The pawns are, as always, high quality. The art is fantastic (I noticed a few reprints, but they're good pieces), and there is a nice diverse set of figures included.
However, unlike previous sets, the pawns in this set don't seem to have names, numbers, or labels at the bottom, nor is there a list of what pawns are in the set on the back cover.
This may not seem like a big problem, but it makes it impossible to include these pawns in my collection without completely changing the way I organize them. The lack of a pawn list on the back cover also makes it easier for me to lose pawns from this set, since I can't exactly keep inventory once I've popped them out of their frames.
They don't even say which pawn set they're from on them, which has been standard for pawn sets since after Runelords.
I don't know if this was intentional, or an oversight, but it's an unwelcome change to an otherwise great product line.