
Grankless's page

1,281 posts (1,301 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.

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I think it's safe to assume that 0% of Gorum's blood went in to space at FTL speeds to cross the galaxy, impact earth, and somehow just cause financial institutions to catastrophically fail instead of like, give someone superpowers.

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Ravingdork wrote:
JiCi wrote:

Maybe you guys can help me fill the blanks here...

- Syrinx
- Rougarou
- Wyrwood
- Deep one hybrids

- Mitzenki catfolk
- Ningyo merfolk
- Sasquatch vanara
- Coatl nagaji

- Sekmin (serpentfolk)
- Xulgath (troglodyte)
- Mongrelmen (could be folded into fleshwarps)
- Ulat-kinis (skum)

- Sekmin nagaji
- Drathnelar gnomes (svirfneblins)
- Vegepygmy leshies

- Panottis
- Harpies
- Cyclops
- Wemics

- ...

So many of my players are going to drop out of Pathfinder because they can't remember or pronounce the names of all the new and revised things.

Even for those who will stay, they're not using any of the new terms; they'll simply say "skum" instead "uulat-kinis" for example.

Makes it much harder to immerse yourself when you don't keep the vocabulary relatively straightforward. I'm also going to have a much harder time recruiting replacements with the way things are going.

I feel like the main thing you post about the people you play with is that they're all willing to quit playing the game at the tiniest change in the status quo, such as the company forming a union.

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Honestly, the big "where are they now" of NPCs is a better aide to me as someone who ran Hell's Rebels than any sort of campaign-specific advice. Thanks for that section! Thrilled to see that Nurla Botve is running around still, and has somehow gotten worse.

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I'm a huge fan of everything I'm seeing here.

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Times like these that make me pray 3e just throws out attribute mods in general. Certainly for ancestries.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary.

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shroudb wrote:

I'm still kinda hurt that Alchemist, the original "not caster but has caster effects" didn't have Legendary DC to be on par with the casters.

For Kineticist, who was the second "caster effects on a not caster" I am ok with having Legendary DC, for Remaster Alchemist I HOPE we get legendary DC, but for the Commander... I'm not really seeing why there should be class bugdet spent on that.

Especially with Commander having martial weapon scaling, I don't like it. It should be either one or the other, either martial weapon scaling, or caster DCs.

I'm not really fussed about a class with no damage booster mechanic and a non-striking KAS getting good DCs on its very rare save abilities.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Incredibly glad this playtest is running longer than a month!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I recommend never worrying about this because it will make your life much easier. (Also, in-fiction, it doesn't make much sense.)

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I think the new focus spells for Wizard are all around way better than the original ones, and most of the returning ones have been changed to just be better (illusory terrain becoming Earthworks, beguiling words becoming Charming Push)

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HenshinFanatic wrote:
Also, just noticed when comparing Jin Li's entry between LO:F & TXWG side-by-side. Did he get a stealthrata? In Firebrands his granted Cleric spells are 1st: Jump, 4th: Hydraulic Torrent, and 6th: Dragon Form. Contrasting with TXWG's version which swaps the 6th rank spell for 3rd: Feet To Fins.

Dragon Form is now on all spell lists, where it wasn't on Divine or Occult before remaster.

(There are some people who believe all of Firebrands is an ontologically evil book because it has two feats that are very powerful but also have extremely obvious solutions to their power level (one doesn't have a usage restriction, one was obviously written under the assumption that Tumble Through is not the only skill action in the game that doesn't require you to actually do the activity to say you're doing the activity).

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Has it been stated where in Ravounel this is taking place? Is it Kintargo or another settlement in the nation?

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

I think the reason we will not get an inquisitor is that "divine rogue" and "divine investigator" and "aggressive divine martial" are actually 3 if not 4 different classes.

The basic problem with the inquisitor in PF1 was that it was a really strong set of mechanics, but the flavor was pulling in like 5 different directions. Considering that the latter is what actually comes through with a PF2 update of a class, then it's better to to the inquisitor as several options.

Exactly. The core conceit of Inquisitor, that you're the guy who goes out and Defeats The Enemies Of Your Faith or whatever is just a description of a personality type. Literally any class can be that. Mechanically it was just "how many self buffs can I stack and instagib this random monster I'm fighting" with very little relation between the mechanics and the flavor. I won't miss it. Also the name is silly slash stupid.

Whatever Avenger is is very likely to also have that prescribed flavor, given the name, so... It's probably inquisitor for 2e.

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keftiu wrote:
I'm so tickled that we're seemingly getting both a Divine Rogue and (maybe?) a Divine Investigator - is the Palatine really a Class Archetype, and not a standard one?

Said so on stream! It's specific for Investigator.

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NumberA wrote:

My current conspiracy theory is that Paizo is testing the waters to potentially turn Adventure Paths into quarterly 192~256 hardcovers permanently.

Starfinder tends to be the place that Paizo first tests new concepts, which started the 3 parter adventure path trend. That line is now shifting to hardcover adventure paths. Seven Dooms had a hardcover equivalent. A standalone issue 200 was a good test product. The campaign setting products shifted to hardcover. And now the stand-alone adventure line is shifting to hardcover.

Stores tend to have an easier time selling hardcovers and they restock more often. 5E shifted to hardcover adventures some time ago for multiple reasons. Quarterly releases sell better. You don't compete against yourself with players buying only a select few of products. This was a huge problem with DND 3E and the relentless Forgotten Realms products. Buyers get fatigue and sales have a huge drop-off.

I think the Lost Omens line has sold a lot better since the shift to hardcover, over the 64 page softcovers of "Pathfinder Chronicles" and "Pathfinder Campaign Setting." (The product is better too in my opinion, it has less inconsistencies. The relentless releases of the previous line had more editing issues. It seems there was some lore that had less oversight since it was being hammered out so quickly.)

Paizo's current release format is a holdover from the APs basically being a Dungeon magazine replacement. They were a magazine company, but the market has moved on, and their place in that market has shifted.

While I think calling this a conspiracy theory is selling yourself short (it's perfectly sound and logical), I think the real mark of this will be when we see the format that Starfinder 2e APs are going to come in. If this does come to Pathfinder, it won't be for another 2 or 3 years at the earliest.

Honestly, I don't even dislike this outcome! I think it's perfectly reasonable, and it'd be interesting to see what the format does for it. Seven Dooms is 204 pages, and it certainly feels like it has "enough" in it - but the more they can squeeze in there the better.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aenigma wrote:

Does that mean there will be no playtest for the mythic rules?

Perhaps the cover art implies that Szuriel will be a deity in Pathfinder Remaster?

Szuriel already had a writeup in Gods & Magic, she's already been a diety.

Also, there doesn't need to be a playtest - it's very likely that the chassis of the divine paths are going to be similar to archetypes.

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Kavlor wrote:
Grankless wrote:
Kavlor wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes; Triumph of the Tusk is a 3rd to 11th level Adventure Path, with the PCs ending at 12th level.

Will mythic rules be used? And is there even any intention of making an adventure that requires mythic rules?
As was stated on stream and reiterated effectively by posts in the very thread you're in: no, and yes, respectively.
Thank you. I apologize for the clarifying question, it’s just that English is not my native language, and I got confused in the discussion, so I decided to ask a clarifying question.

You're fine, I'm sorry for answering so rudely.

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Kavlor wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes; Triumph of the Tusk is a 3rd to 11th level Adventure Path, with the PCs ending at 12th level.

Will mythic rules be used? And is there even any intention of making an adventure that requires mythic rules?

As was stated on stream and reiterated effectively by posts in the very thread you're in: no, and yes, respectively.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:

Saw some archetype pictures in the twitch stream. The Rivethun emissary is Shardra, so combining the archetype with the new animist class...


And the Battle Herald is Oluch the war priest!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Now I REALLY wanna run this - and by Sen H. H. S?! Pinch me.

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Spellshot definitely seems like it was intended to be something way different in development and ended up scuttled at some point; I recall early talk of "a way to blend magic and guns" when G&G was first announced. Most other class archetypes are at least interesting or good; Spellshot is neither.

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Zimmerwald, it's truly beautiful that you've kept at like a decade straight of posting about a real-world historical equivalency to Golarion that only exists within your head and the "novelization" of Hell's Rebels you said you wrote.

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The most important thing is that you like the thing you're making.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Diverse Lore isn't overpowered, the other similar feats are just way undertuned.

I'm struggling to think of why characters and players having information is a bad thing.Can someone please explain?

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Plenty of non-dwarves worship Torag.

But also, you definitely want to check out:
Trudd, Arqueros, Vineshvakhi, and maybe Folgrit.

And remember: This is a majority polytheist society! It's easy to take inspiration from all these dieties in life.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Lazarus Dark wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Paizo is still committed to open gaming, which is why we championed and funded the creation of the ORC. It's why we release our non-OGL game books under the ORC. It's why we go above and beyond the OGL and ORC to offer the Pathfinder and Starfinder Compatibility Licenses to allow people supporting our games and open gaming to use even more of our IP in their releases. And it's why we created Pathfinder Infinite to allow access to even more of our IP, but in exchange for a stricter set of distribution conditions. Publishers are free to use whichever of the various free licenses they feel meets their needs the best.

This goes beyond Infinite, this is a community issue and a Paizo issue. Is Paizo not confident that the ORC protects their content? Because thats what it looks like. This decision doesn't just affect Infinite, it affects the community and the 3rd party ecosystem.

The ORC is about trusting that we are all operating under the same rules and that we are all equally protected by them. This sets up scenarios where non-Infinite users are unprotected from Infinite users and perhaps vice versa. If Infinite users use ORC content from a 3pp, now its up to that person to have to sue the Infinite creator because you must protect your copyright or risk losing it, whereas if the Infinite creator were using ORC, then thats all fine.
Or a 3pp publishes something similar to an Infinite product, even by accident, which is not even remotely unusual since theres like ten Inquisitor classes across Infinite and DTRPG. Now the Infinite creator has rights to bring lawsuit against the 3pp publisher, but if Infinite used ORC, the 3pp would be properly protected, just like Paizo basically promised with the ORC.
Thats part of the problem, a breach of trust. The ORC is supposed to protect all of us and you want to split the community and remove that protection now.

Then, lets go a step further. Paizo survives as a company today because of open mechanical content. The OGL allowed Paizo to...

You seem to not understand. The Infinite license is a license that allows you to publish using Paizo-owned things on Infinite, including their rule expressions and settings. The ORC is a license that permits you to reproduce rules material that is also in the ORC. They do two different things in different spaces.

Also, I'm not sure what you're talking about with lawsuits. Someone who's dumb enough and bad enough at IP law to sue someone over a vaguely-similar phrasing released under a different license is someone who's going to walk facefirst in to getting blacklisted by the broader RPG community and never get anyone to buy their stuff again. You are spending a lot of time doomsaying about a situation with like a .00000001% chance of happening. Were you planning on doing this or something? Yo ushould probably reconsider.

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Nyarlathotep wrote:
John R. wrote:

Also, unless I missed something significant, talismans still look completely underwhelming.

That's too bad - I've run a couple of the APs through and not even once have my players used talismans.

What changes did they make?

Most notably, talismans no longer have the weird skill requirements to use.

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Tantalized by getting an early look at barathu, and picked boroi because they sound cool.

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sf2e is dangerously cool. There's a very real chance I end up liking it more than Pathfinder...
The Solarian is almost everything I would want.

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This is basically everything I wanted to hear. Definitely excited for Exemplar's weird issues to be ironed out, and hopeful to see an animist that remains both satisfying and less cracked to hell and back.

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Yakman wrote:
Leon Aquilla wrote:

343 megabytes for 197 pages. The Devastation Ark compression bug has returned, dethroning Starstone Blockade as the second largest SF book by overall PDF size on release. Coming in 4th is Pact Worlds at 235mb for 220 pages. Waking the Worldseed still in 1st at 347mb.

Per page, Starstone Blockade, Waking the Worldseed, and Whispers of the Eclipse (Horizons of the Vast #3) are still undefeated.

(Looking at my digital library, it looks like Waking the Worldseed and Starstone Blockade got fixed...but Whispers of the Eclipse is actually 35mb bigger than it used to be. Wack.)


I deleted my Threefold Conspiracy books from my hard drive b/c they were so massive.

Weird how this doesn't happen with the longer Pathfinder AP volumes... ;-)

I assure you, it does.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Very amused at Mikeawmids continuing to say he doesn't read these, as he seems surprised that it's about dwarves (or in fact anything at all?). This review also may as well be completely blank for all it says.

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While I certainly don't like the content or tone of his reviews, I can't say most of them are trolling. This one obviously is. But StuntMonkeys/Rip Tanner will just make another account as usual and keep posting his one stars. can reviews even be removed?

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I'd be fine with Soldier getting a new name mostly because there's no vibes to it. Though, the most famous capital-S Soldier, our beloved Mr. Jane Doe from Team Fortress 2, does have a rocket launcher.

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I would rather all of the archdevils just get together and have to run Hell in an awkward congress.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

We'll be getting some Operative news in like a week or two - on Rise of the Rulelords podcast, Dustin and Thurston said there'll be a new blog post about a playtest comparing operative and gunslinger coming around that time. Excited!

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An Alkenstari exemplar armed with an air repeater and grabbing some Pistol phenom feats. Big coat, twirling pistols, knock out some big debuffs. Live the dream.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

literally why is this worthy of being so angry you write this much text over it. temperans you literally don't even play this game

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Being mad about some hypothetical evil players feels like a big waste of time when you could instead talk about "wow, cool interesting hook for a class!"

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Why does that matter? It's been announced already. Do you think Paizo shouldn't have worked on Enhanced to patch holes in 1e if they were making 2e?...

Also, this has nothing to do with the Mystic class in any way.

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Why not contact them about it?

Also, don't be surprised someone else is using the same very generic title. (Besides, it's for a different game.)

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There's a million cool ways to make interesting defender classes. Last week I played a Gubat Banwa oneshot as the Buwaya Lancer, a crocodile riding class with a range 1 aura around it that costs extra speed to move out of, they get one free attack per round against people trying to move out (which they can use to move them one square), and at the end of an enemy's turn if they're 1 square away from the aura, they get sucked in one square to be stuck in it. It was awesome. Kept people clumped up so they could get repeatedly pummeled by balls.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

If you're arguing there shouldn't be another defender class because champion exists, I use the same logic to question why we have so many full 10-rank casters when sorcerer and witch cover all the spell lists.

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This a bold shot (one I think is sick and very close to my own theory of the class) or do you have secret sources?

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My theory for why no technomancer is so that they don't have a repeat of the Alchemist playtest experience, where they are simultaneously developing the class and also the entire subsystem it revolves around.

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