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![]() Another thread got me thinking about this. Are there any MALE homosexual/bi-sexual protagonists in fantasy literature? I'm sure there has to be a female bi-sexual out there. Female bi sexuality in fantasy (or any genre) wouldn't surprise me all that much (what ever pleases that 18-34 year old male demographic). Has there been any other gaming product that presented a homosexual character in a serious way before Pazio did with Burnt Offerings? Also I was wondering if any players out there have ever played a Homo/Bi sexual PC in a game. And if so how were you received by the other gamers? ![]()
![]() We just finished Sign of the Smoking Eye tonight. 3 sessions, 21 hours. What fun. I had foreshadowed the smoking eye and even adimarchuss, somewhat, threw dreams. The rogue was the one to have the visions and was very curious when it was brought up by Kaophorn. However, they did not trust the sorcerer and shortly after arriving to occipitus the paladin chased Kaophorn off. Eventully Kaophorn used blasphemy and the rogue was banished back to the material plane, leaving no one that was willing enough to sacrifice an ally or them selves to receive the smoking eye template. But they did sacrifice a toad and a squirrel. So they left with out the smoking eye. I'm sure they will be back adventually but all were disappointed by the "failure" of the mission. Anyone else have a group not receive the "gift" of the smoking eye? ![]()
![]() Normally I don't pay much attention to the fiction in Dragon. I perhaps read 1 in 4 fiction articles presented. So I wasn't all that happy to see 3 short stories in issue 344. Having said that I am very happy to have read the stories. Who is Gord? He's cool. I didn't know Gygax could write like that. That was so cool. I want more. And the Princess Arc. What imagery. I want more of this as well. What world is this? A floating city! Wand wielding palace guards! Now I like the Lupin! The wizards three story was alright. I could do with out it(but please include another City's article by Ed). The Paizo staff has done such a wonderful job of listening to their audience. I can only hope there is enough love for the Gord and the Princess Arc articles to continue their presence in Dragon. ![]()
![]() here is Khyron Thul, Bone Knight of Karrnath. Now that im thinking about it this might be a straight transfer of the example Bone Knight in 5 nations. Bro has had eberron books all week as well. Khyron Thul, Bone Sworn LN male human paladin 4/bone knight 6 CR 10
![]() You know how the classes got their own Class acts features (was one page, now two. I like them both ways btw). It would be cool to do the same for campaign worlds. Campaign Classics Corner or something. One or two pages of new info for old and new campaign worlds. Be it adventure hooks, a new class, an update to the time line, an interview with the original authors etc. The campaign classics have been some of my favorite issues (but honestly I like almost everything thats printed in dungeon and dragon), I would love to see a small part of these old campaigns in every issue if possible. Anyone wanna share thoughts on the matter? |