Chris_Lee's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Merry Listmas and 100 New Years!

Everything in a category is 25% off, from now until the end of the year!

A little bit early, but might as well start now so I can enjoy the evening off. Black Friday Special: Half Price Bundles! All items within these bundles are marked to half price, through this weekend, so enjoy.

Includes: 100 Fantasy Slurs, 100 Medicinal Herbs and their Uses, 1000 Norse Weapon Names, 50 Ancient Remedies Formulated from Humans, 50 Maladies and their Herbal Cures

24699 Names
Includes: 100 Angelic Names, Demonic Names, Elder God Names, Elven Names, Famous Ship Name, Fantasy Town Names, Female Japanese Names, Female Norse Names, Internet Handles, Irish Boy Names, Irish Girl Names, Japanese Family Names, Kobold Names, Male Japanese Names, Male Norse Names, More Tavern Names, Names for Orcs and Goblins, Roman Names, Samurai Names, Tavern Names, “Intelligent” Male Names, Dwarven Names, 1000 Japanese Weapon Names, Norse Weapon Names, 10000 Female NPC Names, Male NPC Names, 200 Arabic Female Names, Arabic Male Names, 99 Chinese Surnames

The Weapon Rack
Includes: 100 Martial Arts Weapons, 100 Polearms, 100 Swords, 1000 Japanese Weapon Names, 1000 Norse Weapon Names

The Fantasy Kitchen
Includes: 100 Fantasy Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs and Spices, 100 Genuine Medieval Beverages, 100 Medieval Foods, 100 Tavern Names, 100 More Tavern Names

The Map Pack
Includes: Atlas #1-4, 5 Keep Maps, 5 Dungeon Maps, Fantasy Maps: Bless'd Harbor, Fantasy Maps: Villages of Adventure 1

Really proud of this one:

True Naming: A supplement of magic, language, and power

The concept is as old as the spoken word, and prevalent in fantasy stories. Everything has its own name, and knowledge of that name grants power to the speaker. Ancient tribes called to the names of spirit and lost family members. Kabbalists sought and spoke the name of God. And even in a world without magic, the right name wields enough power to shake continents, whether that is Genghis Khan or Albert Einstein. When the first nuclear test commenced, Robert Oppenheimer called upon the name of Shiva, death, destroyer of worlds.

True Naming contains suggestions for using the power of names, words, magic, and might in your game, new feats for True Names, rules for a new skill, Naming, a new core class, the Namer, and a bonus list of 100 Magical Words and Names.

If you just can't get enough lists, get them all in print! is over 100 of our top lists, all for $30!

Added some new Pathfinder stuff at: Our store.

The Cursehexer, a Prestige Class and feats focused on adding curse effects to your spells.

The Vigorous Energy Supplement, new Archetypes, Feats, and Magic Items for the Vigor Mystic.

Get both the Vigor Mystic and the Supplement in this Bundle, for 25% off!

On a roll today... a new class, the Vigor Mystic! er-Class

Our newest Pathfinder-compatible product, 100 Cantrips! 23 pages of 0-level spells!

Thanks for the review, Alzrius. That was our first (hopefully of many) attempts at making content that is specific to one system, so I hope that it wasn't too troublesome or unbalanced.

As far as Baffling Riddles goes, Terronus has it exactly. They really, REALLY don't make sense. Luckily, they are our only product that is that nonsensical. Well, at least that bad.

We are a multinational list-generating cooperative. Is there a specific list that is an offense to the language, that I should run through a second editorial review?

Our first Pathfinder-specific licensed product!

So, I have recently broken into the market of selling tables of random things for low prices on

Because I know Pathfinder fans appreciate a good list of stuff, possibly numbered for a d100 roll and possibly relevant to gaming, I have decided to post here.

My store is at and you can also find us at

Why should you spend your hard earned singles on us instead of the homeless, strippers, or homeless strippers? Judge by our reviews:

100 Polearms
When the original AD&D came out the RPG community, which was comprised almost entirely of wargamers, noticed a distinctive feature of the weapon tables. There were an awful lot of polearms culled from various geographies seemingly at whim. The running joke was not to write the rulebook name down on your character sheet, but to simply write 'Silly Renaissance Polearm.'
So here Lee's Lists have complied 100 such items, some of the old favourites even feature. For whatever reason they've even researched them. A copy is a must for every old school player. Keep a copy with your character sheet and at the beginning of every combat roll d100 and proudly exclaim "I charge in with my ...'

100 Female Japanese Names
This product contains 100 well-researched and authentic Female Japanese Names for any era of Japanese gaming, from the most war-torn, to the most cell-phone saturated, to the most anime. Rather than post the first 100 utter gibberish names that came to mind this product has names that were certainly written by a professional in the ancient arts of Japanese Naming.

100 Genuine Medieval Beverages
I love this. Now my inn can serve Sour Wine and Hydromel instead of the Mead, Ale, and Wine I usually think of on my own. Great product.

100 Fantasy Slurs
An absolutely hilarious product that should be stapled to the center of every gaming table, unless it's a huge table and nobody could read it. Then you should staple a copy on each side of the table. Award bonus XP and perhaps attack bonuses whenever someone peppers their speech with baleful decrees against those horrible Crunchies and Half-Ettins.

Because I don't want to be just here shilling my lists, I come bearing gifts. Our Halloween $0.666 Pack, a bundle of 6 of our horror-themed (or close to it) lists, already at a steep discount, I offer to you at an even better price, good until the end of the month.