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3 posts. Organized Play character for Ashbourne.

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With PF2e getting mythic characters soon, got me thinking that for Starfinder it wold be nice to have something like that, but for Starfinder it could add new extreme playable species and tech. Also a good place to bring back some old playable species that didn't balance well with PF2e.


After looking over A Cosmic Birthday it's obvious a big part of the playtest is hazards. Many of the hazards can be disabled with skills, crafting being the most common with computers, and thievery being the next common, especially in hazards dealing with technology. Other skills may apply depending on the hazard. Many of the hazards can be disabled through damage but have hardness you have to get through. Dealing with hardness came up in anotehr thread and got me thinking. In the class description there is a section saying "During combat... you" "During social encounters... you"

So my question is During hazard encounters...
what might each class do?
What skills might that class have that would be useful?
What weapons a class has access to might be useful?
Does a class have any special abilities that would be useful?
Useful could be spotting a hazard, figuring out how it works, or disabling it.

Another question is what equipment that any class can use that might be useful for dealing with hazards?


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I was playing Chk Chk in this encounter and thought it was one of the more interesting low-level encounters I've been in. Using recall knowledge to learn about Intimidation Vulnerability felt good. I like that the info gained wasn't just telling the rest of the party to switch damage types, and led to interesting uses of skill checks in combat, that weren't just damage or dice modifiers. I loved that intimidating gave the Skorresh the suppressed condition when frightened to slow it down.

Add to that being able to use the nature skill to make the Skorresh lose an action was great, and then after succeeding at both intimate and nature skill chack managed to drive it off. This is the first time I remember using 2 skill checks in one round of combat that directly affected the combat. I've only played a PF2e a few times so maybe this is more common than I think, either way, it's a good sign for SF2e.

I think it was also interesting that the Skorresh was giving us the frightened suppressed conditions as well, this made for an interesting stand-off encounter, where both sides were potentially less effective in combat.

I'm playing this scenario again as Obozaya I'm curious to see how this encounter feels playing a soldier.


The only untrained action is recall knowledge. If you can't use piloting to drive or fly untrained, what happens when a random groups of players show up to a SFS game that needs a pilot and none of the PCs have the piloting skill? If there are no options for the PCs then either the ship has to have an autopilot or the GM could use a pregen as pilot NPC. That works but not sure if it's intended to be that way when making piloting trained only other then recall knowledge.

Is RUN OVER meant for all types of vehicles to use? I'm not used to seeing starships used against a creature, but this looks like it does just that. I'm all for finding a way to mix all types of combat. if it's not intended to be used that way with starships, the requirements or description could say what types of vehicles can use this. Maybe for starships, this could be used at take-offs and landings.


I see the new playtest sub-forums for each ancestries and each adventures. I don't see any for ancestries?

1: I really like the Barathu heritages that allow you to play at different sizes.

I think that concept could be great for any species that has different stages of life. It would be cool if some species/ancestries could progress through stages of life as they level up. Maybe there could be a life stage trait that could be added to heritages (Life stage 1) (life stage 2) (Life stage 3) that could only progress in order. Progressing through life stages could be optional for players that want to stay at one stage.

"You grow sturdy lower limbs that allow you to walk on land.
Increase your Speed to 20 feet. Additionally, you gain the
Adaptive Locomotion action."
But the Barathu's base speed is listed as: "SPEED: 25 FEET; FLY 20 FEET"
But looks like you already have a land speed of 25?

3: GENETIC ADAPTATION: Overall really like the new version. With the number of ancestry feats, the Barathu feels like an evolutionist ancestry instead of a class.

It is however a huge change to how fast you can adapt compared to SF1e. Taking one day of downtime to adapt makes the 2e Barathu feel like a prepared spell caster. Playing an AP characters have more time in the story to have a better idea what to plan for and opportunities for downtime to use GENETIC ADAPTATION. In organized play many times you only get one chance to use GENETIC ADAPTATION at the start of the scenario with little info to guess how to use GENETIC ADAPTATION. I don't think all the Barathu feats need to be able to be retrained faster, but having a few that could, would be good for scenarios and shorter adventures.


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There is a ton of advice for combat encounters, but what about social encounters?

1: What are your favorite tips, tricks, feats, spells, or other abilities for social encounters?

2: How have the remaster changes affected social encounters?

3: Are there any good options for characters that don't normally have good social skills?


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On the most recent Paizo Live, it was spoiled that one of the new weapon traits from one of the April Fools jokes is actually real. My guess is that it's the Professional trait.

From the Moonwhip in the April Fools blog.
"Professional: A weapon with this trait can be used as a tool for the listed skill. Add the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to skill checks using the listed skill. Your proficiency with this weapon is equal to your proficiency with the listed skill (up to your proficiency in simple weapons)."

Besides the obvious ones like mechanics being able to arm themselves with a tactical wrench, plasma bolt cutters, arc welding pistol, I'm hoping musical instruments/weapons can count as a tool for this new trait to be able to use it with performance skills.

Very excited about this new trait if it's real. Curious how many skills could end up with a Professional: weapon trait.


All the character options in this book stack, and what is amazing is that this doesn't cause any balance problems for SF2e or PF2e for that matter they balance equally well with any game system. It's also fully backward compatible with SF1e!

I love the attention to deal tail to the Starfinder lore this is obviously the work of a team that really understands Starfinder!

The artistic use of white spaces is one of the best examples of great layout in any book ever made!

This is the perfect book to fill the Gap between my Starfinder and Pathfinder books on my bookshelf.


Some repeatables have a set number of encounters with verables for each encounter. Some have multiple encounters and you only play some of the encounters each time. What if repeatable with multiple encounters had the option to play all the encounters as a longer adventure? This could be a fun option for home groups running PFS or for a PFS group that has consisint group players to continue on a different day or have days they can play for longer.

Not sure it could be applied to past scenarios but something to consider for future ones.


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Has low-level play benefited from the remaster? If so how and do you think it's enough of a change for someone that's tried PF2e before and didn't like low-level play to try again?

I just got the Remaster Monster Core yesterday and noticed several creatures had their attack bonuses lowered or special abilities changed in the direction of making low-level play a bit easier.

AEON +9 > +7
LYRAKIEN +9 > +7
GIANT BAT +10 > +9
GHOUL Paralysis > Stench and Forbidden Craving curse.
VIPER +8 > +6

I know a lot of the changes from the Players and GM core have been discussed before but not sure if a list of those changes focused on low-level play has been made.

Horizon Hunters

I have an oracle fortune teller character who reads Harrow cards for a living. I always bring my Harrow deck to live in-person games but with the time limits of organized play, I never got to do a full reading. Normally when there was a decision to be made I just drew a random card and held it up pretending it guided my choice. That's great for flavor but not really using the cards fully.

Normally I play SFS PbP and PFS2e live, but today I started my first PFS2e PbP game and already just during introduction have managed to do a full nine cared Harrow reading, so a bit excited my Harrow deck will finally be put to good use. Now I'm wondering how many readings I can work into one scenario.

How and when do you use Harrow cards in your game?


There has been lots of debate about the physical qualities that are needed to keep the Cantina feel in Starfinder 2e. In Starfinder we deal with lots of different strange species and truly alien cultures, which got me thinking about the Edicts and Anathemas rules in Pathfinder Remaster would be a great way to show differences in species or ancestries cultures and beliefs. These could be broken down further in heritages or even in backgrounds or archetypes as well.

For example, shirren might have making choices as an Edict and mind control as an Anathema, also not showing their private arms. Elves might have removing their mask as an Anathema. These are just common examples from things we already know but Edicts and Anathemas for ancestries could be a good place to allow some really gonzo ideas that wouldn't affect the game mechanic balance. Skittermanders would have the always be helpful Edict and for an Anathema maybe refused to eat with any of their hands that touched weapons in the last day, they might even skip eating if they used all six with weapons. Lot of possibilities for Anathemas and multi-hand use limitation, or just strange customs.

Edicts and Anathemas could be worked into the Society or Beliefs section of an ancestry or the rates and stats sidebar.

Random skittermander thought, how do skittermanders keep their houses safe without locks? Six door knobs that have to be turned simultaneously.


As the title says, how do you plan to use SF2e for your game?

Are you just playing SF2e on its own or mixing it 50/50 with PF2e, or just barrow parts of it for a PF2e game?

Also, do you currently or have played Starfinder and or Pathfinder2e?
Do you play home games or organized paly?


If Battle Zoo can turn Dungeons into a playable character why not starships? Found this linked in Reddit.

Starships as characters .


Unfortunately, Paizo stopped making pawns, one set that would help a lot with ship combat would be a set of asteroids and space obstacles. Anyone who plays Star Wars Armada or X-wing likely has asteroids and space obstacles they can use. If you don't, there's no need to buy the full game you can get a cheap expansion pack that's is mostly just asteroids and space obstacles.

Star Wars X-Wing Never Tell Me The Odds Obstacles Pack .

Obstacles Pack image .

This brings up the question there will be any pawns for SF2e? Even if they are limited to special situations. Maybe space obstacles could come with a space flip mat. Also, The beginner's boxes had pawns, will that continue in SF2e?

NOTE: Although the Star Wars obstacles are useful there's a lot more that could be made for obstacles for Starfinder.


I got curious how a standard starship that fills up a normal 24x30" flip map where 1 square = 5 ft would fit on a 24x30" map using 30 ft squares. So a ship that size would take up 4x5 30 ft squares.

Even if all you do is land your ship on the map, leave the ship, and fight outside of it. Having your ship/home on a combat map will likely make the players feel more connected to it, or at least have some motive to protect it.

A 30 ft square map is also great for making ranged combat matter, mech, and vehicle combat.

A 3 encounter scenario could start with ship combat to get someplace. Use a 30 ft square map when you land, and have to find and fight your way to the final fight. Then use a 5 ft square map for the final fight. Not every scenario would have to be like that but it's a nice option to have.

Something like that could cover all the combat subsystems in 3 encounters. Hope we see something like that in the playtest.


I see lots of new players and DMs coming over from 5e all the time on Reddit for both Starfinder and Pathfinder since the OGL mess. I noticed a lot of them will say they are new to Pathfinder2e or Starfinder and then jump right into homebrew questions. Also a lot of the time it's a whole table switching over too, so not likely to be interested in organized play as much as an individual player.

So I'm curious if other areas are seeing growth in their organized play groups. Sadly the local organized play group where I live recently died out and is gone now, but I never saw many people playing 5e at any of the game stores either. Here Warhammer overshadows everything even Magic the Gathering.


I wasn't around when Pathfinder went from 1e to 2e so not sure what will happen when Starfinder 2e comes out. I'm assuming scenarios for Starfinder 1e will stop being made. But are there any other changes, like will more or all species be playable for free? Or will everything stay the same?


All the SF and PF2e games I've paled in were organized play games and I've never even seen a party that wasn't mixed-level. Most games had a 3 to 4 level character level split. I'm guessing this is more common in organized play than in home games.

From my experience, I feel much safer playing the lowest-level character in a mixed party in Starfinder than I do in PF2e. The 3 action economy and +10 to crit make one-hit knock downs on low-level characters much more common in PF2e

With SF2e in the works, what are your thoughts on mixed parties?
What's your experience with split-level parties?
how well do you think they work?
What can help make them work better?


All the PF2e games I've paled in were PFS games and I've never even seen a party that wasn't mixed-level. Most games had a 3 to 4 level character level split. I'm guessing this is more common in organized play than in home games?

So what's your experience with split-level parties? how well do you think they work? What can help make them work better?


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When science gets stranger than fiction. The description of the Astrazoan they resemble a radially symmetrical starfish with seven limbs. Previously sea stars were thought to be headless but recent research suggests it's the other way around, "far from being headless, over evolutionary time sea stars lost their bodies to become only heads." So Astrazoan might be a lot like Contemplatives.

Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but.


Page 141 of the CRB appears to be offline, the familiar down for maintenance image appears whenever I turn to page 141

I think I see what the problem is, to the lower left of the image it says
Disable Device


I've been reading through Starfinder Enhanced and love the new uses for Resolve points. I know that resolve points will most likely be replaced with Hero points in SF2e. Here are the basics of how the new resolve points work.

"Specialized uses include new ways to use your Resolve Points.
These are split into four categories: defensive, offensive,
transport, and utility. As part of your daily preparations,
you can select one new way to use your Resolve Points per
category. Each specialized use that a character with Resolve
Points selects can be used once per day."

Was wondering if the Pathfinder remaster was adding more options on how hero points can be used, that might be similar?


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25 new grenade types! and it's not just a bunch of new damage types, there are even grenades that can heal now, or give haste/slow, disarm anyone holding metal objects, cause area damage that continues for 1d4 rounds, anti swarm grenade allows for single target attack to work against the swarm. Time to start throwing things!

Adrenaline Grenade

Antiswarm grenade

Balm Bomb

Disintegrator Grenade

Ethereal Bomb

Exploding Crystal

Exploding Ice Bomb

Incandescent Grenade

Instant Aquarium

Irradiator Grenade

Mag Grenade

Maiming Grenade

Mind Scrambler

Multiversal Breach Grenade

Quantum Repositioner

Repeater Grenade

Rubber Pellet Grenade

Steam Cloud Grenade

Stinking Goo Grenade

Temporal Chaos Grenade

Terror Grenade

Thermal Selection Grenade

Time-Delay Grenade

Underwater Grenade

Vibration Bomb


Reducing a Novian to 0 HP basically once per day turns it into a living grenade that doesn't require an action to use, and can be used even though they are at 0 HP. I'd love to see a party of Novians trigger a chain reaction after one of them gets reduced to 0 HP.


I realize we will be losing resolve points in SF2e being replaced with hero points. I haven't been following the PF2e remaster too closely or if having different uses for hero points in SF2e would fall under meta vs core rules, but I really like the new Specialized uses of Resolve Points from Starfinder Enhanced.

"Specialized uses include new ways to use your Resolve Points.
These are split into four categories: defensive, offensive,
transport, and utility. As part of your daily preparations,
you can select one new way to use your Resolve Points per
category. Each specialized use that a character with Resolve
Points selects can be used once per day."

I really like how this lets you prepare for a mission, and spend resolve points to help with that mission feels better to me, than just getting a reroll to try to counter any bad die roll. I hope something like this makes it to SF2e. It would be fun to have in PF2e as as well.


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Starfinder Enhanced preview are out!

new optional starship combat rules .

new species .

Enhanced Classes .


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Witchwarper's abilities like Infinite Worlds, have a lot of similarities to how the drift works pulling fragments of other planes into the drift. Combined with Precog's abilities, dealing with time also having similarities to drift travel. Temporal Anomalie is not a bad way, to sum up how travel time works for drift travel. One possibility is that the Drift was there before Triune, and the first fragments were pulled in by Witchwarper using Infinite Worlds, and Triune was predicted by Precogs. Precog/Witchwarpers may have learned of the drift and even how to manipulate it, but were not able to travel to the drift. Perhaps it was only through the combined knowledge of Triune's three parts, that a way to travel to the drift was found.

If the combined Precog, and Witchwarper class had a connection to the Drift then perhaps a class name with Drift mixed into it might work. Or if it was Triune that named the Drift, keep it calling the class Witchwarper works too. The original Precog/Witchwarpers may have had another name for it and/or did not fully understand what the Drift plane was.


I was watching Star Wars, The Clore Wars. There was another spaceship crash, and Obiwan said to Anikin, who was piloting the ship, "Another fine landing."

So I wanted to make a pilot character that always crash landed their ship, or was just in general a reckless pilot. Someone that can ace a maneuver when it counts but at great risk to the ship. I figured Space Goblin would be the perfect species for this, but it could be fun with any species. To do this, we would need a few feats.

Reckless maneuver: You get +4 on your next pointing check. After that action is completed, a random ship system takes critical damage from the stress of the maneuver.

Push your luck: You get +2 on your next piloting check. Your next piloting check, you get -2.

I got this: As a reaction, you may add +4 to a piloting check after it is rolled. The next time you land the ship, it takes 1d6 points of hull damage, and one random ship system takes critical damage. Once you use this feat, you can not use this feat again until after this Ship has landed.

Risk it all: You get -5 on your next piloting check. If you succeed, you get an extra piloting action this turn with + 2 to the check. If you fail, the stress of the attempted maneuver causes two random ship systems to take critical damage.


Too many choices on how to play. Options are good, I know I play a shirren, but, tonight I thought I'd start making a list of all the places to look for games. The obvious place to look I figured are, here in the Paizo forums, Warhorn, Reddit, and Discord. These are all places to look regardless of how you plan the game, Live Play, VTT, or Play by Post.

I play PBP so I started looking for places listing PBP games first. I know there was a split in the PBP community between the Paizo Frouns and Discord, what I didn't know was there was more than one place on Discord to play PBP or sometimes called PBD.

In the Gameday XII Event PBP table listening in the tier 3-4 category there were 3 tables listed each only have 1 or 2 players, so looks like none of those tables had enough players to start the game. But combined they did, problem being there were all on separate platforms one on the forums and the other on separate Discord channels.

I don't use VTTs but know there are at least 3 That support Starfinder, Fantasy Grounds, Foundry, Roll20, and there's at lest one more in development.

So with so many different ways to play and different places to look for games combined no wonder it can be hard to find a game. I thought I'd make a list of all the places to look but quickly realized there were more than I thought there would be so will take longer to do.

So for now to get started I thought I'd ask everyone where, or how you look for games, and how are you looking to play the game, Live, VTT, or PBP? Do the VTT platforms have their own looking-for-games forums, Reddit, or Discord? Any other place to look I'm missing?


I've never once bought one of the items listed I could buy on my chronicle sheets. 90% of the time, I just don't have enough gold or credits to do so. The rest of the time, it's an item I can't use or don't want. They have been something I would have loved to have but have always cost too much. I looked at one of the items I wanted. To get it, I would have had to not buy any equipment at creation and saved all my gold up to that scenario, and even with my downtime, my income would have been at least ten gold short.

Is this normal? If so, how do you save up to get better items you find?

In my last chronicle, I got a magic item that would be useful and fun t have, but to get it, I'd have to skip getting the striking rune I'd been saving up for. So I'm torn between something cool or something that is just a number to make the math work at higher levels. Never mind, I just double-checked, and the magic item bonus doesn't stack with my other equipment. So back to that, I've never found anything useful I could afford.

Is there something I'm missing, are we supposed to sell off the equipment we can't afford to buy? I don't remember ever once just finding gold in an adventure. Iv'e found more coins on the floor at the grocery store.


I've seen this debated here before, but now some new physics shows that sound can travel in a vacuum under the right condition. Beware of crystals in space...

Rethinking Sound in Space .

More annoyingly, you might be able to hear your alarm clock in space too.


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This is not a thread to complain about the change of editions. This is about the future of Starfiner 1e for people who what to keep playing it. This thread is also about what "we" (not Paizo) can do to make the future of Starfinder 1e better. It's also a good place to list what resources will still be available for playing Starfinder 1e.

First, Starfinder 1e still has two years left, three major releases, and another season of SFS scenarios. So we still have a lot of games ahead before we are on our own.

1: Paizo said they will keep reprinting books as long as there is a demand from them. That's reasonable and good for the short term, but not something we can rely on long term.
2: PDFs will still be available
3: All the rules are on the Archive of Nethys
4: The Mapletable has a ton of Starfinder lore videos on youtube
5: Stafinder Infinite and Drive through RPG will be the most likely source of new third-party content.
6: There is also the StarfinderWiki (not sure how that compares to the Archive of Nethys?)

If you know of more, please list them.

The rest is all up to the player base. So If you want to keep laying Starfinder 1e after 2e is out, what are you willing to do to help keep the game going? Or what idea do you have to help keep the game going?


It's way too early to start talking about what we want for starship combat in Starfinder 2e. We haven't seen the new starship combat options in Starfinder Enhanced yet. So instead, I thought I'd start a thread to talk about starship combat in other games we play and what we like about them, and what from them might benefit starship combat in Starfinder.

To start, I'll just list other games I play are have looked into, and then later dive deeper into them. Please feel free to list what other games with starship combat you play, have played, or are interested in, and share your thoughts on them and what from them could benefit Starfinder starship combat.


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In a recent roll for combat interview with Eric Mona and Thurston Hillman. Mixing Pathfinder and Starfinder was compared to mixing peanut butter and chocolate. I'm dying to know which game is peanut butter, and which is chocolate?


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The entire time I've been playing Starfinder people have been saying this is the end of Starfinder. There seems to be a market for a game completely based on conspiracy theories.

Starfinder has never been its own game and will not be its own game until it's fully sentient and has full rights as a free citizen.

This message was brought to you by the SLF Starfinder Liberation Front.

Dark Archive

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With the announcement that Paizo is looking into new forums (no date has been given yet), It seems like a good time to provide feedback on how to improve Play by Post.

We need a better way to create characters for PBP, the current:

Race = EAC 14, KAC 14|SP 21/21 HP 24/24|RP 4/4|Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6|Init: +1 | Perc: +8|

Classes/Levels = Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 4/4|Healing Channel 1/1| Active conditions: None.

is not intuitive...

The community is not known for lacking feedback. I originally posted this in the general section of the online games subforum, but apparently, no one reads that section anymore. So trying again here.


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So my first starship combat in Starfinder lasted 17 days (play by post) That got me wondering how other games deal with starship combat. So I looked into and or tried several other games. Here is what I found.

I took a look at Star Trek Adventures it seemed like it would be the closest to Starfinder I bought one of the book but never got a chance to play. I found it interesting that some people in their reddit were wishing starship combat was more like Starfinder. But there was something I did find very interesting about their starship combat. If your in a starship combat situation and your character is not skilled in anything useful for it you can switch to playing one of the support crew members during the Combat. This makes sense on a larger ship with a big crew. On a smaller ship that Starfinders tend to use in adventures, it wouldn't be too out of place to have an extra crew member or two or even a second crew (one sleeping while the other runs the ship.) These could be NPCs maybe even some of the pregens or 2nd characters the players make that can switch between which could also act as backup characters if your main character is killed or captured. Another advantage of having at least one or two extra crew members is you would have some one to stay with the ship to keep it safe while the rest of the party goes out to explore or whatever the mission is. Having 2nd characters as extra crew could lead to making characters more optimized for starship combat.

I also looked at and got into playing Star Wars X-wing and Armada. I haven't had a chance to do squadron and fleet combat in Starfinder, so can't compare them to those types of combat. So for games that are nothing but ship combat, I've yet to play in a game where either side had lost all ships, altho it certainly can happen, just not very often. I have all so lost more games to objective points than ship loss, so having secondary mission goals besides killing the opponent can help to make combat more interesting and prevent the combat from dragging on trying to kill all the ships.

In X-wing the games can end when all the oponets ships are destroyed, or you have enough objective points, or run out of turns or time. In Starfinder this could be done by having the enemy surrender or flee after x turns or time, or certain objectives are met, combat doesn't have to always drag on until every ship is dead.

Both X-wing and Armada always use obstacles to make the combat more interesting and challenging. Obstacles can be asteroids, debris fields, gas clouds, and giant creatures that eat starships.

Two ships in X-wing the Ghost and Lando's millennium falcon both have smaller ships that can be launched from them. For Starfinder having smaller ships to launch in combat would make room for a second pilot and gunner giving more players a chance to be more involved in the combat other than in support roles. Having a 2nd PC ship on the table might be more interesting too, and could help speed up the combat.


Two-faced white dwarf star.

Did we just discover Locus-1? The interior structure of Locus-1 is shaped like an hourglass which could explain the separation of the two gasses on the star.


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Today Jim Butler announced among many other things that there will be new forums at some point. So thought it would be a good time to start a new feature wishlist. Might be good to say what current features we like as well.

1: A character sheet that makes sense, the current:

Race = EAC 14, KAC 14|SP 21/21 HP 24/24|RP 4/4|Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6|Init: +1 | Perc: +8|

Classes/Levels = Speed 30 ft |Spells: 1st 4/4|Healing Channel 1/1| Active conditions: None.

Is more confusing than a 640-page rule book with all the page numbers removed.

2: New post notifications, to help keep an already slow game moving.

3: Chronicle integration.

4: An adventure written for play by post, we need a monster stat block with dice expressions, maps, and tokens ready for use. Even if it's just one adventure for Starfinder and one for PF2e. Would be a great learning tool for GMing a play-by-post for the first time. Even if not a full adventure even a conversion guide for an existing one would help.

5: Separate recruitment sub-forum for Starfinder. There are a lot fewer Starfinder games, which makes it hard to find them mixed in with Pathfinder games.

6: Able to play on a phone. I have no use for this but several players I know stopped playing on the forums to move to platforms that were phone friendly.

Things I like. I'm happy with the current gameplay section. Other than getting new post notifications I get lost doing anything with Discord.


What are your favorite Ports?

Any other parts of the book you like?


Vehicles and mechs don't see a lot of use unless an adventure is made around them, such as Red Shift Rally or To Defy the Dragon. Ports of Call adds garages and mech bays as ship options.

1: Do you think this will help make using vehicles and mechs easier for normal adventures?

2: Would having a new starship map featuring a garage help?

3: Mech bays only fit in large or larger ships, so maybe a partial ship map showing the mech bay and loading ramp off the ship?

Having a garage might be good for a mechanic character. Working in a garage on a vechicle cuts prepare times in half. Mech bays do the same for mechs. An empty garage might make a good hang-out for large characters.


I created a thread in the Pathfinder 2e forum titled
Orginal post.

Some in that thread suggested I post it here too, so I thought I'd ask the opposite question here.

Did you stop playing PF1e or PF2e because you like Starfinder more? Or do you still play one or both versions of Pathfinder and Starfinder?


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I just finished watching all 3 seasons of the Netflix remake of Lost in Space. Unlike other version of Lost in Space I've seen, this one sometimes has up to 500 humans lost together. There are plenty of combat scenes. The robots have laser weapons built into their hands, but out of 500 humans, there is only one gun in the entire 28 episodes. Someone had to hack security codes to print it, and it never ends up being used in a battle. Folding survival knives were the only weapons anyone had, other than security guards who had stun batons. One of the main characters is a retired Navy seal, so it's not like there is a lack of training with guns.

So this got me thinking do we rely on guns too often in Starfinder? With the Starfinder Socity motto is to explore report corporate. SFS scenarios seem like a good place for some gun/weapon free adventures. That doesn't mean there wouldn't be combat. There could be unarmed combat, weapons could be found, improvised, or created. In Lost in Space, not having guns lead to lots of improvising to overcome situations.

To do a gun / weapon-free adventure, I think there needs to be a reason or mission where the PCs are not allowed to bring their weapons. Tarnished Legacy: Star Sugar Superstar!!! with a little adjustment easy could be done weapon free. Crash Down, could be to, just change it so that the PCs were sent on a peaceful mission when they crash. Some of the encounters might need to be balanced for the lack of high-tech weapons, or more time given to improvise weapons.

In the first Alien movie, the crew didn't have guns and had to improvise some flame throwers.

So what other Sci-Fi movies or TV series also don't use guns but still have to fight scenes or battles? (in a setting where guns exist.)

What do you think of having some adventures that are weapon free or at least start out that way?


For those of you who have played Starfinder
Did you stop playing Starfinder because of Pathfinder 2e?
Or do you still play both?

If you have never played Starfinder, what would make you want to try?


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Golarion World sounds like fun. Great way to add some Pathfinder to Starfidner, even if it's a bit off due to info lost during the gap. Makes for a great vacation spot. I was glad it was included but wasn't something I was excited about. Until... I started thinking about what could go wrong... Now it might be one of my favorite locations in Starfinder.

I don't think anything will go wrong with Golarion World! in Ports of Call, but I think it will set it up just by being there. I could easily see an AP set there.

What excites you about Golarion World?
What plans do you have for using World?
What do you think could go wrong?


The Skipshot pistol has the Teleportive Special Property.

"Teleportive- This weapon’s fired ammunition teleports a short distance after being fired. You take only a –1 cumulative penalty when attacking outside the range of this weapon."

I checked the errata and FAQ for the book this is in. It seems like it needs an errata or FAQ to define better how it's used. "teleports a short distance" leaves a few questions open:

1: Can it shoot through objects? That seems to be the point of it in the first place.

2: "teleports a short distance" suggests a gap in the range where it would do no damage. For a level one pistol, it has a ranger that's 20 to 40 feet longer than any other pistol. So would it only be able to hit targets more than 20 or 30 feet away? What's the range of the teleport gap?

3: If it can shoot through objects, I'm assuming you would be shooting blind if you can't see through an object like a wall.

How do you rule on this in your games?


We know novians come from dying suns, and there are only so many suns to be found in any one galaxy. If everyone making a novian character declares their character is from a different dying sun that no other player has claimed. If we could make around 3 billion novian characters, the galaxy would be filled with dying suns.

How social will novians be with other species? If you are born from a dying sun, there's not likely much left living around that sun, maybe on the outer plants? Really depends on what phase of dying the dying sun is at when novians are created. Could be other species that adapted to living near a dying sun or borne from them?

Would a dead novian turn into a tiny black hole?

Will novians be natural Solarian? Solarian is one of the classes getting a rework. Could some of that tie into novians? A novian kind of sounds like a living mote of star energy.

What are your thoughts on what the novians could be like?


There's no shortage of playable species in Starfinder, but are there any current aliens in Starfinder that you would like to see upgraded to playable?
Or is there some type of alien that somehow has been missed you'd like to see?

I'd love to see Xaarbs become playable. Sure ysoki has cheek pouches, but a Xaarb can swallow whole medium creatures.

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