
Askold Sörenson's page

11 posts. Alias of Mightypion.


Have fun everyone!

Dear Diary

I have an omnious feeling, as if some unknowable entity from beyond the void of reality is currently... determining... which of the many interesting characters in this caravan actually... will have a character? I feel the inner parts of my self, my past, perhaps even my future probed by something. Maybe that Erinye? No, it seems something more powerful. At this point, I have little intution on what this shall entail. I wish good luck to everyone.

Dear Diary

There is a witch. With a Pigeon. And an actually pointy hat. I never got why them spellcasters wear such clothing, if I was a spellcaster, I would wear... I heard they cant cast in full armor, so I would make my shirt look like... chainmail from a distance? Attach an axe-blade to my wizard or whatever staff? Not that I could probably use it, but I would seek to look like Bob the guardsmen, save to be ignored as he holds his reach weapon in his moderately noodly arms, and then I would be like "BWHAHAHAHA I AM A WIZARD YOU FOOLS! I CAST FIREBALL!". Seems much more practical then being an open spellcaster. But thats just my opinion.

Conversely, if I wear a hat with "SORCERROR!" written in Abyssal runes, on it, could this be used to divert attention of enemies towards me and away from the squishies? Or maybe it should red "MUSCLE WIZARD!" Need to check with the witch though, she seems fairly approachable.

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On an evening at the caravan, Askold writes

Dear Diary

There is a fox person in the caravan.
According to my badly damaged book of weird Tian-Xia stuff, their power rests within their fluffy tails, whatever that is supposed to mean. Also, they supposedly reproduce by cocooning their victim/partner in silk and injecting him with eggs, which hatch after a while, killing the partner. Pretty sure the translation got garbled with another type of weird Tian-Xia thing. Like, Foxes are mammals, and the whole cocooning stuff sounds more like some spidery thing. Given the quality of the information in the few books I have, I occassionally wonder of becoming literate was a mistake, but then I remember how much more insane I would be if I wouldnt write a diary.

Askold reads a book:

The Ulfen mercenaries guide to beeing succesfull in Taldor

So, you are an up and coming merc, ready to make it big in the Ulfen guard and legally retriev phat loots from noodle armed Taldane nobles? Did you know that the taldane word for noble and noodle are similar, and that the Taldane make the most noodly-armed their nobles?

Askold reads with a bit of interest thinking

If any polity would adopt such a completely idiotic system of governance, it would collapse and be conquered within a generation. Taldor lies next to the Quadirans and Andorans, 2 great powers as well as the Galtese republic which is so chaotic and violent, Demon Lord Nocticula issued a travel warning to this place. I think this was mostly due to some intense Callistrian-Nocticulan-f#!*ery, and I am said that I couldnt watch it, but still, these arent easy neighbours to have. As he continues reading

Once you come to Taldor, just establish dominance and smash things, and they will give you noble titles! Its very easy, apply fist to face! the book reads

Askold ponders:
Is the author of this book by chance trying to get Ulfen Mercenaries killed? Let me check the name... Aurellius Voranthemos Tagmatos... Tagmata? Isnt that a taldane term for an assortment of legionarries? So some minor nobility, perhaps raised from the people after spending most of his live in the legions, nursing a massive grudge of effing Ulfen Barbarians who dont fight as a team and get all the girls? Trying to basically troll his competition? Maybe I can derive value from this book by doing the exact opposite of what it proposes! Although his annoyance at Taldors nobility seems genuine enough

Askold continues reading.

Hmm, I do wonder if admitting to being fluent in Abyssal since birth increases the price I can bargain for, or if it gets a bunch of hardasses in plate armor trying to light me on a pyre. I best see and then play it from ear.Overall, I have a feeling the answer will be yes.

I added a progression plan and an overview of projected power levels:

progression plans and possible dips:

In order to reduce my still existing power gamer tendencies, I want to try something new. My dips will be story driven!

--1 level in Fractured mind/exciter, following a situation in which he fails a willsave vs possession/domination/paralysis etc. this will greatly increase his will saves, and make him a bit spooky. In addition, he will know things he has no business of knowing, which can be really cool in some campaigns.

--1 Level in mutagenic mauler brawler. Following exposure to drugs or chemical enchancement. Gives better reflexes and mutagens, if he is distraught over a defeat, and has someone to recommend him steroid he will probably do it.

--Dragon discplie, the Ulfen way.
The dragon disciple class could make sense, if (and this is a big if) it could be flavored as "BWHAHAHAH I KILLED A DRAGON AND BATHED IN ITS BLOOD! ITS POWERS ARE MINE!", which can be oddly thematic in the campaign.

--Sentinel of Gorrum
A prestige class for martials who want to hit harder and more with big swords. Probably a downgrade overall compared to straight bloodrager, but could be fun

--A dip in Falcata swashbuckler
While normally looking down on such "noodle armed styles" Askold is willing to learn if the power of swashbuckling is demonstrated to him. Needs a teacher.

General power levels:
--Levels 1 to 3, he is a dude with reach, 3 AoOs, and a raging strength of 22 while raging. Doesnt like archers, but very potent otherwise in combat.

--Level 4 spike: He gets a) Bloodrager spellcasting (2 spells per day, likely shield and longarm) and b) becomes large when he rages. This is a pretty potent increase to his damage per turn, and bumps his raging strength to 24.

--Levels 4-6: With shield, his ac is "average" rather then garbage, but he hits really hard.

--Level 7-9: Level 7 gets him mirror image, which is great and will be his most potent defensive tool. His survivability will greatly increase

--Level 10: Here, polymorph spells, specifically fae form for Rusalka and monstrous phyisque for deathsnatchers kick in. Suddenly he has a lot of Natural attacks, secondary, but still very potent.

Mightypions submission here, I confused the Aliases haha :)

need to finalize equipment.

And here is Askold for your consideration.

The TLDR, mechanically is face + frontliner.

Fingers crossed!

Concerning competing suggestions, a surprising number of things have suggestion at will, and can spam "suggestion to defeat foe X" at you should you befriend them.

Character build mostly complete (will double check later if I can actually afford my gear), added a role play sample, spells are fairly slotted in.

At 8 int, he doesnt investigate a whole lot, with kn arcana being the only thing he has a class skill in. Reasonably perceptive and an OK face though.

I am actually considering doing something different, taking a single level of fractured mind dip and having phantom ally.

Would make him a lot weaker in combat (no bloodrager spell casting, no autoenlarge, no automatic size increase on top of that for his claws) but offer a good class skill list and a stealthy spooky scout.

Mightypions submission.

He is a) a Kellid b) an Abyssal Bloodrager and c) very obviously a Demonbred thiefling, which led to a degree of unhappyness in life.

He is extremely polite while not Bloodraging, highly fashionable and a consumate professional merc.