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29 posts. Alias of Crimson Jester.

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The Exchange

Ducks: The Durulz of the Keetland AKA Keets
Monsterous Humanoid 3 rp
Medium 0 rp
Slow Speed -1 rp
Standard (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis)0 rp
Standard 0 rp

Offense Racial Traits
Sky Sentinel (3 RP)

Movement Racial Traits
Vestigial Wings (2 RP)
Swim (2 RP)

Total 9 rp

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why waste your vote?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Paris Crenshaw who has added things to Clockwork Gnome Publishing and our very own journal the Wayfinder is doing a membership push. So, if you are on facebook come over and give him a like. He is running a membership drive and will be producing some quality schwag if he gets his membership high enough. Plus you get a say in the design of the freebie product.

The Exchange

Just what the title says, name your top ten comic book super heroes. I have seen several lists and they tend to be all over the place. Superman, Batman, Spawn, and Spider-man all seem to make the list each time. Others seem to vary. Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Captain America, Silver Surfer, and the Punisher tend to be on most lists. Whats your top ten?

The Exchange

TV star Andy Griffith has died

The Exchange

You know it's weird, we have a 3.X forum, a 4th/potential 5th edition forum, and a Other games Forum {excludes all things D&D} but no 1st/2nd edition forum or even OSR forum.Perhaps it is time to rename the forums a bit. Say D&D of days gone past and D&D current editions? I am sure someone can come up with a better idea than mine.

I was just wanting to ask a few questions of the older versions of the game and we have no real place to put the threads.

The Exchange

Wikipedia English Language Blackout

The Exchange

You will not believe.

So basically Action comics #1 found in a storage locker after auction, was sold for over 2 million.

The Exchange

I have been thinking of re-skinning the main races to give a different feel for the game.

Humans - would remain untouched but have about 3 cultures. All of which are barbaric or northern aspected. In Golarian terms think Irrisen, Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. With just a touch of Numeria and Varisia thrown in for good measure.

Dwarves - would be humans bred to be small and stocky for hard labor. They would be tied into one of the three aforementioned cultures.

Half-Orcs - Would be degenerate or bestial men. Those that have lived in seclusion so long that they are now deformed and almost de-evolved.

Elves - would be known as Easterlings. Men from the far realms who have modified themselves by deep connections to ancient magics. More Vudra than Minkai.

Half-Elves - Will be known as the Reborn. undead brought to life by the use of positive energy magic, through strange rituals. Their culture is connected to that of the Easterlings.

Halflings - would be Satyr. A strange arcanely modified race. Some scholars think they were woodland creatures given sentience and anthropomorphism by an ancient archmage. Think small sized Tieflings.

Gnomes - Elves, more in kin to leprechauns, brownies and such and keeping the strange hair and connection to the feyrealms.

So any suggestions?

The Exchange


The Exchange


The Exchange

The famous character Sanjûrô was in 4 films?

1961's Yôjinbô aka Yojimbo
1962's Tsubaki Sanjûrô aka Sanjuro
1970's Zatôichi to Yôjinbô aka Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo which in turn was one of around 20 - 30 Zatoichi films, which are still being made.
1970's Machibuse aka The Ambush: Incident at Blood Pass

The character and stories have been copied several times most notably by Clint Eastwood as the "Man with no Name" but was in fact copied from an American book The Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett.

The Exchange


Karl Slover, actor who played trumpeter Munchkin in ‘The Wizard of Oz,” dies at 93 in Ga.

You know it is good thing that the movie was not done today, there would be 5 crappy sequels by now.

The Exchange

The Many Ways Muhammad Ali Messed With Joe Frazier's Head

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very cool, I did not see another thread on this.

The Exchange

Yes he is old as the hills now. Yes he has not really been in many movies lately. But I was inspired by this old thread and I for one would like to see it. Just one more time.


Dirty Harry one more time vs. any villian
"GO AHEAD Mr. Eastwood, Make OUR DAY!"

Harry Callahan as an old fart with a big gun sitting on his porch shooting at the criminals.

What a movie it would make.

OK, OK maybe not on his porch, maybe as the old detective asked about that one case that got away.

The Exchange

Live-action role players conjure up a demon from hell by mistake and must deal with the consequences.

Of the Credited cast:
Peter Dinklage ... Hung
Ryan Kwanten ... Joe
Summer Glau ... Gwen
Jimmi Simpson ... Ronnie Kwok
Steve Zahn ... Eric
Margarita Levieva ... Beth
Danny Pudi ... Lando
Michael Gladis ... King Diamond

The Exchange

I heard there was a party?

Dark Archive

Relax it is only politics.

The Exchange

So what would you make as a pathfinder based on concepts from the Avengers?

Thor - Fighter
Iron Man - Cavalier/Alchemist
Ant-Man - Wizard
The Wasp - Sorcerer
Hulk - Barbarian
Captain America - Paladin/Monk
Hawkeye - Ranger
Quicksilver - ???
Scarlet Witch - Witch [D'uh]
Swordsman - Fighter
Hercules - ??
Black Panther - Monk
Black Knight - Cavalier
Wonder Man - ??
Vision - Magus
Doctor Druid - Druid/Wizard

The Exchange

6,775,235,700 - current, and counting
5,978,000,000 - 1999
978,000,000 - 1800
682,000,000 - 1700
580,000,000 - 1600
458,000,000 - 1500

Just mind boggling when you think of it. Could the numbers in the past maybe be wrong? Some one is always saying that such and such scientist possibly has under estimated how many people were in such and such region. Or some historian is always saying that the notes listed of the past were greatly exaggerated, unless archeological find show otherwise, which they seem to often do. Even then the numbers are staggering. The estimates are even larger. 9,746,000,000 by 2150 barring disasters or wars. Yet we cut funding for space exploration? Where do we think we will put everyone?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is all Sebastian's fault.

The Exchange

And the award goes to............

The Exchange

Could be.

The Exchange

Aren't they all?

The Exchange


The Exchange

Get to the point!

The Exchange

I would like to think so.

The Exchange

No I am not restating it!

The Exchange

Found a way to have the PC's actually immersed in the game world and not worrying about what their build will be in 3 levels let alone 20th?

The Exchange

Simple as that, if you were in charge what would you change?

I for one would officially retire characters. Some of them are just dead. It has been years. They have been replaced.

The Exchange



1. A ball of twine in Cawker City measures over 38' in circumference and weighs more than 16,750 pounds and is still growing.
2. A grain elevator in Hutchinson is 1/2 mile long and holds 46 million bushels in its 1,000 bins.
3. South of Ashland the Rock Island Bridge is the longest railroad bridge of its kind. It measures 1,200 feet long and is 100 feet above the Cimarron River.
4. At Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine waterbeds for horses are used in surgery.
5. Kansas won the award for most beautiful license plate for the wheat plate design issued in 1981.
6. Dodge City is the windiest city in the United States.
7. At one time it was against the law to serve ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas.
8. The first woman mayor in the United States was Susan Madora Salter. She was elected to office in Argonia in 1887.
9. The first black woman to win an Academy Award was Kansan Hattie McDaniel. She won the award for her role in "Gone with the Wind."
10. Kansas inventors include Almon Stowger of El Dorado who invented the dial telephone in 1889; William Purvis and Charles Wilson of Goodland who invented the helicopter in 1909; and Omar Knedlik of Coffeyville who invented the first frozen carbonated drink machine in 1961.
11. Smith County is the geographical center of the 48 contiguous states.
12. Amelia Earhart, first woman granted a pilot's license by the National Aeronautics Associate and first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean was from Atchison.
13. Dwight D. Eisenhower from Abilene was the 34th President of the United States.
14. Silent comedian Buster Keaton, of early film success, was from Piqua, Kansas.
15. The three largest herds of buffalo (correctly called bison) in Kansas are located on public lands at the Maxwell Game Preserve (McPherson), Big Basin (Ashland), and Buffalo Game Preserve (Garden City).
16. Fort Riley, between Junction City and Manhattan, was the cradle of the United States Cavalry for 83 years. George Custer formed the famed 7th Cavalry there in 1866. Ten years later, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, the 7th was virtually wiped out. The only Cavalry survivor was a horse named Comanche.
17. Wyatt Earp, James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok and William B. "Bat" Masterson were three of the legendary lawmen who kept the peace in rowdy frontier towns like Abilene, Dodge City, Ellsworth, Hays, and Wichita.
18. The public swimming pool at the Lee Richardson Zoo in Garden City occupies half a city block and holds 2 1/2 million gallons of water.
19. Cedar Crest is the name of the governor's mansion in Topeka, the state capital.
20. Barton County is the only Kansas County that is named for a woman; the famous volunteer Civil War nurse Clara Barton.
21. The Arkansas River may be the only river whose pronunciation changes as it crosses state lines. In Kansas, it is called the Arkansas (ahr-KAN-zuhs). On both sides of Kansas (Colorado and Oklahoma), it is called the Arkansaw.
22. Civil War veteran S.P. Dinsmoor used over 100 tons of concrete to build the Garden of Eden in Lucas. Even the flag above the mausoleum is made of concrete.
23. Handel's Messiah has been presented in Lindsborgeach at Easter since 1889.
24. A monument to the first Christian martyr on United States Territory stands along Highway 56 near Lyons. Father Juan de Padilla came to the region with the explorer Coronado in 1541.
25. Hutchinson is nicknamed the Salt City because it was built above some of the richest salt deposits in the world. Salt is still actively mined, processed and shipped from Hutchinson.
26. There are 27 Walnut Creeks in the state.
27. There are more than 600 incorporated towns in the state.
28. Morton County sells the most trout fishing stamps of all the Kansas counties.
29. Fire Station No. 4 in Lawrence, originally a stone barn constructed in 1858, was a station site on the Underground Railroad.
30. The Hugoton Gas Field is the largest natural gas field in the United States. It underlies all or parts of 10 southwestern Kansas counties as well as parts of Oklahoma and Texas. The gas field underlies almost 8,500 square miles, an area nearly 5 times as large as the state of Rhode Island.
31. The Kansas Speleological Society has catalogued at least 528 caves in 37 Kansas counties. Commanche County has at least 128 caves and Barber County has at least 117 caves.
32. Kansas has the largest population of wild grouse in North America. The grouse is commonly called the prairie chicken.
33. Milford Reservoir with over 16,000 acres of water is the state's largest lake. The reservoir is located northwest of Junction City.
34. The Geodetic Center of North America is about 40 miles south of Lebanon at Meade's Ranch. It is the beginning point of reference for land surveying in North America. When a surveyor checks a property line, he or she is checking the position of property in relation to Meade's Ranch in northwest Kansas.
35. In Italy the city of Milan is 300 miles northwest of Rome. In Kansas, Milan is less than 25 miles northwest of Rome, in Sumner County.
36. Between 1854 and 1866, 34 steamboats paddled up the Kaw River (Kansas River). One made it as far west as Fort Riley.
37. In 1990 Kansas wheat farmers produced enough wheat to make 33 billion loaves of bread, or enough to provide each person on earth with 6 loaves.
38. Holy Cross Shrine in Pfeifer, was known as the 2 Cent Church because the building was built using a 2 cent donation on each bushel of wheat sold by members of the church.
39. Kansas produced a record 492.2 million bushels of wheat in 1997, enough to make 35.9 billion loaves of bread.
40. The American Institute of Baking is located in Manhattan.
41. A 30 foot tall statue of Johnny Kaw stands in Manhattan. The statue represents the importance of the Kansas wheat farmer.
42. The graham cracker was named after the Reverend Sylvester Graham (1794-1851). He was a Presbyterian minister who strongly believed in eating whole wheat flour products.
43. The rocks at Rock City are huge sandstone concretions. In an area about the size of two football fields, 200 rocks, some as large as houses, dot the landscape. There is no other place in the world where there are so many concretions of such giant size.
44. George Washington Carver, the famous botanical scientist who discovered more than 300 products made from the peanut, graduated from high school in Minneapolis in 1885.
45. The First United Methodist Church in Hutchinson was built in 1874 during the time of the grasshopper plagues. The grasshoppers came during the construction of the churches foundation but the pastor continued with the work. As a result, thousands of grasshoppers are mixed into the mortar of the original building's foundation.
46. A hailstone weighing more than one and a half pounds once fell on Coffeyville.
47. The Oregon Trail passed thru six states, including Kansas. There were no Indian attacks reported on the Oregon Trail as the travelers passed through the state.
48. Russell Springs located in Logan County is known as the Cow Chip Capital of Kansas.
49. The world famous fast-food chain of Pizza Hut restaurants opened its first store in Wichita.
50. Sumner County is known as The Wheat Capital of the World.

The Exchange

Has anyone ever cored the rules down, so that they are not using every single option?

Say less Classes and or Races?

Or maybe removing a lot of Feats/Talents?

If so how well did that work for you?

The Exchange

James Arness, 1923-2011

The Exchange

Via How stuff works

10. Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity when his kite was struck by lightning in 1752. In fact, electricity was already well known at the time. Instead, Franklin was trying to prove the electrical nature of lightning.

During a thunderstorm, as Franklin flew a silk kite with a metal key near the end of the string, he noticed the fibers on the line standing up as though charged. He touched the key and felt a charge from the accumulated electricity in the air, not from a lightning strike. This was enough evidence to prove his theory that lightning was electricity.

Had the kite been struck by lightning, Franklin would likely have been killed as was Professor Georg Wilhelm Richmann of St. Petersburg, Russia, when he attempted the same experiment a few months later.

The Exchange

And no one Smurfy cares.

Lighten up Francis


How long till these threads stop being funny?

The Exchange

Story of note

this was from Mar 17th 2011, I am just now seeing this.

When no one was looking, Lex Luthor

took forty cakes. He took 40 cakes.

That’s as many as four tens.

And that’s terrible.

Consensus of US Presidents.
Note current President not included.

Top Ten:
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Teddy Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Harry S Truman
Dwight D Eisenhower
Andrew Jackson
James K Polk

Bottom Ten:
George W. Bush
Zachary Taylor
John Tyler
Ulysses S. Grant
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
Andrew Johnson
Warren G. Harding

Any other great Top tens or bottom tens?

It is the Law!

Yeah you read that right. What do you think your going to do about it?

The Exchange

Any chance someone has done an update to say The Wizards Amulet and/or Crucible of Freja? If so I would love to see it. If not I may have to do it myself, is there any interest if I were too?

Let it be!

The Exchange

Why not?

This was inspired by another thread.

Previously, I certainly considered myself nationalistic. I served my country by purchasing stuff. I even watched a number of bad TV shows on Military Intelligence, which I expect, would have an even higher number of people with a strong sense of nationalism. After all, you must be willing to watch things which can, sometimes, be considered morally questionable (soft core and all that it entails) by merit of believing your side is in the right.

As I have gotten older, I have wondered if nationalism is all it is cracked up to be.

Nationalism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles. --Sum dude.

It seems a common theme in some circles to somehow suggest an opponent is inferior by questioning their Nationalism. "Why do you hate New Jersey?" This accusation often times has little to no relevance to the issue or the particular stance on that issue.

Besides, it seems to me possible one could be unnational without hating one's country. One could feel that no one country is above the others.

What exactly does Nationalism not mean and why is it something to strive not for?

fart in public and blame it on the pony.

The Exchange

Number 49

Need to find a scene from your favorite film? With more than 12,000 film snippets, Movieclips has one of the most comprehensive collections available on the Web — and there's no need to wade through duplicates.

Here is where we can have discussions about the game OOC without taking up room on the game thread.

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