I've used PDF to Foundry Importer to import content from the water-marked, legitimately purchased PDF straight into Foundry for a number of standalone adventures but when I try to use the same process for this adventure I just get an error, "failed to detect pdf. cannot proceed :(" Is there content available from this adventure for use in Foundry?
Calcryx666 wrote:
Player's Guide downloaded. Woo hoo!
So what we ended up doing was basically just adding the following to the spell description: The target of Dominate Person behaves as if the caster and his group are allies, effectively becoming an NPC controlled by the caster. The target's original allies still remain allies as well and any command for a creature to attack its allies will be treated as an action that is "against its nature." Everyone was okay with this as it seemed to capture the "spirit" of the spell that everyone but me felt the spell was supposed to be doing but didn't actually say it did in the spell description. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and opinions on this rules question. Everyone who shared their ideas helped to inform my final decision on this matter.
I'd like to hear thoughts from the community about how everyone handles situations with Dominate Person like the situation that came up for us last session. We're running through Giantslayer and, since giants are known to have weak minds, the group rightfully used Dominate Person and the target rolled a natural 1 on its save. Dominate successful. The command they gave the giant was to turn and kill that other giant right there, so he did that. Other giant dead. I did not feel that making a giant attack another giant was "against its nature" since I see them as creatures that fight amongst themselves all the time anyway and sometimes that leads to killing each other. This is the point where my group got frustrated with me as the GM. My interpretation of the spell is that, having completed the action he was commanded to perform, in the absence of any further commands (because the caster's turn had not yet come back up in the initiative to provide another command), the Dominated giant was free to behave normally and do things that he would otherwise normally do such as take attacks of opportunity against these humans who were obviously here to murder him. So he took his AoOs as people moved through his threatened area. My group was upset by this, believing that, in the absence of any further commands, the giant should perform no actions or at the very least should not attack the party. My group then, beginning to feel that I was being a jerk for trying to be overly pedantic with the wording of the command, next issued an overly worded compound command, something like, "attack this other guy until he's dead and then stop attacking anything and just stand there doing absolutely nothing until we tell you do do something else." I let that go, though I feel in retrospect that I should have paused the game right there to address the underlying issue. The situation became even more heated when they next ordered the giant to drop his weapon and take off all his armor. In that moment, with the giant surrounded by enemies with their weapons drawn and covered in the blood of his companions, THAT seemed to me like an action that would be against his nature if not completely suicidal so I gave him a second save, per the spell description, which he passed and threw off the spell. The group became super angry that I was, in their opinion, GMing in an "adversarial" manner and stated that it felt to them like I was giving him a second saving throw because I just wanted to play him and didn't want them to win the fight due to the giant rolling badly on a Dominate Person effect. I can understand their feelings, that they went from the super high of watching a tough opponent fail an encounter-ending save only to have that excitement dashed due to what felt like an arbitrary adjudication by the GM. On the other hand, I'm trying to follow the spirit and letter of the spell description which allows the caster to force the target to comply with the caster's commands but does not turn the target into a mindless automaton incapable of any actions but what he is told to do. So, I turn to the community. Do other people interpret the rules of this spell differently? Am I being a jerk about the way I'm ruling it? If you were GMing it, how would you have handled it?
Anyone else notice that Hersir Gregganor pretty much needs to be completely rebuilt? He has feats that are literally impossible for him to use with his primary weapon, like Stand Still which can only be used against adjacent targets - which he doesn't even threaten when he has his glaive in hand. So that's a completely wasted feat. And Pushing Assault can only be used with a two-handed weapon, so... his glaive, but he can't use it against adjacent targets so he has to try to hit something as it's coming in to close with him. Best possible result there is that his target spends an extra 5 feet of movement moving inside the range of the glaive and then becomes immune to being hit at all because of the 10' donut around the Hersir that he can't touch. So, he spent two feat slots on feats that will be completely unused as soon as the PCs close to melee range. I'm debating between just swapping out his glaive for a non-reach weapon or rebuilding him as a Polearm Master archetype fighter so he can use Pole Fighting to continue attacking inside the donut, albeit at a -4 penalty.
Hobgoblins, being loathe to wield "elf magic," rely on the Alchemist class for their arcane powers, but I noticed that neither of the two NPCs with Alchemist levels that the part runs into in the first book (Tukang from Oreld's Fine Shop and Yissti from Camp Red Jaw) possess formulae books. I assume this to be an accidental omission on the part of the author. My group running through this adventure contains an Alchemist so he is always on the lookout for new formulae. I was thinking of including a formulae book in one of Yissti's locked chests. Noting that the hermit Veld possesses a spellbook with all 0- 1st- and 2nd-level spells from the Core Rulebook, I was considering taking that same approach with Yissti's formulae book - including all formulae of 1st- and 2nd-level from the Core Rulebook and APG. Does anything think that would be problematic?
It's not explicitly covered in the text so it's up to the GM. Having said that, I would never allow crafting feats to increase the amount of starting gear a character has during character creation. To do so would imbalance the game. If you're planning on submitting feedback for your Doomsday Dawn experience, play it as written. Each character starts with 150 sp worth of goods. The characters have seven days to complete the mission; if they exceed that because they want to spend it all crafting goods, they fail the mission.
Not to mention that one’s skill at every form of Crafting is based on INT. So Wizards make the best blacksmiths because we all know how blacksmiths are famed for their intensely bookish nature... And I personally dislike how long it takes to craft things with this system. At 3rd level, a character can start making Expert level equipment for his party. If I want to upgrade my standard 10 sp longsword to Expert (350 sp value), it’s gonna take me a month and a half (350-10=340; half up front means 170 sp remains to be crafted after the initial 4 days time; at 4 sp value per day, that’s 42.5 days (170/4=42.5); tack that onto those original 4 days and you’re looking at 46.5 days for one longsword). If I want to help out each member of my four-PC group with a weapon or suit of armor (light or medium), then we need to take a six-month hiatus from adventuring because we hit 3rd level. Of course, I’ve heard all the rationales about how adventurers aren’t supposed to be crafters, the crafting rules aren’t made to benefit adventurers, etc. but I would argue that some players, myself and several members of my gaming group included, happen to enjoy playing crafting-type characters so why NOT make crafting rules that DO support that play style as valid and fun? EDIT: And yes, I understand the difference in time can be made up for by paying the difference in cash. It’s an interesting mechanic but if the group is cash-poor (as our group historically is) and crafting their own goods because it’s the only way they can afford decent gear, it leaves one in a bit of a pickle.
The MMO Dark Age of Camelot dealt with the issue of color by supplementing colors with “+” and “-“ symbols. For example, if something was one level above you, it’s name would be in orange but would also have a “+” next to it. Two levels above you was red with a “++” and three or more was purple “+++”. Similarly, creatures lower level than you progressed from blue “-“ to green “- -“ and finally to grey “- - -“. Using a symbol of your choice that can be interpreted by text parsers and easily recognized by the color blind seems the best choice.
So, there is this statement from the intro page of the Playtest document, "There are also a number of organized play offerings available to help playtest these rules through the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. So far, we’ve released a package of four quests and two scenarios, all available at paizo.com." Where on paizo.com can I find this package of four quests and two scenarios?
Yeah, I can see that going either way. And the phrase, "and must provide any material components or focuses the spells require" suggests that they are required though doesn't state that they are consumed, given that the spell isn't actually cast, it just uses up the spell slot as if it had been. In the end, I have a feeling that this just going to have to be a common sense ruling. It just doesn't make sense to charge absurdly more for a particular special ability just because its prerequisite has an expensive material component cost. Those costs are meant to be one-time expenses, not a prolonged tax on item creation.
Remember that Pathfinder is still a simulationist game. The rules only serve us insofar as they simulate what would actually happen if a mounted character with a lance (or other reach weapon) went charging full-tilt on a mount to attack a creature. The end result of that scenario would not, in my imagination, be a character holding a lance and levitating in the air while his mount charges on because the rules said he had to stop at the 10-foot mark.
I suspect that the question you're going to get more table variance on is, if a creature has 1 point of damage from a clay golem and 99 points of damage from other stuff, can the 99 points be healed normally? RAW, no. "A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged by a clay golem must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the healing has no effect on the injured creature." That sentence has exactly two qualifiers. To injured character, "Is your character damaged by a clay golem?" To healer, "Are you attempting to use magical healing?" Reading text, "A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged by a clay golem must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the healing has no effect on the injured creature." However, I suspect some GMs would try to break out the damage from the clay golem into a separate category and track it so that magical healing will apply to other damage but not the golem's.
Remind them also that this was a very concious design choice in the creation of the Pathfinder rules to address the problem of precision-damage-based characters such as yours being unable to deliver level-appropriate damage to a huge number of creatures in the game and thus paticipate in a fun and meaningful way. And be sure to bring up that undead are not the only creatures affected by the change from 3.5 to Pathfinder. Constructs, plants, and other creature types all fall under this same umbrella. The sidebar at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue has an excellent breakdown of which creature types are susceptible to which types of damage.
In answer to question 4), the paladin makes his attack with the reach weapon as soon as he is at the proper range to do so. The charge does not stop there as the mount continues its charge until the mount is in range to make its melee attack at the end of the charge. As has already been stated, the rules are unclear on this topic but that's how I would rule it.
If a prerequisite spell for the creation of a magic item has an expensive material component cost, does that cost need to be paid each and every day while the item is being crafted? For example, the Fortification special ability for armor has a prerequisite of limited wish or miracle. Limited wish has a material cost of 1500 gp. If I put heavy fortification onto an existing suit of +3 armor, it would cost 55,000 gp and thus 55 days of crafting. If I have to expend a casting of limited wish each of those days, do I need to spend an additional 82,500 gp (1,500 gp x 55 days) just for the castings of limited wish? If someone can point me to somewhere in the PRD where it states whether expensive material component costs do or do not have to be paid during item creation, I would really appreciate it. And, yes I know I could just skip the prerequisite and accept a +5 to the DC; that's not the point of the question.
I'm confused by a statement made in the section on familiars, "Generally speaking it’s better to just grab Improved Familiar once you get to level 7 because you get your familiar for free that way. However if you want the benefits of an Improved Familiar early you might consider taking the expense of dismissing your familiar later and just grab the feat at level 3." How does anyone get their familiar free at level 7?
What kind of opportunities will there be to buy improvements in gear? For example, around the time I hit 7th, I would like to purchase mithril full plate (because I doubt I'll find a suit of it lying around) but the frenetic pace that I've seen so far makes me wonder if I will even have the opportunity to do so.
Devastation Bob wrote: Also, I'd like to throw in how the dwarf and half-orc lesbian relationship raises eyebrows when it's stated that the people of Trunau don't judge on relationships, life being as dangerous as it is, and finding what happiness you can. The two are not mutually exclusive. One can raise an eyebrow or be surprised at something because it is unusual without judging it to be right or wrong.
In case anyone finds it interesting, I thought I would share the background I wrote up for my human ranger. I tried to include some potential story hooks that my GM can use or not as he sees fit. The background creation section in Ultimate Campaign served to provide inspiration for the conflict described in the latter portion. It's quite lengthy so I won't feel bad if you choose to skip past it but for those who enjoy this sort of thing, I just thought I'd share so others might use it as a springboard for their own backgrounds if they like. The youngest child of Halgra of the Blackened Blades, Ghurok was just an infant when his mother returned to Trunau to raise her children. Though his mother has never discussed the exact circumstances of his birth, Ghurok has managed to piece a few things together from stories told to him by his siblings. He knows that his father was a half-orc and that he was conceived while in the northern reaches of the Hold of Belkzen in a town called Wyvernsting. He has been told that Wyvernsting is ruled by a half-orc chieftain named Hundux Half-man of the Murdered Child orc clan and believes that Hundux might be his father but has no way to prove it. He hopes to some day find out the truth of who his father is. As a child, it was clear that Ghurok had inherited some features from his half-orc father. His dusky-hued skin and oversized jaw marked him as having the blood of an orc in his veins. Though Trunau society is generally accepting of such traits, children can be cruel and Ghurok was often teased and bullied for being different. Though large for his age, he still had the maturity of a younger child and cried and ran away when teased, earning him more taunts and jeers, the children calling him a "big baby." When the teasing got to be too much for him, he frequently ran to the house of his one good friend, Lyrien, a human girl his age. She was always kind to him and the two of them often spent hours playing together, pretending to be great warriors, husband and wife, or famous explorers. As the years went by and Ghurok and Lyrien developed into adolescents, their friendship grew into a deeper fondness for one another and eventually love. By this time, Ghurok had grown into a broad-shouldered and enormously tall young man with a jutting jawline and short but distinct tusks. He no longer needed to run to Lyrien for protection, yet still they spent much of their free time together. They became sweethearts and at the age of 16 declared that they were betrothed, vowing to marry in the coming summer. As a child of Trunau, Ghurok has lived through several assaults on the town from nearby orc raiders and their allies. Just a few months before his impending wedding, he was nearly killed in such a raid by a boulder thrown by a hill giant ally of the attacking orcs. Fighting beside Lyrien on the palisade walls firing arrow after arrow down into the attacking orcs, Ghurok was smashed to the ground and knocked unconscious by a glancing blow from the massive rock and many were shocked when he later awoke from what most believed to be a fatal injury. One of his tusks had been snapped off near the jawline but it was clear that he would otherwise mend. However, he was driven nearly mad with grief when he discovered that his beloved Lyrien, standing beside him on the palisade wall, had taken the full force of the boulder and been crushed beyond recognition in an instant. Years later, Ghurok learned that the foe who threw that fated stone was actually a hill giant chieftain named Grenseldek and Ghurok swore to someday find the giant and avenge his betrothed. Knowing that fulfilling his vow would take a level of martial expertise far in excess of what he currently possessed, Ghurok sought out Patrol Leader Jagrin Grath for training. After a year of training, Ghurok had achieved some measure of respect from the Patrol Leader and was made responsible for leading a small squad on patrol missions. He was not comfortable with the prospect of leading others and told Jagrin bluntly that he didn't want the job, preferring to work alone or with others under loose guidelines. The Patrol Leader informed Ghurok in no uncertain terms that every man who lives in Trunau is responsible for providing service to the town in whatever capacity they can. Jagrin had determined that Ghurok was capable of leading so it became his responsibility to fulfill that role to the best of his ability. Ghurok grudgingly accepted the new role but resentment began to fester. One day while leading his squad out to begin exercises alongside the Patrol Leader's squad, Ghurok noticed the longing fondness with which Lessie Crumkin watched Jagrin Grath depart. Seeing her barely concealed emotion brought to the surface feelings of loss, anger, and jealousy that Ghurok thought he had suppressed. He decided that day to hurt and humiliate Jagrin for foisting a leadership position on him; he wasn't sure exactly how yet but knew that it would involve Lessie Crumkin. Over the course of the next several weeks, Ghurok began a campaign designed to lead Lessie into believing that Jagrin was trying to arrange a secret tryst with her. Through love letters slipped to her in secret, the plan was laid out for her to meet with Jagrin in a private room in the Ramblehouse under cover of darkness. Ghurok enlisted the aid of several less-than-reputable residents of Trunau to assist in the subterfuge. Finally, the stage was set. Ghurok went to Jagrin and informed him that an amazing spectacle was soon to begin in one of the rooms at the inn. He led the unknowing Jagrin into a private room where Jagrin saw a bed completely enshrouded in heavy curtains and surrounded by an array of seedy-looking characters doing their best to stand silently in anticipation with leering grins on their unwashed faces. With everyone in attendance, Ghurok stepped forward and with a single sweep of his hand drew back the curtains to reveal Lessie Crumkin arrayed on the bed in her finest boudoir attire. The smoky look of anticipation in Lessie's eyes turned to abject horror as she realized that she was not alone in the room with Jagrin. The crowd begain hooting and hollering for a show as Jagrin Grath stood dumbly and uncomprehending. Finally, Lessie clutched the bedsheets around herself and Jagrin leapt into action to remove her from the scene of raucous and cruel laughter. Ghurok knew that he had humiliated Jagrin badly by making him an unwitting accomplice in the farce but he revelled in the pleasure of striking out at someone who had, in his mind, confounded him. Of course, Ghurok was removed from his position as leader of the patrol squad. He was also removed from serving in patrols at all and told further training could be had on his own. At first, Ghurok tried to act as if that was his plan all along but in the months that followed, he came to regret what he had done. He had used Lessie as nothing more than a tool, a weapon with which to strike out at something that hurt him. The pain of his loss had made him blind to the harm he caused her. In time, Ghurok even saw that Jagrin Grath, by forcing responsibility upon him, was trying to help him become a better man, a more capable leader. At present, Ghurok spends his days on his own, delving the hills and gullies surrounding Trunau, trying to keep his skills and his blade from dulling. He tries to not drink too much at the Killin' Ground in the evenings and keeps his distance from Jagrin Grath. He has contemplated public apology and acknowledgement of his wrongdoing but has not yet reached that point. For now, he keeps his thoughts, actions, and companionship to himself, hoping for something interesting to happen in his life to distract him from his brooding thoughts.
In thinking of ways to exploit the weaknesses of giants, it occurred to me that setting some simple traps might be a good way to take advantage of their low Reflex saves. In looking for how the construction of traps works, I found THIS PAGE. Can someone please confirm that my math is correct because it does not seem to pass a basic sanity test. Let's say I'm not a trap master or anything, just a level-1 guy with a shovel looking to even the odds a bit, right? I'm looking to make a camoflauged pit trap because that seems doable. According to the info on that page, this is a CR 3 trap. Constructing a trap costs 1000 gp x the CR so right off the bat that just seems insane. That puts the cost at 3000 gp to dig a hole in the ground and cover it with a tarp and some leaves. They do however specifically note that for a very simple trap such as a pit trap the cost might drop as low as 250 gp x CR. Oh, what a relief! My hole in the ground only costs 750 gp. I guess that covers the cost of the shovel and the 749 gold coins that I used to line the walls of the pit. But here's the part I really don't get... the time. So if we assume that I'm just your average guy, let's say I took a rank of Craft (trap) so with my 10 Int I have a total bonus of +4 (1 rank plus 3 for Craft being a class skill). The hole in the ground has a DC of 20 so I can't take a 10 and succeed at... digging a hole in the ground. But let's just say I roll it and succeed if just barely. So I got a 20 and I multiply that by the DC of 20 for a total of 400. That gives me 400 silver pieces progress toward my goal of 7500 silver pieces.. after A WEEK of digging a hole in the ground. Since I need to roll a 16 or better to hit that 20 DC, I'm only going to succeed 25% of the time so on average I can expect to make 400 silver pieces progress every 4 weeks or 100 silver pieces per week. That means I'm looking at 75 weeks of work. That's a year and a half. To dig a hole and cover it with a tarp and some leaves. Is my math right? Now, I get that the crafting system is designed to discourage PCs from spending their lives crafting instead of adventuring but this is me trying to dig a hole to trap some giants. I'm trying to adventure, to be clever, to utilize planning and reconnaisance to lure the enemy into a trap... that turned out to be a construction project on par with Boston's "big dig." I really hope that I have totally misunderstood some essential element here that will snap this whole picture into focus so it will suddenly make sense.
Lou Diamond wrote: Adam, why do many of the giants pictured in the released art work look like big fat slobs... He looks like an over grown hill billy, like what I have always pictured hill giants looking. I think you just answered your own question there. Lou Diamond wrote: Do Fire giants use giant sized bows and crossbows? They'd have to if they wanted to use bows or crossbows, wouldn't they? But I think mostly they hurl giant flaming rocks. Lou Diamond wrote: Why are disparate groups of giants working together? Normally the are competitors with one another aren’t they? Ah, the very question our intrepid adventurers ask themselves! To find the answers to this and other such riddles, you'll need to slay yourself a whole buncha giants!
Since Giantslayer evokes for me memories of GDQ, I'm going old school with this one and playing just a straight up human ranger. I'll probably use a heavy warhorse as my animal companion to get 50 feet of movement every round while full attacking from range, switching to a bardiche or greatsword when melee is necessary. I'm hoping that this AP will afford opportunities to gather intelligence through scouting, capturing and interrogating enemies, and other such things at which rangers excel.
Sc8rpi8n_mjd, first of all, thank you for all the work you have done to make this AP more challenging and fun! I stumbled across a very minor change that I needed to make in Kiranda to make her right. Her ploy is based on using glamered armor to appear as Maranse but as written she is only equipped with nonmagical leather armor. I modified that to +1 glamered leather armor since it needs to be at least +1 to carry the glamered enchantment. That increased Kiranda's AC by one point. Like I said, its a very minor change but one that I thought I would share.
My two cents, for what it's worth, is that Pax has always seemed to me to be one guild. In the same way that the Goon Squad is one guild and any other meta-guild is one guild within the scope of a given game. They may have multiple branches, but they're all a part of the same gaming community, the same guild. They have a partition between their segments just as they would if they had a presence in each of the factions of a game like The Elder Scrolls Online, but the segments are still Pax. The segments share a joint discussion area on the Pax website so they can all communicate with each other. Pax Dominus and Pax Imperius are two branches of Pax in SW:TOR and are even, by definition, at war with each other but they're still both Pax. I don't really have a problem with Golgotha being in the game. But in answer to Ryan's question of whether Pax is perceived as one guild or several, personally I have always seen them as a single guild much like Goon Squad, CotP, vVv, or any of the other meta-guilds. That's just my opinion; I speak only for myself and my thoughts are not reflective of TEO, The Roseblood Accord, the United States of America, or any other entity of which I may be a part.
Yeah, having thought about it for a bit, I think I will have the ghoul atmy attack the schir army nightly in an attempt to get at the yummy human prisoners. This distraction can be used by the PCs to slip behind the armies and attempt a rescue of the prisoners. I'll set up the encounter as a 5-Room Dungeon so it's not a cakewalk. I just wonder what the ramifications will be if they lose this army as well.
At the battle of Keeper's Canyon, the Knights of Kenabres were destroyed by the ravening hordes of dretches. While the Knights ranged opening salvo destroyed the tiefling army, the dretches' reckless ranged attack delivered 8 points of damage. In the subsequent melee phase, the dretches continued their reckless assault and, rolling a natural 20, delivered another 13 points of damage destroying the Knights down to a man. Before falling, the Knights delivered enough damage to their reckless foes to ensure the destruction was mutual but now the PCs are left without an army. Does anyone have any suggestions about how best to proceed with the assault on Drezen? There is another army of survivors so I'm thinking of reworking that encounter so it's a skirmish instead of a battle but I would love to hear other suggestions.
Well, if we assume that the start of Alpha is still a couple weeks off, call it June 1, and we further assume that the start of Gen Con (August 14) is a couple weeks into Early Enrollment, then Alpha would be June 1 through July 31. Roughly 8 or 9 weeks. Does that seem short to you or long? Or just right?
I want to add, I have a lot of respect for you, Xeen. I've seen how the UNC has been unjustly reviled and abused in other threads but you, Bluddwolf, and The Goodfellow have held your head up and tried to respond with rational explanations of the UNC position. UNC leadership has behaved with maturity and honor. You now have a very vocal, outspoken, highly volatile member who is, from all the evidence, congenitally incapable of upholding the standards you have put forth. It is not the responsibility of the rest of the community to coddle him when he acts out and pretend he isn't behaving like a spoiled toddler. Instead, it is now the responsibility of his leadership to take control of the situation and try to elicit acceptible behavior from your member. If that is simply impossible, which I believe it is, then you have some internal decisions of your own to make.
Andius wrote: Maybe you can come join us here after TSV falls Xeen, this is what people are responding to. As long as his temper tantrum continues and and he spouts off stuff like this in YOUR recruitment thread, expect resprisals. If you don't want your thread to get derailed, tell your newest member to stop crying, "Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Those big meanie-pants hurt my feelings!" But I'll be honest with you, man. I believe you may have bit off more than you can chew by admitting him. At the very least, UNC leadership needs accept that this is the kind of behavior you can expect from your new member and it comes with ramifications. If you want him, you've gotta be willing to take all that comes with him.
Speaking of our mountain haven, the vast amount of ore in our surrounding area makes a great place for anyone looking to buy or craft weapons and armor. That stuff is always going to be cheaper from the source so not only will the ore be cheaper in Brighthaven for crafters, but Brighthaven will have the lowest prices on weapons and armor as well. Especially in the early stages of your character's life when he or she is rapidly outgrowing the starter gear and needing to upgrade frequently to keep up with rapidly advancing skills, Brighthaven will be a perfect place to call home. Though many companies are likely to be sponsored by Brighthaven, The Empyrean Order will likely have the strongest presence there and access to the best opportunities. Come join us for a great slingshot launch to your character's career!
Sepherum wrote: The new crafting system. That would be a great vlog subject. I'd ask on the query thread but I've asked like three questions already. I got the impression that it's not a new crafting system, like something different than has been previously described. Rather, the insertion of the crafting system into the game where there was not one before is adding something new. In other words, they are not tweaking a crafting system that was already in place, they are newly adding the crafting system where one did not previously exist.