
Anxa's page

Organized Play Member. 50 posts (1,643 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Closed Recruitment - This is a PBP Game Day VIII Event.

Welcome everyone, thank you for joining.

This is my first time GMing a PBP, feel free to PM any questions or feedback.

Before we start...
1. Fill in the information on the Stats slide for your character (Initiative and Perception Rolls).
2.Tell me about your character:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Class/Level:
Character Number:
Slotted Faction:

Number of this Chronicle:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame:
Fame Spent:

Day Job:

Anything special/Fun facts/Other notes:

Please dot in, we'll start once everyone checks in. Also, make sure you get me your character info in the Discussion tab.

Closed Recruitment - This is a PBP Game Day VIII Event.

Welcome everyone, thank you for joining.

This is my first time GMing a PBP, feel free to PM any questions or feedback.

Before we start, please add for your character:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Class/Level:
Character Number:
Slotted Faction:

Number of this Chronicle:
Starting XP:
Initial Fame:
Fame Spent:

Day Job:

Anything special/Other notes:

I saw an old thread about this, but it didn't really conclude on one side or the other... Most of it talked about impact-triggered grenades.

Here's my thought. A harness with standard pin-pull/throw grenades on it, each pin is tied to the harness with high-tensile thread/string. Telekinetic Projectile (TKP) is the used to "throw" the grenade. String pulls the pin. Grenade sails to target, hits dealing B damage per spell, then explosive shenanigans ensue. A relatively simple low-level grenade launcher. Slightly cost prohibitive, but gives a caster some flexibility and a few high damage rounds of combat if needed.
