
Bleached Otyugh's page

204 posts. Alias of Sissyl.

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7 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't honestly know why I am writing this. I have left this place, and I have been content about leaving. Still... I just read the stuff JP went public with, and I guess I feel compelled to comment.

It is easy to imagine, as a focused consumer of products from a specific company, that you have a notion about the people working there. You feel that the stuff they produce is great, and they should be good people accordingly. But as things work, companies are companies, and bad things are everywhere. As such, the things JP wrote do not surprise me. There are enough s+&~ty stories about every other RPG company out there to match. Profit margins are hair-thin, people are underpaid... it's what you should expect.

Of course, it might be the case that JP is doing this to enact some form of personal revenge. I have no idea. It seems, though, from the responses that has been made, that she is on point.

However: What stays with me in all this is simply that a union would be a good thing. Coming from Sweden, where unions are everywhere, and have leverage to bring to bear if necessary, it surprises me that the US is so negative to them. A Paizo union would be a great thing for the workplace, and I wish those organizing one success, and all the best. Whether or not the dirt brought up is all true or not, a union will improve the situation of those who work there, which will in turn bring us better RPG books.

Plus, it would make Doodlebug Anklebiter happy.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

This year has been a bloody misery. My mother died in august, and things have since been rather hectic, with work demanding more of my time. When the redesign of this site hit, it took just that bit of more energy that I didn't have to come here. So, I found out now that I just haven't.

It is better to say goodbye than to just vanish. I have left already, but it may of course be that I come back at some point. I would like to thank all the lovely people here for making this board my online home for about a decade of my life.

Party on. Be excellent to each other.

Is it just me, or has the traffic on the messageboards gone down sharply?

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Single female w/ great body, looking for long-term relationship with statuesque male partner. Must like veils and snakes and be willing to relocate to ruined temple in the wilderness.

Answer to I'll make you hard.

(Welcome, everyone, to the recording of a very avant-garde artsy art film of oppressive suffering, unstated feelings, vaguely explainable actions, non-sequitur scene shifts, deep meanings, and long gazes. Do not forget the clash of new and old, death and sex, individual and collective. Just remember: It all has to be deathly serious. Oh, and since this is a French-American coproduction, we speak english.)

A small room. It seems to be a cheap apartment in a big city. The wallpaper is actually a shoddy green, but the monochrome visuals don't let us see that. A slightly wrinkled woman in her forties sits in a cheap sofa, by an equally cheap table. On the table is a book, a rather large, bound one. It is closed. For a long time, the woman sits there staring at the wall. We can see her sweating. She takes up a cigarette, lights it, and smokes. No music can be heard. A knocking sound can be heard, two sharp thuds. The woman takes another pull on the cigarette.

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Found this pretty awesome concept for a Strange Aeons game. My question is, if I want to make it effective, how do I do it? It seems to me it gives up most its power for a gimmick. How does it match up at later levels? Is there an obvious multiclass I want to explore for it? Or, could I keep the concept but make it another class, for which the clearest options would be magus or paladin?

Any insight welcome, but please no spoilers for Strange Aeons.

I got an iPhone 3 along with everyone else. Then I discovered that it wouldn't let me transfer files from it to my PC no matter what I did (and don't say iTunes to me, okay? It didn't do s*$$ after I agreed to its completely psychotic EULA of 75 pages...) which was a deal breaker. So next up was a Samsung galaxy S2. That was a great phone, but it has aged, and eventually didn't have enough battery. So I picked up an S6 instead, inspired by brand loyalty.

That was a cold shower. The first thing I noticed was that I could no longer open the phone using only a pattern, they had recently added the swipe lock in before the pattern lock. And surprise, surprise, the only way not to have the swipe was to use fingerprint lock instead.

Well, I have kept using it, even despite the lock issue, but now they have sent a firmware update that seems to be excremental, shooting down your battery time, adding in apps you can't remove, ads, overheat while charging, etc etc etc., and I have no idea what to think.

For my next phone, which is not due just yet since I did not install the update, what kind of phone??? IPhone remains a no. Easy compatibility to PC is a must. What else is out there? What is good?

Okay... we can all agree that Sweden got put on the world map with the POTUS telling everyone about what happened yesterday... the only question is... WHAT happened? Something nobody noticed? Post your theories! We need some answers, dammit!

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A spinoff from an earlier discussion that touched but did not cover the afterlife. I hope we can all try to be civil, and remember that on metaphysical issues, nobody can force you to believe differently. It eventually boils down to personal beliefs, but what those beliefs are is interesting.

For myself, being a firm atheist, I see very little that says there is an afterlife. Indeed, the findings in neuroscience speak rather strongly for the concept that if there is an afterlife, it is very different from what it is usually described as. See, neurological damage such as a stroke will destroy functions of the brain as brain tissue dies. Someone could lose the ability to form sentences, their awareness of sight, or the ability to recognize faces. And so on. It is possible that there is some core to us that doesn't correspond to areas in the brain, but if so, we have not found it yet. In a very real sense, it seems the brain is all we are, and just as much can be lost.

I see this life as the one I have. When I die, I am gone. I have no fear of punishment or hope of a reward. The rewards, as it were, have to come in this life to be relevant. As a corollary, too, something doesn't need to be eternal to be important. I do not fear death. I just hope that when it comes, it goes quickly, and that my loved ones will be able to move on.

You know the drill. Everything is going to hell in a handbasket, so it is up to us to imagine what may come.

Rules are: It must be measurable (usually meaning an end date), it must be about public stuff, stuff you personally can't feasibly affect, and it can't be happening in less than one week. Also do not make it terrible stuff about murders, crimes, harassment, or the like.

Right, time to start. The price of crude oil will be less at midnight dec 31/jan 1 than it is as I post this.

Who else can peel away the fog of the future?

While it IS an interesting adventure as written, and it has lavish art and is admirably well presented, there is just so much that does not add up.

First and foremost, I know this is not the first time it's been said, it spends a huge number of pages on stuff the players are not even expected to deal with. The three different attacks on cities, and the five different giant lord domains, and you're only supposed to use one of each? For replay value, seriously? This is a serious problem, and compounded by the problem that if you do want them to do more than one, you have a lot of scenarios of identical levels... but the key issue is more insidious than that: All you do in the early parts of the adventure is trying to get your hands on a way to get to the storm giants and the ending. Shouldn't the heroes willing to stand up to the rampaging giants have more invested in the battle?

It begins right at the start. The heroes find Nightstone, and are thrown a great plot hook - the ancient artifact has been stolen by cloud giants! Only those never appear again. Then they find the townsfolk, and one of them asks them to carry the news of someone's death to one of the three towns that will be attacked - in one of the cases, halfway across the world! Please go to Icewind dale! I can just see my players' eyes darken at this idea. But! There is a friendly caricature of a cloud giant wizard with a flying tower WITH A HAT! who will take them there. Well, kind giant sir wizard, maybe you could take us to the ones who stole the nightstone, they are sort of getting away? Ummmm, ooops, I took you to Icewind dale instead, sorry. And so it goes on. As it does, the plot hooks do seem to get better, though.

There are also a variety of bad situations that have not been accounted for. The kindly wizard giant, for example, has a staff of the magi. And then the tower is attacked, at least once by people ready and willing to kill the giant. I really can't see that ending well without the heroes getting the staff and the tower, unless the players are paragons of virtue. Not to mention, "Fifty foot tall adamantine doors, you say? What is the sale price of adamantine this week, guys?"

Next up: The heroes talk to the all-knowing giant oracle. They get the job of going to every single tribal place of worship among the Uthgardt barbarians and dig it up to find a huge giant relic of some sort. What are they supposed to say? Sorry, we just have to excavate your holiest of holy places because some giant oracle told us to do it? Again, this is made easier to travel the massive distances required because they get a flying ride in an airship by a dragon to do it, hmmm. And the dead giant, the good ghostly giant they meet who was slain by his evil father demonstrates his nobility by sending the heroes to assassinate his father in return. Really? Not to mention that this sends the heroes to the final chapter of one of the other 5th edition adventures...

When the heroes finally have their conch, and go to the storm giants, they will die. See, the storm giants live at a depth which means pressure will cause 2d6 damage per turn to all creatures not giants, whales or the like. The conches do nothing to prevent this, and can't be used to get away. *sigh* So eventually they find the villain of the adventure, and they could have to figure this out, but no, the image of her in the book has a great big honking blue dragon horn, if the giant oracle hadn't already told the heroes that she was the problem. Then the storm giant king, arguably the most powerful giant on the planet, is set as a victim for them to rescue.

And then, the heroes are put in a fight they have no real hope of winning, against an ancient blue dragon - only they get huge help from the storm giants so they can still do it YAY!!! Again, that feels like one of the most stupid cop-outs around. If you want your heroes to fight a dragon, let them fight one they can kill themselves, don't put in some mega-NPC to kill it for them, does that sentence feel familiar from any DM tips? Not to mention that if the heroes had been going through all the content in the book, adapted to appropriate levels, they would have HAD a chance against the dragon.

I really, really want this to work... so, help, I guess?

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On these boards, it is something like the height of faux pas to fave your own posts. It simply isn't done.

Now, you can, without looking like you're covering yourself in masses of plastic bling.

This thread is for those who have wanted to favourite their own posts. It is certainly allowed to favourite others' posts as well.

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

The recent FAQ

FAQ wrote:

Metamagic: At what spell level does the spell count for concentration DCs, magus spell recall, or a pearl of power?

The spell counts as the level of the spell slot necessary to cast it.

For example, an empowered burning hands uses a 3rd-level spell slot, counts as a 3rd-level spell for making concentration checks, counts as a 3rd-level spell for a magus's spell recall or a pearl of power.

In general, use the (normal, lower) spell level or the (higher) spell slot level, whichever is more of a disadvantage for the caster. The advantages of the metamagic feat are spelled out in the Benefits section of the feat, and the increased spell slot level is a disadvantage.

Heighten Spell is really the only metamagic feat that makes using a higher-level spell slot an advantage instead of a disadvantage.

is unclear. There is an interpretation that it changes everything about metamagic according to what you write in the FAQ. Which would mean that metamagic rods operated off the new slot level of the spell with metamagic applied. As an example, a fireball (level 3) modified by the Quicken Spell feat (+4 levels) would require a greater rod of metamagic, empower, to empower, instead of a lesser rod as before. Is this what you intended? Or does the FAQ only apply to questions of concentration DCs, pearls of power, and the magus spell recall ability?

Second, the text in the FAQ starting with "The advantages of the..." to the end is unclear as to its purpose. Why was it included?

Third, if you intend for this FAQ to change the rules regarding metamagic feats that thoroughly, would not an errata be a better place to do it?

Just read this comic adaptation of Neil Gaiman's short story of the same name. Beautifully drawn by Moon/Ba, I think their names are. It was time and money very well spent, plus I get a sense that it is a bit more complex than it seems. Also, it seems it is about to get made into a movie.

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Ok, just because this is something I do not understand. "Caucasian" is used in America instead of "white". Why caucasian, though? Is there some major group of immigrants to the US from Caucasus that I am not aware of? Does this have anything to do with Georgia, which admittedly exists in both the US and in Caucasus?

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I can't really understand how it's supposed to work.

Trample wrote:
As a full-round action, a creature with the trample ability can attempt to overrun any creature that is at least one size category Smaller than itself. This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the trampling creature does not need to make a check, it merely has to move over opponents in its path. Targets of a trample take an amount of damage equal to the trampling creature’s slam damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modifier. Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the trampling creature and receive a Reflex save to take half damage. The save DC against a creature’s trample attack is 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + the creature’s Str modifier (the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). A trampling creature can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.
Stampede wrote:
A stampede occurs if three or more creatures with stampede make a trample attack while remaining adjacent to each other. While stampeding, the creatures can trample foes of their size or smaller, and the trample's save DC increases by +2.

Soooo... if you have three aurochs next to one another in a line, they can do a stampede. However... the timing of this becomes insane. Each of the aurochs gets a round, even if these are on the same initiative, they would do their rounds one after the other. They wouldn't stay next to one another. Sure, you could come up with move patterns that would let them stay adjacent, but those will include moving only a few squares per round, not the trampling stampede of death people imagine.

So how does this work?

1. The Cliffs: The next time the character falls far enough to take damage in excess of 2d6 points, she will be affected by a feather fall effect.

What reach does a weapon larger than Medium have, in general?

The game consists of squares 5x5'. But how high is the standard cell? Is a standard medium creature 5x5x5'? Do the rules say? For consideration, the 5x5' square has room to maneuver in, does this also apply to height?

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Regarding the recent thread about Supreme Court justice Scalia's death that got locked, I found parts of it to be interesting reading. So, I would like to try to continue the decent part of that discussion: What duty do we have to respect the dead? How should we speak of someone we despised who has died? Does someone being famous change any of it?

Please, I implore you guys, don't keep discussing Scalia. I understand full well why Paizo is not comfortable with that.

A number of years ago, one of the major financial guys in Sweden, Stenbeck, died. He was in his fifties, and sharply overweight. He was a man with a very rough, rather abrasive public persona. He was, by some accounts, brilliant. He was seen by others as a parasite and an awful human being. What felt very strange to me at the time was that when he had died, long-standing political enemies of his spoke at length of how admirable he had been, how impressive his life's work had been, and so on. It felt mostly like them saying "now that you're dead, I can say whatever I like about you, and it just got safe to praise you now that it means nothing."

Oh, and the Havamal quote is harsher than written in the other thread: "Folk dör, fä dör, själv dör du. Men ett vet jag som aldrig dör: dom över död man.", roughly translated to "People die, cattle die, you die yourself. But one thing I know which never dies: judgement of a dead man."

At last count, we have, um... An umpty-bazillion monsters to choose from, going only by the Bestiaries. And yet, when looking through modules and APs, it is the same critters most of the time. This is not inherently a bad thing. After all, there are only so many monsters you have time to use, and the ones chosen reflect the setting used pretty well.

But from time to time, you want something different.

So what is your favourite? Which little-used monsters have you had good experiences with? Which were easy to build off? Which ones got a place in your setting, and how did they change the place?

Since this morning, schlockmercenary.com has been a "is this your domain?" page. The icon in the tab remains. Is this on my part? If not, it is sharply out of character for Howard. Anyone know what is up?

If you have a seriously, utterly wealthy NPC, say, the king of a huge merchant kingdom, who should have truly astounding access to money, how should you deal with that in game? Not necessarily for fighting the PCs, you know, more like finding out his general capabilities, for things like information gathering, defenses against prying eyes, and the like? The most simple solution seems to be to increase the CR, but at some point that is not going to be enough.

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Trying to avoid further derailment of the Charles Manson has a date. What's your excuse? thread, here is a thread for debate about the love lives of the single (and double) goblin.


Matt Damon!!!

Lissen up youngsters! There's a soggin lot of cultists here on these here boards!

We really need to do something about that! Before they, you know, do what it is cultists do. That never turns out well!

So join me! Take the fight, one and all!

The FFXIII game has six roles, Commando (melee striker), Ravager (magic blaster), Sentinel (tank), Medic (healer), Synergist (buffer) and Saboteur (debuffer). Most of these are pretty straightforward, but I feel the Saboteur has a few interesting points. Most notably, their debuffs cause damage when they hit, and one of their spells lower the max hp of the target (Wound). What this does is it makes it feasible as a real class, able to stand on its own. The Wound mechanic should also be possible to integrate into PF with few problems.

As of yet, I am unsure of what to do with this, but I would like some thoughts on it.

In my group, we have a paladin of Torag, with intelligence 9. When first meeting the Queen, he swore himself to her service. *sigh*

We have now played EoA and SDttG. The heroes are pretty certain that the Queen is behind the plague and large amounts of other wickedness.

So... Where does this leave our paladin? The Queen is becoming aware that the heroes, who did a splendid job of fighting the plague, are her enemies. She has not yet ordered the paladin to do anything but go to Cressida and see what she needs help with, as per EoA. Nor is it likely that she will be able to do so, at least not for a good while.

The paladin thought about it, and considers it a serious problem. For the moment, I think that is quite enough. But actively not obeying an order to someone sworn to you is about as clear cut a chaotic act as can be. Avoiding her is pretty much a borderline case. Then again, obeying a known monstrous evil person's orders is very much an evil act.

I do not want to screw the player over for playing his character. At the time, he had no way to know who the Queen really was. Any thoughts?

In the process of converting a 2nd edition AD&D Dungeon Adventure, I have ended up with a serious problem. One of the villains is a Pureblood Yuan-Ti wizard, powerful enough to cast level 4 spells (at least). I would prefer to make it a sorcerer, which adds up to level 8... and the Pureblood is CR 3 in itself. Deduct two levels because pureblood ends up as "special" creature, and you still have a CR 9 to work with. Considering that the toughest encounters otherwise end up at CR 7, this patently doesn't work. So, is it enough flavour-wise to have a human with serpentine bloodline at level 8?

Second, the adventure has an important location covered in a hallucinatory terrain effect, cast by said wizard. In Pathfinder, the spell no longer changes equipment, creatures and buildings, only the natural terrain. Do you have any suggestions?

Flashes against darkness illuminate a dragon's head. Classical-ish music starts pumping. Two swords clash.
A red haired thief hides behind a few barrels, clutching a dagger.
A stream of darkness envelops a man, and we see his pained face.
A knight is out walking in the woods.
A princess walks through a gate followed by monks, her hands bound.
The knight rushes through a wall of fire in slow motion.
They are torn from each other's arms by monks.
Music calms down. We see the knight staring at the portrait of the woman.
The princess is crying.
The knight hands over his sword.
The red haired thief is playing a set of pipes.
Evil, scantily-clad queen looks evil.
A bird flies.
Music picks up speed.
A huge temple in a thunderstorm.
Fighting. Explosion. Sword. Someone falls into water seen from below. Fire.
Thief backstabs someone who looks evil.

Got this game for christmas. Thought I'd try playing it solo to start getting familiar with it. Set everything up, chose Seoni, and gathered together the suggested cards for her deck, and set up the locations etc for Brigandoom!

Round 1: Encountered a Xulgath at the farm. 9. 1d12+1d6+2 should do it, and it did. Sure, it cost me a card, but that ended up at the back of my deck, so no problems. Feeling confident!

Round 2: Werewolf. Blessing of the Gods out. Seoni gets roflstomped, discards all her cards.

Round 3: Oh well, Seoni has new cards now. She'll kick their butts! New Blessing of the Gods, and the same werewolf! Dammit! Invisibility saves Seoni from a humiliating replay.

Round 4: Seoni encounters a Warlord! This time 1d12+1d6+2 turns out to be 1+1+2, modified by the Warlord to 0+0+2. Another roflstomp. This time, there are no more cards to draw. Death ensues.

Yeah, the game is far too easy. :(

I am sure I missed something or a lot, but man, that was brutal!

In this day and age, we are bombarded with stupid morals in every major movie we see, every episode of a TV series, every book we read. Apparently, the age of the faerie tale is not over. So, with this in mind, I propose a new game thread: Find the moral of the short story presented in the previous post, then write a short story for the next person.


The mighty gnome sorcerer Flim Bocknoggle XVI used his painstakingly crafted silver summoning circle, his unicorn tallow candles, his Book of Vile Darkness and the sacrifice of a flumph to summon a succubus. He dealt with her with all his skill and all his power, and got her to agree to serve him without protesting. Once she let him out of the circle, she did. With tomato sauce, fried potatoes and some fava beans.

And the moral is?

Just sat down to try to compile the stuff that exists about summoned monsters. Haven't included the stuff for specific gods and the like, just Core Rulebook and Champions of Purity, among other things trying to find what, if any, languages you need as a monster summoning class. The results are:

Abyssal Babau, Bebelith, Dretch, Glabrezu, Hezrou, Nalfeshnee
Auran Air elementals
Aquan Water elementals
Celestial Babau, Glabrezu, Hezrou, Nalfeshnee
Draconic Babau, Glabrezu, Hezrou, Nalfeshnee, Pseudodragon
Ignan Fire elementals
Infernal Hell hound
Sylvan Blink dog
Terran Earth elementals

Soooo... if you get Draconic, you get all the bigtime demons and the pseudodragon. Add Abyssal for the bebelith and dretch, then choose if you want to give specific orders to what kind of elementals, and whether you care about summoning dogs. Also note that the demons and the pseudodragon have telepathy, but the rules do not say if you can start telepathic conversations with creatures who have telepathy, so it may not be useful for giving orders.


In the subdomains listing, there is a mention of an "angel subdomain", that does not exist in the writeup. Should there be one?

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The devout red-skinned tiefling from Blood of Fiends. She is... shockingly gorgeous. So glad to see her again now.

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*Sits down at the head of the table, checking to see if any nurses are nearby. Seeing none of them, he scratches his beard and takes out his dice bag and a well-noted ancient copy of Tome of Horrors*
Hey! You guys!
Yeah, you. Come on, let's play some D&D! I got the...
*looks carefully at his adventure, then stretches his arms to see better*
...Tomb of... Ummm... Borrors here. Yeah, you can borrow my dice.
*pours out a bunch of miserably useless dice of severely mismatched colours*
Now, you will need a character, or you can't play! Lunch won't be for a while yet, so I think we are safe for a while. C'mon, a bit of age is no obstacle to playing!

This was an idea put forth by someone in another thread. It's a beautiful idea.

It's simple: Here go general discussion and comments about signs that civilization is degenerating. It is not a thread for what to do about it, merely observations and general comments about such observations.

I'll start: Turns out 64% of all garbage on the streets here is used cigarettes. I remember when it was just 53%. Darn smokers.

Saw this yesterday. Loved it. Even if it isn't a fantasy/SF movie.

Okay, there was a discussion about this series in the RPG Superstar forum thread Feminine wiles. I think it would be a better idea to discuss the books in question here. Considering the nature of the series, again, a dedicated thread is a better idea.

My personal view is pretty simple: It's not the first literary description of an utterly failed BDSM relationship to make high profile. I am talking about The Story of O, of course. 50SoG can't do much to warp the view of BDSM that O didn't already do.

To be honest, though, the writing is abysmal, and my interest is pretty much nil.

As a place to consider threads that are no longer with us, I would like to dedicate this thread to the illustrious history of these boards. The rules are simple: Post a link to a thread you enjoyed, whether you were in it or not, that has not been written in for at least a year. The sub-forum it appeared in is of no consequence.

I will start with What's your current favourite word?.

I have been thinking about this on and off for some time. The fact is that the spell lists of Dungeons & Dragons, and by extension all descendants of those games, are riddled with old, faithful spells that have become the "expected core" of the magic system in every setting for the games. Magic missile, fireball, lightning bolt, invisibility, fly, haste, hold person, charm person, detect magic, know alignment, featherfall, protection from evil, mirror image, mage armor, shield are some of the more classic offenders. I can understand why, they give you a feel of familiarity.

However, sometimes, that's not what you want after a long time playing. I have had thoughts about making a setting where the elements matter far more than they usually do... and I run into magic missile, mage armor and shield. Force spells remain a staple of every low-level wizard's repertoire.

Another consideration is that these spells are often badly written due to not being seriously updated since the dawn of time.

So... what can be done? What happens if I just exclude them? What other spells will take up the slack? Is it okay to do this? Will the price in added confusion be worth the contribution it can make to a setting? Will removing a few, generally low-level, spells change the power level of the various spellcasting classes, and is this a bad idea?

I hope this is in the right forum, and I apologize for the coming wall of text.

I am, if I say so myself, a pretty experienced game master. I have been running campaigns on and off for a very long time now. Last few years, I have done Shackled city, Rise of the runelords and Curse of the crimson throne, with breaks due to work and family taking too much time. I have also been playing in others' campaigns, a variety of RPGs including Babylon 5, Buffy the Vampire slayer, GURPS, d20 Modern, Dark heresy, and some others. I have also run a number of shorter games... but all of them published adventures.

Now, I have felt somewhat burnt out on D&D-like games. We stopped Curse of the crimson throne after episode 2, because I felt I couldn't play it as it deserved. I have played, which has been good.

I set my sights on Exalted. I wanted to make a somewhat simple campaign, start as heroic mortals, then only solars, in the western direction. I freed up time, I read... and something happens. Writer's block, perhaps. I feel like all my ideas are pointless. Most of the time, it feels like there are NO ideas. There is a lot of text involved in the setting, and I am no slouch at plowing through text, but right now it feels like I can't make sense of it.

At this point I don't know what to think. I haven't created for a game for years... but I so want to.

Please, paizonians... do you have any suggestions? I apologize if this is too rambling or personal, but I suspect there are others out there who have dealt with this.

Well this is a fine mess I got myself into. We played the end of Edge of Anarchy, and the heroes were mystified when the queen held an execution - because they had the executionee in their custody. Having hidden Trinia away, they still went to the execution and found that the queen sent another woman to be executed. Cue Blackjack and one dramatic rescue, and the heroes have now ended up with two young women on their hands: Trinia, and another, feebleminded, woman who nobody knows who it is.

Feeblemind is a brutal spell. It is permanent and not removable without at least a level 6 spell (Heal), something that only three clerics in Korvosa would be able to deal with. None of those clerics (high priests of Asmodeus, Abadar and Pharasma) are people the PCs want to talk to about this, considering the delicate situation.

Thus, they sent the women off into the countryside, but one day they will solve the issue by casting that spell, and I will be faced with a woman the queen found in the dungeons of the castle. Anyone have a suggestion as to who this might be? Any way to tie this woman to the plotline?

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