Bob of Mage |
Higher range for firearms is only an issue with the later guns. Early gun seem fine to me having such a low range. On the other hand a modern firearms need a huge boost to there range. If Wikipedia, and some simple math, are anything to go by a common firearm of that era would need something 160-200 foot range increments.
Some other things that should be looked at are scopes, bayonets, and rifle grenades.
Scopes are barely covered in Pathfinder. Likely this is due to them being seen as only a modern option. I would say that they could be added earlier if the DM was willing to add a bit more of a steampunk vibe (isanely steampunk if you let handguns get scopes!).
The stat for the scope (found on the Modern Firearms page) just gives you the same thing as havin the Far Shot feat. Now since those bonus are not from the same source won't they stack? In other word no range increment penalties at all. Also it seems you can quick scope since there's no cost to use the scope at all. I find this about as silly as the Touch AC stuff.
There are a few options to fix this. First make using a scope should require a standard action to find each traget. Maybe make a feat or something that can speed it up as an option too. Then change the bonus to something else such as a flat bonus to attacks, +50% range like in D20 Modern, or make it shoot pass 10 range increments. I like the range buff myself since it repersents the fact that with good sights you can hit stuff much farther away and it also doesn't clone the far shot feat.
Bayonets are mostly well done, but have a few issues. Socketed bayonets (found on the Modern Firearms page again) are really the only type you would find for guns. Their biggest issue in my mind is that I feel they should be a bit more like spears. Maybe bump up the damge to a d8, give it 3x Critical, and let them use brace. Not really over powered since they would only get used when the gunner is in trouble. Also some of them might have the option to be used as a dagger when not fixed to a gun.
A rifle grenade is a grenade that is mounted (there are a number of ways) to the end of the barrel and then fired like an over sized bullet. The two main ways to fire them was to use a blank round that just made gas to lanch the grenade, and grenade that were in fact hit by a normal bullet and then lanched by the impact. The second type become more common due to how simple it is to use.
I would say it would take move action to load a round, plus at least a standard action to attact a mount if needed. With a mount the weapon wouldn't be able to fire normally if it also needs to use blank rounds.
Rifle grenade today have largely been replaced by underbarrel grenade lanchers (however all NATO nations have guns that can use this system as do most other nations just in case).
Now since you can fire a much larger round you can have fun with some options:
- Smoke round could work and due to size would not be as over-powered as normal size smoke rounds
- A magic net for capturing things
- Simple a frag grenade
- Something like a modern HEAT round which does major damage to one traget
- Grease spell-like effect
- A glue-like round
- A flare round for filling a dark area with mundane light (can't conterspell a chemical fire)