
Angela Berger's page

16 posts. Alias of Communist.

Echoes. This building is full of them. The early morning sun is shrouded by clouds, as you step into the long abandoned factory, which seems better lit than the outside. You aren't sure how, or why, but this building seems to have retained strong memories of the past.

The effect is disconcerting. You see this building in two layers, one of the dark and overgrown concrete tomb it now is, and another of the brighter days, machinery whirring eagerly and men stepping about in hard hats and flannel shirts, doing their business like every other day. Distinguishing between these two times is hard- and it takes your full concentration to ignore the residual memories and to focus on the ruin as it is.

A sign indicates stairs to the left: it exists only in the past, yet in the future you saw that same sign worn on the far side of the floor. Carefully, you take the stairs. Some stairs no longer exist, and the handrail overlaps in your vision as a well polished steel pole, and a rusty jagged deathtrap.

At the top of the stairs is a small room. About a dozen plush chairs are arranged around a decently sized table; the room is very well lit by what appears to be a chandalier; and another door can be seen at the back of the room. You blink a few times, trying to see the room as it is now, before you realise that this is how it was and still is; the only difference being a small propped-up note on the table.

Will be along shortly. Play nice.
PS: Check under note for conversational ice-breaker.

Arrive as you see fit, feel free to create extra details if you want to. Now would be a good time to decide if you know the other Changelings: you are most likely to know those in your own court, if any. Remember the '8' mark on the back of your hand, and that you can also see everyone else's hand similarly marked.

Discussion thread! For ease, your first post should be your character's full sheet or a link to it.
Notable Persona Sheet Additional sheets will be added to the campaign info as necessary.

Posting guidelines are pretty much as you'd find on other campaigns. Bold your speech, italics for thoughts, and try to restrain OOC remarks to the discussion rather than the play thread. (But if they're witty one liners go ahead with it.)

Posting would be greatly appreciated every 48 hours or so. If you have to be away drop me a message and let us know. if you don't post for a week or so I'll assume you died and have your character killed by thunderbolts. It's how they would have wanted to go. Either way I reserve the right to move characters along the plot rather than keep everyone waiting (Especially given the large party size.) Combat should be a once a day post, because otherwise it'll take years, I tell you. Any issues with this? I can run it slower or faster if enough people so wish.

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Detroit. A city of five hundred thousand souls, and a population nearly twice that. It is a dying city. The car industry has moved out. Now it is a city with a massive crime rate and racially segregated suburbs. There are thousands, tens of thousands of empty buildings and houses in this city. Trudging about the city with the memories of dance halls and factories now turned into crumbling buildings, the people of this city live on the edge.

Living atop the misery and constant sirens is a diverse supernatural community, all too eager to take advantage of the perfect hunting ground. It is here that you find yourselves.

It has been three months now since you escaped from your Keeper. Maybe you went home and saw some... thing... living your life in place of you, being you better than you could ever be. Maybe once you got out you abandoned your old life entirely, settling in here with the others. In the end though, you found yourself here in the city. Ever since you were captured (if you can even remember that),you have found yourself changing, becoming less and less human. In hope or desperation, you found the changeling Courts, and others who had also been kidnapped, and escaped. At least now you have people who believe you.

Three days ago you awoke from an unusual dream; one you can recall with perfect clarity. You were back in Arcadia, and your keeper was before you. They took your hand and pressed their thumb into the back of it. 'Take care now.' they whispered. When you awoke, you found a number on the back of your hand. '10'. Perhaps you passed it off as a poor joke, but it wasn't harmful. But then you awoke the next day and found it had changed to a 9...

That's not all. Nobody else can see your number. Not even the other changelings. But you can see theirs, and the number of every living being you come into contact with. All of them have the number '10', and with each day it will go down.

Still, knowing people helps. Gathering rumours from between courts, a Lord Jeremiah has arranged a meeting. So on the massive floor room of an abandoned factory, you meet with the others who can see the numbers. Your numbers are all 8. Everyone else's, a 9. Your days are numbered.

This recruitment is reserved for those who have already expressed interest

Welcome to this world of darkness game: Changeling: The Lost. Pretty much everything I wanted to express plot wise I listed up above, so... creation guidelines!

Characters will be created using the standard creation methods. (Isn't that fun?) . You are fresh from the thorns, and so start with no bonus xp. Feel free to sell off clarity for XP as is usual, but make sure to justify it in story.

Backstory should be fairly detailed, but not an epic saga. Try for 2-3 paragraphs, remembering the following questions.
-Who was your keeper, and what were they like?
-What was your time in Arcadia spent doing?
-What have you done since you got out?
-Did you see your fetch? Did you kill it... or will you?

Courts in Detroit:
Detroit is solidly a winter court, with the Winter King ruling pretty much all year, with a single season allowed over to Autumn. Spring is tolerated, oddly enough, and duely respected except when it comes to the ruling crown. After a large purge a few years back, the upper echelons of Summer have been banned from entering the city or attending court. Evidence suggests a large number of loyalists were within their ranks, but how trustworthy that evidence was is up for debate. Lower ranking Summer courtiers are still free to do as they please, and the Winter King appears to be searching for a more negotiable leadership to deal with.

Once you have finished your sheets and backstory, I'll go through them and give you each roughly 3 dots worth of merits to better reflect your character. They might be unusual choices or something that isn't overly powerful, but more to give you some more options to play with and encourage a diverse character. Or, I don't know. I haven't got the core book with me at this moment.

Any questions, toss them to me. I haven't got any of the extra sourcebooks, but if you wish to use them I'll borrow them from a friend. Make sure to quote the page and book if you do.

Otherwise, go crazy! (Literally!)

The party begins play living in a one room condo, and must balance the whims of their master against the unreasonably bizarre threats thrown at them. Thrill your master with your uranium dumping skill! Amaze your peers with your broom to sword fighting style! Gasp in wonder as the entire plot is spoiled by some jerk with a time machine!

This is not a serious game. The rules set will be from Maid RPG, described by some as Paranoia with Maids, and by the translator as 'g$@~+%n weird'. As maids, the players will vie for the arbitrary favor of their master. Daily chores might be performed, or interrupted by say, a passing zombie apocalypse. The random charts in this book are broad, to say the least.

But a game around maids? Isn't that shameful/creepy/way too sexual? (Treasonous questions are punishable by death) I hear you cry. The answer is no, not really. This game will only be creepy if you bring it in yourself (Dirty person, you are.) I myself am entirely content to have this remain an over-the-top comedy.

So, what do you need to play? Stat wise, you need 6 of them. (Athletics, Affection, Skill, Cunning, and will.) The roll for this is 2d6/3 for each. Then you need 5ish special qualities: rolled at random from the book. (Entirely random characters are best, if you don't have ye book roll 2d6 x 5 and I'll give you options). Then there's some more stuff... but pretty much everything past the stats is superficial.

I'm looking for roughly 5 players here. There's also room for one butler, but unless you know how this works I'd suggest against it. As character creation is more or less entirely random... Selection will be made through amusing backstories, writing samples, or discrete dollar bills left by the back door of my house.

So if you're in a quirky mood, and want to try something different, give it a go!

I'm currently participating in a custom campaign with a group of friends which has been going on for slightly over a year now. In the playing of it, we have founded an independent adventurer's guild in-game, and rapidly attracted a great deal of attention and money to ourselves.

The release of ultimate campaign seemed perfect for this campaign. A great deal of downtime, and a wide political spectrum to stake a claim to fame in. UCam comes out and I give it a thorough read-through, show it to the GM. He seems to like the stuff they have there, and he's keen to introduce some of it.

Then I go to the other players, and suddenly the world's gone to Rovagug. A fair chunk of them do not seem to like these new rules (Specifically, fame, honor and the downtime system).

Their reasons against it seem to be as follows:
-Fame and honor punish those with low charisma, and reward those with high charisma. Disproportionate effects would be unfair, and we should be equal in this regard.
-Fame and honor would promote disharmony amongst the party
-Downtime favors skill heavy characters
-Downtime would require additional work to keep track of effectively
-Retraining would be broken because we could reschedule the campaign timeline to fit retraining programs, and retraining is (apparently?) broken
-People would be unhappy at having to talk more in-character as a result of these rules (I swear someone actually raised this as a point.)

I of course would very much like to see the new rules bought into play, but I do have more than a little bias in this matter.

What do you think? Are their reasons valid or not? Did any of you bring in new rules mid campaign, and how'd it turn out for you? If you were to bring new rules in, how would you do it?