So when we played our first game we all had a good time but I have a question about the fighter.
It seems like they are very very unlikely to take any/much damage.
For example we flip a big scary DC 15 Hill giant. Fighter throws down a longsword or 1d10+3 + 1d8 + 1d6(discard changed to recharge) and the ranger throws him a 1d4 ... BAM Hill giant down awesome job!!
Now he throws down blessing of the gods and explores again! Black Fang DC 20 oh no!! Lets pitch a short sword at it. 1d10+3 + 1d6 + 1d6 (recharge again) Oh crap he rolled all 1s! Thats 6 vs 20 yikes... well use the shield to reduce it by 2 and take 12. Now here is the deal with no hand size = no damage.
Was this by design? Are we playing wrong? I only ask because every time the fighter rarely missed a combat DC he never had a hand because of all the weapon and armor recharges per class abilities.