styled spells.

Then having other questions determine possible skill bonus's like if he was raised in one city that specialized in farming; then he'd have a bonus with farming style skills.

Background question might lead that his mother was a doctor in the town so he has a small bonus to healing skill checks.

Was even thinking if there was a background developer if you had a parent that was a caster you might be able to cast 1 0-level spell per day.

Goblinworks Founder

Grumpy-Mcfart wrote:
Brady Blankemeyer wrote:

Metal replicas of Platinum, gold, silver or copper coins.

I just want to say here that including replica coins is one of the few options that would actually obligate me to get a hypothetical CE.

Maps are another.

what can I say? I'm a sucker for feelies.

You can sit and play the game while also playing with the coins just to hear them cling together.

Goblinworks Founder

Usually there's a dictionary of words that are saved that the server searches and decides if it's acceptable?

I agree no special characters and probably popular character names ex: Driz Drizzt would be names that are forbidden for obvious reasons.

Last names would also be where the combinations come into play, you get by the first name part, but continue what you wanted to put in with the last name.

Goblinworks Founder

BlackUhuru wrote:

Give me a giant cloth map!!

The only map I ever needed to use in an mmo was the world map of Britania for Ultima Online 14 years ago.

Still have mine, want to get it framed hehe

Goblinworks Founder

I'm throwing my hat in the ring now (before anyone else, HA HA!!) to offer my volunteering services for when you are looking for them.

Be it E3 2013 or some other gaming expo that you want to show off Pathfinder; I will make it my mission to get there and assist in any way that i can.

:D -- the little helper that could --

Goblinworks Founder

What sells it for me is it worth the money to spend for what's inside. I was going to buy the C.E. for Guild Wars but when I looked at what was inside there wasn't anything that really grabbed my attention. I mean the statue was nice, but that wasn't enough to make me think it was worthy.

Lunar the silver star story game for Playstation had the best insert with it's medallion which made it worth it for me among the bonus music, leatherette hardbound book with artwork and a full-color cloth map. LoTR did it right with their collectors edition including the ring on a necklace.

Some of the options I'd think would be cool to have in it, (not all but just examples)

Exclusive Dice (Crystal Caste) and a small players handbook that has some of the rules that a player would need.

Necklace or even a Patch with the Goblinworks logo.

Cloth Map

Plastic Figures (one each of the basic classes both male and female to use with the PnP game)

Metal figure of a main character

Metal replicas of Platinum, gold, silver or copper coins.

Just a few of possibilities.

Goblinworks Founder

I'd say Alignments, factions are in the game already are they not be it the Thief Guild to the Merchants Guild. You're alignment would probably mean what kind of job you undertake in that guild or your particular actions like he's the generous merchant while that guy will steal every copper piece he can from you.

@Andius - some of those are easily fixed with things like stamina to get past body blockers (ultima online). That's just looking at it as I was able to push my way past them, or I didn't have the energy/spells to get out of that situation.

Npc looting give priority for so many seconds to the killer, unless their grouped.

Healing of an evil aligned - is that you knowingly knew the person was evil (since if we're going with the pathfinder game, you can't tell what alignment a player is till you see his/her actions) or just a friendly person who heals anyone. This go back to Ultima Online where you turned grey or at least had a message saying "this is a criminal act."

The standing in the aoe or jumping in front of a mob to accept the attack instead is tricky I'd say unless it's all or nothing, but with alignment concerns you knew what you were doing in attacking the monster so your alignment shouldn't be held accountable for that person that jumped in the way or stood on the spot on their own accord. I say getting flagged from this would only be concerned if it was a direct attack, no flagging would go on with aoe's or if another person jumped in front (but then i could just attack a mob that's on the other side of a player though too, though a message could say before the initial attack, you do not have a clear shot unless he was my group mate then it goes through them with cover penalty.)

If I was role playing this situation, my character would feel grief for this person being hurt even though they did it on purpose.

A lot of these come down to the views of those involved or watching and how the game views the situation as well.

Goblinworks Founder

I liked my bard who had high ranks and feats for Use Magic Device, so he was practically able to use anything magical. Made him a great support character who had something for every scenario.

The bard is fine and shouldn't be changed, it's all how you play them.

The possibilities of what Bardic Knowledge could be used for in game.

Goblinworks Founder

Urman wrote:
Brady Blankemeyer wrote:
What no gardener contract to water and tend my plants while I'm away ...
Unless your plants are the large carnivorous variety, that's hardly hero work, is it? Let the NPC common folk deal with it.

Whenever you reach Hero status (and who knows when that is or what defines a hero), you can stop gardening... till then git back to work.

Goblinworks Founder

Gelatinous Cubes


Doppelganger - I want to fight myself!

Goblinworks Founder

What no gardener contract to water and tend my plants while I'm away or just someone to keep them alive while I'm off somewhere else adventuring :), or I'm the hot shot wizard who thinks doing that job is beneath me.

Goblinworks Founder


But myself I prefer the engine used in Galahad and the Holy Grail.

Referencing Diablo 3 makes me think of overhead view like Ultima Online and that's not the style I want.
I like the view from my heroes eyes, not acting like I'm so mad god who makes my character run in and out of the lava till he's near death... cackle from above as he whimpers and pleads with me, but I ignore his cries and make him wait till his hps go up to full on their own, then do the lava dance again! I'm not that kind of person... really.

And who cares about the graphics engine! I make my own; I have a box of Crayola crayons near me, and I color my monitor to make it look pretty. Even though he moves and I have to color it again, takes me 3 days just to leave town. It's all worth it in the end, as I'm on my 13th monitor, mom says I'm almost at my allowance limit for the year.

Goblinworks Founder

Blaeringr wrote:
Jeeze, people keep talking about evil here like it's some kind of bad thing...

Evil's bad thing mmkay.

Goblinworks Founder

Never Winter Nights proved that doing it by the book wasn't going to work well. Casters would go through their spells on the first few monsters then have to rest each time to regain them. Least that's in the beginning levels, but can't say it wouldn't happen in raids.

DeciusBrutus has the right idea, casters would become exhausted after casting so many spells and would need to rest to catch their breathe before the next round.

Still have to figure how to do the whole system, if you want to use stamina or spirt (modified by int/willpower I think those should be the main stats as spells are more of a mental drainer then stamina... but then you have Raistlin ) that regain slowly so they can still be of some use in a dungeon. They would have to keep in mind how to hold back or not blow all the big spells in the beginning as it would reduce their stamina. Factors like fatigue, hunger or maybe even diseases would play the part in how fast it regains.

Probably some spells would even slow it down even more with how powerful it is; so you wouldn't be the "Power Word: Death" machine gun caster.

Goblinworks Founder

I'm for losing items from death by some looter. I've been through it with Ultima Online and Darkfall, it's just part of PvP experience. Items shouldn't be able to travel with you to the other side and then back to your new body; unless they had some ability tied to them that allowed this like soul binding.

I do like the earlier stated idea for having to pay back your god from being resurrected.

I'm excited with the caravans so I'm against Fast Travel. The thought of hiring guards and chance encounters with monsters or PC's that would want to prevent the cargo from reaching it's destination.

I'm hoping there are alternate paths to get to a spot, so it's not the most obvious setup spot for bandits. Keep em guessing where and when a caravan might be passing by on that road.

Goblinworks Founder

Hello BraxtheSage :)

Goblinworks Founder

You will be my archenemy then Nihimon... the evil twin!

Goblinworks Founder

we'll get the goblinworks forum eventually, they mentioned one coming. It's going to be super special I bet with them not releasing it yet!!!

Cookies and milk when you enter their new forum... bean bag chairs to lounge on.


Goblinworks Founder

It would be nice to see NPC's going about the day doing jobs and not always standing in one spot chatting or looking up at the sky.

I want to interact with them, follow them around their daily chores and maybe help them. Walk by that same npc the next day and get a wave or a bow maybe even some of the food you helped collect.

Just want some kind of 'life' to the npc's that inhabit the world with me.

Goblinworks Founder

Yes welcome to the new people, pull up a chair and enjoy some brew with the rest of us.

I like that so far everyone here has different avatar icons. Makes it easier to recognize everyone :).

Goblinworks Founder

Hmm I guess my one question with Kickstarter is... do you type in an updated amount or can I just type in a new amount in like $5 to add to my total so far.

Goblinworks Founder

"I just let them talk whilst I commit to my own work, every now and then I'll check and to see if they need anything and let them continue on."

Sengir picks up his backpack and straps it on.

"I think Nihimon likes this engaging talk with our guest here, so I shouldn't try and stop them. It might hurt Nihimon's feelings if I was to interfere."

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