The Dire GM's [SFS] #1-12: Ashes of Discovery (OutPost II 2019) (Inactive)

Game Master CanisDirus

SFS PbP - Ashes of Discovery (Tier 1-4)

GM Notes:
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice

[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Player]1d20 + 0[/dice

Ashes of Discovery (SFS) Maps & Handouts

My "Parent" Lodge - The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge - where you can find a TON of resources about playing Pathfinder Society games in a Play-by-Post format!

I STRONGLY advise newer players to Play-by-Post gaming to check out the amazing resources that The Flaxseed Lodge has put together. In fact, rather than re-post all of the links that are there, I'll just add a few beyond the ones already referenced above:

GM Hmm's profile page with tons of great links (some of which I also have below)

How to create a PFS character for PbP - Good basic info!

DH's Guide to PbP - Especially his "advanced" tricks!

PFS Session Tracker - A fantastic online database for you to keep track of what you've already played and GM'd. I use this myself and highly recommend it!

Dire's PbP Dropbox - This is where I'll upload maps, chronicle sheets, and other useful information for the time being (The character I used for the "Sample Character Sheet" can be found HERE if you'd like to see what it looks like once you enter it all in!)