Arksangiel's page

171 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Any rule as written issues with these?

All Paizo material allowed, no third-party.

Meeting all these criteria should work:

Human, Half-Orc, Half-Elf, Aasimar (scion of humanity)
Wizard (Divination/Scrying) 1 or Arcanist (School Specialist Divination/Scrying) 1
L1 Feat: Racial Heritage (Shadow Giant)
Mythic Tier 1 Feat: Mythic Racial Heritage (Shadow Giant: Militant)


Aasimar (scion of humanity)
Sorcerer (any)
L1 Feat: Racial Heritage (Shadow Giant)
Mythic Tier 1 Feat: Mythic Racial Heritage (Shadow Giant: Militant)

To be honest, there's no real reason for a normal character to make themselves of the giant subtype (a.k.a gnome fodder), but mythic racial heritage opens up a world of new options when you realize humanoid includes giants and trolls...

Valid ways for me to do this? Making a few characters for a game tonight and want one able to capstone by 11 just because.

I am looking for a very fast way to qualify for Eldritch Knight, pushing even beyond the existing level 3 (Wizard/Arcanist 1/some martial class 1/EK 1).

I am looking for ways to get >technical< proficiency with all martial weapons at level 1 with a 9-level arcane caster class.

1) This is a non-PFS game, but everything must be printed by Paizo (i.e. no 3rd-party) and Pathfinder compatible.
2) I have one mythic tier to work with.

The goal is to either:
a) Enter EK at level 2 with a full caster class.
b) Enter EK with a unique but power combination impossible to do without the mythic tier.

I had thought about doing Aasimar Scion of Humanity w/ racial heritage (some humanoid with martial weapon proficiency) plus mythic racial heritage, but I only found two humanoid type races with martial weapon proficiency and they were both by Frog God Games and thus excluded (no offense FGG, they were good monsters).

I am not interested in a Magus or Skald.

My plan Bs are an Aasimar Sohei Empyreal Sorceror or a Shaman's Apprentice Half-Orc Verminous Hunter 1 / Arcanist 1 with Endurance, Diehard, Fast Healer, and a decent Con.

Better ideas?

I find myself in an undesirable situation our cleric is unable to use restoration (or any spells over 2nd level right now).

I was searching both this forum and a few others places for ways to fix ability drain, the stuff that doesn't heal back like damage.

The only ability, besides restoration, that I located, was mythic heal.

Is there a list somewhere that I'm just too blind to find? Did I roll a 1 on my search check and you have the link?

Ok, so the tail terror feat strengthens existing tails, and humans don't have tails, so while they qualify with racial heritage, it doesn't give them anything. However:

Human Fighter X

1: Racial Heritage (Kitsune), Magical Tail (You grow an extra tail...)
3: Racial Heritage (Kobold)
5: Tail Terror

has a tail, so Tail Terror works. What happens when:

7: Magical Tail
9: Magical Tail
11: Magical Tail
13: Magical Tail
15: Magical Tail
17: Magical Tail
19: Magical Tail

Does he now have, as rules would indicate, have 8 "tail slots" for equipment?

How many legitimate attacks can you create with this?

Kind of stuck, spent almost a week trying to figure out which feat to take at this's what I've got so far:

Garuda-Blooded Aasimar
Monk 2, Swashbuckler 1, Cleric (Honor, Repose) of Shizuru 6

Str 12
Dex 22 (+4 gear)
Con 17
Int 14
Wis 20 (+2 gear)
Cha 08

HP 84, Saves (F/R/W) 11/15*/13 Evasion
AC (T/FF): 25/25/16

Traits: Reactionary, Birthmark (Holy symbol of Shizuru)

1 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana) Cleric Bonus: Deity Favored Weapon
1 Weapon Focus (Katana)
2 Improved Unarmed Strike Monk Bonus
2 Stunning Fist Monk Bonus
2 Dodge Monk Bonus
3 Deflect Arrows Monk Bonus
3 Amateur Gunslinger* Retrained at level 5 to use wis for my panache pool
5 Slashing Grace (Katana)
5 Swashbuckler Finesse Swashbuckler Bonus
7 Crusader's Flurry
9 ??? Totally clueless where to go.

Panache/Grit Pool of 8

Cleric Casting 6th Level

I have 27,500 gp, a +1 Katana, and stat boosts as indicated...nothing else.

Acrobatics, Perception maxed, other skills kind of dabbled in and around to get all my class bonuses involved.

The party consists of a two-handed fighting rogue, myself, and a wizard. We're leveling fairly I'm looking for a series of feats to bring another capability to the forefront.

Thoughts so far: Combat Reflexes to maximize Opportune Parries, possibly skill focus (acrobatics or perception) to maximize my bonuses...but those don't really add to my self-sufficient flanking partner / off-healer role.

45 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

Does Dragon Disciple's Blood of Dragons apply to the bloodline powers of a Bloodrager?

Blood of Dragons wrote:
A dragon disciple adds his level to his sorcerer levels when determining the powers gained from his bloodline.

I am thinking about making a tank out of:

Primalist Spelleater Bloodrager (Draconic) 2 / Unbreakable Fighter 2 / Sorceror (Draconic) 1 into Dragon Disciple.

I want to be able to point my DM to some actual text. We both believe it will work, and that they will stack separately but since we generally try to run PFS-style we'd like to see it in writing.

Can anyone point us to the right place, and if not then maybe we can get a FAQ?

Probably need an RL casting of Wish or Miracle for this one.

Last thread anywhere in the region was 2012.

Not looking for an online game (which would make my life easier).

This is probably going to be extremely difficult. I am specifically looking for a divine caster using the arcane trickster PRC.

I need a PFS-legal build at "about level 10". Rogue is sub-optimal, especially when combined with divine vs arcane spells on the trickster. Need some help making this work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've always wanted to make a Divine Trickster (an equivalent of the Arcane Trickster but with cleric or druid casting), and I think I've figured out a way to do it.

This is a quasi-rules, quasi-advice post (and my first in two years of use).


I believe the following qualifies me for arcane trickster by 3rd level.:

Race: Any with 2nd level arcane SLA
Rogue/Vivisectionist Alchemist 1, Spell Focus (Transmutation)
Rogue/VAlch 2,
Rogue/VAlch 3, Varisian Tattoo (Transmutation) (Mage's Tattoo in SRD)

In either case, we now have 2d6 sneak attack, 2nd level arcane casting and mage hand. This is deliberately done independently of Rogue tricks in case we choose the alchemist route.

Now, one level in any divine caster class, plus the lack of restriction on what type of caster you can apply the Arcane Trickster advancement to gives us a weird sort of Divine Trickster.

So, it appears to work mechanically.

Can we come up with something that is viable with the reduced attack bonus of the AT vs typical divine classes, in light of the reduced offensive potential of divine spells?

Alternate entry methods encouraged, the one above can be freely used.

Questions I'm looking for someone smarter than me to answer:
How is each build viable?
-What role does it fill?
-Does it work adequately at most levels of play?
-Is it PFS legal? (Assuming my mechanics are)

Please let me know if I made a mistake, otherwise look forward to learning from the experts (you).
