
Atheory's page

Goblin Squad Member. 201 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

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Envoys from the Xeilias Empire sat across the table, hands folded, staunch in their unwavering means of producing no facial gestures. After much discussion, only the sound of birds chirping, signaling the end of the day, lingered as I pondered a final response. I already knew the answer. There had always only been one answer.

For weeks, since Allegiant Gemstone Company took up residence in the Imperial town of Kreuz Bernstein, there had been a strong effort from Imperial factions to integrate the company in with the day to day operations of the Empire. In short, they wanted us to bend to the knee and become citizens. The offer was tempting and for those weeks I skirted the line between becoming a citizen and running an independent company.

I wanted to fit in, to pull my weight and in so doing subjected my members to radical changes. They took up the challenges with the zeal and relevance I’ve to expect and admire. Qualities commonly found throughout the company. As we moved across country, we explored the new area and quickly even jumped into the Empire’s conflict with the southern city states. The allure of the Empire had its effect on us, but it began to fade and we began to fall back on the core beginnings of the company.

Now all I need do is say yes. One little word confirm, no actually to reaffirm what we had always been. An independent company. Our identity isn’t the Empire, Golgotha or Banditry. Rather we are the fighting merchants of tomorrow and will continue to pursue that course. By saying yes I do not reject the Empire and all it has to offer. They have been gracious hosts. I only say yes to the Allegiant Gemstone Company and its future endeavors, wherever they lead.

With a yes, AGC becomes just a private business who takes up residence in Kreuz Bernstein. Subject to their laws and taxes as would any other fitting company under the umbrella of the Empire, but having no obligations otherwise to the Empire. In reality that is all we ever wanted. Why the pause? The allure of citizenship is strong. They are good folk. Their benevolent leader is, well benevolent.

However, the answer was always yes. The question was just never asked until now. So yes. My answer was yes. The envoys stood, gave a nod in unison, and exited the room. Silence engulfed the room eventually driving me to the Tavern.

Goblin Squad Member

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In theory yes, but this is a GW production. I expect to see that balance in 2 years! :P

Goblin Squad Member

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I understand this might be a hard concept to grasp, but AGC is an independent company and always has been. While we now reside within the Empire of Xeilias, we still maintain a great deal of that independence. With that independence comes an inherent set of responsibilities in being citizens of the Empire. I won't bore you with the internal politics of the Empire except to add:

Phyllain as the leader of this Empire can do as he please, such as to support the actions of AGC or not. I am merely clarifying, at least attempting to, that diplomatic dialogue can be established with AGC on matters involving the AGC.

People can bypass us and go directly to Gologtha, the capital of the Empire and seek an audience with the Benevolent Leader if they wish, but in many cases this actually wouldn't be necessary with cordial discussions between the originally involved parties. As always, should those talks fail, then go up the ladder.

Goblin Squad Member

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I hope they put in a ledger of some sorts for that shared vault.

Goblin Squad Member

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I do , I do

Goblin Squad Member

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Be kind, Rewind

Goblin Squad Member

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sprinkles are for winners....

Goblin Squad Member

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Allegiant Gemstone Company

Join one of the largest, and goal-driven non-settlement owning companies in the game. Thought provoking and always pushing the envelope of game play. Already building upon a reputation for stepping outside the box, we continue to challenge ourselves, as well as others, helping to make the game a great experience for all.

It is our intention to participate in every facet of the game and absorb through the senses all of the fun and excitement that can be had. We want anyone looking for something a bit more outside the cookie cutter company, where fresh new ideas are cherished, further emboldening and enhancing our game experience.

Whatever your playing preference, we have a place for you. Bring your individual talents on board and together we will forge a Merchant Empire the world will respect, and perhaps even come to fear.
Visit us at Allegiant Gemstone Company
Mercenary Force -
Interested in forming, or already have, your own group? AGC can be your home. Operate under our banner and work with a good level of autonomy. You will have your own TS channel with the name of our group and still have access to all the assets of the company.

Don't have a group, but just want to pvp? We got jobs for you too. Help us create the best mercenary force with cutting edge tactics and leadership. Earn a stipend and have your equipment provided for.
Merchants, Surveyors, Explorers, Crafters, Gatherers, Haulers and more:
We have need of all. We strive to do away with the collective drone mentality where your work grants you very little reward. With us, every commodity you handle that helps the company is compensated for through our material buy back and profit share programs. We believe in transparency and have a mound of ledgers to prove it.
Ideas, Energy and Time -
We support initiative and creative new ways of doing day to day business. Whether your contribution great or small, no one gets more or less beyond what you do for yourself.
If interested, you may PM here on the forums, jump in our TS via our website or apply in game via the company search function.
Allegiant Gemstone Company
I look forward to hearing from you.

Goblin Squad Member

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I am putting words to screen, more for my own purpose for I've not written anything for myself in a couple weeks now. So now I abuse paizo forums with my thoughts, and unfortunately you the reader as well. I bow in apology.

There is obviously an inherent struggle with the eternal debate in balancing pvp vs pve and I've little desire to champion one or the other on their own merits. I believe the title "sand Box MMO" immediately and without reservation, automatically combines the two terms PVE and PVP. While there may be an argument with some example out there that could prove me wrong, for the sake of treating PFO only in the context I've laid out, it should leave no illusions to what can be expected in PFO.

Having said that, the next jump forward will revolve around the mechanisms in game that will work to balance the two. But, I am not here to discuss what those will or should be. Instead, I'd like to focus on the idea of "What is the value of a life?".

Stepping away from the eternal debate, I choose to focus on my character's life. What is its value to me? To the world? And in answering these, it tells me not only where the game is, where it's going, but of my own enjoyment in it. Meaningful content does not exist without value and all value derives from life.

Be it the dedicated role-player, hardcore gatherer or the casual team that logs in on a Saturday night to take on an escalation, there should be an intrinsic value to you, which is your life. No one logs on in the hopes of dying, sure they may want to kill other characters, but they never want to die themselves. This shows some value of life. And we can expand upon it, in theory.

When we look at the end game, what do you see? I see a collection of companies working together to accomplish things. That involves social relationships and I believe this is at the heart of this games design. Under this umbrella lets revisit the value of life. Settlements will need supplies, how they get them encompasses all of the intended Open Sand Box intentions. What is the value of a gatherer to a settlement? Any settlement applies here, even a settlement that doesn't gather can still buy off the auction house or steal from players by looting their husks. So I ask again, what is the value of a life?

Will companies protect their gatherers? Is there enough value in that one character to utilize another players time to protect them? Couldn't we say that character guarding the gatherer at this very moment is just as valuable? When a character decides to attack, should they not be concerned with their character's life, and not just with the time it takes to respawn and jump back into the fight? I would think it is towards this end that GW should strive for. And maybe they are.

For myself, I hate dying, I hate it with a passion. When I decide to lead a raiding party, or take a tower, or even just handle an escalation, I want our lives to be meaningful, and not just expendable thanks to the respawn gods. If I take a small group south to Keeper's Pass from Marchmont, I want to be prepared, and forced to make hard choices. If I or my guys fall, i don't want to respawn in the next hex, I want to respawn way back at Marchmont. Then I must decide, is the trip again worth it?

I don't want systems that limit my ability to play a certain way, I just want a system that shines an honest value on life. What is the point in a revolving door of deaths and respawns over a tower? If you kill me or I you, that should have some more meaning, or impact if you prefer. Why should we accept instant gratification when the journey to the destination should be a part of the experience.

The dead will rise, bent, not broken at their home settlement. Reborn to once again give purpose and value to their character, to their lives. Since when can we not cherish living, and why must we only anticipate death. Why can't we look up at the rising sun and say to ourselves, "Yes, I have survived to see another day!"

Golarion is dangerous, the lore, the history tell us that. But even in chaos there is meaning. I don't want wild unstoppable roaming bandits, and I argue they would exist only if the masses allow them to. Lets think about it, can bandits exist in the end game...sure, but only of limited size and scale because the mechanics will caste them aside. They will be hard pressed when organized nations move their armies in and destroy their base of operations. Evil nations will exist, but they will not necessarily be bandits, and if organized will be weighed down by politics.....and eventually, war will erupt, oh the beauty of war. Where the true meaning of life is unveiled and challenged.

So I put aside the eternal debate and choose to believe my life has value. Is it time to wise up? To awaken from the coma of theme park, button smashing MMOs and realize that yes, a life can and should matter? Golarion is a zoo full of deadly creatures, but a fire keeps the wolves away, a holy cross keeps the vampires away, and yes, even your group of gatherers with pitchforks can indeed keep a couple of bandits away. And should you happen to fall that night, know that the fading star above your dying gaze is giving way to a new dawn, where once gain you will put value into living.

Do not lose hope, nor despair over failure, for the days you survive shall out number those of which you do not. And when it seems too much to move forward, let your buddy, or company pick you up, dust you off and carry you just a little bit further. For at the end of the line, is the end game.

Goblin Squad Member

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I couldn't resist, I had the x-mas song in my head when I saw this post.....

I'm making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's got stuff I want.

Atheory's coming to town.

I see you when you're gathering, I know when you're online, I know if you got stuff to take, so you better run faster than me.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hiding? excuse me, I was AFK watching the movie "Fury" on demand. :)

Goblin Squad Member

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When is soon?

Goblin Squad Member

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@DeciusBrutus - Aragon had no knowledge of our actions. We were accepted Saturday Night, I took the towers Sunday. Someone finally noticed either tuesday night or wed and here we are.

Obviously the only true error here, from the NAP standpoint, is I took an inactive tower a few days before they were legally allowed to be taken. Since AGC does not recognize the NAP, it would be silly of us to adhere to terms set forth in the NAP.

Goblin Squad Member

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@Bluddwolf, the reason you had not heard word from AGC is because you did not inquire about this matter until just your last post, even though you had already contributed to this thread multiple times since yesterday.

You have our TS info as well and could have popped over at any time to inquire. We are an independent company and not subject to the untimely and willful summonings of Aragon leadership.

We have watched you try to minimize the AGC for Aragon's benefit as you try and find that tail of yours....I think its between your legs. And we have remained silent. But I fear the time for silence has come to an end.

I will address your PM on its own.

@whoever cares

I have always felt Aragon's possible actions were simple, having already admitted to the offense in the 2nd or 3rd post of this very thread. I have not sought to defend, nor amplify my actions. Others have done that on their own accord, but mostly by only drawing their own conclusions which in itself does a disservice to the NAP you guys are so hard trying execute and prove its relevance.

I have voiced my opposition to the WoT NAP and am distraught that such an act would be acceptable by the community at whole....wait it hasn't, but a blanket inclusion was enacted nonetheless by what I call the "Alpha Aristocracy", A term I did not coin, but have adopted.

It must be understood that I support the process of the NAP's inception. An open sandbox MMO should have little to no restriction on player generated content, as allowable through the games developed mechanics. I strive for a certain play style, for myself and for my members....many of whom have joined me because of this.

My actions were calculated and the potential consequences were known. Myself and those of my company have for the large part, remained outside the development of this thread's discussion knowing full well the process of the NAP would have to go through its cycle. We do respect the NAP and its process as a player created entity even though we do not support nor recognize it. While others may drum up drama, I only encourage the matter to conclusion.

I shall simplify matters for everyone, hopefully. AGC joined Aragon with the understanding that we would be independent in all things, with the exception of mutual defense of settlement towers. As many of you already know, if you remember from past discussions when AGC was looking for a home, that AGC was very concerned about obligated entanglements outside of our own operations. We take to heart having the ability to function as an independent entity, cultivating relationships on our own terms.

It was neither conveyed nor expressed through any means by Aragon that we were to uphold the agreement's Aragon itself had accepted on any scale. While the matter is trivial at best, and joining Aragon meant upholding the NAP may have been implied, but currently my lawyer is out of town at the moment.

Have I put Aragon in a bind, perhaps. Maybe it shows Aragon truly isn't the best home for my company after all? It's hard to say at this time. By expelling us from Aragon, in my view, is the best course of action for Aragon if it wishes to remain a part of the NAP. For AGC will not accept any form of penalty imposed by a tribunal through an agreement AGC does not recognize.

I will say one more thing as well. My actions were not intended to announce any form of open season on core towers. We believe in diplomacy and politics, but when these place a blanket on the entire game, and limits how I want to run my company, I must hold true to my purpose and push back, even if it's only just a poke from time to time.

Goblin Squad Member

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I've had the towers nearly 3 days now, I was wondering when the "we are the world police" would show up.

I took'em, damn straight, what you gonna do about it! And I'd do it again.

As I sit cross legged, arms folded at my offline tower during a dream session chanting "heck no we won't go, heck no we won't go"

Since Golgotha wants to help call me out, feel free to ding them for allowing Callambea (yes also Golgotha with a different name) from taking core towers around Iron Gauntlet.

Yes, what a web we weave!

Allegiant Gemstone Company

Goblin Squad Member

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A company for the future, right now

Goblin Squad Member

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The crowd goes wild as Midnight its a home run. A chant emerges "Midnight, Midnight, midnight, midnight, midnight"

Goblin Squad Member

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We are the fighting merchants of Aragon and our doors, and kegs, are open to those desiring a life of challenging adventures and an eye towards the attainable idea of “Profits”. How we are going to obtain these profits will be the catalyst for all the excitement to come.

Representing the best qualities of casual gamers, we focus on maximizing our time in game while enjoying the fruits of our labor over witty banter, and fine spirits. Our members enjoy the flexibility to fulfill their own pursuits without much expectations placed on them by the company.

It comes down to just a bunch of people playing a game, and having a heck of a good time doing it!

In the works already are several plans and we are developing additional ideas that will cement our place in the world. Our company structure allows for all members to contribute to this process, giving our collective body the power to nudge our actions this way or that way. After all, its your company too.

We accept all roles, believing your social inclusion to our group will far outshine whatever role one chooses to play in the company. The company can and will adapt to the collective roles of its members. Even the smallest contribution can return a bag full of gold.

Specializing in combat and crafting will in itself come naturally through the balance of intent by the members of our company. We shall strive to produce and provide the highest quality of products, and our ability to wield the blades of destiny will be respected.

Aside from the random roams and organized raiding, we will pay special attention to helping and developing the player driven market, for our benefit of course. So whether you pvp or pve, you can find yourself at home here with us.

For additional info, or to start the joining process you can PM here on the Paizo forums, or join our TS via our website
Allegiant Gemstone Co.


Goblin Squad Member

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Hello everyone, you are all aware of various gaming communities whether through PFO or other games, and Allegiant Gaming Community is also one such entity. This is an open invitation for any company, or individual out there not affiliated with a gaming community to join our small and humble one.

Most of us opt to play other games from time to time and it is always nice to have available a base of other gamers from which to potentially play those games with. We are a non-competitive, casual based community from which resources are available to those wanting to join us.

We started as a local group in Wisconsin, USA and are looking to broaden and expand our base. We already have active members playing MOBA’s, Minecraft and a variety of Zombie killing, FPS or other new and old games.

Regarding PFO companies, by joining us you could consolidate resources as we could set up a section for you in our TS and forums. Or if you have/want to keep your own forums/webpage we can set up links on our community site. As we know security could be a concern, measures are in place to prevent eavesdroppers. We’re trying to help eliminate the need to bounce around from different TS/vent servers, and or forum sites. We recognize it is easier to “want” to communicate and organize with other people who are simply in the same TS/Vent server.

Leaders of companies joining the community would get certain TS and Forum moderating rights to facilitate the operations of their respective areas.

Our purpose here is not to create an alliance or conglomerate of companies, far from it. The individual identity of companies would always exist as longs as their respective leaders desire them too. But when your players are done playing PFO for the day and want to dive into some minecraft, Battlefield, or Counter-strike etc..etc.., there could be a host of other players already playing and or willing to play that they can jump in with.

The logistics and or concerns of such a move can be discussed at any time. You can join us on our TS via our website:
Allegiant Gaming Community

Allegiant Gaming Officer

Goblin Squad Member

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While I'm all for the PVP love tapping that is possible, my company and I are policing the town of Marchmont as it is our temporary home. We will not permit unwarranted attacks within the towns limits. If we see you 'RED' we will engage and ask questions later.

Suffice to say, leave the pajama clad newbies alone so they can learn to kill goblins and craft. I have 3 notches on my belt these past two days alone. Test us if you want to.

That is all, happy new year everyone!

Allegiant Gemstone Company

Goblin Squad Member

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That's it, bluddwolf broke the game

Goblin Squad Member

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We're in game, join us, the few, the proud, the drunks.

Goblin Squad Member

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@Bluddwolf, I love your down and dirty realism. I agree with how you present the game.

Right now I would not invite anyone to the game. Ask me that in 4-6 months I may have a different answer. We really are just in a holding pattern until GW puts more of the game together.

But I will always have someone bookmark this game for later. The community often seems to preach the potential of it as if the messiah was coming. In that I do not disagree. I have high hopes, but I doubt I'll see much of that potential before next summer.

The one thing our effective community will have, is hopefully a great foundation of support in place for when the game is truly ready for the masses.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hello one and all. As we soon embark on our adventure through the start of EE, I am anticipating a slow, quiet launch, but still one filled with excitement and a look towards the near future. We are a small band of hardcore and casual gamers. We will never outright compete with any pure hardcore company, instead we adopt gaming as a small part of our lives, that when time permits, we log in and attempt to be the best until we log-off.

We few here at Allegiant Gemstone Company will strive to perfect our craft. We will mask our presence through the dark of night. The sun will embolden our arrival, blinding our foes. We will strike when and where of our choosing.

Those opting to join us do so knowing their individuality will not be sacrificed for the greater good. We are a collection of souls whose adventuring days have just begun. Surrounded by like minded people, an atmosphere of success will flow as wine into a sea of possibility.

While we dare not ever proclaim in seeking to be the biggest, or the baddest, we only desire to be respected by the world be it through enterprising trade, or with red dripping down our blades.

We are in this for the long haul, providing guidance and possible(optional) distraction as to avoid gaming fatigue. The world will not be conquered in a day, so let us together place our pieces, and when the time is right, make our move.

Something relatively unique, our by-laws are designed with the greatest amount of freedom to our individual members, while covered in a shroud of Brotherhood. Our own members can have a direct impact on how the by-laws are adjusted an written in the future.

Crafting - be your own entrepreneur. Our by-laws give a great deal of flexibility.

PVP - You want it, come join in on it!

PVE - Organized parties will be created on a weekly basis.

What we don't promise - we won't spoon feed you. Joining us beholds unto you a certain responsibility. We have a very small leadership circle to further empower our members as equals to create from your own ideas and strengths a company worthy of your efforts.

Being a merchant and mercenary empowered company grants us the flexibility to partake in all aspects of the game. All of which are optional to our members.

We have but one requirement, the use of TS3 upon logging into game. You need not always converse, but your ears must be available if something comes up.

Allegiant Gemstone Company (temporary site)
Our Forums (view our by-laws)

I am available to discuss anything to any interested individuals.
PM me, or hop on TS (via our website)

Thanks for reading
Merry Christmas, and or Happy Holidays everyone!

Allegiant Gemstone Company

Goblin Squad Member

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*One of us, One of us!
While the game continues to press forward, we few here at AGC continue to support its development and build up the foundation for a successful and thriving company. We want our members to have the freedom to explore the world on their own, while having a group to fall back on, or if they so choose can exclusively explore the world with the group. We put a lot of power in our members hands and foster the seeds of success for that individual.

A few points about the company
1) Alignment: The company's alignment will not be defined by one or two people. We will start with a true neutral alignment and through the collective will of our members, we shall swing the pendulum up and down the alignment scale.
2) Crafting: The company will indeed master the ways of the gemstone, however our members can pursue any crafting fields their hearts desire.
3) PVP: Will be plentiful, but is optional to our members.
4) What's mandatory?: Only the use of TS3 when playing. We are structured to be a casual company, even if some of us come across as being hardcore. The mentality of both the hardcore and casual gamer is welcomed here.
5) Activities: A regular schedule will be available, but we do promote individual freedom and therefore such activities are optional.
6) Share Holder Policy: Members will be eligible for dividends of company profits at established intervals.
7) By-Laws: A set of guidelines that help govern the company. Establishes transparency and structure.
8) What do you want to play?: You can play almost any type of role within the company. Play what makes you happy!
9) Mercenary Work: Will be supported and active.
10) Role-Play themes: Will be promoted from time to time. We encourage our members to bring forth this element in an active way if they so desire.
We, who few are called to this path, are an elite caste drawn together from the depths of history. Forging in earnest the masterpiece of our lives towards an ever lingering glimpse of immortality. Adventurers, and life seekers whose journey never stops with just the company, infuses their will with it only to start anew when their dreams become reality.

The individual, seeking to free themselves from the constraints that bind them, will hear the calling of their conscience. Causing them to seek out the company and through the divine intervention of their will the two shall unite. Forever creating an enduring spark of beautiful reflection only witnessed through the vision of our masterful gems.

Not even the scrolls of time can bring forth clarity to the company's origins. Records are scarce forcing those to rely only on the eternal bond felt between those who accepted the calling. The legacy of our existence can be seen around the world.
Merge your company or group with ours
We have the resources and framework for something pretty special here and we invite any other companies or groups of players to join us. There is lots of freedom here and open discussion is welcomed. PM me to start up a dialogue and we'll see where that leads us.
Some links:
Our Forums
Our By-Laws
Share Holder Policy.
Our main page for TS3 info
A heartfelt message from me
I am invested, as are our current members, in this vision of PFO. We as a company aren't going anywhere. And while we don't flaunt our activity during Alpha, except a little during the initial introduction of the towers, we are keenly aware of what's going on. Our vision is sound, and we invite you to join in that vision. Here you not only have a chance to play with great people, but help forge the destiny of a company in this new game.

Goblin Squad Member

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Here is my 2-cents worth of non-refundable thoughts

1) Do away with the orange color, maybe yellow with black text.

2) I think its time to cut the cord with the table-top references, while its sweet to pay homage to that sector, you're not building a TT game. If any reference should be made, it should be made to the world of golarion.

3) In the green section, get rid of the "9 Levels" that really says nothing, especially to those not accustomed to TT. The average player will only care about the number of spells anyway. The 9 levels they will discover while in game what that actually means.

4) regarding the roles, an emphasis could be placed on the ability to customize your character by being able to train into any role at any time. XP permitting of course.

5) I don't understand the reason for the red block of text. You should be promoting PVP as a positive thing. War of the towers? Besiege settlements?

6) describing the parameters of the map (hexes and what not) should be done away. Instead focusing on describing the massive landscape without instancing. Or however would be best to describe it that way. Or just put it bluntly, "the map is huge, traverse it if you dare"

Goblin Squad Member

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@Calidor - the issue with no players is pretty evident. People are worn out from Alpha, and await EE. With a limited player pool you are looking at a situation where you just have too many chiefs, not enough indians.

A lot of people want to own a company for one reason or another. Some were lucky enough from landrush to acquire an immediately decent size player base, but even that is suspect as paper armies can easily fade away. Others are from established gaming communities.

The companies in place now are typically (won't say all) ones that want to establish roots for the long term. A few, like mine and a couple others that even try to actively recruit, are wanting like minded members. People who also look towards the long term.

Yes, the average member base for a company right now is probably 8-10, and some of those may even be alts. But that isn't necessarily the point. The game is setup to allow small companies to exist and survive within a settlement. Larger companies will emerge as is the norm, but only in a distant point in time where the player base is expanded.

I agree, for the average, non-affiliated player who sees a lot of seemingly inactive companies, it can be frustrating. But this will work itself out in time. Just give it time. :)

As for the other point, combat mechanics are constantly getting tweaked and improved. We aren't near the point of combat balance and we will get there, again give it time.

Goblin Squad Member

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I see it differently. - the date was set for the 30th and there is nothing to tell me that has changed. When in doubt go with the last concrete bit of info you have.

GW will tell us by the 30th what's up. They are obviously putting the effort in to make the 30th happen and by not saying anything already tell us they are close enough to push to maintain that date. If they fall short, we will know.

There is no status change, from someone knowing they may or may not make the 30th deadline based on GW telling us or not because we already know the set time.

Just stay tune for the next 24 hours and we'll see what unfolds.

As For others, if you burnt yourself out on Alpha, that's your fault. Take a break and come back refreshed.

Goblin Squad Member

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Information is power, and the more we have, the more power we hold. Some may be bought for the right price

And to be clear our clients information can never be bought, because someone out there will ask no doubt.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hello my friends and fellow patrons of the world.

Under the current implementation of the game, we have decided that we will not be joining a settlement for the start of EE. This is not an anti-settlement decision.
Why did we decide this? -

1 Having had discussions with a great number of settlements, it became apparent that many were nothing more than an extension of the “owners” personal plans. Thereby treating the settlement as nothing more than a recruiting scheme and base of operations. Often the identity of companies wanting to be independent and while existing would be in name only. That company would be swallowed up by the rules and restrictions bound to them by the owners of the settlement. Naturally this is their right and I would not deny them this. However, it is not for us.

2 We wanted to avoid any permanent or unforeseen entanglements right out of the starting gate. While this may put us in a more precarious position as first, we are confident of our ability to shape our destiny without the need for a settlement immediately.

3 This affords us the most neutral stance a company of our stature could desire in conducting business with other entities.

4 We sense there will be many dying settlements and companies during the first few months of EE. While we hope we are wrong, we must place ourselves in a position of action rather than reaction.

5 There are a few other reasons, but we'll let them rest for now as not to ruffle feathers.
What does this mean? -

1 It gives us the flexibility to fully explore other aspects of the game that might not be immediately apparent when joining a settlement. As we are fully aware of the “planned” implementations that could alter our position regarding settlements in the future, we will endeavor to promote the agenda of a company that is independent of the structure one would find in settlements right now.

2 It means a new way of thinking. An exciting adventure outside the confines of a permanent settlement. Between our nomadic merchants, roaming mercenaries and master crafters we will become a much sought after commodity. We shall become the force multiplier a struggling settlement may need, or an added part of an equation a warring faction had not factored in. We will appear, then disappear leaving a mark that forces the world to pause for a breath.
The appeal -

We call forth any and all players who have the itch of playing the odds. Of exploring the unknown, and carving out for themselves a piece of the world.

Visit our forums to read up on our internal structure. I'm pretty sure you'll like what are setting up here.
Allegiant Gemstone Company Forums
Join us on Teamspeak for a conversation about the company and your desires.
Allegiant Gemstone Main Page (click Join TS on left side of page)
PM me in game as an alternate discussion method.
It's not personal, it's just business.
As a company, we are open for business.
Allegiant Gemstone Company

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

.Wants you!
.Merchants and Warriors unite!
Our guild name was chosen with a subtle purpose in mind. For we few who choose this path are an elite caste of merchants and warriors.

Our small band is looking to expand its numbers and we want you! Play the game how you want to play it, and with us the songs of our deeds shall be sung throughout the known world.

We have the resources and knowledge to help you achieve your goals. In seeking both casual and hardcore players, we want to foster a fun and exciting gaming atmosphere for PFO.

The guild will be participating regularly in PVP and PVE activities. With one eye set on raids and settlement wars, and the other on cornering the market where possible.

We have the basics: Forums, TS, Website, and even our resource site for PFO that is in constant development. Soon our coat of arms will be displayed for all to see.

Interested in joining us? Or want more info? Go to:
Allegiant Gemstone Company
TS3 info:

Atheory Resource site

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello again everyone.

Just some additional insight into our little community.

We are an independent thinking, crafting and mercenary group with a code of ethics that represents the true spirit of Lawful Neutral.

We are for the casual and hardcore alike. Much like the game itself, we are building the guild from the ground floor up and we're building it right!

Don't be drawn into the large settlement coalitions where you have little to no say, and are primarily wanted as just another number to add to their fodder of centralized pooling.

Don't give up your hard fought loot and resources to some collective pool and be unsure if you'll get your adequate share.

Keep them and prosper for yourself with us. When you prosper, the guild prospers.

Our major keywords are fun, enjoyment and camaraderie.

Allegiant Gemstone Company

Allegiant Gemstone Company Site

Goblin Squad Member

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello all, I thought I'd make a bit of a more official thread regarding this. Allegiant Gemstone Company (and its parent company Allegiant Gaming) has opened its TS server to the public for use.

So I thought before we all head to our respective guild corners when the game really starts, we could develop a temporary home for people willing to discuss the game, form parties with (using voice comms) or just to chill while soloing around.

You know the deal, be respectful, courteous and don't push your guild down others throats. Now lets go kill some skeletons and ogres for the remainder of Alpha!

Just to clarify, people not in guilds, solo artists and even people already in guilds are invited to partake in this social experiment, at least until EE starts.

Take note, I am a disabled military veteran and will not tolerate full retardedness, only half. :)

Or google "Allegiant Gaming" to connect via website

Allegiant Gemstone Company

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our TS is up and open to the public for now. Feel free to hop and say Hi, to shoot the gabfest or if you have questions on the game.

You can also view our TS channel via the website



Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Allegiant Gemstone Company

Who we are – We are a small, casual, dedicated gaming group born from the warm embraces of our parent company, Allegiant Gaming.

Our community goals – To cultivate a friendly and fun atmosphere for the playing of PFO. With dedicated admins, we intend to put forth resources to help our members, and other players in PFO. A dedicated informative website (, which is ran and supported by the leadership within this very organization, a dedicated Team Speak 3 server which is open to our members and non-members alike with dedicated forum access will be just the tip of the iceberg in generating a home for players.

Our goal as a company – With a mixture of casual and hardcore players, we will seek to setup shop in a settlement. We will function as a competitive merchant guild whose weapons will also either support a nation of our choosing or be for hire. This is a more decentralized guild where the pooling of resources and job tasks will be up to the optional cooperation between members. With that said, I myself (Atheory) will coordinate with those willing to setup an organized crafting and questing machine.

What we will not become – A bloated, unorganized mass of ineffectiveness. We may spend time drinking around the tavern, but when the sun rises we shall be questing and crafting!

Who can join us? - Anyone 21+, and you can play any class or race. Anyone who wants to have fun, not take things seriously, and simply be sociable. One additional note, if you asks many questions without first attempting to figure stuff out on your own, you will be made fun of, in a friendly and sarcastic manner of course.

Last note: You don't have to "join us" in order to come on TS and chat with other players or utilize the wealth of information continually being posted at our helpful site

(we only want to help expand upon the great community already fostered by those before us. )

Contact me for additional information
In Game - private message "Atheory"
Steam ID - Atheory4348
or simply send me a message here on the forums.

With warm regards
aka (Atheory)