
Balthazar Borealathon's page

63 posts. Alias of That Sean fellow.

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An idea popped into my head last week that came up again today about playing a PF game re-flavoured as a Marvel fantasy universe. Sort of like the comic 1602 or like this awesome artwork: Order of X

And it got me thinking about characters builds for Marvel heroes. Some are sort of obvious

Captain America as a Brawler with the Shield Champion Archetype

Thor you could probably build a bunch of different ways but I went with Thor as a Warpriest with the Weather and Strength domains.

Others are a bit tougher.

Cyclops possibly a Kineticist with the Elemental Annihilator archetype with a focus on Telekinesis blasts and force might work.

Archangel would be an Assimar to get the wings and at a hight enough level they can become metal as per the feat.

So yeah, curious to hear what everyone's thoughts are on a Marvel campaign and what builds for what characters you would use.

Hey all. So was just doing some reading about Rovagug and saw that the Terrasque is one of his children among others.

And out of curiosity, have their been any adventures/adventure paths/modules/PFS modules that actually use them or have the pc's go up against them?

There's so many awesome gargantuan monsters in the bestiaries. I'd love to hear about any of them that you guys used and how the PC's handled them so share your stories. Cos I think I want to throw something massive and epic at my players. One of which is the Jabberwocky cos I love that monster.

Also as an aside I hope an Isonade in the Ruins of Azlant AP.

So as the title says which would be a better build? I wanna make a faloner type character for the upcoming Ironfang Invasion AP. Thoughts?

Hey all.

Long time forum lurker here. I've played Pathfinder for many years now, mostly just in home games. But this weekend will be my first fray into the Pathfinder Society gameplay.
I'm currently wracking my brain and have many concepts for characters I'd love to play. So I'm trying to narrow it down.

So, any tips to keep in mind or advice anyone can give when making a PFS character that would be useful in PFS play? Lemme know :)

Many thanks