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i am trying to figure out how to get root access as a lvl 1 hacker on a Tier 1 computer.

Tier 1 computer hack DC:17
Root Access (pg 214) you must beat the normal DC by 20

So target number for a Tier 1 computer is:37

The most optimized character/hacker at lvl 1 that I can see is:
Operative- Hacker
Skill focus- computers (from hacker type)
Insight bonus +1 from operative (which does not stack with skill focus so does nothing) for a total of:
+11 (+3 (insight from skill focus) +4 (int bonus) +3 (class skill) +1 (rank)

So even if I can take 20 I will only be able to reach :31 which does not allow root access. I will need to have 7 ranks in computer skill before I am able to have a chance to gain root access on a Tier 1 computer?

Are there other bonuses that can be picked up (even temp bonuses) that would allow a character to gain root access?
-I guess if the system had a password you could discover it and get a +5, or if it had a physical security key you could find it and get another +5. But this means that a computer with extra security precautions such as a password/physical key is inherently less secure than one without them.

Basically, please help me figure out how to get root access even on a tier 1 computer without being lvl 7.

on pg:215 it indicates that a computer can have secure data modules. Those modules can "allow a character with access to the computer to take 20 when attempting a skill check to recall knowledge on a topic related to the data module's contents"

What kind of data sets are people putting in these? What kind of knowledge checks are being made? and what size would those data sets be?

For example, could I have a data set on:
Criminal organizations of Absalom Station (medium or large data set)
Famous Vidball players. (small)

Basically, this seems like an amazing boost to knowledge checks but I do not know what checks are being made.
