Gold Dragon

Anarak's page

145 posts. Alias of Jonventus.


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Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Thanks for running the game, Rev! I just dropped in to see how things worked out for the party. It was a lot of fun, but I'm afraid I won't be continuing into the next adventure. I've decided to stop playing PbP for awhile. I just need a break from the daily obligation to post. But thanks again. And to all the players as well. I'm really impressed that we got through an adventure!


Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Sobbing. Moving slowly towards exit with Gobi's aid.

Will be unable to post from now until Tuesday. Please NPC Anarak as necessary.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak calms slightly at Gobi's words, but the quiet sobbing continues. Unable to think about treasure or bones, he simply crawls slowly towards the barrow entrance.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

How does the Save Ends mechanic work outside of combat? We would normally get a save every round. Is that still 6 seconds?

Save: 1d20=9

Anarak cowers in front of the stone, mumbling incoherently for at least the next six seconds.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Sweet map! I almost hope we fight something so that we can put it to good use... :)

Anarak stands guard over Vel at L5, slowly taking in his surroundings. He still doesn't like this whole spirit quest...

"Maybe someone should hold the door open so we're not locked in here as prisoners..."

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

"Well, let's get it over with then." Anarak heads into the barrow, axe drawn.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

"What are we supposed to do with the bones again?" Anarak does not take keenly to being ordered around, and nods in Whiteclaw's direction. "A short rest seems appropriate."

If there are no objections, Anarak spends two healing surges to bring him up to full health, and then prepares to lead the way into the barrow.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak shudders as the spirit-voice fills the clearing. "Why do I get the feeling that this battle is not over..."

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

I'm actually on vacation now, but it turns out I have Internet so I think I'd like to at least see the fight through :).

Anarak moves to K10 and then charges to I7 and attacks Grimnir with a mighty swing of his axe. Anarak has no qualms about marking the giant dwarf and does so.

Charge: 1d12+9 = 18 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 6.

If he has threatening reach and hits me, I'll use my Unstoppable power as a Minor Action. If not, I'll save it.

I'm moving before Whiteclaw, so she may want to move and Ferocious Charge to I4 to get a flanking bonus.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

If Vel does not kill Skeggi, I will attempt do the honours. Move to P10 and attack, marking him so that he can't move away.

Reaping Strike (flanking): 1d20+10 = 17 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 14 (4 damage on miss).

Skeggi is marked. That overrides Gobi's mark.

Opportunity Attack (if necessary):

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak mutters some profanity as Arianwyn's curse slides Gundmundr out of reach and an opportunity attack is lost. Seeing the chanter incapacitated, he surveys the battlefield. Preferring to continue the fight against the barrow-dwellers out in the open, he decides that the first order of business should be Skeggi's demise.

He moves to L6 and then charges to O5 to attack Skeggi.

Charge: 1d20+9 = 16 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 7.

"Gobi, set up a flank!" (ie. please shift to P3)

I won't mark Skeggi, choosing to leave Gobi's mark in place.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Nice roll, Kia! Though I think you added an extra +1 by mistake. It should be +10 (+1 level, +4 str, +2 prof, +1 fighter talent, +2 flanking). My opportunity attacks have an additional +1 due to my combat challenge ability...

EDIT: Actually, I looked back and my last roll was incorrect. I added the +1 for switching weapons, but forgot the -1 for it not being an OA. That's probably what Kia was basing the number on...Sorry! Hopefully 25 was still a hit on Mar...

Anarak grins as a gust of wind dutifully shifts Gundmundr into a flanked position. Silently wishing for an opponent to cleave, he instead makes another Reaping Strike.

Reaping Strike with flanking: 1d20+10 = 27 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 16 (4 if miss).

Gundmundr is marked with a "Thunk". Anarak will then shift to G6 to prevent an escape back into the barrow.

Vel, did you use an action point there? I think Sleep is a Standard Action...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Arianwyn wrote:
But were there rules in 3.5 for slamming people into the ground or objects?

Trip and bullrush I guess.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter


I looked on the wotc boards and found an explanation of this. Grabbing a foe renders him immobilized. This does not mean paralyzed. It simply means he can't move or shift without first escaping the grab. He can still attack or use powers. Sustaining a grab is only a Minor Action, so you can still attack or use powers as well, so long as you can do so with one hand. One of the things they were trying to fix re: grapple was the fact that a strong creature could render a weaker creature completely useless relatively easily. That's no longer the case.

For reference, here's the info if anyone wants to check it out. 4e grab

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Acrobatics v Ref - 1d20+5=24 - he was really desperate to get away! Mar shifts to H8, and stays visible.

Mar was still marked. I make an opportunity attack against him with my hand axe as he shifts away. But Anarak is less skilled with the lighter weapon, and the attack breezes harmlessly through the air.

Opportunity Attack: 1d20+8 = 11 vs AC. Damage: 1d6+7 = 8.

Frustrated, Anarak tosses the hand axe aside (drops it) and stoops to pick up his great axe (Minor Action). He shifts to G7 and lunges at Mar, marking him for another round.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+9 = 26 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 10 (4 damage on miss).

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Rev DM wrote:
I am open to suggestions. If you want to try and knock him prone you can do so, although I'd be inclined to rule that he gets an OA against you. It seems like a reasonable thing to do, so go for it if you want.

I didn't want to knock him prone. Just wanted to know if I can make an off-hand attack while holding him. Grab only requires one free hand, so I thought it might be possible. Hand axe is an "off-hand" weapon...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Does "opening the door" provoke an attack of opportunity? It sounds like it might. Here's the OA in case it does:

Opportunity Attack: 1d20+9 = 13 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+7 = 16.

Anarak has no intention of letting Mar escape. He scours the rulebook for a combat tactic that might prevent that from happening, and settles on grab.

He shifts his axe to his left hand and reaches for Mar, grabbing him by the shoulder blade of his armor.

Grab: 1d20+5 = 24 vs Reflex.

Can you attack while sustaining a grab? Sustaining is just a minor action, and grab only requires one arm, but I couldn't find this in the rules. Anyone?

Assuming that it is possible to attack with my off-hand while sustaining the grab, Anarak drops his great axe and draws a smaller hand axe to strike the immobilized Mar next turn.

Mar can use Move Actions to try and escape the grab. He can either use Acrobatics vs Reflex or Athletics vs Fortitude. There may be an armor check penalty for one or both of those...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

"Why's he heading to the barrow? Well, all I know is that he's not gonna make it."

No Perception this round. Anarak advances to G6 (via G3-G4-G5-G6), blocking the barrow entrance. He opens his mouth and unleashes a blast of electricity at Mar.

Breath Weapon: 1d20+10 = 27 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d6+3 = 9 (elec).

Before the blast subsides, Anarak quickly strikes with his axe.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+8 = 14 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 9 (4 damage on miss).

Mar is mar-ked.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

I'm waiting until after Mar's action to post my turn so I don't have to create a bunch of contingencies. It might be a good idea to end each block with an NPC action. It's kind of hard to post out of order when an enemy's action might make a big difference...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Some minor logistics:

1. From your update, it sounds like my charge was successful, but I actually rolled a 2. So Ari might not be bloodied.

2. As Arianwyn noted, a new mark erases a previous one. But I was actually supposed to go before Whiteclaw, so I guess her mark would be in place, meaning Ari would have a -2 penalty to attack someone OTHER than Whiteclaw. He attacked Whiteclaw though, so no problem there.

3. For everyone. Active Perception is a Minor action, so you can only do it once per turn, unless you forego a Move or Standard action. My guess is that you would make one roll, and apply it to the Stealth rolls of all three Duergar. DM ruling?

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

"What good is marking my target if no one bothers to get behind him?" Anarak mutters to himself. "And where is the bugger?"

Perception: 1d20+2 = 14

I don't have enough information to take an action. I need to know if my Perception roll was successful. Perhaps for invisible foes, you could put their location in a spoiler so that those who make the roll can post their actions.

eg. DC 16 Perception:

Mar at J10.

In the unlikely event that I can locate Mar, I move up to him and make a Reaping Strike. In this case, I continue to mark him.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+8 = 23 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 14.

Otherwise, with no visible target, I move towards the other battle, hoping to at least have one enemy I can see each turn.

Move to F4 (G8-G7-G6-G5-F4). If I locate Mar along the way (because he attacks me, I stop and use the Reaping Strike above.

If I'm not attacked, then charge to H2 (G3-H2) to attack Ari. In this case, Mar is no longer marked, but I will mark Ari, since I don't know if Whiteclaw will hit.

Charge: 1d20+9 = 11 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 16.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

It says there are three posts on this page, but I only see two (one from Kia and one from Rev). Is paizo playing tricks on me?

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Can you clarify something? If a square on the map has trees in half the square, does it count as difficult terrain? Awesome map btw!

Perception from earlier: 1d20+2 = 7

Seeing no way to get flanking without provoking an attack, Anarak moves through the trees to take a position next to Arianwyn at G9. He will make a Reaping Strike at Mar, the only visible foe. And, considering Arianwyn's recent injury, he will release the pressure on him by marking the Duergar.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+8 = 24 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 5 (4 on miss).

I assumed that neither concealments are in effect since I am 5' away, and he is visible. Please apply them for me if I'm mistaken.

If the Duergar shifts, or attacks Arianwyn, I make an opportunity attack. Rolls:

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Vel wrote:
Anarak wrote:
I7 with his axe drawn, ready to lead the way in. "Who's got a light?"
"Do you want it? I can make your axe our light."

"Sounds good to me. I'm never without my axe! Err..except that one time. Um, oh, nevermind..."

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

I7 with his axe drawn, ready to lead the way in. "Who's got a light?"

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Kia Rubarka wrote:

"Could I suggest we go to the place with the stones. That spirit shouldn't bother us since we are doing it a favour and it might even help us if we need it."

"By the way Anarak, Arianwyn and I can keep watch and rest at the same time so you don't need to stand watch. I should take advantage and rest as well as you can."

"Well, I believe on doing my share so I will take a watch with you all the same. Those Duergar may attack at night and I'd rather be awake if they do."

As an afterthought, he adds, "I don't care where we sleep."

Just fyi, if we take a full rest, we will be reduced back to one action point. Not sure if people have been saving those...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Rev Rosey wrote:

Vel, Whiteclaw and Arianwyn are updated, Gobi is on the way. Anarak and Kia to get themselves sorted out. No pressure, just book-keeping.

I'm glad you all made it to level 2.

I'm upped! I took Dragonborn Frenzy as my feat, and Unstoppable as my utility power. I think temp hp will come in handy as I can "lock-in" my bloodied state without at too great of a risk.

What is our exact XP total so I can record it? I think you posted it, but I can't remember.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

"Rest? Will we never complete our quest?"

Anarak sighs in frustration, but finds a comfortable place to sit. "If we're camping, I'll take the first watch."

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak has resigned himself to exploring the barrows. So, despite his reservations, he'll lead the way into whichever barrow the group identifies as the next to investigate.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Not sure why you rolled for me, since I was just waiting for the ghoul's action before making my attack. And it had only been 10 hours or so. You chose well though, so no biggie...and nice roll too!

It should have been +10 though, with flanking and Kia's bonus.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Rev DM wrote:
The only attack to make any impact on the slavering monster is Anarak's electrical blast.

He should also have taken 4 from my Reaping Strike. It does damage even when I miss.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

I'm fine with the DM rolling OAs though it might be a little tricky to keep track of Anarak's modifiers. They are all summarized on my character sheet.

I wonder what happens when electricity courses through undead bones, Anarak muses as he unleashes a wave of power from his mouth.

Breath Weapon: 1d20+9 = 29 vs Reflex. Crit Damage: 9 (elec).

He then shifts to J7 and initiates a Reaping Strike.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+7 = 13 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 11 (Miss = 4 damage).

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Rev DM wrote:
Ghoul 2 lashes out at Whiteclaw in a hideous mixture of desperation and hunger, but snags its nails in her fur and fails to break her skin.

Anarak had marked Ghoul 2, and he takes an immediate opportunity attack which interrupts the attack on Whiteclaw.

Opportunity Attack (with flanking): 1d20+10 = 23 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+7 = 12.

If this would kill the ghoul, Gobi and Kia will probably want to take different actions. Sorry to steal your thunder, Kia!

I'm sorry that my mark ability keeps forcing retroactive actions. I'm not sure how it can be handled better, but if there's anything I can do, please let me know. I don't really want to skip my opportunity attacks since they are one of my best abilities...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Whiteclaw wrote:
Arianwyn wrote:
Are you going to use Tide of Iron or Ferocious Charge. Just out of interest?
Ferocious Charge of course. Tide's not a good lead attack, IMO, it's better to wait with it until you can see where the foe shift would help your side more. It is cool, though, to have a shield bash type attack,

Can you charge through a square occupied by an ally? I don't have my books handy to check. I don't think it would matter in this case, since you could just move sideways and then charge, but I'm curious if anyone knows...

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak moves into a flanking position at J6. He can do this without provoking an attack by moving H4-I4-J4-K5-J6.

He lashes out at the ghoul with a Reaping Strike, and marks the creature.

Reaping Strike (with flanking): 1d20+9 = 22 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 16 (Miss: 4 damage).

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Initiative: 1d20+2 = 13 (including +2 from Kia)

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Once everyone has had a chance to decide if they want to stay and investigate, Anarak will sheath his weapon and open the door.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak weighs his axe in his hands and ponders the situation.

"If evil lies within this barrow, then we are duty-bound to destroy it. I was in favour of sticking to our original quest rather than using resources to seek out another evil, but now that this has been placed in our path, we can't in good conscience ignore it."

"Others are not bound by my code, so if anyone wants to wait above, they may do so. I will remain to investigate what lies beyond this door with whoever else is willing. I ask only that you leave a light source behind."

Having said his piece, Anarak waits to see how his new companions react, then steels himself for the likely fight ahead.

He'll also listen at the door.

Perception: 1d20+1 = 13

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Vel wrote:
"Well, nothing corporeal has been through here, nor a runestone. Are we done here?"

Anarak snorts, but does not reply. His feelings on the subject are already well-known to all.

btw just so you know, i'm not bored. it's just my character. his annoyance is purely in character :)

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Arianwyn wrote:
Arianwyn holds up a hand at the dragonborn's hastiness, "Hold, Sir Drake. We must retrieve the bones of the accursed shade from the grove and return them to their rightful place. His request is intrinsically linked to the matter in which you are currently engaged."

Anarak shrugs. "Whatever."

He paces the clearing as the group spends a few minutes recuperating. He impatience and looks of disdain make it very obvious that he has no intention of helping investigate the bodies of the undead, and that he disagrees with this course of action.

Still, when the group begins to huddle around the barrow, he sighs loudly. "Well, if no one else will do it, I'll go first. Care to share the front ranks with me, Gobi?"

Anarak enters the barrow first, preferably with Gobi second, and whoever's carrying the light source third.

His axe is drawn and ready, and he in the very troublesome state of being at full health.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak grins at Whiteclaw and says, simply, "Nice shot."

He wipes the grime and bits of flesh off his scales and walks back to the others.

"So, have we finished avenging your spirit? Maybe we should resume our actual quest and find the rest of those stones."

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Hopefully, the corpse is too pre-occupied to defend himself. He'll take some damage regardless.

Reaping Strike: 1d20+10 = 13 vs AC. Damage: 1d12+4 = 11 (Miss: 4 damage).

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Whiteclaw should be at N13. Anarak should be at N15.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Seeing the corpse pre-occupied with Whiteclaw, Nicolai positions himself for a devastating charge. Looking at the map, this should be possible whether or not Whiteclaw's Tide of Iron succeeded.

If it did, Anarak ends up at L13 (stepping back and then charging).

If not, he ends up at N15 (moving first to N17 via K14-K15-L16-M17-N17)

Charge: 1d20+11 = 31 (Natural 20!) vs AC. Crit Damage = 1d12+16 = 25 (high crit).

Anarak's axe steams into the torso of the vile creature, spraying gore in every direction. Focusing all his efforts into landing one spectacular blow (and knowing about Whiteclaw's blood bonuses), he does not bother to supercede the gnoll's mark.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

No problem about the flanking. I didn't really have time to examine the map at work, and was hoping you would set up the flank if possible, or ignore it if not.

Anarak should actually be just after Whiteclaw in the initiative order due to his Ready Action in Round 1.

If Whiteclaw does not kill the Zombie, Anarak will shift to achieve a flanking position (if necessary), then strike at the stupid creature with full force.

Reaping Strike with flanking: 1d20+9 = 25. Damage: 1d12+4 = 11 (Miss = 4 damage).

If the Zombie is still moving, consider him a marked ex-man.

If Whiteclaw kills the zombie before my turn, Anarak will focus on the smelly barrow, and ready an action to charge anything that emerges and appears hostile (most things appear hostile to a Dragonborn with a bloodied axe in hand).

Charge Rolls:

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter
Rev DM wrote:
If you are happy with this, I will amend the map.

Sounds good.

Anarak will attempt to flank Zombie 1 (with Whiteclaw) and use Reaping Strike.

Reaping Strike with flanking: 1d20+9 = 15. Damage: 1d12+4 = 11 (Miss = 4 damage)

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

I'm not sure how to act. My previous action was a Ready Action to charge zombie Z3 when he came into range. I think you must have missed that and, since I've been afk most of the day, I was unable to correct this earlier. I would have charged Z3 as soon as he reached E11, doing 7 damage. That would likely have killed it, leaving me at E10, and inserting me into the initiative order immediately before the zombies in Round 2. That would also certainly have affected at least Vel's subsequent action.

I'll wait to see how you want to rule this (perhaps Vel destroyed Z1 if it is within her range?), and then post my Round 2 action in the morning. Sorry about the confusion.

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Thanks for grabbing an init roll for me.

A few questions. How do the barrows affect movement/line of sight? Also, what's that blue thing on the map? Are sunrods still 12 squares of light?

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Anarak is already carrying his axe. He moves towards the zombies, but, seeing as they are still out of reach, sets himself up to charge rather than continuing the advance. Simple tactics for simple prey, he thinks to himself as his gaze narrows on his intended target.

Move to D5. Ready action to charge any zombie that moves within 6 squares of me (11th row), most likely Z3.

Charge Rolls:

Male Dragonborn Level 2 Fighter

Perception: 1d20+1 = 7. Stealth: 1d20+0 = 15

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