
Angela Berger's page

16 posts. Alias of Communist.


Female Human Winter Witch 1

Slow is fine, slow is good. Potions take a while to mix anyway.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Angela crossed her arms, moving to stand just behind Eliam. "Let me get this straight. At great inconvenience to ourselves, you want us to up and leave...? We need you to keep this town running. You're one of the only people we buy from! Now w-we have to move, and you want us to move to a place where we can keep buying things from you, only now at your convenience...?

Angela bit her lip. It sounded bad. At least they weren't building the highway through her town. But they were just trying to strong-arm her town.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

I've also got a few mendings, so together we can at least speed up the discount.

I've also got putrefy food and water. I think mending is the most practical spell (Only practical?) witches learn, on that note.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Angela stepped quickly behind Eliam, still not entirely sure they weren't about to be sold into slavery. Furthermore green and blue looked terrible together! Oh why did he have to push through and draw attention to them?

She leaned forward to Eliam, towards his ear. "Careful. They're merchants." Angela said in a menacing tone, giving a serious nod at the end.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Knowledge History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Well. They are traders.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

"The fact that we own it doesn't mean I suddenly want to have my bottom pinched here, Esmee!" Angela replied, going a bit red in the ears.

She'd heard her family tell tales of this place in the glory days, but she'd never seen it in anything other than the supremely dilapidated state in which it now rested. Babbles was right, together they could restore this place and even raise it above what it was. Still.

She turned to Eliam, who was way smarter than her. "We'll need heaps of gold to fix this, won't we? W-where are we going to get it all?"

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Wait. We weren't allowed to take those berries? ...I have some things to go and burn...

Female Human Winter Witch 1

About the only thing I can think of to add to Eliam's list at the moment is a games room.

So for our 500 gold disrepair I'd recommend games room, lavatory, and sewer access (For 530 gold total. So sue me.)

For the rest, the furnishings, bedrooms, statues, gardens and all our playsets and toys.

Ooh, and later on we can put a small sideroom for an altar in. For adventurers, and all. We can put a giant lever operated pillar on the altar, with every god's iconography on it. That way praying to your god is as easy as revolving the pillar to your relevant symbolism! (Heresy? Probably. And why does it keep getting stuck on Rovagug? Why does it even have Rovagug?)

As for Eliam's want of a bath, he could just use Angela's! Wacky hijinks! Think about it.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Alchemy lab: 390
Garden: 180
Bath: 130
Total: 700

The garden is for maintaining those rare herbs and spices needed for delicious meals! Oh, and for witch's brews.

For our tavern I'd suggest two bars together (For a larger sized one), a common room, some lavatories, and maybe bunks? Plus a brewery out back. Plus one storage.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Unless it's really inconvenient, Angela probably still lives with her parents. But she has her own bedroom, and can use the family lab to brew potions! It's probably got the village icehouse too, which Angela hides in when she's crying.

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Stealing Eliam's idea, because it's very neat!

Babbles: Why are we former allies? Did she hear you say something mean about Elves, or do we just not drawn together particularly often? I can't imagine Angela would need a smith too much, but maybe we were allies when those goblins attacked town and we worked the triage line together?

Eliam: I like the idea of a meek captive audience a great deal, though I suspect that Angela isn't game enough to gamble. She probably enjoys complex card/tile games, but doesn't understand why you keep beating her. She probably respects you as one of the smartest people she knows, and tries to ignore the rest.

Esmee: Best friends? Probably even only friend. It's up to us to make this bar work properly, and why do the men all go for Angela and not Esmee is it the bear I think it might be Samson... Our familiars are probably very good friends too!

Female Human Winter Witch 1

I'll put a vote in for 'The loose wolf'

Female Human Winter Witch 1

Many thanks! Super excited to see how this campaign plays out, especially with all the UCam stuff.

Also quietly considering how many buildings we'll accidentally burn down...

Updated with story, three things, so on.

Present! Once I get hold of a keyboard I'll fill out my background properly!

Then a big, shy love interest is something I'd be willing to do! Unless any other female characters wanted to do it. Maybe you'd be better off with them. They're probably prettier.

Full Name

Tilladee "Taber" Tabernacky


Gnome (DWARF!)


Barbarian (Mounted Fury) | 15/15 | Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +2 | Perception +8 | Init +1







Special Abilities

Rage 6/6






Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan



Strength 15
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Tilladee Tabernacky


Tilladee Tabernacky
Male gnome barbarian (mounted fury) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 79)
CN Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)
hp 15 (1d12+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions
Speed 20 ft. (15 ft. in armor)
Melee greataxe +4 (1d10+3/×3) or
lance +4 (1d6+3/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with lance)
Special Attacks rage (6 rounds/day)
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Power Attack
Traits armor expert, blackthorn rancher (lambreth), pioneer
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-11 to jump), Craft (weapons) +6, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +8, Ride +1, Stealth +5, Survival +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (weapons), +2 Perception
Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan
SQ fast rider, gnome magic, master tinker[APG], unlearned
Other Gear chainmail, greataxe, lance, backpack, bedroll, flask, flint and steel, waterskin (2), weapon cord[APG], whetstone, 14 gp, 7 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Fast Rider (Ex) The speed of any ridden mount increases by 10 ft.
Gnome Magic Add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist illusion spells cast.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Master Tinker You are proficient with any weapon you have personally crafted.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (6 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Unlearned (Knowledge [local]) You cannot attempt untrained checks with knowledge skills other than the one selected.

Backstory/Small Fluff Piece:

illadee Tabernacky was a bit too rough and tumble for gnomish society. He was prone to bouts of rage at the strangest things (at least to gnomish standards.) All this trying to find common ground, all this trying to coexist and be friends, all this curiosity about others...He wanted nothing to do with it. He didn't mind typical interest, but growing up in a Gnomish community is hard when you don't want to know everything about everyone.
He quickly left and set out on his own when be became of age and for a while was a wild and crazy hermit outside his village. It was perhaps after one too many nights that ended with him nicking food, hiding in someone's barn, freaking out and lighting something on fire and mooning the person who upset him that eventually led to him being outcast proper. At forty years old, he set out in the great outdoors proper. It was rough at first but he settled in surprisingly well. He found his own version of curiosity, eating pretty much anything he found. Of course this lead to numerous nights sick and feverish out of his mind but he didn't seem to mind come the next day.

It was with this knowledge, his ability to hunt and take on prey by himself, his ability to craft weapons, and more that eventually brought him late one night to a tavern in Restov. He sat there with his Dwarven sized ale, pretending he was a Dwarf (a lie no one believed), sharpening his "Dwarven War-Axe". The chance to enter the Stolen Lands and let loose some of the fury inside, to find new and strange things he shouldn't eat to eat, and to make some money called him to apply.

Every now and then the "Dwarf" was spoken to, asked about his abilities and his weapons. "Aye, I see you've got a great eye for me craftsmenship! What's that, this ain't no Great Axe...It's a Dwarven War Axe you fool! Of course it is, can't yeh tell it is. It was crafted by me, a Dwarf...for WAR, so what else would you call it! What, that old stick? Are you daft, who ever heard of a Dwarven War Stick. Nah, it's a Lance. What you mean it I should call it a Dwarven War Lance if I'm gonna call me axe a Dwarven War Axe? Now that's just crazy talk, whoever dun heard of something as stupid as that. Listen, you get your arse away from me or you bring me a drink. Yous giving me a headache and I'm close to showing you just what a Dwarf can do!" it can be heard even if you avoid eavesdropping on his talks.