BenignNeglect's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Ravingdork, just wanted to post to let you know that it is a joy to read your characters. I enjoyed your characters and histories in pathfinder, and am enjoying them here. Keep up the fun work!

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Would things like be reasonable?

-judicial procedures (absalom station) average module
-cybersecurity procedures - large module
-Advanced Whisky tasting and you - average module allowing you to brush up on your whiskey knowlege
-Gang identification (Absalom station) average module
-Mercenary Identification - average module
-The Gods and You (primer for the Gods and what they want from You)- average module
-Absalom politics - average mudule

Basically the ability to purchase modules for your computer that let you take 20 on skill-knowledge checks in theory seems very strong but I do not know how often skill- knowledge checks will come up and if they do come up, are they checks that would be amenable to pre-loaded information