Anonymous User 28's page

91 posts. Alias of james griffiths.


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How about posters?

Thanx, again Zuxius!

No need to put any other map pack images up. I'm sure they realize you were just trying to aid fellow community members, so no worries!

Maybe Paizo will finally add some image previews to the site.

A camera obscura even! Cool idea!

Very many thanx, Zuxius!

I had no idea it would take so long! They do look cool, but I must admit I was looking for areas of bigger size, rather than corridors, but I still can probably make use of this set.

Does this set join well with the Dungeon Chambers set?

Thanx, Zuxius!

I'm specifically interested in the Caverns set and the Dungeon Chambers (both are in my cart right now, but I'm on the fence!)

Again, not looking for anything that would step on Paizo's toes, just a few small sized images to know how they look and to get an idea of what combinations I could make.

One question I have, (using these for 4th ed,) how are they as far as having interesting terrain features? (thinking of things like cover, etc.) WotC's Dungeon Tiles seem to lack consideration for these things. (Ok, I think I saw a giant chair in the new set...)

I've posted on two diff threads about getting images of these on the site, but I've gotten no responses.

The most recent info about this issue came from Vic about a month ago, where he essentially said the art dept was too backed up to go through their archives for images to post.

Can any fans who've bought these maybe pick up Paizo's slack and post small images of the map packs on a photobucket (or other similar site) acct?

I'll second the request for images of the tiles.

I just read a post by Vic Wertz dated Sept 07 where he said they were working on putting up images of the map pack tiles very soon. What happened with this?

Any chance of the Paizo guys adding a small image preview of these map packs?

I'd like to see just a few images, to see if this is indeed something I can use, and also to compare with WotC's Dungeon Tiles (who would also benefit from a small preview.)

Maybe related, but I have Crucible of Chaos-print edition in my cart, and it's listed as being only 3 DOLLARS! Is this legit? Just making sure the site's not hacked or something...

I'm looking forward to these adventures.

Werecorpse wrote:

Would you have a problem coming up against Sauron or Tarzan or Ming the Merciless? I am not saying some powerful dark lord who is seeking to recover part of his mystical essence trapped in a piece of jewellery that can only be destroyed by a specific process (ie a nod to Sauron) but actually Sauron. To me it would jar - though at least it would be derived from a source that is consistent with the fantasy genre.

Not at all, if they fit what I was running at the time. Of course, you're talking to a guy that has been tinkering with using the Lament Configuration in one of his campaigns (complete with Cenobites!)

Ok, well, Ming would have to cover up his chest. That outfit of his is quite jarring, even in its own original source!

I just don't get the problem. It'd be one thing if they directly adapted one of Lovecraft's stories into an adventure, but just using elements of the mythos such as critters and gods? I mean, do you have a problem with them using Pazuzu and Lamashtu?

I understand if its just a "don't care for the mythos" thing, but otherwise, d&d is a hodge-podge of many culture's myths and legends. Using Azathoth is no different than 99% of the other things you see in d&d (in fact, its an easier pill to swallow since Lovecraft encouraged use and re-interpretation of his mythos.)

Coolest iconic yet! And dare I say, coolest looking (Merisiel's a close second!)

I am all about seeing some more of Vudra. Setting book can't come fast enough for me!

Absinth wrote:

Hmm, some of the chronicles books are quite regional themselves (like the Guide To Korvosa or Guide To Darkmoon Vale) and I can't see any difference to the announced companion-products like the guide to Osirion.

Hopefully one of the staff will shed some light on this soon...
Right now it would only make sense (to me) if the companions were aimed mainly at players (but the description of the Osirion-book doesn't sound like it will be...).

Yes, I would like some input from staff. I had thought the gazeteers were mostly player-friendly. Now they release these. Seems like far too much overlap, especially when you consider they still plan on releasing a setting book.

Please Paizo, I'd hate to see Golarion become another Scarred Lands.

Love this stuff!

Here's a similar thread from the Wizards' boards.
1001 tomes

Love me some Kev Crossley. He's especially great for some of the more out-there creatures.

I also want to see him draw a room full of zombies...

Any chance on it being more "hollow earth" than "underdarky?" (not referring to the old Hollow World setting, just hoping for dinos and stone age civilizations versus drow/illithid confict.)

Erik Mona wrote:

Well, there's not an ethnographic analogue of Central or South America that we've detailed yet, but if you're willing to forgo that part of the adventure I'd think it would fit in very well in the Mwangi Expanse, or even better in the Sodden Lands off the coast of the Eye of Abendego. That is if you don't mind adding rain to spice up the atmosphere!

Thanx! I like putting it closer to the Eye! So tempting!

I've got one...Where's a good place on Golarion to set the classic Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, culture-wise?

tbug wrote:

For what it's worth, my players (who are, admittedly, odd) didn't want to know that the AP was called "Rise of the Runelords". They steadfastly refuse to hear the titles of the six volumes and they've certainly never looked at the cover art.

Indeed. I haven't let my players see the covers as we play, nor have I told them anything but the path title.

I want to have full control of any spoiler leakage for my campaign. And I do leak things as a way to build interest for future parts, but I do it on my own timeline.

Easter eggs, are cool, as long they they don't drop big spoilers. In fact, they will help make everything come together as a seamless world.

In closing, I do hope in-between path spoilers are kept to a minimum as we are rotating dm-ing them as well. Thank you, James for your pledge to keep a lid on 'em.

James Jacobs wrote:

That's certainly a possibility... but not one I want to try before we get Pathfinder "established." Once we're three APs in... the baseline formula will be solid and we should be able to start tinkering with that formula. Complicating this, though, is the fact that a 1st - 10th level AP would only be three volumes long... either that, or it would have a lot of really short adventures. A 3-part AP might be doable though...

Glad to see its under consideration!!!

I really just want the occasional psionic villain or monster.

James Jacobs wrote:

Hmm... If the aboleth chapter in Lords of Madness wasn't enough (I wrote that chapter)... I might have to recruit someone else to tackle that job. :-)

No, your work in Lords was fantastic! I was referring to the actual physical look of the aboleth, which has never looked all that hot. I want a re-design of their look...

Mike McArtor wrote:
I shall continue my attempts to sneak in psionic mentions from time to time, just to let the psionics fans know that such a thing exists in the campaign setting. We'll see if any of them ever make it to print, though. ;D

Please do press on, good man!

Really, the only reason to grab the gazeteer is because it will be out first. Although, if you want another reason, its going to be much more player-friendly, and easily digested as opposed to a bigger book.

Ahh, forget about Drow (TOTALLY overexposed in that 30 years, IMO,)the real challenge is going to be making Aboleth look as cool as they actually are (I know, as I am trying to reinvent their image.)

Please make them look cool, finally!

Been having a bit of trouble with this too, at least the big number of 10,000 years, which is quite a long time for a worlds development ( I am reminded of the awful Forgotten Realms timeline that just seems like random numbers thrown out there because if its size.)

I have been contemplating more of a leaning to the Leng/Far Realms elements as a twist to the backstory. Maybe Thassilon as described is indeed a memory, but what if its the memory of a far older, otherworldly race/society (10,000 years is quite different in their perspective, perhaps, more feasible.) What if its discovered that the ruins now found and explored, can have been confirmed to not have existed even say, 5 years ago. Makes the "Rise" in the title stand out a little more, rising not from the past, but from another place entirely unknown to use.

You could go a lot of places with this...

Love the art in the bestiary. GO KEV!
Oh, and Denizens of Leng...Worth the price of this issue for me.

Just skimmed, so don't know the big bits yet, but Karzoug looks like a worthy end of campaign opponent, maybe still needing a little something else (prob just me, as I like to personalize most npcs mechanically a little.)

I was hoping for more visuals of Xin Shalast's crystal towers...I also hope it does indeed live up to the "ancient lost city" feel alluded to in the forward.

One minor complaint - like many other volumes, this one uses a lot of the same critters throughout. Yes, its the easiest part of an adv to change (and I do it a lot anyways,)but I'm hoping to see more variety in future paths...

Ok, maybe two - I could've done without the mountaineering article (should have just been a sidebar or so.)

Again, the art is perhaps the best of all the Rise volumes, imo (only lacking pic is the yeti/snowman.)

I would love to see some shorter adv paths. I simply don't know how many full paths I can sustain, and I imagine there is a significant amount of subscribers who might echo similar thoughts.

I do understand that this is more of a risky proposition for Paizo, as 6 volume paths most likely result in subscribers staying the full course. I also imagine you guys will be looking at the second path's numbers to see how many stick around and how many drop before you can consider things like shorter paths. But please do consider!

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Anonymous User 28 wrote:
Also, let me put in a request for some shorter adv paths, say, 3 parts or so.
What if they did a 3-part GMM series. Make each stand alone, but also possible to build on the previous in the series?

I could be down for that. I just haven't really dug any of the GM modules as of yet. I'm just worried that, before too long, the amount of 6-adv paths I have on my shelf that are not in play directly influences my justification for 17.99/month. You can only run so many full campaigns. Just food for thought.

I have a player who is a member. I just let him start out as such (he joined our group at 4th lvl.)

I am considering taking the Seekers affiliation from Savage Tide and changing it up a bit to fit as a Pathfinder affiliation. However, I still need to know more power groups in Golarion to make full use of the affiliation system, so it might be awhile.

The Black Monk...

Every other Runelord...

Eando Kline...


I don't mind going to other planes, but please keep it minimal. I do want to take a trip to Golarion's moons, however!

Also, let me put in a request for some shorter adv paths, say, 3 parts or so. This would likely be a better method to display any off-world adventures, (and besides, I think many groups will tire of the same old lvls 1-15 paths in the long run.)

Ok, the gazetteer's a must buy...I'll prob be taking collections from my party to snatch a couple of em...

Mary, please DM me!

I'm in the same boat, Mogney. I'm running Rise, while one of my players is going to be running Crimson Throne.

I'm avoiding the obvious spoilers by refraining from visits to the Crimson boards, but still some small spoilerish bits have leaked in on these boards about Crimson, and there are little tidbits (PF2 has a mention of one of the organizations dealt with in CT.) Also avoiding reading any individual issue blurbs,as they kinda give too much away, too soon. Gonna hafta avoid the preview in PF6 as well.

I hope some cosideration can be given towards these ends, even though its unlikely (at least, no CT or other path spoilers in this board, or at least label them path-specific.) I know they have to preview the next path in the PF books, though.

Coridan wrote:
You'd be putting all your eggs in one basket though if you go for the august release no? You might get a chance to look at those rules ahead of time, but your consumer base can't. What if WE don't want to make the switch and you're already geared up for a 4th ed Second Darkness?

After keeping up with current leaks on 4e development, I suspect that conversion to (or from) the 4e rules will not be hard at all.

Either way, I'm so stoked for the third path, whatever rules set it uses, or I'm using (in spite of the samey-same drow being included!)

Yep, gonna hafta change that face. A lot.

Are the gazeteers player-friendly?

Brilliant! Your version lets the players make an actual difference, and feel a little more connected to the happenings at the manor as well.

Big thanks for the analysis and input on this one. It's gonna be a breeze to run when we get to it!


Bayden was too vanilla, and now he's a full banana split! I will use this version, adjusting accordingly when my players get to him.

Made any other changes to the adventure(s)?

Elorebaen wrote:

Stuff I would like to see more of:
- I like all of the extra stuff, but as has been mentioned I would like to see -all- of this material to have a high potential for use in the course of the AP. I enjoy the Pathfinder Chronicles as it does give a feel for the world, which is important, but again I think you can do this "and" make all of it more directly useful for the campaign.

For example, the Kaer Maga story, while really cool, does not offer a high chance of use for this particular campaign. Though now that I think about it, the PCs may travel through Kaer Maga on the way to Xin Shalast, so this may be where this particular chronicle can be utilized.

- I like the idea of Side Treks that showcase aspects of the world. Given that we have a fresh new world, I would like to see more descriptions/encounters/scenarios that showcase various aspects of the world.

- More physical descriptions of NPCs, buildings, and landscapes. If they are present in the adventure then they should have a description, imo.

- I would like to see blogs develop various specific elements of the world. Like the time/calendar post. For example, typical sayings of priests of a particular deity, or the clothing fashions of Magnimarians, etc, etc.

- Downloadable handouts, duplicate maps without DM markings.

Ditto on all counts.

I don't care for a majority of the monsters thus far in Pathfinder, as they're not particularly interesting (I've liked one or so per volume.)

I also groan (as do my players) on the overuse of particular monsters. It may be realistic in the module, but its boring to face the same thing over and over.

Also, let's have some more selection in creature types (I know they wanted to be cautious in the first path, but let's push the boundaries a little bit. More 3rd party monsters can help here.)

I'd love to see some use of the Book of Templates(Goodman/Silverthorne) and some of the other 3rd party monster books.

Less plain-out-of-the-srd critters (more templates would help!) and revisions of already existing critters (Pathfinder 4's Redcap, for instance.)

Yes, the art is is the best thus far in Pathfinder.

More Kev Crossley please!

Also, to be clear, is the deck a dm tool, or a player tool?

Nice! I'm thinking of running an oracle telepath in the second adv path. This will be a cool accessory!

Please make some WAR posters of the Pathfinder covers. Or just some WAR posters....

Gijs wrote:

SO yeah, Hostel, Saw etc..

DID anyone watch August Underground?
Did you Nick?

Haven't seen the August films, but I'm a longtime fan of gore cinema. Everything from Fulci's Zombie (anything 70's or 80's with zombies,) to Cannibal Ferox (and most other 70's cannibal films,) to Guinea Pig series, to Red Room, to Men Behind the Sun, etc...

santinj@ wrote:
Anonymous User 28 wrote:
ElmoFromOK wrote:
Come hang out in the bible belt.. sigh.. Many people have very twisted priorities here.
For real. I work at a Blockbuster in NE Louisiana, and most nights, I can walk the aisles and find that people have turned around coverboxes depicting things they feel are "inappropriate."
It's not just the South. I don't turn the boxes over, but I don't take my little boy there either. I'm sorry, but he doesn't need to see the covers on some of the horror films. He's two and a half and at eye level with most everything. Call me old fashioned or over protective. I am.

Well, you're making a decision for yourself and your son, and not deciding that no one needs to view the image. Perfectly acceptable, its what parents do.

I should also add that its not horror films that inspire this sort of phenomena, but those depicting homosexual relationships, or scantily clad folks.

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