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Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Sorry I've been so quiet lately. Just started a new full-time job while continuing to work my part-time job so my free time has gone WAAAAAAY down. Barrak looks at Jimpy and shakes his head again. "Peanuts, monkeys, what are you talking about?" Barrak then looks in the direction of Ayla and scratches his beard. "Well, if they are friendlier than that psycho who tried to gut you we should at least say 'ello, otherwise I say we let Jimpy here burn them to a crisp." ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Db3's Narrator wrote:
Barrak mumbles in dwarven to himself as Shara takes control of the Tri-Horn. Spoiler:
"Would have been more entertaining if those things had eaten you. Damn goblin... What to do now..." Switching to common and speaking more clearly he looks around. "Jimpy, you still with us buddy?" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak nods his head in silent agreement of Jimpy for a moment. "Right... well, we all are a bit daft at the moment! At least you were smart enough to not hold on to this ugly little thing!" Barrak holds up the bag with the baby rex in it and points his finger by its head. Out of instinct, the crying rex extends its head and snaps at Barrak's finger. Barely pulling it back in time he contemplates seeing if the little brat could survive being trampled by the lizard he was riding. A sudden ear shattering roar from the baby's parents quickly puts that idea out of his mind. Glaring at the goblin he shouts out. "Is there anyway to make this thing move faster? I don't think we should delay this family reunion any longer than necessary!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Db3's Narrator wrote:
Barrak looks back shaking his head. "I think that man's crazier than you Jimpy!" Looking at Shara and the others he holds up the sack with the infant, "How far do you suppose we have to run before we can dump this sack off?" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak holds the sack uneasily and eyes the goblin with suspicion. The three horned beast looked fast enough but he had never had any training in riding beasts. Finally shaking off his doubts he jumps onto the strange animal's back and looks to the others. "Alright! Let's get this thing out of here!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak hurries after the strange man. Glad to be able to do something even if it was a bit suicidal. His battlerager training and the alcohol in his veins though just made him laugh at the idea of him dying. "Hahaha!!! Well, how much further to this hatchery? I'm anxious to see this crazy plan in action!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Db3's Narrator wrote: Hm... where's Barrak? Sorry got a bit lost, I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque... Seriously though, got a bit distracted with real life and kind of forgot this game, sorry! Barrak looks at Jimpy with his riding lizard frowning. "Do you have another one of those lizard things for me to ride? And more importantly, do you think they are fast enough to outrun the predators and get that baby out of here?" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Db3's Narrator wrote:
"Why don't we just kill the parents when they come for the egg then? How tough can it be? If you want I can slay them for you. My halberd grows dull with me sitting around. Besides, I owe you folks for the ale!" Barrak laughs heartily and shouts after Jimpy, hopefully before he gets too far out of earshot. "Jimpy get back here, we need to kill something bigger!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Jimpy Ashetongue wrote:
"Jimpy watch it! You almost made me spill my beer! Never waste good alcohol! Now here is a berry beer for you. Drink up, and lets see if there are any women or work to do. After filling my belly with ale I like to work up a good sweat! HAHAHA!!!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Jimpy Ashetongue wrote: "Hey Barrak! Look, they gave me a lizard and his name is Tinderbox, but 'I am not supposed to set fire to him or anything in the city that is not already in a firepit or shortly scheduled to be in one upon penalty of death or prosecution or exile or marriage.' Least I think that's what they said. Did you find your beer? Is it good? Does it taste like sticks? Or does it taste like berries? I like berries! They pop when you squeeze them! Just like beetles! I like beetles too! Is that a hammer?" "Jimpy! What the?! Watch where you're going with that lizard, you nearly ran me over! Don't touch that its not a hammer, its a pick. I was just on my way to see if the brewery was working yet. I was actually hoping for a good ale made with fermented mushrooms myself. Why don't you come along, maybe a drink will settle that daft mind of yours. Perhaps someone else is crazy and made a berry beer for you." ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak, after checking out his quarters, follows the directions to the brewery. After the boat ride and all the time spent out in the open, it felt good again to not be able to see the sky and be surrounded by stone. As he travels he takes careful note of his surroundings in case he needs to make a quick exit. His last encounter with a strange settlement had ended with him in chains after all and he wasn't planning on repeating that mistake. Still despite his caution he couldn't help but feel relaxed within the confines of the mountain. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Hey Dragonborn, don't know if you've seen yet but it looks like Paizo added a dice roller to their BBCode. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 161d10 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Would you prefer we start using that roller or should we stick to Invisible Castle? ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak visibly relaxes and looks to Ayla. "If they will have a brewery soon, this sounds like the best place on the whole island we can stay. I'll go with the gnome and the daft halfling, what about you Ayla?" Suddenly thinking for a moment he quickly turns to Jimpy. "Don't you even think about starting any fires anywhere near their brewery!" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Spot 1d20-1=9 "Nice job fire-loving halfling... Look gnome, maybe we got past your magics because they don't exist. What does it matter. You going to shoot us or not, cause if so my halberd and I will have to have a little chat with you. IF not we got better things to do than stare at your ugly mugs, like finding a way off this blasted island or finding a good strong drink." Barrak places his hand on his halberd ready to draw it in an instant should he decide its needed. I like the idea of more people joining up if its okay with you Dragonborn3. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() "By the gods..." Barrak shakes his head and gets up to keep an eye on Jimpy as he heads into the trees muttering to himself. "Won't do no good if our fire starter gets killed before we can get off this blasted island..." As he reaches the treeline he looks back at Ayla. "You coming? We're safer together and maybe the fool will get lucky and find us something we can use for a boat while he's wandering around in here." ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak's body begins to shake and convulse and he seems to grow another inch or two as his muscles swell. His eyes become clouded as his rage fully consumes him. In a flash his legs have closed the distance and his halberd is brought down upon the criminal attacking the half-elf. As the halberd completes its arc a deep primal roar escapes Barrak's mouth. Entering rage, move to melee, and assuming I'm close enough, an attack upon the assailant. Attack 1d20+13=21, Damage 1d10+8=17. Invisible Castle is down for some reason right now, so I had to roll the dice at home. I hope that is okay. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak looks at the scene with some confusion, the pain from earlier obviously slowing his reaction speed. Initiative 1d20+2=5. How much damage did I take jumping out of the tree? ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak leaps out of the tree and curses as his stubby legs are unable to absorb any of the shock of his landing. Shaking off the pain he rushes to where the scream came from, drawing his halberd as he moves. "Blasted elf... Should've known she'd get in trouble..." I'll jump from the tree. Jump 1d20+3 14. I take full damage from jumping out of that tree. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak climbs up to the sturdier branches and lies down, muttering in dwarven curses upon prejudice humans, stupid islands and the general lack of alcohol. Slowly his eyes begin to close and sleep finally steals over him. There is silence for a couple of minutes before the snoring begins. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak furrows his brow, as though trying to will his hunger away. "I've hunted before, though that was underground. I do have some throwing hammers we could use to take down smaller prey. Against something that big," he gestures to the large beast munching on leaves above him, "I don't have any weapons that would probably do much good." ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak grips his halberd tightly staring up at the beast above him. "What in the nine hells is that? Are you sure it only eats plants? Its not going to suddenly decide to try one of us for a snack is it?" Barrak's stomach suddenly interrupts his barrage of questions with a loud grumble. He moves one of his hands to his stomach and begins looking around. "Speaking of eating, what are we going to do about food?" ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak follows after the halfling and the half-elf in silence. As the half-elf suggests they head up into the tree, Barrak frowns. Sighing, he looks for a low enough branch for him to leap up to. With some effort he manages to pull himself up. "The name is Barrak of the clan Foehammer in the city of Caer Morda. I have to say I never thought once in all my years, I'd be sitting in a tree with an elf and a halfling. If I hadn't run out of booze, I'd be sure this was some kind of drunken hallucination." Barrak quietly rambles on about the loss of any alcohol for the next few minutes before shutting up and trying to find a comfortable spot to sit. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Shaking his head at the halfling Barrak begins muttering dwarven curses under his breath. "This ain't no vacation spot you daft halfling!" Barrak walks over to the half-elf woman. "You seem awfully calm. Gotta plan?" I too am up for waiting a bit to see if the others pop up before we go looking for others. ![]()
Male Dwarf Barbarian 7
![]() Barrak grabs his flask, quickly downs the last of his liquor. Frowning as he looks in the empty flask, he shakes his head. Putting the flask away he begins stretching. "Good to be off that damn boat! Maybe now I can eat something... Wait a minute..." Barrak begins to look around his environs. Quickly becoming extremely frustrated. "Where's the tavern? How can they expect people to live here without a tavern? Also, what is up with the shorty? He's not really going to try to catch those trees on fire is he?" |