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Organized Play Member. 50 posts (1,643 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.
Blazej - The Solar Sortie [Gameday VII] (inactive) The Dire GM's [SFS] #1-12: Ashes of Discovery (OutPost II 2019) (inactive) Egg's Gameday VIII Blackmoon Survey (inactive) GM Blake's PFS(2) 1-02: The Mosquito Witch (inactive) GM Crunch and the Cries From the Drift (inactive) GM Crunch Goes Into the Unknown (inactive) GM Ietsuna's - SFS 1-01 Commencement (inactive) GM Jhaeman's "Acts of Association" (inactive) GM SFS's 1-12: Ashes of Discovery (inactive) GM SFS's 1-28: It Rests Beneath (inactive) GM Valen's - Into the Unknown Quests (WITHOUT STARSHIPS) (NOW WITH STARSHIPS) (inactive) GM Valen's SFS 1-01 The Commencement - January 2019 (inactive) GMParty PFS2 Quests (inactive) Hmm's SFS 2-01: Pact World Warriors (PBP Gameday VIII) (inactive) Outpost 2 - Liam 1-32 Acts of Association (inactive) SFS #1-01 The Commencement (inactive) Signal of Screams for SFS credit (inactive) Starfinder 1-12 Ashes of Discovery (inactive) tt's Skitter Shot (inactive) VampByDay's SFS 1-01 game, the commencement (inactive) [GM Rhetorical Action] Fugative on the R e d Planet (PBP Gameday VIII) (inactive) [GM Rhetorical Action] SFS 1-02 Fugative on the R e d Planet (PBP Gameday VIII) (inactive) [Outpost II] GM Wolffauer - SFS 1-20 - Duskmire Accord 9 (inactive) [Outpost II][SFS] 1-16 Dreaming of the Future -- GM Gustavef (inactive) [PBP Gameday VIII] GM Wolfspirit's (PFS2) 1-01 Absalom Initiation (inactive) [PbP Gameday VIII][SFS 1-32] Acts of Association (GM Gustavef) (inactive) [PbP Gameday VIII][SFS 2-03] The Withering World (GM Gustavef) (inactive) [PFS2] 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (GM Watery Soup) (inactive) [SFS - PbP] 1-05 The First Mandate - GM bigboom (inactive) [SFS 1-09] GM Cellion's Live Exploration Extreme! (inactive) [SFS/Shifty] #1-32: Acts of Association (Table 2) (inactive) [SFS] GM Bigrin's Table 1 - The Commencement #3 (inactive) [SFS] GM kuey's The Protectorate Petition (#1-22) (inactive) [SFS] GM zebeev's 1-02 - Fugitive on the R e d Planet (inactive) [SFS_GM Skeemo] 1–03 Yesteryear's Truth (inactive)