
Azharten's page

Organized Play Member. 123 posts (1,561 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 13 aliases.

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Male [HP:25, Atk:+6, AC:16/12/14 Fort+6 Ref+2 Will+1; Per+6; Init+3]

Kerdin left after everyone else and soon departed to his own business. Wandering off a bit from town and looking for a place to sit, the barbarian took a position to sit and watched over the ocean.

He had been here for more than 1 week already and small stuff had happened. Also to be called a hero of this town was something new but he did not have anything against it. So many things has happened but guessing that more to come would mean more business for his axe. Sighing and looking towards the direction where he thought the mountains and his home would be Kerdin wondered when would be the next time he could see it

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I have no idea how the American education system really works but in Finland it is quite different. Starting at age of 7 children begin their school (lasting 9 years) and after that they have 3 options to choose: upper secondary school (voluntary) or vocational school (voluntary) or dropout. Even after these there still exists 2 different options: university or polytechnic.

Bla bla and so forth, there is some huge differences with style, education and system and I strongly disagree (That is my option) with sending children in early ages to school or to start "studying" as soon as they are able to comprehend simple things

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Dwarrig Stoneskin

Class: Fighter
1st max=10hp
2nd...6th=(3/4)5x8+5x3(+3con mod)=40hp+15hp

str:18 dex:14 con:16
int:10 wis:12 cha:10

+1 str (4thlvl)
+2 con, +2 wis, -2 cha (dwarf)

Family Background:

From the family of stoneskins, this dwarf is the ultimate wall between enemies and friends. Those who try to pass, are stopped by cold axe steel through their skulls and if this is not killing, then enemy will be finished by spiked shield or in the end, just by sheer brute force.

Marching in front line with honor and strong body, but even with stronger and most stubborn mindset you have ever seen. He didn´t born to Stoneskin family just to be soft but to be the mountain. Harder than adamantine, stronger than giants, Stoneskin family didn´t earn their name for nothing if not taking blow after blow and giving twofold back!

Raised by utmost military mind and sheer willpower of hardest stone, dwarfes from this family are well respected all around Golarion, since there is only few who can truly match the hardness and thick-skulness of members from this family.


Dwarrig was born during an enormous earthquake. As usual, the Stoneskin family dwarves were not shaken by a bit by this "small" tremor, since after all, they were supposed to be the eartquake itself! And when the eartquake was in its fullest force, Dwarrig came and there was silent for a moment, like a mountain and the caves itself took a deepbreat in front of this miracle... and Dwarrig´s father, Gworrig, saw a vision directly from Torag, that his son, fully equipped on finest mithril and strongest axe in his hand but more than that, in front of lines thousand dwarves to lead agaisnt orcs... a sight, many Stoneskin members were dreaming off... but only to be filled as front line fighters... after all, they were the mountain itself.

From young age, Dwarrig was raised with utmost hardness and all possible family knowledge was passed down to him they knew! Here was the Champion itself and he would be one would be in front lines to bring dwarves back to their glory. From morning to evening, the young child grew to be adult with constant training against multiple Stoneskin dwarf adults, beaten by clubs and later by swords, equipping the heaviest armors and weapons, bringing down destruction with their brute force and slamming that shield through their enemies skulls.

Decades later, Dwarrig was walking through his family halls and saw the looks of his family members and the yells of the clan members: "Glory to Stoneskin Clan! Glory to Dwarves! You have chosen as Torag told to us!". He was chosen! He had proven himself along with his other clan members, being in front line and smashing those orcs down while they retook their capital city. He was walking with his clan members, with other dwarves, some moments he was alone against hordes of orcs but always giving for each hit against him 4 hit back. He had conquered the imporant site from the orcs in the city, all alone! He had held his line, his head and shattered he coming forces. For that, he had received now honor from Bruagh itself.

Stoneskins in front, Stoneskins atands, Stoneskins never fall.. that was their fate and each member death would be avanged! This was their fate and now he had chance again to improve his clan worth in the eyes of others... since he truly was the member of Stoneskin clan... the hardest of them all.

He is hard as stone and as his clan name says, the mountains itself have seem to be taken an form of dwarf! So hard is he, so long he last that enemies lose their will, so hard is it to kill him. So is his mindset also. Stubborn as rock, immovable to directions, will of bull, he never surrender and give everything back toe-to-toe. Not the sharpest member of dwarves but the most trustworthy you can find and deadliest one when it comes to combat. Honor and Glory! Stoneskins fame, they all ride on his shoulders and he carry it proudly.