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![]() The now standing Stone Giant does more than that. It flies up ten feet above Severo, but within the reach of the giant's earth breaker hammer. It uses both hand and comes down hard on the Half-Orc Paladin. mwk earth breaker + power attack: 1d20 + 22 - 3 ⇒ (17) + 22 - 3 = 362d8 + 13 + 9 ⇒ (1, 1) + 13 + 9 = 24 The Giant is ten feet off the ground. Severo 51/76 ![]()
![]() The sitting Stone Giant stands. He is tall. He yells out, "All lesser creatures will fear me!" What a blow hard. He cast a Fear spell that will capture both Brandark and Severo. Brandark and Severo must make a DC19 Will Save or become Panicked. Even if you make your save, you will become Shaken for one Round. Panicked
![]() "You puny Dwarf dare to approach me! The sitting Stone Giant points a finger at Brandark. A black ray fires from the finger striking the Dwarf Cavalier. sitting Stone Giant's Range Touch: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22 Brandark must roll a DC18 Fort Save. If Brandark fails the save he receives the exhausted condition. Exhausted
If Brandark makes his DC18 Fort Save he is fatigued. Fatigued
![]() The giant sitting on the throne curses as arrows are fired toward him. Then the ghostly hand reaches out toward Severo again, draining more life-force from the Paladin. Vampiric Touch: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 333d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) = 14 Severo takes 14 more points of damage. 47/76 GM Screen: 178 + 14 = 192 ![]()
![]() The Wild-Eyed Dwarf continues touching the big human. Wild-Eyed Dwarf's Tortuous Touch: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 12 - 1 = 262d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 111d6 ⇒ 5 Kaos once again needs to make a DC13 Fort Save. Again, if Kaos' Fort Save fails, he takes 5 points of Dexterity Damage, and falls prone into fits of convulsions. Kaos will be dazed for 1d4 rounds if your save fails. ![]()
![]() While waiting his turn to climb the rope, Haskyll says a prayer. Prayer doesn't give your foes a Saving Throw, they just take the -1 penalty. It is always a good thing to say your prayers ;) Round Three Anga hits the Wild-Eyed Dwarf with another Force Missile. With his spear on the floor, the Wild-Eyed Dwarf reaches out and delivers a tortuous touch on the big human. Hideous wounds begins to rip open on Kaos' body. Wild-Eyed Dwarf's Tortuous Touch: 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 12 - 1 = 242d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2) - 1 = 61d6 ⇒ 3 Kaos takes 6 points of damage. No big deal. But he also must make a DC13 Fort Save. If Kaos' Fort Save fails, he takes 3 points of Dexterity Damage, and fall prone into fits of convulsions. Kaos will be dazed for 1d4 rounds if your save fails. Ragnir brings in his Spiritual Waraxe to add to Haskyll's Spiritual Warhammer. (New icons added to the map.) Ragnir's Waraxe strikes the crazed Dwarf. Leira strains as the weighty Dwarf Umlo climbs the rope. "Lass, when we gets to Janderhoff, I'ma gonna to fill those skinny-ass bones of yers with plen'y of me brisket," Umlo responds to Leira. Then quickly surveying the situation, and with a "Hmmph!", takes off running in the opposite direction. Haskyll continues to have his Spiritual Warhammer pound on the Wild-Eyed Dwarf. He then climbs up to the upper level. Leira continues to strain under the weight of these stout Dwarves. Ingrihild waits her turn to climb the ropes. Kaos continues to slash and bite at the crazed Dwarf. The slash strikes, but the bite misses. Ulfgard makes Agrimmosh even more lethal. Droja's big cat continues to attack the crazed Dwarf. Its bite and left paw were ineffective. But the big cat's right claw, as before, strikes, but this time with a deep gash into the Wild-Eyed Dwarf's flesh. Droja's Black Cat Bite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 101d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
GM Screen:
Dwarf's HPs Apply DR: (-59), -54, -40, -45, -49, -39, -57, -62 Anga 19 (AC21 45/45)
Round Four Everyone is up! ![]()
![]() Round Two Anga is affected by a Baleful Gaze. Anga can take other actions in the round. The Wild-Eyed Dwarf takes a step back through the door. Then with both hands gripping the spear he thrust it toward the big human with a grunting sound. The first attack glances off Kaos' magical Shield. The Dwarf looses his grip on his spear with the next thrust. He yells out in disgust. His recent wounds begins to automatically heal. Wild-Eyed Dwarf Longspear w/ PA 1: 1d20 + 15 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 15 - 2 = 212d6 + 11 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 11 + 6 = 26 Wild-Eyed Dwarf Longspear w/ PA 2: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 - 2 = 92d6 + 11 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 11 + 6 = 27 Ragnir hacks again at the crazed Dwarf, only to have his axe glance off the Dwarf's breastplate. Leira briefly fades and disappears, only to quickly appear again on the floor, and looking down upon the region of the broken glass. The Rogue Arcanist lets down a rope and calls for Umlo to climb it. I really like the rope icon. Thanks. "Aye Lass!" Umlo grabs the rope and with a considerable amount of effort makes it to the top, "I make the tastiest brisket ye ever eat'n. But I be no'a good at climb'n ropes." The Dwarf makes it up anyway. Umlo's Climb Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 Haskyll gets ready to follow Umlo up the rope. However, in the mean time his Spiritual Hammer pounds the Wild-Eyed Dwarf. As the Wild-Eyed Dwarf moved back it was no longer in Ingrihild's line-of-sight. With a "Hmmmph!" she stows her bow and moves over toward the rope. I would think that only one party member would be able to climb up the rope per Round. Leira would not be able to hold the rope for more than one party member at a time. Kaos' features begins to contort. His face begins to have the appearance like the head of a Dragon. His arms and hands become scaly with lethal-looking claws. The Dragon Disciple then takes a step toward the south door, and in an almost feral manner hacks deeply into the Wild-Eyed Dwarf. Kaos then tries to bite the crazed Dwarf with a toothy maw, but was unable to get close enough to sink his teeth. Ulfgard moves toward the Wild-Eyed Dwarf, but with Kaos in the way, the Dwarf Barbarian Ranger was unable to get a clean strike. Droja casually moves over to look at the scene above. A large Cat, leopard-like, but solid black in color, appears behind the Wild-Eyed Dwarf. It attacks. The big Black Cat misses a bite and with one of its paws. The Black Cat does manage to hook the Wild-Eyed Dwarf with its right paw. Droja's Black Cat Bite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 71d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Anga 19 (AC21 45/45)
Round Three Everyone is up! ![]()
![]() Suddenly a loud tapping comes from the glass over Nargrym Steelhand's sarcophagus. A wild-eyed Dwarf stands above the glass tapping it with the butt of a massive spear. He appears to laughing and pointing at the party below, as if taunting the party. Someone in the party will notice that he has a steel hand. Map Updated. ![]()
![]() Mammy screams in pain, "He's killin' me boy! He's killin' me. Get out here and do something about it!" Mammy flies five feet up toward the top of the ceiling. But that is still within reach of Garrath. Affected for 2 more Rounds. She should be dead by then. Hucker and the Donkey Rat continues to puke up their guts. "I can't Ma. I just can't," Hucker pathetically responds to Mammy. Hucker is affected for 3 more Rounds. The Donkey Rat for 2 more. Muck sensing Mammy's distress comes back to life. It lashes out toward the one threatening Mammy (Garrath) with a tentacle and its thorny maw. Tentacle 1 Miss chance - 20 or less misses: 1d100 ⇒ 76
Garrath takes 13 points of damage, and has the Grappled condition. Yes, the thing came back to life. ![]()
![]() Mammy begins to puke up her vile guts. The Donkey Rat and Hucker does the same, but moves out of the room and into a closet. Mammy moves to room's corner. Muck, unaffected by the cloud's noxious affects, changes target and attacks the Hound Archon with its tentacles and the Dwarf Cavalier with it thorny maw. One of the tentacles grabs the Hound Archon. The thorny maw gets a hold on Brandark. Muck then moves back five feet dragging both Caleb and the Dwarf Cavalier into the noxious cloud. Tentacle 1: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 6 - 1 = 241d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 - 1 = 6
The Hound Archon takes 6 points of damage and is grappled. Brandark takes 9 points of damage and is also grappled. Both need to make DC20 Fort Saves versus the Stinking Cloud. Brandark started just outside the cloud's affect, thus no miss chance with the Dwarf. ![]()
![]() Seeing the Hound Archon appear, Mammy hisses and flies up behind the plant monster. She weaves a spell. She tries to Slow things down. Everyone in the party, Hound Archon too, needs to make a DC16 Will Save or be slowed. The spell was centered around the orange triangle. An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. Creatures affected by this spell are staggered and can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). Additionally, it takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for decreased speed. Hucker moves closer to the action. Muck tries to maintain its hold on Garrath, and does so. The mouth begins to secrete enzymes in addition to the damage from its thorny teeth. Tentacle 1 Maintain and Damage: 1d20 + 19 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 19 + 5 - 1 = 241d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 - 1 = 7
Garrath takes 21 points of damage and must make a DC18 Fort Save or become paralyzed for 3d6 Rounds. The Donkey Rat stays on guard. Mammy needed to beat an SR 15 for the Hound Archon to be affected by the Slow. She does so. Overcome SR 15: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Everyone is up. ![]()
![]() "Mama, I am still hurt," Hucker looks over at Mammy. "Come here, Son." As Hucker moves next to Mammy, the floating fat woman retrieves a vial from a pocket in her garment. She hands the vial to Hucker and he drinks it. The Donkey Rat stays ready. With the tentacles still engaged around the barbarian, the massive plant Muck tries to grapple Garrath again. Tentacle 1: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 6 - 1 = 241d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 - 1 = 3
I believe all attacks hit for a total of 9 points of damage. All attacks have initiated another grapple. GM Screen: CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 7) + 3 = 13 (-53)
![]() Hucker moves further back and drinks a potion. It calls out, "Chuckles! Heal. One of the Donkey Rats moves next to him. GM Screen:
cmw: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 1) + 3 = 9 The first Donkey Rat bites at the big Barbarian. But with a couple of arrows, protruding it makes a feeble attempt. Bite: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 1 = 71d8 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 1 = 6 Muck takes a step closer. A pair of tentacles and it's extended maw reaches out to Garrath and strikes over the Donkey Rat and fallen Brandark. Tentacle 1: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 6 - 1 = 161d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 1 = 8
Garrath took 20 points of damage. It is certain that one tentacle and the maw has grabbed Garrath. Mammy fires a couple more Magic Missiles at Elektra. Elektra figments - hit Elektra on a 1: 1d5 ⇒ 2
The missiles drop two of Elektra's figment. Everyone is up. ![]()
![]() From the damage, Hucker goes into a Rage. He cuts a brutal gash into the Dwarf Cavalier. Hacker with Ogre Hook: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 2 = 361d10 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 11 + 2 = 18
Brandark takes 36 points of damage and falls unconscious at - 4. The eldest Graul takes a step back. A Donkey Rat moves in and attacks the Enlarged Garrath. Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 141d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 That may hit Garrath for 8 points of damage. Mammy sees Elektra casting a spell. She flies over five feet and fires a pair of Magic Missiles from a Wand. Magic Missiles: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5 Elektra takes 5 points of damage and must make a Concentration check. The other Donkey Rats move in front of the door and stand ready. Muck is also ready for the party's approach. Everyone is up, except Brandark who is down. ![]()
![]() Brandark hacks the door open. Obviously, those inside were ready. This damp, steamy room reeks of rotting vegetable matter. Pools of mud and stagnant water dot the mossy floor, and the walls are caked with thick swaths of puffy fungus and mold. Mammy is here. She had Dimension Door to the basement, where she gathered her remaining sons and their pets into this damp room. The module often provides backstories that the GM learns, but the party never learns. So the party doesn't know all the details. But the players can know it. Two of Mammy's sons are in the room. One, nearest the door, shuffles with a pronounced limp from an old injury suffered when one of his own traps backfired on him, a wound he bears with misplaced pride. Hair grows lopsided from the right side of his head and face rather than atop his brow, and a vestigial twin capable of grunting and gasping protrudes from the back of his neck. This is the eldest Graul son. He has three trained pet Donkey Rats. The other's story is a tale of you better be careful on who you pick on. This mossy, vine-covered section of the basement is home to one of the least fortunate of the Grauls. Ironically, Muck Graul used to be one of the handsomest of Mammy’s boys, but after he caught and tortured a nymph princess for days on end, she spat a foul curse upon him with her dying breath. Muck began a slow, painful transformation, his flesh showing strange greenish sores and moss growing from his orifices. His limbs grew spongy and insubstantial until he collapsed into a shuddering mass of plant matter. Mammy consigned him to the basement to keep him from “mussing up the house.” Muck grew larger day after day, nurtured by his brothers even as they ridiculed him for his new hideous appearance. Muck Graul is now a massive carnivorous plant—a tendriculos. Round One When the door is hacked open, the Donkey Rats are ordered to attack. Only one is close enough to actually bite at Brandark. It missed. Donkey Rat 1 Bite : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 101d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 The eldest Graul son is there too. Eldest Graul Son, Ogre Hook + Power Attack: 1d20 + 14 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 14 - 2 = 271d10 + 11 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 4 = 18 Brandark takes 18 points of damage. One of the Tendriculous' tentacle arms reaches out toward Brandark. It missed. Tentacle: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 111d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 That's all that could get at Brandark to start. Garrath's Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Party is up. ![]()
![]() Round One The hideous Mammy Graul orders her Zombie sons to attack. The badly deformed Zombies move from their propped up coffins and engage Brandark. A Spectral Hand appears, barely noticeable, in front of Mammy. Luckily it doesn't take a tremendous acrobatic maneuver to avoid an attack from a bunch of deformed Zombies, or tremendously obese sack of poop. Garrath becomes enraged by the horrid sight. He moves in and hacks the first Zombie with the useless third leg. It is dead....again. It is a good thing that being sick doesn't affect casting spells. Elektra casts Haste. Garrath saves versus the spell. A speedier Flynn fires Giant bane infused arrows at the Ogrekin Mammy Graul. His arrows drop a pair of Mammies. Now there is four. 6 Mammies, 1 Real Thing: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Stone calls in a Spiritual Ally to help defeat this mother of abominations. The Spiritual Ally actually hits the real Mammy. But the real Mammies has Mage Armor up. The attack is deflected. 4 Mammies, 1 Real Thing: 1d4 ⇒ 1 That was one situation where hitting a figment would have been better. Brandark whoops up on a pair of Zombies. Both fall dead again at the Dwarf's feet. Shalelu also takes out one of Mammies figments. Mammy Graul (AC? ?/?)
Round Two With her Zombie sons dead, the foul mouthed, mother of abominations, flies to the other end of the room. Mammy takes a move action. Garrath gets an AoO against the floating fat woman. Depending on whether Garrath strikes Mammy or a figment will determine what Mammy Graul does with her Standard action. I will wait for Garrath's AoO to take the next move. Just for clarity, there are three figments and the real Mammy, or a 1 in 4 hits Mammy. ![]()
![]() The cloying stink of this room is nearly overwhelming. Buckets of filth are stacked against the walls, fat ravenous flies lazily circling their rims. The room itself is dominated by an immense bed, its ratty sheets stained beyond hope. A huge easel sits next to the bed with a palette of various shades of brown and red paint. The sources of these morbid pigments—several crushed organs and ragged stumps of flesh—sit in receptacles next to the easel. A set of brushes made with human hair jut from a broken skull by the easel, while a comb made from a human mandible sits on a small oak bedside table nearby, its teeth clotted with thick strands of greasy black hair. The bodies of three horribly deformed men dressed in ragged finery are propped up in huge open coffins against the far wall, their mouths sewn tightly shut with lengths of hair. Over a half dozen iterations of an incredibly corpulent female monster with stringy hair and bald patches hovers over the filthy massive bed. Each iteration wears a huge red curtain of a shroud. The big bed creaks loudly when the obese grotesque shifts as Brandark opens the door. This thing was ready and waiting. The many versions of Mammy Graul yells out, "Attack! in unison. Then goes into a profanity laced tirade that is more angry with her sons for allowing the party to get this far, than directed towards the party. The deformed creatures move from their coffins and engage Brandark. One has a useless third leg on his left hip and a pin head—three old arrows still protrude from its chest. Another has an extra nose jutting from his right cheek and a hunched back, his head is split as if by an axe. The third's deformities are hard to determine exactly. This Zombie is now little more than a shambling fleshy bag of broken bones and mashed features that flops about after ordered to attack. It is a horror-filled sight. GM Screen:
Mirror Images: 1d4 ⇒ 4 False Life: 1d10 ⇒ 5 AC22 HPs107 Spectral Hand: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Mammy casts a spell amongst her tirade. A nearly invisible hand appears in front of the many versions of Mammy Graul. Garrath's Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Mammy was ready for you and will go first in the Round. Her three Zombie sons were only able to engage. Party gets a round of actions. Round One |