
Bowman Verde's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Seannoss wrote:

And going by the obituaries if you have to throw your 10th level PCs against a marilith to challenge them then you're helping to prove our point.

Just for clarity sake... wasn't meant to be a challenge. I had basically taken the party cleric and put her in the cathedral on paradise hill, then I took one of the tanks and sent him on a solo mission into Mendev to gain the aid of the Green Faith so that Drezen can grow their own crops untainted(His own mythic trial/story line). The remaining three stayed in their Garrison on the far south of Drezen when Xanthir Vang sent his massive army to assault them. The three decided to split up, one floating above the garrison(Magus), one on the roof(Ranger), and finally the Inquisitor inside the garrison. The Inquisitor faced the Marilith alone. Deciding to stand and die valiantly while the remaining soldiers could make it to the roof to hold out until reinforcements arrived.

Was it balanced? Nope. Wasnt supposed to be, the Worldwound isn't a fair place.

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Yes I think many people are failing as DMs, just like many think the AP is a fail. Its my opinion, just as much as it is yours.

There are many different types of players and there are many different types of dms. That alone tells you no AP will ever be perfect.

You can either rise to the challenge and present a great adventure for your players that they will remember or you can fold up, quit, and pout about it on the forums.

Personally I think we all understand by now that some folks don't like the mechanics, and I'm sure Paizo is more then aware of their unhappiness and the problems present. That being said, lets all focus on finding ways to make the adventures more enjoyable, instead of boo hooing on the forums about it.

I am having fun running the game, my party is having fun playing in it. That alone means the AP didn't fail. And I know we cant possibly be the only ones who are having fun. You should never let the mechanics of the system ruin the fun of the game. This is a game based on imagination...use some.

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Name: Sir Magnus
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Inq7, Sor1, Dragon Disciple2
Adventure: Demons Heresy
Location: Drezen
Catalyst: Marilith

Today we lie to rest a great hero of the Crusade, Sir Magnus. Inquisitor of Iomedae, Savior of Kenabres, The Reclaimer of Drezen and the Sword of Valor, Knight Commander of the Silver Talons, Lord of the Silver Dragons, Defender of the Gates. The bards will sing songs of his defiant defense of the Silver Dragon garrison for centuries. His heroic, no mythic, exploits will serve as a guide to those of us who follow in his footsteps, heroes all.

But though we all mourn the passing of such a great hero, leader, and friend. His death serves as a lesson to us all. That no matter what horrors the Worldwound gives birth too, that we will stand defiant, indomitable, and unbroken. For we stand at the gates of the world, the last line of defense from the horrors of the Abyss that seeks to wash over us in a flood of blood and terror, but like Sir Magnus, we will stand defiantly.

The horrors in the night seek to break us, they think robbing us of one of our greatest heroes will demoralize us, will defeat us. But I say it will spurn us forward, we will confront our foes and show them we are all like Sir Magnus, brave and unbreakable. We will stand and we will fight no matter what they send against us. For we stand on the precipice of history my brethren, for it will be us warriors who will finally end this threat to our world. For we are the Knights of the Fifth Crusade, we will heal the wound, and save the world.

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Personally I think calling it a failed AP is a great disservice. Like many have said before the story is amazing, mythic truly makes my players feel uber-powerful.

It's my opinion if you allow "optimizers" to ruin the AP then you failed as a DM. You have to reign stuff in at times. If you let people go all willy nilly then you're going to have problems. I started off the AP at 20 point buy, had 5 players. Inquisitor, Rogue, Druid(Pig Farmer), Ranger, and Magus.

I let my party do their focusing but then I throw things at their weaknesses. The Farmer turns boar form and vital strikes, using a mythic power to go twice. He drops 160pts of damage easy... know what else he does well? Nothing LOL. The Ranger is ridiculous when it comes to shooting demons...but when it is a non-demon he isn't nearly as effective. You can change things up easy and make things more challenging. My party was great at beating things down, but they struggled with will saves and enervation. One Nabasu messed one player up, when I had them encounter 5 of them the party needed a change of pants.

You want the AP to work perfectly you should run it as suggested. And since I have never seen anyone on these forums post a 4 player party, 15pt buy, base race and classes. You are going to have issues. But a good DM is going to be able to overcome them without taking to much away from the AP.

I would understand more where people who complain about mythic are coming from if this were a video game. But I have always viewed the APs as a sort of pre-written guide that I can weave into an adventure for my players. And if something appears to not work properly I can tweak it without my players knowing.

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Fantastic job Thanurel!

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I may be lucky in that my group is a good mix of inexperience and experienced players. And I stress to my players that I prefer good 'characters" vs Good 'Optimizers'.

We are only just staring the third Book, and no one has died yet. I like to put them on the brink of destruction and see if they can pull through the encounters. And I haven't had to use advanced templates or double hp, sometimes ill add 25-50 hit points just so they monsters last a bit longer, but for the most part I just use tactics and crowd control.

My party consists of an Inquisitor/Dragon Disciple, Magus, Dwarf Ranger, Pig Farmer(Druid),a Drow Rogue, and a cleric/fighter (Redeemed cultist of Bahopmet).

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Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:
Good. which kind of horrible abominations she'll been turned to?

Now that is a good question. First do I want to have her turned evil at all. And if I do what should she become? Maybe make her one of the jailers, swap out the Drow and put her in her place. Any Suggestions?

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In my campaign so far I have hinted to the Riftwarden Orphan that his parents were captured by Xanthir Vang and that his mother is possibly still alive.

She is going to be in the prison.

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As a DM I would applaud the player for being creative and thinking outside the box. It is pretty legit and the money is great. But I would also pull the player aside and remind him that though he is rich, most of that money goes to the workers and housing and upkeep. After that Id remind him that there is still a limitation on what he can actually buy with that kind of money.

Be careful so they don't mess with the balance of the game.

Dark Archive

To answer your questions... Yes Radiance is a legendary Item that improves as certain events happen. There is usually a side bar in the book somewhere where it will describe.. "If the PC does this, Radiance gains this.." These are salted through out the modules so basically as the PCs get stronger and do good so will the Sword. Just look for the sidebar boxes. The first major addition is on Pg 21, Sword of Valor.

As far as mythic power, some abilities allow you to recharge some but not all. Though if I recall the post you were talking about the poster was implying making things harder for his players by limiting what they could recharge like a house rule. For you as a GM you can do whatever you want and change up anything to make things easier or harder.

I also read the DR as having to do both for example a particular monster has DR Cold Iron and Epic or Good and Epic... I took this to mean that the weapon needs to an epic weapon that is cold iron or good.

Now I am unsure what makes a weapon "Epic" but my house ruling on it means if it is a minor artifact or greater it can be epic. Radiance is an epic weapon, a legendary weapon with enough abilities to make it a minor artifact makes it epic.

Also note a weapon with a +6 or higher enhancement bonus overcomes DR/Epic as well. For example a +3 Flaming(+1), Keen(+2) Rapier can bypass the DR.

Hope this helps.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

Yeah... I keep a list of names that I wanna use in products. Staunton Vhane was a big bad guy in a game I ran back in college, and when I used that name in Magnimar, I messed up and didn't cross his name off the list. Then used it again, accidentally.

If we do something in the future with the Forever Man, I'll have to decide if I want to keep his name, or (most likely) just focus on his name being "The Forever Man" or the like.

If you want to make them the same character, that's fine, but they are VERY different characters overall.

And yeah... if you're a little disappointed, imagine how I feel about it! :-(

Don't feel to bad I am more disappointed that there isn't an awesome adventure where the PCs confront the Forever Man and chase him to the Worldwound. Having the same name is not that big of a deal cause so far everything in the adventure path so far is pretty great.

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Well I must say I am a little disappointed. I had started throwing around ideas on how he got from one place to the other. Who knows perhaps in my game world they are the same person and he is working on another means of immortality. Perhaps the same knights ran him out of Magnimar, then ran him out of Mendev.

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The way my gaming group works we trade off running adventure paths. Currently we are finishing up Skull and Shackles, then we will run Shattered Star, then it will be my turn to run Wrath of the righteous.

My character in Shattered Star works for the Forever Man, a man named Staunton Vhane who has been in Magnimar for centuries. Is he the same guy in Wrath of the Righteous who led a mercenary force in Mendev and was chased off to Dreven? He seems to have changed allegiance from Norgorber to one of the Demon Lords?

I am sure there is a great story as to how he got from there to here.

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Well looks like she has a brand new skin for her next scarecrow.

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I have not seen this posted anywhere (could have missed it though), but has any DM attempted to recruit the players to work for Vordakai as his new champions/warlords in the world? If so how did it work out? I am considering offering this to my players to see if I can't convert them over to the darkside.

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Wildebob wrote:

How about a dragon? They're kind of a staple monster in the game and I haven't seen even a whiff of one yet. (Granted, I've only played half of RotRL, read some Carrion Crown, and playing in CoT now.) But I thought dragons were the Holy Grail of gaming and Paizo is giving them no love. (I might just not be playing the right AP's.) Are they just overdone for you who've been playing for 30 years?

I'd like to have an AP based on dragons.

There are some dragons and even a jabberwock in Kingmaker

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I know I saw somewhere that it was mentioned one of the upcoming pathfinder Society modules would be taking place on Akiton (the red planet). So all these hints could perchance mean that the Society is heading to the stars in their new arc.