Actually, it gets Wis to AC (plus mage armor and shield if you want to waste spells on them), great saves, if you happen to live to level 4+, casting and BAB increase quickly.
Use a composite longbow and switch to a halberd/glaive/other reach weapon...since you have improved unarmed strike.
Feats: Power Attack (1) Pick One Monk Bonus (1) Cleave (3) Pick One Fighter Bonus (3). Enlarge Person--now you can attack anything adjacent to anything else within 20 feet. Nothing in Great Cleave requires you to use the same weapon for each attack.
Magical Knack(Sorceror) will give you full caster level for your limited number of spells. Oh, and you have a free alignment detection blast, if it hurts they're evil, if it heals they're good, otherwise neutral.
Primalist Spelleater Bloodrager. Provides access to the barbarian rage powers Guarded Life and Greater Guarded Life, while providing fast healing to remove the damage taken at double the normal rate.
Especially potent if paired with the Fast Healer feat, and any feats/powers to improve the DR 0/- that Spelleater grants you at level 2.
You can also use the Spirit Totem powers to great effect with this combination.
Hello to everyone that is reading this! I would just like to say first off I have no experience what so ever in PF or any game similar. In fact, I just purchased the core rulebook not too long ago. Although however interested I may be, none of my friends play this game and there aren't any PF gatherings near my location.
You know, I've previously managed to find players and create games in the following places:
Seattle* (not as hard as the others)
You *can* find players. And the rules are only as overwhelming as you want them to be...except grapple, that's just complicated.
It's little different from practicing at a video game or studying a class in school--you get better at it over time.
As to creating a character, here's my advice:
1) Start with a character concept. "I want a mighty warrior who slays his enemy with pure strength" is a concept you can build from, or "I want a spellcaster who confuses everyone with magical powers."
2) Find the mechanics to fit the concept
a. High-strength Fighter or Barbarian with a two-handed weapon and power attack.
b. A wizard or sorcerer, with spell focus (enchantment) and a bunch of enchantment spells.
3) Come here, look at the guide to the class guides, and use those ideas to refine your initial construction.
I want to be able to point my DM to some actual text. We both believe it will work, and that they will stack separately but since we generally try to run PFS-style we'd like to see it in writing.
Can anyone point us to the right place, and if not then maybe we can get a FAQ?
So I've been looking at the Alchemist class lately, and have been looking at things that can be done with vestigial arms. While they don't grant additional attacks, they do allow you to wield a weapon, and thereby bypass cumbersome weapon switches.
This is nothing you couldn't do just as easily with 1 level of Sohei or "improved unarmed strike".
Who needs claws when you can just kick the opponent in the unmentionables while wielding your polearm of choice.
The Pummeling Style feat from the Advanced Class Guide says "As a full-round action, you can pool all your attack potential in one devastating punch."
Does this mean it can't be used with two-weapon fighting, flurry of blows, brawler's flurry, and similar abilities? It uses the exact same wording as Spring Attack and similar feats, which definitely don't combine with much.
What about Power Attack and other abilities that augment attacks? Can they be used with Pummeling Style?
This thread for FAQing and discussing.
Umm...yes. Look at the later ones: You get unarmed pounce and automatic trip attempt, which can be greater trip viscous stomped into rediculousness. I charge you, flurry of blows, combine the damage, knock you down, and take two attacks of opportunity.
I don't need a whole build, just some advice on whether there's any must have abilities or really just what's the best options for fighting exclusively EX.
Invulnerable Rager, max DR (which they won't be able to get around without special weapon materials since the magic bonuses don't work) and tie the Mythic AMF to his armor.
Incredibly resilient, and if they back off he can pull out a longbow and start shooting. Note: Magic arrows will resume functioning when they leave the field. He wants magic ammunition, not a magic bow.
So, they deal extra damage in a grapple. Extra to what?
Grapple rules indicate you can deal unarmed damage/natural weapon damage/light weapon damage automatically if you succeed on a (normally) standard action grapple check to deal damage.
So add it to his unarmed damage if that's what he was using, otherwise, this "extra piercing damage" would apply to whatever existing method he was using to deal damage in the grapple.
Seems the easiest interpretation. Now, the spikes themselves are a weapon, but in that case one would have to rule that they were the sole source of damage and not extra.
"Extra piercing damage" also lends me to believe that only the weapon damage roll would be added, as your strength and appropriate factors are added in to the primary damage source. Again, this is assuming you did not use the spikes as the primary weapon but instead as "extra piercing damage."
There isn't a specific rule on this that I can find, so I'm applying it via logic.
Anything else goes. I'm wanting to see if I can make something creepy. Psychological horror comes to mind specifically.
Human Sorceror, Crossblooded (Aberrant/Undead). Uses his extraodinarily long reach to deliver undead touch effects (chill touch, ghoul touch, vampiric touch), and plays off of the bloodline fluff to look pale and gaunt.
Then, you focus on charm and dominate person abilities to exert control over both living and dead enemies using the undead bloodline arcana. Attempt to dominate and maintain a hold over at least one creature at a time. Make them wish they were dead, and after they die, raise them and use the corpse again.
But be perfectly friendly to the party, help them achieve physical perfection so you can use them as ideal skeletal specimens when they pass on...
It looks like we will play Mummy's Mask. I did roll 4d6 drop lowest, man. A 2 1 1 1, right off the bat. I can only think of int or cha, but both seem risky with Mummy's curses and such. I rolled my race, half orc, and I have a 15 high score, a 17 does sound nice with the +2. but should I raise up the 4 to a 6, or keep the 4 and just where would I put the thing.
Half-orc with a 4...
I'd do this:
Half-orc Sorceror Cross-blooded (Draconic (red), Orc)
Str 4 (use ant haul)
Dex >10
Con 2nd highest
Int 10+
Wis 10+
Cha 17 (with +2 racial)
All favored class bonuses into +1/2 fire damage...
Take lots of fire spells, and at some point the ability to convert them into another element. Metamagic will be your friend to make use of the higher level slots. Get pages of spell knowledge for utility spells, and otherwise buff the heck out of your evocation DCs.
The only other spells you really need are command undead and dominate person/monster. If you can't burn it, make it your slave.
Qinggong + Drunken Master or Ki Mystic or Hungry Ghost Monk with Scorching Ray + Cold Ice Strike + other blasty ki powers.
I'd like to say
Qinggong + Sensei with the listed ki powers...technically when you activate them you can grant them to "allies" like party members and the 1d3 you just summoned with a wand of summon minor monster. I'd like to think this allows them to join you in the use of Scorching Ray for some great (higher level) focused fire mayhem.
I've always wanted to make a Divine Trickster (an equivalent of the Arcane Trickster but with cleric or druid casting), and I think I've figured out a way to do it.
This is a quasi-rules, quasi-advice post (and my first in two years of use).
I believe the following qualifies me for arcane trickster by 3rd level.:
Race: Any with 2nd level arcane SLA
Rogue/Vivisectionist Alchemist 1, Spell Focus (Transmutation)
Rogue/VAlch 2,
Rogue/VAlch 3, Varisian Tattoo (Transmutation) (Mage's Tattoo in SRD)
In either case, we now have 2d6 sneak attack, 2nd level arcane casting and mage hand. This is deliberately done independently of Rogue tricks in case we choose the alchemist route.
Now, one level in any divine caster class, plus the lack of restriction on what type of caster you can apply the Arcane Trickster advancement to gives us a weird sort of Divine Trickster.
So, it appears to work mechanically.
Can we come up with something that is viable with the reduced attack bonus of the AT vs typical divine classes, in light of the reduced offensive potential of divine spells?
Alternate entry methods encouraged, the one above can be freely used.
Questions I'm looking for someone smarter than me to answer:
How is each build viable?
-What role does it fill?
-Does it work adequately at most levels of play?
-Is it PFS legal? (Assuming my mechanics are)
Please let me know if I made a mistake, otherwise look forward to learning from the experts (you).