Bills the Blargblar's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Coraith.

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

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I love Walter Sheppard. He is awesome.

He is a great dude, and I am lucky to be his VL. He does all the work and I, somehow, still have my VL title.

I can't even remember the last gameday I organized, or the last time I GM'd. Were it not for his supreme grace and understanding, I wouldn't know what I would do with my time.

If it was legal, I would give Walter my heart, so he could have two and be a superhuman. Then, he could rule over us all with an iron but supple fist.

Lastly, I should learn to log off my Paizo account when I am no longer using it as it increases the frequency that someone might hop on and post ridiculous things.



Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

1-3 slots open. Starting RIGHT NOW!

Message me.


7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Unholy Blight:
School evocation [evil]; Level cleric 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration instantaneous (1d4 rounds); see text
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
You call up unholy power to smite your enemies. The power takes the form of a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness. Only good and neutral (not evil) creatures are harmed by the spell.

The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to a good creature (or 1d6 per caster level, maximum 10d6, to a good outsider) and causes it to be sickened for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will save reduces damage to half and negates the sickened effect. The effects cannot be negated by remove disease or heal, but remove curse is effective.

The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither evil nor good, and they are not sickened. Such a creature can reduce the damage by half again (down to one-quarter) with a successful Will save.

James Jacobs:
I know he's not a rules guy but...
James Jacobs wrote:
Aleron wrote:

The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to a good creature (or 1d6 per caster level, maximum 10d6, to a good outsider) and causes it to be sickened for 1d4 rounds.
I was wondering if the Aasimar takes the d8s or the d6s of damage based on their Native Outsider type (assuming of good alignment)? Sorry for not being clear!
The aasimar is a native outsider and isn't "Good" subtype, regardless of alignment. And don't worry... the spell itself is what's not clear. We should have capitalized "good" in the "Good outsider" bit.

Read it yourself.

Ran into this last night as I was playing my NG Ifirit character in a PFS scenario vs two Erinyes who really preferred casting the spell over using their bows. The GM ruled that I was an outsider and I was good so I took 10d6 instead of 5d8 per casting of the spell. There were a couple rounds where I took 20d6 damage and a few where I took 10d6, overall it was just entirely too much damage to live through and after expending most of our spell slots in healing we fell down and the cleric managed to ran away.

I am seeking is it one way or another and would appreciate an official response if at all possible. Thank you.


After discussing with some friends some ways to get out of a grapple one person is very adamant that applying Alchemical Grease to yourself while grappled is a two handed activity and therefor not allowed. I hold the opposite view that it is a one handed activity and that without any specific instructions on applying it in the description of the item it is applied as per the potions and oils rules.

Alchemical Grease:
Alchemical Grease: Each pot of this slick black goo has
sufficient contents to cover one Medium or two Small
creatures. If you coat yourself in alchemical grease, you
gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on
combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to
your CMD to avoid being grappled; this lasts 4 hours or
until you wash it off.

Potions and Oils:

Activation: Drinking a potion or applying an oil requires no special skill. The user merely removes the stopper and swallows the potion or smears on the oil. The following rules govern potion and oil use.

Drinking a potion or using an oil is a standard action. The potion or oil takes effect immediately. Using a potion or oil provokes attacks of opportunity. An enemy may direct an attack of opportunity against the potion or oil container rather than against the character. A successful attack of this sort can destroy the container, preventing the character from drinking the potion or applying the oil.

A creature must be able to swallow a potion or smear on an oil. Because of this, incorporeal creatures cannot use potions or oils. Any corporeal creature can imbibe a potion or use an oil.

A character can carefully administer a potion to an unconscious creature as a full-round action, trickling the liquid down the creature's throat. Likewise, it takes a full-round action to apply an oil to an unconscious creature.

Sczarni 5/5 *

RadCon 6A
When: Feb 15th-17th, 2013
Where: 2525 North 20th Avenue, Pasco, WA USA

Come get your game on!!

Please be a generous and helpful Pathfinder Society member between slots. Sit, chat, and help people get where they need to go. Teach them about our community, and help grow the community!

Player registration is now open.

Register with Warhorn and with the RadCon 6A convention, sign up for games, and then all you have to do is show up and prepare for adventure!. If you are interested in Judging, please register with Warhorn and email Steven Huffstutler, and he will work to help get you a table.

For more information about judging or playing Pathfinder Society, please contact Steven Huffstutler at

PFS Scheduling will be handled by

Sczarni 5/5 *

Toys for Tots Pathfinder Charity Event

Time: 3:30-Finish
Palouse Games
141 N Grand Ave
Pullman, WA 99163

Modules Available:
Murders Mark 1-2
The Midnight Mirror 3-5
Realm of the Fellnight Queen 6-8
No Response from Deepmar 7-9
The Harrowing 8-10

Sign up sheet will be posted at the Wednesday Pathfinder Society Game Night and left until Friday Night.

We are asking people bring a donation for the Toys for Tots Charity, toys and monetary donations will be accepted and donated to the charity on Monday the 17th of December, 2012. All donations are welcome and while not a requirement to sit at the event would be very much appreciated.

We will be having a prize pool, not related to size of donation, with conditions on qualifying for a prize to be revealed at the event.
Please Contact me if you have any questions.


Adaptation (Ex)

At 3rd level, an infiltrator learns how to copy the unusual abilities of his prey. He chooses one type of creature he has selected as a favored enemy, such as “aberrations.” The Ranger selects one ability or feat from the adaptation list for that type (see below). A Ranger can use adaptations for 10 minutes per day per Ranger level he possesses. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. If the adaptation requires the Ranger to make a more specific choice (such as what skill to use with Skill Focus), this choice is permanent and cannot be changed.

At 8th, 13th, and 15th-level, the Ranger chooses another one of his favored enemy types and selects one adaptation from that type’s list, as well as an additional adaptation from any one list of a creature type he’s selected (including the one just chosen, if so desired). The infiltrator can only use one adaptation at a time. The ranger can use the camouflage and hide in plain sight class features whenever he is using adaptations.

Aberration: amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., Iron Will, natural armor +2.

Animal: climb 15 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, low-light vision, natural armor (+2), swim 15 ft.

Construct: darkvision 60 ft., Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, low-light vision.

Dragon: darkvision 60 ft., Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, low-light vision, Lunge.

Fey: Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, low-light vision.

Humanoid (aquatic): low-light vision, natural armor +2, darkvision, swim 15 ft.

Humanoid (dwarf): darkvision 60 ft., defensive training, greed, hatred, hardy, slow and steady, stability, stonecunning, weapon familiarity.

Humanoid (elf): elf blood, low-light vision, elven immunities, elven magic, keen senses, Skill Focus (choose one skill), weapon familiarity.

Humanoid (giant): low-light vision, Lunge, natural armor +2, resist energy 10 (choose cold, electricity, or fire), Throw Anything.

Humanoid (gnoll): darkvision 60 ft., Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dire f lail), natural armor +2.

Humanoid (gnome): defensive training, gnome magic, hatred, illusion resistance, keen senses, low-light vision, obsessive, weapon familiarity.

Humanoid (goblinoid): darkvision 60 ft., goblin fast, Skill Focus (Stealth), natural armor (+2).

Humanoid (halfling): fearless, halfling luck, keen senses, sure-footed, weapon familiarity.

Humanoid (human): Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (choose one skill).

Humanoid (orc): darkvision 60 ft., ferocity, intimidating, orc blood, weapon familiarity.

Humanoid (reptilian): darkvision 60 ft., kobold fast (as goblin fast), lizardfolk hold breath, natural armor +2, Skill Focus (choose Acrobatics, Perception, or Stealth).

Magical Beast: darkvision 60 ft., Great Fortitude, low-light vision, natural armor +2.

Monstrous Humanoid: darkvision 60 ft., Lightning Reflexes, low-light vision, natural armor +2.

Ooze: acid resistance 10, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (choose Climb, Escape Artist, or Perception).

Outsider: darkvision 60 ft., energy resistance 5 (choose one type of energy from acid, cold, electricity, or fire), Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes.

Plant: low-light vision, Great Fortitude, Iron Will.

Undead: darkvision 60 ft., Great Fortitude, Iron Will, natural armor (+2). Skill Focus (Stealth).

Vermin: climb 15 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Great Fortitude, Iron Will, swim 15 ft.

This class ability replaces favored terrain.

Just want to check to make sure I have this right. Once you reach level three you pick one of your favored enemy types. You then pick one ability off of the associated list. Once you reach level eight you pick another of your favored enemies and can choose another ability off of any list you have chosen.

Say that I choose undead and Dragons, I have picked darkvision and natural armor off of the undead list and Lunge off of Dragon list. So I activate the ability and choose undead adaption. I do not get both Darkvision and Natural Armor, only one of them correct?

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

Hey, I was content not to play/GM any games while I was down in California as it was only going to be a month or so. Sadly some Wildfires in my home location has caused me to rethink my plans, since going back home would not be good for my health.

I am up in Pollock Pines, CA and I was wondering if there were any PFS games going on closer than Sacremento as I'm not familiar with this area and would prefer a closer game then having to drive an hour+ there and back.

I'd like to get in on a game if there is one around, please send me a message or reply here. Thank you!

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

The Dalsine Affair: Link to Scenario
The Perpetrator: WalterGM

Tier 1-2

Bard tries to bluff past the guards, Fails and through another bluff from another person is pulled from the clutches of the guard. More guards show up, Up to 6 now. Party goes around to the back of the estate, bard up and over the wall... aggros dogs, their barking aggros guards.

After several shots from the 6 guards, party decides to jump in through the balcony window... Aggros BBEG fight, guards start running around to the front of the building. Inside a woman clicks her heals and is gone, a man steps out from around a corner and laughs, a Gun wielding Inquisitor bull rushes the man and disperses an illusion. On the other side of the balcony the same man wraps his hand around the mouth of the Bard filling the mouth with acid and shoving a sword crackling with electricity through the chest of the same bard... Obviously dead, the bard drops.

A cleric enlarges a barbarian, breaking the balcony under the tremendous weight the barbarian swings with their weapon and nearly cuts the man in two before destroying the balcony completely and dropping to the floor. Inquisitor takes a pot shot with his weapon just outside of 30 feet and does minimum damage. The odd man steps to the edge of the balcony and cuts into the barbarian's head while doing some strange spell combat that makes his sword glow with the evil electricity before discharging through the barbarian. Barbarian dead.

An oracle seeing such power decides to employ the better part of valor and attempts to leap out of the window, past the wall, and to safety. Sadly as they were dressing earlier they forgot to tie their shoelaces and as they jumped they managed to trip themselves, fall to the dogs, and is mutilated in a most gruesome manner. Oracle Dead.

The cleric leaps from the wall where they were perched and ran with all possible haste. The inquisitor succeeds where the oracle fails, says good day to the Magus, 6 guards, and 4 dogs; and the cleric and inquisitor flee with their lives if not their dignity.

As I was informed by Walter earlier this is called a Walter PPK. I survived yet again! 3/5 of Party kill.

Sczarni 5/5 *

It is my supreme pleasure to congratulate my friend Walter for the attainment of his 4-star GM status.

We were speaking of his fourth star at PaizoCon2012 and how he was just a game or two short. How glorious it would have been to be celebrating the promotion at that grand event, it was not to be though. Instead it would take place in Pullman Washington, where most of his GMing has taken place. Surrounded by those he has watched grow into better players(like myself I hope), those he has killed, and those he has party wiped.

I hope everyone who reads this will join me in saying thank you Walter for furthering the Pathfinder Society in Eastern Washington with all your hard work and commitment to the game we enjoy!

Walter you are in my humble opinion the best GM I have ever played with. Thanks.


I am looking to start up a group for a few friends of mine. We are using a 20 point buy, 1 normal you pick trait and 1 campaign trait assigned as per your back story by me the GM. A person asked if 3rd party content was allowed and I said with approval.

So they picked the class Swashbuckler from Adamant Entertainment.

Swashbuckler: shbuckler

I looked over the class and decided it was way too high power compaired to other classes. Bullet points being:
d10 Hit die
Full BaB
Proficient with simple and martial weapons and light armor.
Two Good saves.
Level 1 Feats: Evade(class skill)=dodge when determining prereqs, weapon finesse, and 1st level feat
4+int Skill points
Uncanny and Improved later on
Evasion and Improved later on
Expanding crit range that stacks with other crit range expanding skills.
Sneak attack starting level 2 and increasing every 3rd level
Bonus feats every 3 levels.
Deflect Arrows at 13 w/o having to have a hand free
and Weapon Training with a select group of weapons

I said it was not allowed unless it underwent some revision. I revised it like this.
d8 hit die
Full BAB
proficient with simple and Pirate weapons and light armor.
two good saves
Evade no longer qualifies as dodge for prereqs,
Put off improved versions of Uncanny dodge and Evasion for like 12 levels instead of having both by level 10
reduced skill point to 2+int
bonus feats at second level and every 5 levels past that
Weapon training was restricted to Pirate weapons only
and Expanded crit range doesnt stack with other things that expand crit range.

Now they are crying foul that I've completely wrecked their dream of playing this class and how I'm being unfair to them. I believe I've taken the class from being super duper OP and toned it down to just being really powerful and im considering taking it down to just one good save. I keep telling him they basically smashed a rogue and a Fighter together and forgot to add balance.



More specifically does Counter Spelling w/ Dispel Magic drop Invisibility?

The Situation:
My Cleric was invisible. A Sorc attempted to cast a lightning bolt at a character. I had readied an action to dispel magic as counter spell. I Identified the spell being cast and then failed to counter spell. GM informed me I was now visible and got hit with lightning bolt.

Not looking to dispute his lightning bolting of my character as it doesn't matter, but is dispel magic as a counter spell a hostile act? If so I'll just have to be more careful in the future. Thanks.


Today in PFS OP we had a situation where a NPC Wizard was prone in a threatened square. A NPC friend of his was 10 feet away in a threatened square. The second NPC five foot stepped to behind his friend and performed a Combat Maneuver: Drag on the Wizard and got the Wizard out of the threatened square by dragging 20 feet.

5-foot Step:
Take 5-Foot Step

You can move 5 feet in any round when you don't perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can't take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can't take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance.

You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.

You can only take a 5-foot-step if your movement isn't hampered by difficult terrain or darkness. Any creature with a speed of 5 feet or less can't take a 5-foot step, since moving even 5 feet requires a move action for such a slow creature.

You may not take a 5-foot step using a form of movement for which you do not have a listed speed.


Source: Advanced Player's Guide.

You can attempt to drag a foe as a standard action. You can only drag an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you. The aim of this maneuver is to drag a foe in a straight line behind you without doing any harm. If you do not have the Improved Drag feat or a similar ability, initiating a drag provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver.

If your attack is successful, both you and your target are moved 5 feet back, with your opponent occupying your original space and you in the space behind that in a straight line. For every 5 by which your attack exceeds your opponent’s CMD, you can drag the target back an additional 5 feet. You must be able to move with the target to perform this maneuver. If you do not have enough movement, the drag goes to the maximum amount of movement available to you and ends.

An enemy being moved by a drag does not provoke an attack of opportunity because of the movement unless you possess the Greater Drag feat. You cannot move a creature into a square that is occupied by a solid object or obstacle. If there is another creature in the way of your movement, the drag ends adjacent to that creature.

I argued this was not possible because you cannot move and take a five foot step, or five foot step and then move because you trade your movement ability for the turn for moving five feet without provoking an attack of opportunity. I am interested on other peoples thoughts. Thank you.


Putting it in the spoilers to save space and keep from spoiling things.

Keeper Myre:
Keeper Myre CR 6
2,400 XP
Male human necromancer 7
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init –1; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, –1 Dex)
hp 57 (7d6+21)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4/19–20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy (DC 14, 6/day), grave
touch (3 rounds, 6/day)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 7th)
4th—enervation (DC 18, 2), black tentacles (CMB 15)
3rd—hold person (DC 17, 2), vampiric touch (2)
2nd—acid arrow, darkvision, false life (already cast),
ghoul touch (DC 16), see invisibility
1st—cause fear (DC 15), charm person, feather fall, mage
armor (2, 1 already cast), unseen servant
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, light, read magic,
touch of fatigue (DC 14)
Opposition Schools: evocation, illusion
Before Combat Myre is paranoid and casts false life and
mage armor if he doesn’t already have them active. His current
hit points include 12 points from false life.

Concern about Keeper Myre:

Is he a wizard or a cleric? He casts spells at a level of a Wizard. But then it says he has Channel negative energy 6/day It doesn't say at what level he can use the channel. We figured that meant he was using it at max available level of 4d6, so he could(and did in the game) cast black tentacles trapped our group in it for 1d6+4, entered it himself and channeled for 4d6 per round for the duration. The PCs got loose a couple times and eventually took him down, but AFTER 3 of them died. Is this working as intended? It seems like its a bit too crazy that he can channel as a full level cleric and blast people with spells like a wizard.

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

I plan on buying a Caravan. Its description is as follows.

Caravan (5 PP): You own a controlling share in a
caravan that makes regular trips through the Inner
Sea region. You aren’t required to maintain a presence
in the caravan, and thus do not need to accompany the
caravan as it makes its journeys, but you do shoulder
some of the responsibility of ownership. For the most
part, this means handling things like representing the
caravan’s interests to important merchants, politicians,
and aristocrats. When you first purchase your caravan,
you must decide how you wish to represent the caravan’s
interests—this decides what additional skill you can
use to make Day Job checks. If you wish to represent the
caravan as an upstanding citizen and above-the-board
merchant, you can use Diplomacy to make Day Job rolls.
If, on the other hand, you want to skirt the laws, focus on
smuggling, and otherwise use deception to maintain the
caravan’s success, you can use Bluff to make Day Job rolls.
Finally, if you want to have your caravan be especially
well guarded and use blatant shows of force to get what
you need, you can use Intimidate to make Day Job rolls.

I am an Inquisitor w/ an Intimidate of 25 at level 5. I would get a Day Job Check at a minimum of 26 and a maximum of 45. This presents a couple of situations that need to be checked.
1. Is this legal?
2. Is the Maximum Day job roll a 40? 150g max?
2a. Is there an extended Job Check Table? My intimidate is going nowhere but up.

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

Mask of fear is obviously a mask, and a Bicorn of Besmara can be either be a hat or a Headband. Can a PFS Organized play wear both at once or do they take up the same Equipment slot?

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday during a rather epic PFS organized play I managed to get my brain sucked from my gnomish skull by a very mean boss in Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-07 Echos of the Overwatched. My compatriots managed to kill the vile beast and I am sure with the utmost care removed my brain from its body. I was then brought back by the Risen Guard Osirian Faction Prestige award below. My question is what penalty do I incur? Does it function as per a Raise Dead or Resurrection? I am looking to make sure I have paid the correct costs for any Restoration spells needed and not to dispute rulings. Thank you.

Risen Guard (Fame 20, 8 PP) You may voluntarily
be killed and resurrected, becoming one of the Ruby
Prince’s elite Risen Guard. If you die in the course of
an adventure and have not yet purchased this title, you
may purchase it to be raised from the dead at this lower
price—any future expenditures of PP to be restored
from death cost the normal PP amount, as listed on page
3. While your primary mission as such is to protect the
royal family, the Ruby Prince recognizes your particular
strengths and orders you to protect his interests abroad
as a Pathf inder. As a Risen Guard, you may use the
honorif ic “the Risen” after your name. You gain a +2
bonus on Fortitude saves made against death effects and
on saves made to prevent a negative level from becoming
permanent. Once you gain this prestige award, you can
never change your faction.


Name: Folnor Lumjon Ninnab Ollfnab Hodgewyn the 4th
Alighnment: Neutral
Diety: Nethys
Race: Gnome Gender: Male Age:48
Height: 3'1" Weight: 39lbs Hair: Burnt Orange Eyes: Blue
Faction: Osirion
Current Level: 2 Class: Cloistered Cleric Domain: Magic

STR 12 DEX 7 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 16
Initiative: -2 AC: 13 Fort: 5 Reflex: -2 Will: 6
CMB: 1 CMD: 9

Traits: Tombraider(faction) & Zealot(gnome)
Feats: Selective Channeling

Skills(w/ points put into them)
Diplomacy 7
Knowledge Arcana 7
Knowledge Dungeoneering 2
Knowledge Engineering 2
Knowledge Geography 2
Knowledge History 2
Knowledge Local 6
Knowledge Nature 2
Knowledge Nobility 2
Knowledge Planes 2
Knowledge Religion 8
Linguistics 5
Perception 10
Profession Scribe 9
Sense Motive 7
Spellcraft 5

Speaks Common, Gnome, Sylven, Celestial

I am trying to find some worthwhile feats to plan out the character. I do not want the character to rush headlong into combat, but I do want the character to be able to give/take hits when needed, I am unsure how to proceed. Suggestions are appreciated.