Blakeg's page

Organized Play Member. 37 posts (124 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 31 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.



logsig wrote:
Blakeg wrote:
I feel strongly that they should allow more online lodges to qualify as RSP supported locations. [...] it really feels like Paizo is picking and choosing winner Discords

RSP status is not determined by Paizo. Your Regional Venture-Coordinator is the person that approves all requests for RSP in your region. Speak to your local VO if you have questions about this or other aspects of policy in your region.

To me that's kind of the issue given online play is often NOT regionally based? I play with people all over the world and the whole regionally based rewards for playing online seems like it could use an overhaul?

I understand that the VCs/VO's determine the RSP status but ultimately it IS determined by Paizo because Paizo off-loads that part of the programs/society play TO the VCs/VO's so presumably Paizo could ultimately influence how the RSP status is determined/distributed.

My point is that why not treat all DM'ing equal in an effort to get more people to DM if that's the ultimate goal?

I understand wanting to offer incentives for people running cons or special events but that's not how the RSP system is working on a daily basis when it's applying to daily play as well.


I filled out the survey.

That said since I filled it out, they released the SFS and PFS GM boons for 2024 and I feel strongly that they should allow more online lodges to qualify as RSP supported locations.

I run on the discord where I started playing SFS and PFS and to me it FEELS like GM's are getting penalized for having loyalty to a discord because we're getting 25% less ACP and half as many boxes checked than other online lodges.

The reality is that most games for PFS/SFS that I see are firing off daily based on warhorn and not based on the discord that is chosen to host the voice chat.

I fully understand that RSP support is designed to be a bonus but from a GM point of view it really feels like Paizo is picking and choosing winner Discords instead of just rewarding GM's for GM'ing.

I could easily run on some of the more populated discords for the RSP supported benefits but I choose to support the discords where I started.

Is it the biggest issue facing new GM's? Obviously not, but putting in effort and then realizing if you GM'd for a different discord you'd get 25% more ACP and then twice as many checkmarks on the boons leaves a weird after taste.

I'll still fill out both the SFS and PFS boons this year but if the overall goal is to promote new GM's and more GM's I feel this small change could encourage people to run on the discords of their choice.


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I'm in the DC area and can't find any local games to save my life.

The local game stores pretty much only offer D&D and MTG, it's a real shame because the NOVA/DC area is over 3.16 million people in an extremely dense region.

I tried reaching out to the RVO but never heard back and the only games firing off are a good 45 minute drive.

It's weird to me that there isn't a bigger push for PFS/SFS in our area given the demographics.

Thankfully online gaming fills that itch fairly well especially if you're a night owl..


Errenor wrote:
Blakeg 32 wrote:
That said it's not so much as adding a restriction that hunt prey doesn't have. It's the fact that being blind doesn't explicitly say it removes imprecise senses for hearing. Which means everything is hidden to you. Which means you don't know what square it's in.

Hidden means you DO know what square creature's in.

Also you don't even need to have a creature present to Hunt Prey it. 'You must be able to see or hear the prey, or you must be tracking the prey during exploration.' Even just tracks are enough, and when you hear it you definitely don't need to make any checks. Talking RAW, the action doesn't have a Target. Or sensory tags. So your GM simply ruled wrong even without talking about blind circumstance.

Thanks, good to know.

Now on to the trickier stuff like Exploration activities, can blind PC's search/track/scout?

None of them have a Visual tag, I just realized the only one that actually has a visual tag is Follow the expert.

I think that solves most of the issues we ran into, will book mark this if it comes up again.


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Also noteworthy is that you have to pick one defensive, one offensive, one transport, and one utility each day and you can use each option ONCE per day.

I will say that the extra move action has already saved my characters more than once. The initiative ones are awkward because I typically remember I have it AFTER initiative is rolled (I sometimes forget it exists)

I do enjoy using the extra move action on my envoy to allow me an extra targeted intimidate or move or w/e I need when I'm not using a full attack but need 2 moves and a standard.


Doug Hahn wrote:

In the heat of the moment GMs don't always make the best call especially when it comes to unique PFS house rules.

The Guide should strongly enjoin players who want to roleplay disabilities to communicate with GMs/VOs ahead of time so everyone is on board from a mechanical and sensitivity standpoint. Show up early with a printout of the rule, email them with a link to the rule, etc.

Your read on things looks correct to me except I believe you need that flat check every single time you target the creature, not just once, and not for "every single action" (some actions may not require targeting).

Thanks, the funny thing is I did bring up the fact that he's blind and a cursory reading of the rules it seems pretty straight forward...

Until it came time for exploration activities and then the first combat.

I understand the flat check for targeting the creature/attacking/what have you and maybe hunt prey is a bit of an edge case but it feels like the blind rules could be a bit more clear when it comes to stuff that doesn't necessarily rely on vision.

There will always be some dm fiat and table variation but I didn't realize just how many of the mechanics become grey areas that the PFS doesn't really address when someone is actually playing a blind character.

Even a small "Blind PC's from birth can engage in any skill or activity that doesn't 100% rely on visual would drastically clear up a lot of the rules


So this actually came up in a game today where I decided to play a blind Ranger.

The rules seem fairly straight forward but we had a LOT of issues come up in actual game play.
The PFS Blind rules:
Characters that are blind from birth or are otherwise permanently sightless cannot detect anything using vision.
They automatically critically fail any Perception checks based on vision, are immune to visual effects, and can’t be blinded or dazzled.
Blind characters who either can’t or choose not to remove their blindness hone their other senses.
They are not flat-footed to creatures that are hidden from them (unless they’re flat-footed to them for reasons other than the hidden condition)
they need only a successful DC 5 flat check to target a hidden creature.
Normally, such characters can’t remove their blindness later; if they somehow do, they lose these benefits

When it came time to track something the GM said I couldn't track using my ranger, even with his animal companion guiding him. Nothing in the survival rules use visual.

When it came to combat I was required to roll a flat check to spot the creature to Hunt Prey even though it says "See OR hear" the creature.

GM ruled that hearing is an imprecise sense so even with the blinded PFS rules you can't use Hunt Prey without rolling the flat check even though it says "see or hear".

Is there any clarification on how blind interacts with non-visual abilities? I thought stuff like hunt prey would work because it says "see or hear" but the GM disagreed and said I still had to know where the creature IS.

Can blind PC's flank if they haven't rolled a DC 5 flat check? Is the DC 5 flat check for every action he takes against an enemy or just the first action?

Even saying hearing becomes precise for anything not requiring visual would make being blinded not as unusable as it is as written or without a lot of DM fiat.


Thanks, I guess bringing your shark along was too much to ask for.

I can't be the only one to see the item and wonder though.... maybe they'll fix this obvious problem in the remaster :D

In the Lost Omens Travel Guide it lists the prices for the Tank (Stationary) and Tank (Traveling) and both on the aonsrd and in the book there is no description or rules for either.

I'm mainly wondering how or if they're applicable to Society play?

Per the sanctioning guidelines they should be available since they're common but they don't have a description, dimensions, or what the tank can hold.

Hypothetically if a druid shows up to a table with a shark in a traveling tank and hypothetically shoves the enemy into the tank would he be able to feed his friend?

Would he need to be a wrestler and somehow arc the throw?

Hungry sharks would like to know.

Alternatively I'm open to solutions involving the shark getting a laser beam attached.


arcaneArtist wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Blakeg wrote:
Was there a reason Pathfinder characters get a free rebuild while those of us that also play starfinder had to spend 50 ACP to rebuild with the enhanced rules and didn't get a free rebuild
Because changes/updates to the core engine of a system must be treated differently than the release of a new rulebook. We don't offer free rebuilds when a new druid order is released.
while it is certainly true that the enhanced classes are less expansive of a change than the remaster, the enhanced book specifically uses the following phrase in reference to the enhanced classes
Starfinder Enhanced, pg. 8 wrote:
they are intended to function as strict upgrades, and will be considered the baseline for those classes going forward.

which to me makes them sound like they are a bit more than just new character options.

perhaps if free rebuilds are off the table, then characters with levels in the relevant classes could instead be given the option to add just the new mechanics from the enhanced version (without making any other changes to their build) either for free or at a lower ACP cost via a more specialized boon?

not trying to start an argument, mostly just hoping to better understand the current official position and as to me the comparison being made doesn't quite match up.

Thanks for chiming in, I really feel the enhanced book is more than just a new rulebook especially with the way they wrote out envoy/Solarian as almost a new class.

It'd be one thing if it was just more improvisations/abilities to pick from like most of the other classes.

I took one look at envoy and was debating whether I could knowingly play the regular envoy compared to what the new enhanced envoy offers and decided that it was a significant change in abilities to warrant rebuilding. I literally just spent 50 ACP the other day to rebuild my envoy and meanwhile they announce the remaster gets ALL PFS characters a free rebuild.

I understand that the remaster is going to be more comprehensive for PFS and the response does shed some light on the decisions made.

I just hope they at least lower the price to play Novians before the end of SF 1 :D


reevos wrote:
Blakeg wrote:

Was there a reason Pathfinder characters get a free rebuild while those of us that also play starfinder had to spend 50 ACP to rebuild with the enhanced rules and didn't get a free rebuild?

I understand that the remaster might be more in-depth than the SF enhanced was but that makes it almost worse that we were told to just rebuild the character if we wanted to use the new SF enhanced rules..

I understand it is what it is but it put me 50 ACP away from playing Novians and that's like, the worst.

As recompense feel free to make the Novians free! >.<

Probably because you can make new non-enhanced characters and enhanced is only an option

Sure but you don't "have" to rebuild any characters in PF either just like you don't "have" to rebuild an envoy into enhanced envoy.

Yet PF gets a free rebuild while SF doesn't even though arguably an envoy pre-enhanced is a lot less powerful than an enhanced envoy.

I just wish SF got the same free rebuild love especially since SF 2.0 is coming out eventually.


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Was there a reason Pathfinder characters get a free rebuild while those of us that also play starfinder had to spend 50 ACP to rebuild with the enhanced rules and didn't get a free rebuild?

I understand that the remaster might be more in-depth than the SF enhanced was but that makes it almost worse that we were told to just rebuild the character if we wanted to use the new SF enhanced rules..

I understand it is what it is but it put me 50 ACP away from playing Novians and that's like, the worst.

As recompense feel free to make the Novians free! >.<

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Mark Stratton wrote:
Tribal Lion wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
kcunning wrote:
Wait wait wait wait, what are "interactive" scenarios? Those sound kind of cool...
Those are the massive specials we play at conventions—many tables playing the same game and the results have canon in-setting consequences.
what determines if a con "gets support?" I've always just bought my scenarios. It was fine when they were $4 each, but now they're $6 and soon they'll be $9 each. And the only solution is either (what I presume is) a large con, or the VO prints them up with their own money and hands it to the GM? Still not thrilled with it.
The person organizing the PFS/SFS component can request support for the con. If they get it, they can make arrangements with Paizo to get the scenarios into the accounts of each of the GM who is running a particular scenario. So if I was organizing PFS for a convention and you were one of my GM’s and you were going to run a particular scenario that you did not have I would turn in your name and your contact information and the scenario or scenarios, and then at some point they will push all those scenarios out to the GM’s that don’t have them.

I feel like this is kind of sending conflicted messaging to potential DM's...

Hey we're raising prices due to market concerns, buy anything you wanted now.

Also you don't need to buy it because if you GM at cons you can get modules for free.

But we're going to make it more expensive if you do want to support us going forward.

I hope the bundles for Season 5/6 work out so that we can get bundled content from previous seasons and for future seasons, to me that is worth $7.50 or even the $8.99 a module.

Andrew White wrote:
Blakeg wrote:

With the price increases will there be more support for Foundry? I bought the Season 5 bundle which makes it a breeze to run on Foundry but there are no bundles for Seasons 1-4.

Is Paizo going to consider offering seasons 1-4 bundles? The same question goes for SFS as I'm hesitant to buy Seasons 1-5 and then have to manually add everything myself.

These price increases won't affect the cost of the Foundry modules at all. As far as support goes, we're still offering all of Pathfinder Society Season 5 and Starfinder Society Season 6 as both asset packs and deluxe editions, and if they continue to perform well, we're hoping to do the same with future seasons as well.

We don't currently have any plans to go back and convert any of the earlier seasons to Foundry modules, but we certainly wouldn't rule it out if we had reason to believe there was a large enough market for them.

Thank you for at least acknowledging this. As a new GM I subscribed to both Seasons 5 PFS and Seasons 6 SFS for the Foundry bundles.

Any other purchases IMO would need the foundry support and I could justify paying those higher prices if it included foundry modules.

From the point of view as a player/new gm, barrier to entry is why I feel there will always be more players than GM's.

From a pricing point of view $150 for 20 modules is fair at $7.50 per module. For older seasons assuming they go to $8.99 each that would be $180 with NO option for plug and play on Foundry.

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With the price increases will there be more support for Foundry? I bought the Season 5 bundle which makes it a breeze to run on Foundry but there are no bundles for Seasons 1-4.

Is Paizo going to consider offering seasons 1-4 bundles? The same question goes for SFS as I'm hesitant to buy Seasons 1-5 and then have to manually add everything myself.

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Honestly the worst pathfinder module I've played thus far. I guess I can only leave a review if I buy the module?

Level ones should absolutely not be subject to underwater grab attacks that essentially allow you to be drowning on your first turn while half of your team instinctively is on shore and can't get to you.

The whole module is one long dragfest of fetching and boredom with railroads that even Europe would envy.

It's a terrible module for level 10's let alone level ones where they might be new to Pathfinder and the combats are complete crap.

If you're thinking of running or playing this with level one characters it should be a HARD PASS.

Grab and especially grabbed underwater needs to be reworked and shouldn't be introduced at level one where PC's are still extremely squishy.

My current build is looking like:
level 1:Earth/Wood
Tremor(Difficult terrain AOE)
Fresh Produce
2-Timber Sentinel
4-Ravel of Thorns- stance for hazardous damage
5-Tumbling Lumber +Earth Aura - Shove them away from me
6- Safe elements
8- Jagged Berms - more AOE+battlefield control
9-Scorching Column - hazardous damage
10- Aura shaping - must have for more AOE aura damage
12- Living Bonfire- Extra damage on elemental blasts, can teleport at 14
13-Rain of Razors - hazardous damage
14- Walk through conflageration- when they get close enough just tp away
16- effortless impulse
17-Hedge Maze +Fire aura: AOE control + fire weakness on aura
18-Hell of 1,000,000 Needles (18) - Hazardous
20-Kinetic Pinnacle

Basics are you just keep laying down hazardous damage and difficult terrain and pushing them away.

Ravel of thorns -aura haz
Scorching columns lasts until end of next turn and can sustain haz.
rain of razors lasts 1 minute
hell of needles is sustained.

I call this the stop hitting yourself kineticist build where you're not really focused on elemental blasts (you don't suck at them) and you can make the battlefield super annoying for the enemy.

Thoughts? I was looking at air/water with rising hurricane but I feel like this gives me more variety in hazardous damage.

If I drop fire and fire aura I could pick up air/water and get rising hurricane but that's still another three action ability which I have plenty of...

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Caleb Garofalo wrote:
Rain of Rust Feat does not list a duration.

Interesting. Time to switch to metal/water.... Endless rain of rust everywhere you go LOL.

Just start spamming it and never stop.

Fresh Produce at level one heals 1d4+1
Heightened is 1d4+5.

Tremor base damage is 1d8.
Heightened increases it by 1d10.

Intentional or accidental?

Not as good as endless rain of rust :D

I will say I played both my first PF2ES game last night and played as a Fire/Wood Kineticist. It's fun and I made him a ranged blaster at lower levels and eventually his focus is going to be on AOE hazardous impulses.

With Fire and Wood, adding Metal gets you (at level 20 for comparison purposes)

Ravel of Thorns hazardous Damage 6
Rain of Razers hazardous damage 7
Hell of 1,000,000 Needles: hazardous damage 6
Scorching Column: Hazardous damage 14
Sanguivolent Roots (8): 9d6 per round save

Throw on living Bonfire, Fire vulnerability aura, and Molten Wire for a good time.

Rain of razers lasts 1 minute.Scorching columns last one round+sustain.
Only thing that sucks is both hell and roots are overflow+sustain actions so can't keep both going.

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He's cherrypicking parts of the text. The FULL Entropic Shot Text reads as follows:

You can deliver your entropic strike with any small arm as though you were delivering an entropic strike with a melee weapon. You must treat the entropic strike as being made of the ammunition’s material (if any). Also, you must apply the small arm’s weapon special properties, critical hit effect, and weapon fusions to the entropic strike, so long as the effects could be applied to a small arm that deals acid or bludgeoning damage, and that doesn’t require information beyond that specified for your entropic strike to function. If the weapon special property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion requires information provided for your weapon (such as the amount of a bleed critical hit effect), use the value for the weapon you’re gaining the effect from. You don’t add your Strength or Constitution modifier to your entropic strike’s damage when delivered through a small arm, and your weapon specialization adds only half your level to entropic strikes you deliver with a small arm. If the small arm is used to affect an area (such as with the blast or line weapon special property), the entropic strike delivered with that weapon deals 1 less damage per damage die.
When you gain entropic attunement at 5th level, add the weapon properties first arc (dealing acid damage instead of electricity damage) and guided to those you can add to your entropic strike, and remove the weapon properties feint and force. At 10th level, you don’t increase your entropic strike’s reach. Instead, when channeling your entropic strike through a small arms weapon, increase the weapon’s range increment by 5 feet, plus an additional 5 feet at 13th, 16th, and 19th level. At 16th level, when you gain the ability to channel your entropic strike to deal damage to an area, you can only channel the attack through a small arm you’re wielding; instead of attacking all targets within 20 feet of you, you make a ranged attack against all creatures in a 10-foot-radius burst with a range equal to your small arm’s range increment.
Entropic shot modifies entropic strike, entropic attunement, and weapon specialization.

I bolded the two parts that shoots down his ultra ranged cleave and str build. If you can't apply it to a small arms you can't apply it to an entropic shot. You can't just take the first sentence and then ignore ALL of the text that follows it.

OP's probably not trolling, people cherrypick what they want to believe by reading only part of the text all the time. Had one guy think going prone gave him a +4 to his ranged attacks lmao and I see people trying to stack insight bonuses ALL the time. Always check the player's math.

redeux wrote:

I helped organize the VTT convention referenced, Crittercon 6, where we received this boon and raffled it off. It was a single copy of a boon and we sold 49 raffle tickets which raised a total of $294. That is to say that I would focus on that this was a charity effort to raise money for our charity (Doctors without Borders) and that even if you were to purchase $102 worth of tickets at this you still aren't guaranteed to win the boon. As a comparison we also had some Norse Foundry dice sets up for raffle. I personally had donated $66 towards one of the dice sets which was both more than the MSRP of the dice set and roughly half of the tickets sold. I didn't win the raffle and that's okay-- it was for charity and I knew I wasn't guaranteed to win.

Additionally, charity boons are fairly uncommon for a few reasons:
1. only charity...

Yea, as someone that donated a bunch never expect to win anything. I was pleasantly surprised I won a few things, NGL wish I had gotten more tickets for the boon :D as my caster typically doesn't use cantrips because after a few levels they scale so poorly.

Thanks for running. do you guys have a discord or is it just through the forums?

I definitely hope it becomes SFS legal or I'll have to play it in a home game. Probably a bit OP with the experimental explosives mechanic. But absolutely hilarious to have a ysoki with essentially a neverending cheek pouch full of grenades. Like sir, we've been in the wild for weeks, you have no backpack, and you've thrown hundreds of grenades.

Does casting Mental Muscle provoke an attack of opportunity? ntal%20Muscle

When attacks of opportunity were written for starfinder it says that spells that don't provoke will say they don't provoke, the casting time section of the rules also doesn't mention swift spells.

Everything I can find googling is related to Pathfinder and how swift spells don't provoke.

Is this an oversight or does Mental Muscle provoke even though it's intended to be allowed to use with full attack actions?

"When you perform a full action, you can cast this spell as part of that action (and apply the spell’s effects to that action) rather than casting it as a swift action."

I'm just wondering if the intent is to provoke AOO's when casting this, as written it does provoke but IMO it makes it a really awkward spell since it only lasts one round .

I see the rpg chronicles but not the link for the slides? I will be playing the character at paizocon so I will update chronicles with the starting exp/credits once we get closer.

Alicavniss Caldrona wrote:

I am not sure what the SM is next to Perception, but otherwise I think I am good.

By the way, I love the idea of the two of us just arriving early and becoming great friends before the mission starts.

Maybe I'm just misreading it but where do I actually put the slashline info?

I honestly feel like play by post is really confusing for new players, it took me a while to figure out discord play by post and even those instructions were all over the place.

I'm also incredibly tired so maybe it's just me. Will try to figure it out but I've read the instructions like 5 times and it doesn't make sense to me where I go to put the info in....

Driftbourne wrote:

in the upcoming Starfinder Enhanced book.

"Rules for scalable equipment, so you never have to trade-in your trusty sidearm ever again." or batons!

Starfinder Enhanced .

I can't wait because harpooners and graviton weapons don't scale all the way. Fear my quad attacking operative doing 0 damage.

Hi, I signed up to play in this via the outpost google sheets. will this be via discord?



Hi, I signed up to play in this via the outpost google sheets. will this be via discord?



I made an entu colony operative that uses a custom flying vehicle in the shape of an ooze. I opted for operative because mechanic experimental vehicle is kind of ehh. Plus you can trick attack with vehicles. I haven't played him yet but some day.

Vehicle speeds are kind of disappointing.... A hollow orb bantrid solarian or operative is so much faster at comparable levels.

Mikko Kallio wrote:
Blakeg wrote:

Thinking about potential comedic uses for astrazoans, it just occurred to me that an astrazoan NPC with e.g. reconfigurable clothing might be able to be able to fool a group of PCs into thinking that an empty house or even a village is inhabited. Whenever the PCs go to a different room in the house or building in the village, the astrazoan changes shape and quickly sneaks into that location, pretending to be a salesperson, bartender, mayor, or whoever the PCs need to talk to during their stay.

And people ask me why I have trust issues. :D

But really I was really bummed to see multi-man is third party. it's a third party class on spelljammers and it's absolutely broken. Would love to play an astrazoan multi-man some day who out of boredom creates enemies that are really himself to annoy his allies.

How many times did you watch Galaxy Quest while making the astrazoan?

I can't be the only one that thinks of Galaxy Quest when I see the race, right?

For clothing theres reconfigurable clothing, no reason there couldn't be an armor upgrade that reconfigures the armor to mimic different designs.

For clothing I'd either remove the 5 sets of clothing limit or the astrazoan can just have one of them be tear-away clothes? Then you have a second set of reconfigurable clothes underneath.

If an astrazoan compresses himself can he pilot an infiltration suit designed to look like a astrazoan and then use disguises and the mask making item to make him look human? We got some scooby do hijinx potential.

For my latest character I joined a group and introduced my character as a really tall human Cook riding around on a hover chair. Fed my group and the settlement my signature Chili for a few days (DM was in on it). First combat rolls around and I tear off my arm to use as a weapon and surprise he's a Brakim.

After the fight I quickly clean off my arm and start preparing it for more meat for the chili. It took the group a second to realize what was happening.

Brakims: Sustainable, Fresh, Free Range meat.

Kishmo wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
So the only place that level of persnmicket would matter is SFS , and the lunar weapon is banhammered there anyway. (possibly for this reason)

...wait, is it banned from Society? It lacks the little graphic on AoN, but we all know that's far from an infallible source. The AR page for FFoD says all options are legal, except for the listed exceptions; and Lunar Weapon isn't listed.

I have vague plans to make a Society Dex/Cha Solarian someday; I hope it's not banned :D

The issue then is whether soulfire fusion works.

"The soulfire fusion (and soulfire fusion seals) can only be applied to solarian weapon crystals. When you hit a target with a solar weapon augmented by a solarian weapon crystal with the soulfire fusion, you add your Charisma bonus to the damage done, in addition to your Strength bonus."

If a Lunar Weapon isn't considered a "Solar Weapon" for Doshko Specialist then it's also not considered a "solar weapon" for soulfire fusions.

While DM Fiat comes into play it doesn't hurt to clarify the intent here because having the rules as coherent as possible leads to fewer shenanigans.

Bump because I might actually play an eldritch nanocyte soon. In addition can eldritch nanocytes qualify for caster archetypes? It says "You gain a limited version of the technomancer’s spells class feature"

Requirements for archetypes like school specialist are "Only characters who have the spells class feature can take this archetype."

Bonus spells are the difference between having a cool quasi caster versus just being able to do parlor tricks. it's an easy clarification of whether they can get bonus spells, archetypes, etc.

Grenades don't actually have the thrown special property as weird as that sounds. Grenades use their own rules, trust me I wish they had the thrown property.

I wanted to put returning on my grenades but no luck

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The other day on Discord and in Reddit we were discussing Lunar Weapons for Solarians and whether they qualify for Doshko Specialist or even Soulfire Fusions.

Let's first look at each of the texts in question and I'll explain why it's an issue afterwards
Lunar Weapon:
You have studied the delicate and luminous light reflected from a moon or similar celestial body, allowing you to bring forth an exquisite weapon made for graceful combat. This manifestation functions similarly to solar weapon, except it deals 1d4 damage at 1st level. This damage increases by 1d4 at 6th level, 9th level, 12th level, and every level thereafter. Your lunar weapon also has the feint and operative special qualities (though it can’t be used to make trick attacks, if you have that class feature). Unlike other melee weapons with the operative special quality, when you gain Weapon Specialization at 3rd level, you add your full solarian level to damage with your lunar weapon, as opposed to half. If you’re a multiclass solarian, you add your full solarian level and half your levels in other classes to damage with your lunar weapon.
Doshko Specialist
If you are a solarian using a solar weapon and choose a doshko for its general design, you can apply the effects of this archetype to your solar weapon as though it were a doshko, as long as it remains as that design.
Soulfire Fusion
The soulfire fusion (and soulfire fusion seals) can only be applied to solarian weapon crystals. When you hit a target with a solar weapon augmented by a solarian weapon crystal with the soulfire fusion, you add your Charisma bonus to the damage done, in addition to your Strength bonus.

The key issues are:

Lunar weapons are similar to solar weapons.

Doshko Specialist requires you to be using a "solar weapon" and choose a doshko for its general design.

Soulfire Fusion requires that you hit a target with a solar weapon augmented by a solarian weapon crystal with the soulfire fusion.

Some people are adamant that it's not usable with Doshko Specialists, but if that's the intent then as written neither is Soulfire Fusion, both only apply when wielding a solar weapon or for a solarian with a solar weapon.

Some clarification of Lunar Weapons and also Doshakari and whether they are considered Doshko would be fantastic. Yes diam fiat is a thing however when discussing the rules it doesn't hurt to have more clarity.

Thanks for your consideration.