Radi Hamdi

Azadi Freeman's page

434 posts. Alias of Giant Halfling.


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Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

I tried converting Azadi to a wizard/alchemist to see what he would look like and realized that it would really necessitate enough change to his background/personality that he’s not really the same character anymore. I have some free time tomorrow, so I’m going to just set up a completely separate character so we can see them side by side and decide what to do. Sorry to drag this out to more than just a day or two, but I think tomorrow we should be able to have everything settled either way.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Lol- I was hoping for some more specific feedback. I offered to switch because I would enjoy playing either, but I wasn’t (and still am not) sure if that was even an option or if I need to stick with the character I pitched. I haven’t actually built anything (and probably won’t until the GM weighs in on whether a switch would be acceptable) but I have an idea for an alchemist/wizard who would be sort of a sage and utility/problem solver type that I can put together fairly quickly if we want to go that direction?

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Hey all, thanks for thinking of me!

Azadi is still all set up from recruitment and I could hop in right in as soon as I get caught up, if you want… I do see, however, that you lost your arcane caster and the other Dex based combatant picked up trapfinding… I can build an new arcane caster instead if you want? I’m kind of busy at work right now, so it could take a couple of day, but I don’t mind putting in the work if you’d all like?

Alright, I got my background up and I'm fully done and ready. Best of luck, all!

I finally finish my fighter/investigator and the next 2 submissions are a barbarian/investigator and a (theoretical) fighter/alchemist? I see how it is, lol.

Finished my background questions. They're in my profile, but I'll include it here too in case that's easier or whatever.

Background Questions:

1. What is your character’s name?
Azadi Freeman (Azadi means 'liberty' in Kellish)
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance?
Nearly 6' tall with a trim build. Black hair; ruddy, tanned skin; and eyes that look like gold. Dresses in traditional Keleshite linen turban and robes, with a chainshirt over top. A smooth, hairless tail occasionally emerges from beneath his robe.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Has a slightly strange manner of walking: on the balls of his feet such that his heels rarely touch the ground when he's moving. Speaks Taldane/common with no accent.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Born and raised in Augustana (in Andoran). Split time between a large apartment in the city and a modest country estate northeast of the city. Mother did most of the hands-on parenting during childhood but father was present too.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Mother, Ariana, was the daughter of a wealthy merchant. She managed the household until she died (16 years ago). Father, Professor Nadir Freeman, is the son of a freed slave. He teaches at the university in Augustana and has been a private tutor for several wealthy and influential families. The couple moved to Andoran after marrying to ensure that their children would never be slaves.
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Two brothers, Kareem and Hassan, and a sister, Farah, back in Andoran. Since moving to Katapesh, he's made many acquaintances but few friends. Only three, really: Pelius Crispin, a Cheliaxian antiquities broker; Selah, a jovial strongman with whom he frequents the same tavern and has gone on a few explorations; and, Zahra, a wild, passionate ifrit woman who is sometimes his lover, sometimes his business partner, and sometimes his rival.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single, with no children that he knows about.
9. What is your character’s alignment?
True Neutral
10. What is your character’s moral code?
Laws are guidelines, open to interpretation and expected to include some flexibility, but contracts are a covenant between two people and should be honored. History matters and shouldn't be lost or destroyed when it can be preserved and brought into the light (especially if doing so puts some coin in my pocket).
11. Does your character have goals?
Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
12. Is your character religious?
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
Obviously the gods are real, but they've got bigger things to worry about than me. We make our own destiny in this world, and anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
He's a bit cynical, maybe even slightly fatalistic, in his worldview, but has a great deal of confidence in himself.
15. Why does your character adventure?
To discover hidden places, to uncover forgotten knowledge, to recover lost artifacts (and attain fortune and glory along the way).
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
He's the leader, obviously; he's the one who knows what's going and how to avoid getting killed by every damm thing.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
His (golden) eyes and tail are pretty distinctive but, less obviously, his feet are deformed to resemble the paws of a hairless big cat.
18. How does your character get along with others?
He gets along fantastically with anyone who recognizes his expertise/leadership, and he gets along well with anyone who proves themself useful. He doesn't get along well with people who disrespect him, or can't carry their own weight (unless they recognize they can't and look to him for help), but he'll tolerate people if he has a contractual obligation to do so.
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
To be trapped in a classroom lecturing about history that he never sees or touches.

Most of what I would put in his description and background are already in here, but I'll try to put something in those spoilers tonight anyway.

Edit: I got his appearance spoiler done. I'll try to add some background story later tonight.

My crunch is finished but I’m still working on my fluff (should have it finished tonight, I hope).

Also, here is the alias for GH's tomb raider. I haven't had time to update his fluff (which is left over from a previous use of this alias) but all of his crunch should be set (unless I need to change his hp).

The tl;dr version of his background is that he grew up in Taldor (where his father was a teacher of history and engineering), but he was always very interested in his Kelish heritage. He got to explore some ruins with his dad when he was a kid and got a taste for it that only grew over time. He became an explorer of ancient places (and procurer of ancient relics) and moved to Katapesh for the career opportunities, and to connect with his heritage.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Hey all, RL has also been kicking me in the balls the last couple weeks, and has not let up yet. I don't have enough time/energy to keep up with all my games so I'm going to have to drop most of them. Sadly, this is one of the games I won't be able to hold on to. I hope that once Anthorg gets back the rest of you are able to get this going again. Happy gaming.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi positions himself behind Brand and places a minor blessing on the dwarf (casting guidance). Then he whispers to those close enough to hear him, "it's calling for 'Lady Nualia' as if she's the boss... I think that's probably the woman we killed in the basement..."

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

"I can still summon mist to obscure us from an enemy's sight, and create a wall of wind to provide some defense from ranged attacks, that's all the spells I have left though," Azadi reports. "And, I can still conjure a few blasts of wind and little storm clouds."

"I guess the question, really, is can we finish off the dogs? If not, then we need to figure out the best place to rest; but if we can, the bugbear might be the only thing left to handle."

"We couldn't deal with both dogs at once, but there's a natural choke point at the door... if we stay outside the door only one of them will be able to attack us but Brand and Betty will both be able to attack it, and Elan and I could both make ranged attacks or provide support. It might be enough to turn the odds in our favor?"

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi frowns. "We seemed to fare slightly better with help from Betty, but I'm not sure how we could manage another encounter with those dog-things... getting some rest does seem like the prudent course, but aside from the danger that we might awaken to an attack but not just the dogs but whatever else is left in here along with the dogs, we also run the risk that if that woman wasn't the mastermind behind the attack we might let whoever was escape while we're resting..."

I'm cool either way. I kind of feel like at this point we should just go for broke and either clear the place or TPK trying, but if others want to try a more patient approach I won't protest.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

"I'm afraid that if we rest inside the fort we'll wake up under siege..." Azadi confesses, "but we do need to rest, and I'm not sure what better option we might have."

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Oh, blessings on your trip to the Boneyard then.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Is Thakus still unconscious after all that healing? Either way, it seems like maybe we need to find somewhere to hide/hold-up and get some rest (and regain spells/channels/etc)?

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi moves out of the room to a place where he can channel energy without including the dogs, and summons a wave a softly white light to further heal his companions. Noting that the new woman does not appear hurt, he instead extends to her an animalistic blessing from Gozreh.

channel healing: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 to everyone but Ribitta

@Ribitta- you gain a 1d8 bite attack for 1 minute instead. Its a primary natural weapon if you use it alone or secondary (-5 to hit and only add 1/2 Str damage) if you combine it with your normal attack.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi pulls the strange medallion off the woman's corpse and holds it up towards the hounds. "Down!" he commands, "Sit!"

accomplish something?: 1d20 ⇒ 3
hahaha, that seems about right

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Things have been even more hectic than I anticipated; I'm sorry for the extended silence. I'm over the hump now and hope to have posts up in all my games tomorrow. I might still be slow to post until the 27th or so, but I should be able to post some at least (if the game gets moving during that time).

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

My schedule from now until Christmas is pretty hectic. I’ll try to sneak in posts (mostly from my phone) whenever I can but feel free to bot me if necessary.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Not too be a pessimist or anything, but discussing what to do about Thakus' death might be premature given that a TPK still seems like a very real possibility...

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Now fully certain that he has nothing meaningful to contribute to fighting the dogs, Azadi moves over to the woman's corpse and quickly checks it for any sign of a whistle or magical trinket that might allow him to call the creatures off.

perception (grazed): 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 - 1 = 10

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Growing desperate, and without any other helpful options, Azadi steps forward and thrusts his trident at the wounded dog. I probably need a nat 20 to hit these things, but I'll try to provide a flank at least? This round it'll go to Brand and next round I'll 5' step again so Thakus gets it.

trident (flank/wounded): 1d20 + 3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 2 - 2 = 16
for: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Now that he has a little breathing room, Azadi drags himself to his feet. Out of healing magic, and painfully aware that a single bite is enough to render him unconscious or dead, he thinks for a moment and suggests, "Thakus, if you move over in front of me here--and Brand takes a step to his left--it'll have a hard time pay attention to both of you, and I'll be able to help you hit a little better."

If Brand 5' steps 1 square to the right and Thakus 5' steps diagonally 1 square down and to the right you'll be flanking (which is an extra +2 to hit for both of you). And, I'll ready an action to cast guidance on Thakus if/when he comes within my reach.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

I’m already cooking for the (American) holiday tomorrow. I’ll try to get posts up tomorrow night but I’m not likely to get anything up before then.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Afraid that the dog-creatures will rip him apart if he tries to stand, Azadi grasps his trident and does his best to use it defensively.

taking full defensive rather than risking the AoOs for standing up

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi falls unconscious from the vicious bite and falls to the ground. His eyes flicker open when Elan heals him.

I think I lose my action for the round for dropping below 0 hp?

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

"To what end?" Azadi asks with clear frustration. Growing increasingly desperate, he contemplates summoning a mist to obscure him from the dogs' sense to see if he can reach Thakus and revive him, but when he remembers that he has exhausted his healing magic he tries once more to drive back the dogs with a blast of wind.

bullrush (grazed/guidance): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Yikes… I see the dice haven’t warmed up to me at all while I was gone…

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi takes a deep breath to hold back the fear welling back up inside him as the dogs turn his direction. Then he quietly mutters a prayer and blasts another burst of wind at the creatures. trying the wind blast again

bullrush: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Sorry for the delay- things have gotten busy at work with the holidays and end of year paperwork and whatnot (and also I got caught up in a big game of axis and allies over the weekend). I should be posting in all my games at some point later today.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Sorry, I was waiting for a sign that the dice gods may have been appeased.

Azadi frowns as the battle continues to go poorly. He quietly curses his shortage of useful spells, mutters a quick prayer under his breath, and tosses a wad of cloud and lightning at the woman.

ranged touch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
for (non-lethal): 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
-2 to hit for 1 round if she gets hit

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Sorry, Thakus, the only means of healing I have left is channeling and there's nowhere I can do that without healing the woman too... unless...

Elan, trade places with me," Azadi calls out as he tries to step into the place his new companion had been standing.

Assuming Elan is willing to use a 5' steps to trade places: Azadi steps away from the enemies, nervously clutches his holy symbol, and then releases a wave of warm white light. It brings healing as it washes over Elan, Brand, and Thakus, but when it hits the woman it causes the hand clutching her sword to grow hairy and clawed.

healing: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2

I'm using channeled blessing to give Nualia the animal blessing instead of healing her. She can now use her sword hand as a 1d4 natural attack instead of attacking with her sword if she wants, but she isn't healed at all. Edit: wtf... at least he's stabilized, I guess

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

“I’m afraid I’m a bit low on spells,” Azadi confesses as he blasts another gust of wind at the woman and her dogs. “I can summon a cloud of mist if you like?”

bullrush: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

I have 2 (non-orison) spells left: obscuring mist and wind wall (which are both domain spells, so I can’t even use them to heal). edit: rng hates me…

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi once again conjures a mighty rushing wind, and directs it past Brand to batter the woman and one of the dogs.

bullrush: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

My wind blast granted power is a 30’ line, so I’ll send it through the woman and then whichever dog I can hit without hitting Brand.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

I'll post an action if you'd like but when you first posted initiatives you had me listed after the bad guys?

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi cringes at the sight of the beautiful and horrible woman. Before she has a chance to command the frightening dogs towards him, he summons a blast of sound to injure and disorient the enemies. casting sound burst, targeting the woman plus as many dogs as he can get without hitting Thakus

sonic damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8
targets also need to make a DC 16 Fort save or be stunned for 1 round

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

"Wait!" Azadi whispers urgently as he follows the dwarf back to towards the dogs, "That hobgoblin is looking for one of the goblins we killed already... if we don't kill him quickly while he's alone, he's going to find out what we've been up to and come charging up behind us while we're trying to stage a rescue. He's trying to gather others for a sacrifice, which means they're waiting to kill Thakus until he gets back..."

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi continues running back towards the others.

I'm not sure where I am either, lol. I had to flee for 4 rounds, but I don't really have control over myself while doing that. If I fled efficiently it'll take me 4 rounds to get back (roughly 2 more rounds, assuming we're still more or less round by round right now); if I fled poorly I could be back this round or next?

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

what am I doing?!? that creature was... shocking... but I can't leave my new companions behind like that...

Doing his best to remember the fastest way back, Azadi begins the painfully long run back to his endangered companions.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi continues frantically ‘exploring’ parts of the fort away from the dog creatures.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi continues fleeing as well as his limited knowledge of the fort’s layout will allow him.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

In a panic, Azadi continues to flee.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
2d4 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

Azadi suddenly remembers he may have left a candle burning unattended in the shrine and takes off for Sandpoint to double-check.

Lol- I wrote up a whole post without previewing my saving throw because "I'm at +8, of course I'll make it"... dang

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

know (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

"A temple to Lamashtu?" Azadi gasps, "That's alarming... especially since this doesn't seem at all like it was made by goblins. We should proceed carefully. But, before we do, can anyone tell if those are magical knives? And, if they are, can anyone use them?"

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi shivers slightly at the thought of what has been going on down here and quickly closes the 'nursery' door. "Let's keep moving before I lose my lunch." He doesn't, however, open another door himself, instead waiting for Elan--or someone else better suited than himself--to check the next option.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

”What’s a clock?”

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Elan said he would translate, but for expediency sake...

When Elan seems too stunned to choke out the translation, Azadi put on his best mean face and (from behind Brand) threatens the goblinettes in their own language.

intimidate: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi cringes slightly and mumbles "gods, let's hope they're not into that sort of thing..." while Elan handles the translation.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

I also speak goblin,” Azadi quietly confesses, just in case the information proves useful in the future.

Tiefling Fighter/Investigator 1

Azadi unconsciously places his free hand on his tummy as it turns at the appalling sight.

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