
Ashak-Kenoth's page

29 posts. Organized Play character for Mikaze.


Silver Crusade

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
It's called ethical non-monogamy for a reason.

Did someone call?

Silver Crusade

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137ben wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

That brings me to my next question: Does any of this justify the rogue player drinking the GM's milk?

For that, you shall be sent to your room to await a through spanking.
Promise? :D
Mikaze teases? That must mean teasing isn't a violation of the paladin code! Woo :D

That seemed more an accusation than a statement of intended action.

I can, however, confirm that paladins can and do tease. In good fun for all involved, of course.

As if paladins of Lymnieris or Arshea never engage in that! ;)

Silver Crusade

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Artanthos wrote:
Victor Zajic wrote:
I would talk to the GM about what exactly your code requires. It's possible that a GM could rule that premarital sex is un-chivalrous and dishonorable.
I wonder what paladins of Lymnieris would say?

Depending on the client the fee may be waived. Either way there are certain standards that must be met before a client is accepted. We do believe in self-respect, after all.

The earlier discussion about mutual respect needing to overcome power imbalances and taking responsibility for producing a child is also quite relevant.

Are you certain you are fine having a child in this manner?

Are you certain you are fine with her having your child in that manner?

And is this how you wish for one of your children to be born? Is the life they are likely to be given what you wish for them?

We believe consent to be sacred, and as such it must be handled responsibly.

Silver Crusade

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Is your partner capable of giving informed consent? Have they? Do you have proper respect for each other? Are you going to leave your partner as well or better off afterwards than they were beforehand?

If yes, you are fine.

Dustin Ashe wrote:
'Cause, c'mon, paladins don't do one night stands.

Oh I love encountering misconceptions like this sometimes. It makes the education to follow so satisfying. :)

Silver Crusade

xavier c wrote:
Paladins of Lymnieris are cool.


Silver Crusade

Rushley son of Halum wrote:
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
Your argument seems to be (and I'm sure you'll correct me) that you don't like good characters, but you're okay with them if they can be browbeaten into giving up their convictions. However the paladins are harder to browbeat because there are actual in game repercussions for them betraying their character concept.
Actually i'd say the problem is that many paladins don't have a character concept. Just some 2 dimensional idea with no depth.

raises eyebrow

Silver Crusade

All I have to say on the matter in what little time I have at the moment is:

Yes, a paladin may find a night's pleasure with someone whose life they are only passing through. But such a paladin must be upfront about their motives and be certain all involved understand and consent to whatever they are doing.

And they should also seek to leave their partners better off afterwards than they were before that night.

For example, there is this lovely married couple in Sothis whose relationship had become somewhat stagnant before hiring my services. After a few-oh my, look at the time!

Silver Crusade

Kyle Baird wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
Curious minds must know.. what did you do with a bunch of chalk..?
Probably used Improvised Weapon Mastery and murdered Uori with it. ;-)

Absolutely not. >:(

Silver Crusade

Well, thank Lymnieris for the Eldritch Heritage(Celestial Bloodline) feat. At least I can keep the flavor.

Silver Crusade

Mikaze wrote:
It should be noted that actually breaking up the Mummy's Mask couple would probably be a good thing for both involved, along with the side benefit of making them(well, at least one, emotionally) available.

Oh Azaz... You could do so much better than him...
Silver Crusade

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Diplomacy is also invaluable to liven up the evening. And the night. And sometimes the morning.

Responsibly of course. That's why it should be used in tandem with a keen eye and ear for sensing motives. Two halves of a whole, there. Knowing what someone feels and needs helps you sway them towards just that...or away from what they may not need. And a skillful tongue is needed at times to dig deeper towards the truth of what those needs truly are.

Silver Crusade

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Bunnyboy wrote:
Perhaps I could try play paladin as intelligent, social and reasonable character. I wonder if that has been tried.

raises eyebrow

Silver Crusade

captain yesterday wrote:
out clubbing with Azaz

zones out

Uh, sorry, what was the question?

Silver Crusade

Refining this character before GenCon, just to make sure he lives up to flavor. :)

He's a paladin of Lymnieris from Osirion and looks pretty much like one would expect of a worshipper of that Empyreal Lord from that particular region: Not weighed down or covered up by heavy armor, favoring silks over armor, highly social-oriented character, prefers a nimble fighting style over sword-and-shield bashing, possibly does still have a light shield to fulfill the protective elements of his worship and the image of putting himself between innocents and harm's way, not tied too tightly to his patron's favored weapon(possibly favoring the khopesh of his homeland or something more Weapon Finesse-friendly).

Besides eyeing Ceremonial Silk Armor and dressing it up in Osirian aesthetics and possibly looking at how folks have approached making paladins of Shelyn, what would you recommend to make this guy keep up to par?

Silver Crusade

MrSin wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
a Prostitute whose class is paladin.


But of course.

Good deeds done truly get a discount.

Silver Crusade

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Alexandros Satorum wrote:
And I just realized that, besides drows, I have never played a black character, so perhaps I could find a good portrait for a black Pc... I was wrong :/, I think there is just one black guy among 1000+ portraits :(

Thankfully both of mine represented here were androgynous enough to get by with female avatars...

Silver Crusade

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Can I interest you in a more lawful approach to seeking out pleasure? Not only are paladins trustworthy partners, they foster the best in others and encourage greater spiritual and physical health in those around them. Which has the side benefit of increasing both the quantity and depth of pleasure in the future.

Consider it a sort of investment, if you must.

Silver Crusade

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Claxon wrote:
It's not an implication, it's exactly the case. Though, the paladin wouldn't have a problem with the individual forced into the illegal sex trade, but the person who forced them, controlled them, and possibly the clientele that used them. They would be smote to hell.

Confirmed. That is precisely how we operate.

Let's just say there are a lot of pimps and slavers missing hands or buried in the desert. But to blame their victims? Never.

Silver Crusade

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Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
For that matter, in other campaign worlds, a Paladin of the pleasure goddess is the perfect harlot type, for exactly that same reason.


A lot of us prefer "companion" or even a matter-of-factly "prostitute".

"Relationship counselor" for couples' nights.

Silver Crusade

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FeeFiFoFum wrote:
I get that paladins would probably be expected to be chaste, celibate and Lawful Stupid ;)

No to all three here.

Consider my patron: Lymnieris, the Lawful and Good Empyreal Lord of not only virgins but of rites of passage and prostitutes. Some paladins of Lymnieris are chaste themselves. Some are anything but.

There is no universal rule concerning matters of love and the flesh amongst paladins of most gods. Indeed, celibacy would be downright unusual for a great many of them. Shelyn, Arshea, and Erastil particularly stand out, each for their own reasons. And I can hardly think of one god who has paladins that would forbid their holy warriors from marriage or another bond of love. Iomedae, who many see as a sort of goddess of paladins, has numerous famous married paladins as well as those who have found love outside of it. One famous half-orc paladin and her wife stand out as one particularly happy example.

We're far more varied than some would have you think.

As for "Lawful Stupid", I would suggest looking to Ghenshau. Though even that is an oversimplification, bless his heart.

Silver Crusade

From a roleplaying perspective, extremely irritating. :(

It may have no mechanical effect, but as far as background and personality, the ARG numbers have a huge impact. Radovan from the novels would be a very different character if he had lived for 70 or so years already. They also force things to get a bit convoluted, explaining just how these characters made it to adulthood.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
There should be more love interests for everyone, regardless of orientation. Golarion is a huge place and full of weird stuff. Everyone should be able to find healthy representations of everything imaginable.

I love already established couples for this.

It's so much easier to make three when you already have two.

Silver Crusade

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Honestly, this has bugged me ever since childhood. I think we're mostly bouncing back and forth between the Taldane spelling we chose and the one they stuck us with. And at this point no one remembers which is which.

Gods, it took foreigners ages to get "pharaoh" nailed down.

Silver Crusade

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Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Dammit Crystal! I think you broke Mikaze!

Oh to have the love of both Azaz and <Empty Graves cover guy> and possibly never find peace of the heart, or to guide them to find happiness together and be left aside, longing and alone.

angsts beautifully

Silver Crusade

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Mikaze wrote:
Aaron Scott 139 wrote:
Rob McCreary wrote:
Aaron Scott 139 wrote:
Rob if you were playing this AP yourself with friends and had to pick a class what would you play?
Oracle of stone, going into the Living Monolith prestige class.
That's pretty solid. Wait, with or without a Fez?

A fez?

With the multitude of awesome hats and headgear Osirion/Ancient Egypt has to offer?


Silver Crusade

spews drink in surprise

AHAHAHHAHA oh man this is entirely uinexpected!

Really looking forward to those reactions in the morning. So happy it's Osirion where this is happening too. :D

Silver Crusade

Fomsie wrote:
Ashak-Kenoth wrote:
Verteidiger wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Just be glad it was not a Paladin of Arshea.

Or a Paladin of Lymnieris with all the proper legal permissions going out and 'comforting' the city's lonely women for coin.
Or men. We tend to cater to a wide range.
Kaylee wrote:

Look, they got boy whores.

Isn't that thoughtful?

Also, many of us offer specials for couples.

We offer simultaneous marriage counseling as well.

If our clients aren't in a better place than they were when they came to us, we aren't doing our job.

Silver Crusade

Verteidiger wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Just be glad it was not a Paladin of Arshea.

Or a Paladin of Lymnieris with all the proper legal permissions going out and 'comforting' the city's lonely women for coin.

Or men. We tend to cater to a wide range.

Silver Crusade

A bit of an uncomfortable question for many, but:

How much of an incest taboo is there in Avistan? Specifically in the Mendev/Brevoy areas and amongst Iomedaeans? Or even Iomedae herself?

Just wondering how angst levels should be calibrated for a couple of characters.