Azrial Skye's page

Organized Play Member. 20 posts (39 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


I have the books. most of them anyways.
When I asked about creating a character I was talking about on the site. I tried unsuccessfully 2 mins ago

blah blah blah


I've always been more of a hands on textile learner, Reading the guide now but the only thing it taught me how to do so far is this [ooc] <<idk if that will work lol

**it didn't work. ill figure it out in a few minutes. I'd love to join up though**

Once more with feeling [ooc]

-_______- Someone save me......

I'd like to find a DM that will work 1 on 1 with me if at all possible.

Posting a character, getting recruited, and the really technical parts of playing the campaign. All campaigns I played before we're free form, no minis or flip mats. OH and I'd rather not bog my PC down with a bunch of unnecessary software.

About being a DM or the PbP boards.

The only organized event in my state is an hour drive away. And I don't quite understand how to break into the PbP boards either.

DM Nerk wrote:

Best advice I can give:

1. Play as much as you can and try to learn from the DM's mistakes.
2. DM as much as you can and learn from your mistakes.
3. Figure out what you enjoy in gaming and focus on being better at that. You'll have a much easier time finding people who like the things you like than turning into someone you're not. It's possible to play in a game with a GM whose style you don't really care for, but it's pretty much impossible to run one.

1. Opportunities to play are VERY scarce.

2. See number 1
3. I enjoy playing but on the rare occasions I get to play the DM is always distracted and the campaign is dropped at the end of every session..

Nohwear wrote:
For any game(s) in particular?


Seeking a mentor to help me become a better DM and furthering my understanding of how to play the game.


I am VERY sorry it took so long to get back to you on this, I dont use paizo very often anymore and had forgotten that I had even started this thread.
To answer your questions it would be a Pathfinder game. As for stats you roll 4 D6, and re-roll any 1's or 2's, and then knock out the lowest die. I'd like each player to have a -1 modifier in at least one ability score, and at least one 18 ability score.

I get on skype pretty much daily, and if you want to play when the whole group isn't online I can try to throw in some fluff but other than that core story content is reserved for when the whole party is online.

Both Drow are Chaotic Evil.
The Lycanthrope fancies himself a master role player, so his toon had to be as complicated as possible. Combined with my reckless advancement track, the DR 10/Silver Has made him almost invincible. The only damage he has actually taken is 4 from Tsuto and 3 from one of two dire wolves I threw in JUST FOR HIM!
I let it slide because it was all supposed to be just for fun.
I didn't limit them to core content, mostly to add MORE variety to the game. In any fantasy game, if I can avoid it I NEVER play a human lol. but all play and no work has broken my game somewhat.

As my players were eager to level up I pretty much handed out levels every other encounter or so. Though mostly after anything with a CR of 3 or more.
I want my players to stay interested more than anything but I need some stability. Not to mention that my narrative skills leave much to be desired. Again I became a DM out of necessity. As my Lycanthrope player also thinks he's a master DM.....

As for advancement, today I found a guide that outlines about what level they should be at key points in the story.

In regards to backstory, I didn't put too much stress on it because I was just eager to actually play. Delaware apparently isn't a big RPG state because I only know 5 people who play, and we're few and far between. The only gaming event in the state is Inconsistent and over an hour drive away.

Trying to put together a regular campaign on Skype.
Trying to learn to DM so I'm also using this as a learning experience.
I would like to be a player not the gm, and if possible I'd like to play at least twice a week.
NO requirements other than a new character for the campaign.
Mature players welcome, all themes and elements are accepted.
If you aren't comfortable with mature content please stay away. There will be no restrictions on content unless agreed upon by the group.

Please post or PM me.
I will answer any and all questions.

Interested, currently Unemployed so I'm as flexible as it gets.
Living on the East coast of the US.

Novice player and newbie GM here in Frederica DE

Luckily for you, The Days of Knights store in your area organizes meets to play Pathfinder every so often. As of right now they are currently trying to schedule one in early Nov. You might even see me there.
Check out their website for more info.

New GM in Frederica DE
Currently running a 3 man group down the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path.
Would love additional players and a Co. GM would be AWESOME!

Local no but I'm a new GM (VERY VERY NEW) currently running a group of friends in Frederica south from you. just 20 mins outside dover.
Provided the house is okay with having a visitor, or we can find a quiet place to play you're welcome to join. Currently running Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path.

I am a novice Pathfinder player in DE.
After losing my GM I decided to become one and am currently running a campaign for my roomates.
Learning to GM is proving to be highly convoluted and difficult.
The campaign I am currently running is functional in the weakest sense
but boring and some of the mechanics are hideously broken.
I've poured through the core rule book and the gm guide published by paizo but they do not seem to answer my questions. What I find are round about arbitrary explanations.

I am currently running the Rise of the Rune Lords adventure path for my players. One is a novice like myself, running a Drow Psionic/Cryptic natural Lycanthrope (HELP MEEEEE!)
the other two are green as can be, one a Drow Abyssal Sorceress the other a Kitsune Fey Sorceress.
Having just cleared the Catacombs of Wrath and defeated The Quasit Erylium the APL is 6 (I have been handing out levels based on encounters not exp) only to find out that they were supposed to be Lvl 2?

The published adventure path leaves even more confusion in its wake.
I'm having a hard time turning it into an actual story. for example it jumps straight from the end of the CoW to the beginning of Thistle top.

If someone can PLEASE offer some insight I would be DEEPLY GRATEFUL!
Reply on this thread or Send me a PM.
In respects to learn about being a gm, I would love someone to tutor me in this on a semi regular basis.