Rakshasa Maharajah

Amora Game's page

465 posts. Alias of GarnathFrostmantle.

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Hello Everyone,
I wanted to show up and say we have recently launched a kickstarter for 5th Edition (and Savage Worlds) to fund our Eastern Fantasy setting.

The best way to describe it is if you combine the movie 47 Ronin with the Great Wall. Or Heroes of the East meets Duel to the Death.

Our kemonomimi races are incorporated into the setting, as well as a living statue race called the Terracotta.

If you have time, swing by and take a gander

Art of War: Bushido/Wuxia Setting for Savage Worlds & 5e.

XENO FILE Issue 4: Our fourth issue contains a race of giants, a gladiatorial planet, a multisystem organization, 2 new themes, feats, items, and a pulp plot device focused around a shady organization.

Titans: On a high gravity gas-giant called Rephaite, lives a peaceful humanoid race of mythic proportions altered after years of living abroad. Overly sized and brawny technologist known as Titans (giants), are colonist who claim a heritage descendant from plane-shifting space-faring giants who sacrificed themselves to save their home world. (Includes Titan conversion from Starfinder to Pathfinder)

Faction: The Union When the humanoids known as Terrans first took to the stars in the Sol System, it marked an age of rapid exploration for the world of Terra. They made contact with the advanced sentient species on neighboring planets joining together to form the United Star Systems.

Archetypes: Two new archetypes for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game

  • Neo Geisha: Great traditions never truly die, but adapt and evolve to become sacred practices performed by those seen as exotic. Neo-Geishas are entertainers, host and hostesses skilled in classical arts such as karaoke music, cultural dance, drinking/social/dice games, and conversation to entertain high paying customers across the galaxy.

  • Burster: “Boom, BABY!” is the rallying call for bursters across the galaxy. Evolution, genetic mutation, gamma rays from the sun, or an experiment gone wrong, whatever the case, you have developed a pyrokinetic ability.

Death Pits of Oriab: Take a vacation to the gambling planet of Oriab. Watch and bet on for your favorite gladiator in the "DEATH PITS"! Or try your hand and become a Veteran of the Pits!

The Sluagh: Learn the secrets of Jonas Sluagh and his twisted organization formally known as the Sluagh Research Group. Follow the rumors of the Sluagh Company's dark findings and experiments gone wrong (or just right). Negotiate with company Captains or try to steal the Brace technology that Jonas covets so dearly.

Along time ago we did a fantasy military basic training module.

Coming October 30 a follow up mini scenario encounter will be released here on Paizo (already loaded and waiting for launch date).

Prepare for War: Meeting at the Barrows is part one in a series of encounters telling the journey from basic training to the troop's home in Thaddeus.

Spoiler Free Summary:

The affairs of Compound 13 a week behind you, Guard Captain Neuss takes you to a military outpost. He signs your release papers and gives you orders to check in with the barracks upon your arrival in Thaddeus. However the road home isn't without unique encounters. Traveling near the town of Odias, the troops come across burial mounds called Barrows. Near the barrows, a man calls for help!

Meeting at the Barrow is a Level 1 adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game System

Written: Wojciech Gruchala

Not sure if I posted it here already, sorry if I did.

Sales pitch below:

XENO FILE Issue 3: The 3rd issue of the Galaxy's best Pulp Digital Ezine takes a look at Symbiotes, Rendeians, and the organization of ACE.

Rendeians are thralls to the qlippoth lord Sessr’vatn, these warped creatures worship no gods but the Abyss itself. Relying on abyssal, magical and technological augmentations to their body, they seek little else but the empowerment of their alien masters – and the destruction of their masters’ greatest enemies, demonkind.

Symbiotes: Not bio-tech, not fully a creature. More like beneficial parasites. Read an interview with Captain Ion Jack and his symbiotes. See which ones he brought to sell.

Accelerated Certification of Explorers: You want the best pilots? Are they ACE Certified? Learn more about these pilots for hire, and what type of contracts they take on? Everything from black-ops rescue and withdraw to escort missions. Be the best. Fly with the best.

Also Inside this Issue:

  • Statistics for Rendeians in both Starfinder and Pathfinder format.
  • Statistics on the Rendeians home planet, Rendei-5
  • New Augmentations, Rendeian Equipment, and a feat.
  • Statistics and rules for Symbiotes and a number of them are for sale!

Grand Lodge

Yo, I preview an upcoming article for our Xeno File series on symboites.
But you can find some neat articles for open gaming content in general.

Symboites and You
<<<< article here.

If you have a topic you want me to cover there or something you want to be seen in a Xeno File. Let me know.

Xeno File Issue 2 is up on Drivethru/RPGNow. It is making the travel through Paizo Space and should be uploaded here today or tomorrow.

XENO FILE Issue 2: The 2nd issue of the Galaxy's best Pulp Digital Ezine takes a look at the best Alehouse in all the Quadrant.

Dyson Alehouse serves as the perfect setting location for space age travelers to step back and have a quick drink. Travel to one of a 1000 possible side rooms to lay low or carry out a shady business deal.

Also Inside this Issue:

  • A conversion of Issue 1’s race, the Umvee, for use in a Pathfinder or Starjammer setting.
  • Statistics on the Umvee goddess: Daji. Statistics for Starfinder, Pathfinder, and Starjammer systems.
Hyperlinked to StarfinderSRD!

Grand Lodge

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Let's do this here (copy paste from PF thread)

This is a thread for third-party publishers to post open calls searching for freelancers of all kinds: writers, artists, editors, layout, cartography, developers, etc. Please use the following format:

Publisher Name looking for [[position]]
Project Length:
Pay Rate:
Additional details:
Respond by:

MODS, can I get this as a sticky?

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I posted this under PF compatible open call, but I'll share here in case it was missed.

Amora Game is looking for authors/designers for our monthly Xeno File series.
Project Length: 3,000 words
Pay Rate: Crappy. $50 flat rate paid on accepted post-edited project. ($0.016 per word)
Additional details: Xeno File will be a monthly PDF designed to EXPAND upon Starfinder Roleplaying Game experience and produce material to be compatible with Starjammer.
Taking a salute to a penny dreadful and monthly pulp comics, Xeno Files will introduce races, organizations, adventure scenarios, and worlds to explore and incorporate into your Sci-Fi games for pocket change. Send us your pitch if you have an idea in mind.
Respond by: August 31 - ongoing (open) AmoraGame at google based mail system

Cover of Issue 1, can be seen here on our facebook.

Always wanted an updated gun using magi from a certain kingdom of iron setting?
Don't want to buy Liber Xpansion?
Well then you can pick it up on it's own. The Gun Adept is here!.

Carriers of magical blood that bonds with alchemical black powder, gun adepts are a rare breed of individuals. With the advance of technology to provide simple, often faulty firearms, gun adepts are akin to sorcerers with innate magic that can only manifest their powers when holding a bonded fire iron. With this bond they are able to inscribe standard firearm ammunition with runes allowing it to be charged with arcane energy before pulling the trigger, resulting in a multitude of effects. Timing is everything to a gun adept and the pace of their casting ability is key. However if they were to burn out, they still hold in their hand a trusty sidearm that can get them till sunrise.

[/end cheesy intro]

So I uploaded the final document. this morning. Your files should be updated and if you see any errors let me know. Hoping to shoot it off to the printer in a week.

This books acts as a compilation and expanded materiel for some of our things. At this current juncture, this acts as our final Pathfinder book of collected (consolidated) materiel in the current pipeline as we move on to new projects and systems.

2 Ultimate Psionic Options: The Musha-chie (mystic archetype) and the Syphon (an alternate conduit base class)!
24 Expanded Archetypes: For Liber Influxus Communis classes
New Material: including evolutions, new mystic talents, taboos, twisted spirits and feats.
Other Archetypes: Some old reprints for us, some new.
1 Base Class: Adventurer, a revised version of an older class
New Hybrid Class: Gun Adept - Magic bolts and hot lead! (bard/magus and gunsliner)
10 Prestige Classes: some old (& revised), some new.

Thank you all for your support over the years.

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Kemonomimi are humanoid characters that were born from the influence of animal yokai spirits mingling with generations of bloodlines of the families they watched over. After a few centuries these families no longer exhibited their original nature, creating new subspecies of humanoids, known as the Kemonomimi.

There are 7 species that are known to exist: red panda, raccoon, dog, cat, fox, hare, and the tanuki.

Once it works it's way through the servers, it will be available.

Grand Lodge

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I will preface by saying I pay attention to the Paizo Blog and Store Front blog, and I get the weekly news letter. Sometimes I feel that I am missing some really neat things from other companies to buy from the Paizo site.

Has the option been discussed to have a new release section added to the left side column of all the products that the Paizo warehouse/store stocks. Just a simple link, like the others ones, that leads to a product list page of what's new in stock?

Just a thought. I would be curious to know if it's an option to program it into the website.

Sneaking in under the radar, last night we launched our new Kickstarter - BuXia: Tactics.

What is BuXia: Tactics?
BuXia is a 28mm (to 32mm) miniatures skirmish game that takes its names from both the Bushido Code of the samurai and the Wuxia Code of the martial arts. Combining these two codes and infusing it with a mix of inspiration from anime, kung-fu epics, and ronin sagas we create the world of TianSora (Tiān(天)-Sora(空)).

Simple Game Mechanics
What's neat about BuXia: Tactics is that the rule set can be used for a standard tabletop roleplaying game. Using a simple 2d10 system for all of its rolls, every check is made up of the primary attribute + the associated skill (plus additional modifiers that may apply). This creates the "threshold".

The higher the threshold the easier the skill check is to pass. Skill checks are performed by rolling 2d10 and totaling the dice. If the total amount of the 2d10 is below the threshold amount, the skill check is successful.

Rolling lower is better!!

Character Creation Summary

Clan: There are 3 current factions in the land of TianSora. These each represent a culture of people that have risen and exerted their influence over the land. One of the clans that hold the Emperor's recognition and imperial standing. They are the Kitsune, Tiger, and Serpent.

Concept: Choosing one of the four (4) basic themes, the player chooses a concept: Martial Artist, Samurai, Shinobi, or Youxia.

Style Concept: Then you select one of the many (10+) descriptors that help to round out your character. Such as: Monk, Fearless, Masterless, Shadowless, Armored, Blind, and many more.

Attributes: Using a point system, you assign your rank in four (4) attributes. These are Agility, Strength, Intelligence, and Wits.

Skills: Using a point system again, you assign your skills. Each skill has a corresponding attribute.

Derived States: There are a few derived stats, such as Body, Mind, Speed, and Chi.

Techniques: Techniques are equivalent to an edge, feat, or merit. You buy these with experience for every game or session you play.

We just posted a Historical Summary Part 1 of the beginnings of the world and how it came to be.

Take a look and let us know.
BuXia: Tactics

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Bevy of Blades contains 4 classes designed by Brian Moran.
Each of these classes centers on the summoning and use of a specific blade and the quarks that go with it.

The Aether Blade forms his weapon from the raw magic around him. His force of personality allows him to produce a myriad of with different auras. The ability to meld his blade with an item, also allows for him to bond with a wand, staff, or rod.

Light shining upon all things is always mirrored by a darkness. Pulling from its effects the Shadow Blade uses this shapeless form to her advantage. Able to strike unexpectedly from the shadows, she learns shroud secrets of the past and conjurers dark revelations.

Nature calls to rangers and druids to protect and serve the wilds, while a Verdant Blade is a blessed champion of nature. Given the secrets of the woad weapon, she discovers various types of seeds that can grow into different effects. Fused with nature, she is able to temporary create makeshift items and harness the power of a treant.

With his sanguineous sword, a Vital Blade draws his power from his own blood. He gains the ability to store excess blood to form a blood pool, which in turn fuels natural born talents. Harnessing his blood allows the vital blade take advantage of the many options granted from his weeping weapon ability.

This product will contain 4 Martial classes with the unique ability to use specialty weapons in new ways, archetype for each of the new base classes, feats, and even favored racial trait options.

Coming to digital stores this week.

Grand Lodge

Hey Folks,

I'm Greg, I own Amora Game, and we are trying our hand at the 13th age system.
A couple of years ago at this point we launch a Kickstarter for our Pathfinder book, Liber Influxus Communis, and one of the popular classes was the conduit written by Mike Myler.

Well at the turn of the new year, Sasha Hall (another one of our freelacers) wanted to take a crack at converting it to 13th Age compatible. I let Sasha have free reign and I think it turned out really well. It is called Conduits of the Age.

So in this light I am biased. What I would love to do is have a few other people look at it and review it. In this mind I am looking to give away 4 free copies for the purpose of honest reviews. There is a catch, you have to review it. If something doesn't work, you have to tell us why versus just saying "it sucked".

I'll be checking this post later today, and if anyone is interested, post below.


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And some 13th Age Compatible products.
Conduits of the Age

It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!!

As an extra bonus, every 10 copies sold, the designer/conversion-ist, Sasha Hall will add an additional Conduit Power.

This is a current place holder for Liber Xpansion WIP document. It should be through the Paizo servers by Monday.

For the KS Backers/Designers that have already received the WIP document, you may discuss below.

As of 10-22-15 The document 2.23 that is uploaded is pre-edit, and mock layout as far as graphics.

And update will be posted by 10-30 with additional content.

For public consumption: The price is $6.99 - but there is more materiel to be added once you purchase it.


Cummunis Codex - the LIC NPC book crafted by Julian Neale is midway through layout. Once LX is complete CCodex will progress further.

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We are trying to finish Liber Xpansion but we are coming a little short a few pages, and are low on ideas for archetypes.

I have 5 copies of the first print backer edition of LIC that are ready to ship to you, for free, and need a name on them.

We need to fill the extra pages. Have an archetype idea? Have an archetype half developed or want to submit? Have a class that you want to see in print in LX?

Submit to the cause and get yourself a free hardcover of LIC, if selected and credit in the pages of Liber Expansion!!

You will also get the LX PDF upon it's release (if we do a print you will receive discount coupon for that as well).

Meditation feats have arrived! !

Next week we launch our first product in our Hand Over Fisticuffs line.
We expand on the meditation feats presented in Pathfinder Player Companion Faiths Philosophies.

Just to name a few:
Circulatory Control: Fend off bleed damage for a few rounds
Contemplative Maneuver: Take advantage of openings with counter maneuvers.
External Power: Ki Powers aren't just for monks anymore.
Heroic Thoughts: Ki points become Hero Points
Innate Yang & Innate Yin: Are scaling feats that reward you with scaling defense and offense.
Sound of Waves: Offers sonic and force resistance.

See you next week.

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In May, Amora Game turns 3 years old. In July, it will mark the 3 year anniversary of our very first release. Over the next coming months we will be having a special "Thanks for supporting Supporting Roles" weekend treats once a month.
This month, in honor of today was the Battle of Plymouth in 1864, we celebrate war.

If you head over to our page, you can find yourself a pretty little weekend treat. And a special message about a long forgotten AP we talked about.

Also if the luck runs proper and the quest is completed, we'll make Prepare for War: Basic Training Manual free here on Paizo as well.

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For our upcoming project "Hand Over Fisticuffs" this fall, we have been working on a type of limited cross of combat feats mixed with meditation feats that have little requirements and have a preparation time. They can be taken by any class so long as you meet the requirements. These are called katas.

Since March 4th, every Wednesday at 8 AM CST, we post a new kata on our Facebook page. We will continue this for the next couple of weeks until the end of April.

What are "katas"?

Katas (Form Kata and Meditation)
Form katas are special practice maneuvers taught from master to student. They typically are used as martial training exercises or as a focus for meditation. Each kata teaches a set of poses that are connected by specific movements that teach the user to focus their inner ki. Many of these katas hold practical applications among those that partake in the combat arts. However several of these katas are only beneficial by practicing the set maneuvers with little room for flexibility. With such a structured practice, katas limit the practitioner’s ability to react spontaneously, but can greatly serve the user in the proper situation.

Meditation provides some of the advantages of a monastic refuge or place of power anywhere. While meditation can help any character center oneself or calm a troubled mind, those specially trained in the art can use it to unlock fantastic abilities within themselves.

Like techniques or combat styles, some schools or cultures claim their own unique forms of kata that are shared to just any outsider. They can be guarded secrets passed down from a head master to another the coming replacement master. The foreigners must prove they are worthy to be blessed with the secret form or meditation kata.

However, any kata can be taken by any character who meets the prerequisites, but are most commonly encountered among those who have trained in a monastery or have had training in a martial school.

Monks, and Meditation Feats: A monk may take a meditation feat in place of a bonus feat. She must meet all of the prerequisites to take the feat as normal.

Monks, Fighters and Samurais and Form Kata Feats: A monk may take a form kata feat in place of a class bonus feat. Samurai and fighters may select a form kata feat in place of a combat bonus feat given by their class. They must still meet all of the prerequisites to take the feat as normal.

Learning a new kata requires time and energy as such as learning a new technique or feat. This offers an opportunity for the GM and player(s) to play out the scenario and offer a side adventure. In the case of the “side quest”, GMs are encouraged to make the training a part of the game experience, sending the PCs on a journey or random encounter where they can demonstrate their new ability. They may be challenged to a duel or even participate in teaching a young child to defend themselves.

It is also up to the GM to use his own judgment in determining how long it will take a character to master a new kata.

All katas, be it meditation or form, have a base preparation time. If this preparation time is interrupted in for any reason that last more than a minute, the sequence and concentration of the individual is ruined and they must start over again to gain the benefits of the kata. Some katas only align and focus the character for a limited duration, but a kata can be extended for another full duration by spending ki points. Katas that end immediately after an attack roll or from other conditional uses may not be extended in this way.

Katas require concentration and are very precise in their operation, from choreographed movements to chanting. As a result a character may only be affected by one kata at any given time, unless noted otherwise in the description of a specific kata. There is no limit to the number of kata a character may know. Some classes give access to katas as part of their level progression.

If a character is currently under an effect of a kata they have performed, and wishes to end the benefits of it, they may cancel a kata as a free action. However they cannot regain benefits of the kata until they perform and undergoing the preparation ritual once again. An individual that has a kata prepared and falls unconscious for any reason, looses focus and is no longer affected by the benefits of any kata they were using at the time.

March 4th Kata:

Black Tortoise of the Ancestors (Basic Form Kata)
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
This kata focuses on the imitating of the movements from prayer rituals of monastic temples. Forms typically involve holding prayer positions and tightening all of the body’s muscles at once. Like a tortoise shell, it toughens the body, but reduces flexibility.
Requirements: Constitution 13
Effects: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus to your AC for the duration of this kata, but you suffer a -2 penalty to all Dexterity based checks.

March 11th Kata:

Flight of the Vermillion Bird (Basic Form Kata)
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
The vermillion bird moves quickly and rises into the sky like the flames of a fire that consumes the wood that feeds it. The maneuvers of this kata are short, quick, and repetitive. Students of this form strive to be taught accuracy and speed over the use of strength.
Requirements: Intelligence 13, Quick Draw feat.
Effects: You gain a +2 insight bonus to initiatives checks and a +1 to melee attack rolls, but suffer a -2 penalty to all weapon damage rolls.

Next week will be Wooden Ox Technique

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For those that are backers, you received this update recently. For those that are not, you can find pictures of the book here.

We will touch base with Liz this week so that we can start pre-orders on Paizo.

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In case it was missed...

The conduit is a base class designed by Mike Myler.

Tired of being railed by fireballs and magic missiles? Ever wanted to stand in the middle of battle and yell at the evil spell casting Lich, "Come at me, bro!"

Well.... You can now. The conduit is a base class that absorbs magic casted at him (or her) and transfers it to other abilities. The primary feature is the conduit's mystical bolt that scales with the amount of "conduct points" you put into it. Ever caught without the proper weapon? Conduits may also manifest weapons made of magic and be proficient with them. Katana? No problem. Daggers? Here, take 4 of them.

What about using absorbed magic to emulate spells? Permutations has you covered. At will spell resistance? All yours.

Bigger, faster, stronger? This class can also act almost as a substitute for the physical adept (for you SR fans).

Written By Mike Myler

Archetypes by Daron Woodson

Conduits possess a rare exceptional gift that is only shared by a few disparate creatures from the far-flung planes of existence, the ability to absorb magic. With this power, they are able to wield manifested magic, or even channel it into martial prowess while dispelling whatever magic their enemies might bring to bear upon them. They use terrifying counters that force energies directed at them, back towards their originators.

Role: The conduit is an adaptable adventurer able to fulfill a number of different roles. Given his myriad array of abilities, a conduit might be a physical adept, a ranged powerhouse, a fast moving scout, or an extremely sly operator. He does require magic to function properly and, in low-fantasy settings, a conduit might find oneself at a great disadvantage compared to its counterparts.

Grand Lodge

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I'm going to leave this right here...

If you like modern alt history with your fantasy dungeon crawl on pay-per-view...I recommend this.

The old setting is full of fantastic cheez. You play a professional dungeon crawler that is part of an Xcrawl team. They even have a rule set for gaining sponsors.

I'm pretty stoked for this.

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Liber Influxus Communis: the Book of Collective Influence

We are down to the last 27 hours of the Kickstarter and growing strong with 55 backers.

9 Base Class from top 3rd party designers.
Archetypes by Daron Woodson of Abandoned Arts.
New Feats
Haunts, Environmental Hazards, and Magical Contamination

$10 PDF of the book
$30 PDF + Hardcover copy of the book

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As you may have seen floating around the board. Our Kickstarter is live.

Alexander "Alex" Augunas
Bradley Crouch
Eric Morton
Mike Myler
Scott Gladstein
Will McCardell
Wayne Canepa
Wojciech "Drejk" Gruchała
Daron Woodson
Greg LaRose

Liber Influxus Communis: the Book of Collective Influence

Theme of the Book
The theme for this compilation of base classes is that of altering your environment, or being altered by it. These designs put that control into the hands of the players with classes that deal with manipulating magic, memories, spirits, and the elements. Some of these classes are mutated by the influences of these outside forces, while others are most adept at surviving them!


Stay tuned in the Kickstarter updates.

Designers may give more details if they so wish. Keep it to the minimum as that is what the updates are for. :-)

If you have questions please feel free to ask.
~Greg LaRose
Amora Game

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As I take a second from formatting the Prepare for War AP, to drop a line.

So from this thread here, we have taken your request and have gathered a number of designers from those that were posted.

We have contracted some of these designers of 3PPs to design a number of classes to be developed for a class book to be released under our Supporting Roles line of products. And a few of Amora Game's own in house staff.
I can't say much else (yes the lack of information disappoints), but it is going to be one heck of a book. Drafts and internal playtest have started.

We will have an update soon as to the launch of the kickstarter after the New Year.

As this project continues to develop, we will also be adding more designers.

Who is involved: I will let the designers post if they so choose, but they can not yet discuss the classes. (What for the kickstarter.)

Grand Lodge

I bring this up here so I do not thread jack another post...

But I am about to run a campaign "Escape from Ravenloft" where the PCs end up on the other side of a world in Kaiden....

So I ask, what if Lord Soth went from Ravenloft to Kaiden through the mist....

What do you think he would do? How would he react?

What designers would you like to see?

What classes from 3PP that are already out there, would you like to see in the book or revised?

What types of new classes would you like to see?

What support for 3rd party classes would you like to see (archetypes, expansions of, etc..)?

What type of classes would you like to play?

Not a bad way to start the day. Logged on and found this. Pretty cool! Thank you.

Greg LaRose
Amora Game

Grand Lodge

I do enjoy the terrain they make.

Grand Lodge

Wasn't sure if this go here or under pathfinder tales section. Please move accordingly.

Is there a way to subscribe to just Pathfinder Goblin comics, or am I needing to subscribe to all comics?

So we have launched our Prestigious Roles line, 3 now & more on the way. The PrC’s will be playing a role in our campaign setting. If you purchase a product from the PR line you can see the slowly connecting “story” of the Siege of Wellmet.

For the meta adept we tried to focus on the mental exhaustion of a caster using metamagic feats to power spells. We know it is kind of specific and won’t be to everyone’s taste, but it is a PrC that plays apart in our larger picture.

Which brings me to the point of this post, we wanted to ask the community...

What kind of Prestige Class would you like to see for your game?
What flavor context? What abilities would you like to see expanded on in a PrC?
Are PrC’s absolute with the current archetype movement? Should we just stop while we are ahead?

We would love to hear your feedback.

Grand Lodge

That is pretty cool. I will have to pick that up.

For Cthulhu fans, I enjoyed this module recently.

I bet my tinker can beat up your tinker...j/k.

I'm curious to pick this up and see what you folks did.

- Greg
Amora Game

Grand Lodge

Now I have not seen anything (topic) on this specifically. I may have missed it, if so please point me towards it.

A gentleman at a LGS brought up he would like a class that would have healing abilities but not be a cleric or witch or druid.
He thought it would be cool to have like a priest sort or temple follower.

And one of the base abilities would be Positive Channel Energy or Healing Hexes (progression at the appropriate levels, and renamed of course).
So we started talking and put together a home brew class for a homebrew game and we really can’t decide what would be best out of the two.

So we are going to the boards to survey than just the small group of us.

So for the concept of a temple follower, but no real ranks in a temple (maybe liason), what would make more sense, hex or channel?
Pros and cons?

Hey folks,

We have dove into the world of social networks.
The facebook

With the facebook page will be used to let people know about progress in short snips, where the detail will be in the blog.

Also to celebrate our 1 year, May 29, 2013 will be the launch date of the first installment of Prepare for War AP: Back to Basic.

Hope to see you there.

Hey Folks,

I recently posted a "state of address" on our blog at AmoraGame.com

One of the highlights I wanted to share is:

Prepare for War:

If you wish for peace… Prepare for War:

We have asked for opinions on a few forums, received feedback, and decided the direction on which the above quote should take.

Many people talk of war and war campaigns, running mass combat battles, playing elite squad of soldiers, etc.

Amora Game has a wide list of resources we are pulling from to make such ideas happen.

Coming soon will be our first adventure, Back to Basic, in a series of war themed adventures designed to take you from basic training to the trenches of all out border wars. Where the player characters’ mission if successful, can change the tide for the army, and if they fail can lead to the possible downfall of an entire nation.

This is no simple task to go at it alone. So as we progress in our writing and publishing, we will have links in these PDFs to give us your progress feedback. You could be the deciding factor on how the tide of war changes the world.

So we at Amora Game, officially announce the “Prepare for War” AP adventure path coming soon.

The first installment of the AP is looking end of April, or beginning of May. We should have our official date soon.

So insert buzz words here etc etc..

Thank you all for the support you have given us so far.
- GL

Grand Lodge


We are putting the finishing touches on our first 4 part Adventure Path war campaign.
You start off as base recruits for your king and country in basic training. Honing your skills you receive your first mission.

Sound interesting? The outcome we are writing to is a war where the players have a direct influence in the war based on certain “forks” in the road they can decide A or B.

The AP path will have one starter “book” the break off into two sections

Adventure 1 breaks into 1a and 1b. Then continues down the path of 2A or 2B etc reaching the climax in part 4

Would you like to:
A: Have the adventure path and have fork A and fork B in different modules.
B: See the adventure path and have the “fork” with details A & B in one book.
C: Just see it all as single modules?

Who doesn't enjoy free PrC web enhancements.
Hope you folks enjoy.

Grand Lodge

Very cool to read this. And the shop looks awesome.

Grand Lodge

Have we heard an actual eta date for this as of yet?

Grand Lodge

On 3rd party and any non-Paizo reviews, we can see star ratings but not the review.

But all Paizo reviews come up. Conspiracy??? (I'm joking).
Just didn't know if you all had been notified yet.

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