Chief Sootscale

Amgir's page

342 posts. Alias of Faelar Braegen.

I am unsure if I am posting this in the correct place, I have not been here for a while and got lost easily.

In a couple of weeks I will be playing in a Rise of the Runelords campaign (my first time) and I have made an Elven Wizard, focusing in Transmutation (namely the Enhancement Sub-School). I currently have Divination and Enchantment as my prohibited schools.

My question is this : Would it be worth it to go into the "Greed" school, as it is still Transmutation, but changes my Divination for Illusion. The only benefit I can see it that it will give me an additional 1 spell per day.

Thanks in advance for any advice people give and taking the time to read this.

I have been getting myself completely confused about this. Before reading about this, I always assumed that the weight of the armour you are wearing came out of your total carrying capacity.

However now I have found this I am hoping that somebody will help me understand it. I will use an example.

I have recently made a Halfling with a Strength score of 5; after racial adjustments, which gives her a Light Carrying Load of 12 lb. I was planning on giving her Leather Lamella armour which weighs 12.5 lb for a small character. Does this mean that if she wears this Light Armour she will be in her Medium Carrying Load, or does the Encumbrance by Armour kick in and do something weird I am not grasping?

Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you for taking the time to read this and sorry if it is something really obvious and I am just unable to see it.

You turn a number of normal-sized centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into their giant counterparts.

Does this mean that the Vermin (say Scarlet Spider) becomes Giant (So increasing by 2 size categories) to become Medium, or does it just gain the Giant Template to make it into a Small sized spider?

Thanks for reading this and I hope someone could help me out.

Hello everyone, I have a question and I am hoping that some people will know the answer. The question is the following:

I have a Wildblooded Sorcerer (The Linnorm instead of Draconic). Now this "Archtype" gains an elemental spit attack, which replaces the claws. So does this mean that as I grow in levels, the spit would NOT get more powerful?

The Claws at level 5 become magical, etc. Does this apply to the spit?
Also Draconic Disciple gains a bite attack, does this mean I won't get the bite as I no longer have the claws?

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and I hope someone will be able to help me.

Game Master

Korvosa, the Jewel of Varisia, has long sparkled on Varisia’s southern shore. Established 300 years ago by Cheliax at the height of that empire’s expansion, the city now commands its own destiny. A line of Korvosan kings and queens emerged to rule the city, establishing an infamous seat power—the Crimson Throne. Rulers have sat upon the Crimson Throne for more than a century, and the city has flourished. Yet the monarchy always seems on the brink of disaster. The Crimson Throne is not a prize to be won—it is a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling. Even though King Eodred II controls Korvosa more fully than any previous monarch, that control remains tenuous, and many secretly count the days until their latest king falls to what they call the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

The tavern you have found to spend the night, looks in the need of a few repairs but it was cheap at 5 silver pieces. At first you thought the price was too high for a roof, bed and plain meal, but when the meal came out your opinion changed suddenly! The food was delicious, they must have had the best chef in all Korvosa, but what were they doing working at a place like this? You have no idea what the food is and you don't want to ask in case it is someone that will put you off. You also have a tankard of cold Ale to wash the food down if need be. There is a bit of entertainment, a few people trying to sing and dance, even someone trying to do card tricks, but they never got it right.

After you have finished eating you head to your room, which is on the ground floor so you are unable to get much sleep, but the food in your belly helps you fall asleep with no hunger issues. The bed was lumpy, but the food more than made up for everything. When you awake you sit down and read your book, like you do every morning which takes you about an hour. But when you stand up and close the book, a card falls out. A Harrow card, how did that get in there? You don't own any of these cards, you pick it up and notice it is “The Joke”. But on the back there is a: message

You find this place quite relaxing, a nice bed, good food, but most importantly as many women as you could possibly want. All they ask for is a small fee, but your silver tongue always helps you get a huge discount. Today you have a good feeling about finding Gaedren Lamm soon, so you have been in a good mood. Upon your 9th companion you start to get a little tired, so decide to go to sleep afterwards. But not before you hear some suggestions in your ear, suggestions that you perform on your latest companion, suggestions that she thoroughly enjoys!

You quickly drift off into an easy sleep, happy knowing you had a good evening workout. You are woken up early by the companion who you had before you went to sleep, she wants some more attention from you and you are more than happy to oblige. Once you are finished she hands you a small card and tells you that it was on the floor under your door. You take it and look at it, it is a Harrow card, “The Betrayal” to be precise. It looks normal, but on the back there is a: message

The room is poorly lit and has a strange musky smell but you feel comfortable knowing that you weren't asked for a name when you checked in. The sight of a couple silver coins was more than enough to let you stay, with no questions asked. The food could be better, but it is enough to fill you up and comes with the cost of the room. Downstairs you can hear the noise of a few drunks having a good time and every now and then and insult is thrown at someone. Despite all the noise, you are able to fall asleep on the strangely comfortable bed and you drift into a dream peacefully.

You are with your late husband, you seem to be at a theatre, but you are more focused on Eugeni. He is holding out his hand and in it is a bolt of beautiful blue silk, he hands it to you and kisses you. As he pulls away from the kiss, you wake up with a tear forming in your eye. As you turn over, you see a card on your pillow, as you look at it you see it is a Harrow card! “The Theatre” no less, the very place you had been in the dream, but on the back there is a: message

You have booked a room at the Whitecap tavern; for a couple of silver pieces, a feat you think would not have been so easy if you had been a true born Shoanti. But you know that being a part of the tribe isn't about birth, it is about strength, honour, family, pride and is found in the soul. You have often found yourself lucky to have such a great family and you don't want to let them down before your rite of passage, so you want to find Gaedren Lamm quickly, serve out your revenge and return back to your new family to become part of them.

Before going to bed, you think over what has happened to you and look forward to returning home. You fall asleep looking forward to the morrow, the day you might be able to pay Gaedren back! When you wake, you look out of the window and see a Hawk perched on the window sill, under his talon is a card, a card that was not there before you turned in for the night. As you head over to the Hawk it flies away, but the card remains. It is a Harrow card, the very cards the Varisians are famous for using. This card is “The Bear”, but when you look at the back of the card there is a: message

After a long days work at the Pantheon of Many, making potions and studying healing skills, you go to Tylers room. As usual he is spending his time in his room training with his knifes, when you first arrived here together he was clumsy with them, but he has definitely started to improve. When he sees you come in, he finishes up his training and asks how your day has been. After the questions are answered both ways, you tell him to take his top off and to lay on the bed face down. You get a good look at the scars that he hates some much, pull out a new ointment and rub them on the scars. After which he puts his top back on and gets back to his training, but not before saying thank you.

You sit and watch him for a while, but the days hard work gets to you and sleep crawls towards you, so you return to your own room and get into bed. In a couple of minutes you are sleeping, peacefully, quietly and uninterrupted. At the crack of sun rise you wake up and get ready for your days hard work again, but as you get to your table you seen a card wedged between a couple of empty vials. It is the Harrow card, “The Cricket”, but on the back of the card there is a: message

Ever since you and Raz managed to escape from Lamm you have both been staying at the Pantheon of the Many. Raz using his skills to help anybody that comes for healing. But you don't have any such skills, so you spend your time in your room where no-one can see you and you can't scare them with your knife training. Today has been no different and as usual when it is sun down, Raz comes into your room. You finish up your current training kata and you both have a little conversation about the day. Then comes the bit you hate, it is time for him to see your scars again, so you take off your top and lay down on the bed, trying to imagine no-one is there while he is putting another new ointment onto your scars. It doesn't take him long and when he is finished it doesn't take you long to put your top back on and get back to your training, just to tire you out a bit more ready for bed. After a few minutes Raz leaves to go to bed and once he has gone, you follow suite and get into bed.

When you awake at sun rise, you get washed, changed and go to begin your morning training before breakfast. But as you reach over for your knives you see a card under them, you pick up your knives and slip them onto your belt. Pick up the card and look at it, it is “The Rabbit Prince”, a Harrow card. On the back of the card there is a: ricket”, but on the back of the card there is a: message

Game Master

Congratulations everybody for being selected to join me in this adventure to get to the heart of the curse. We will be starting on Monday, so you can spend this time to iron out any details that need to be sorted out and get to know each other a bit.

I would like everybody to state the following before we start playing, if you would all be so kind:

Your time Zone
Your preference of Hit Points gained at each level
Where in Korvosa you have been staying each night


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Hi all, well I am finally going to give GMing a PbP a go. I have experience GMing in real life, so hopefully it won't be too much harder, but please just bear with me if I don't get it perfect to start with.

The requirements will be:
> 20 point buy system (Stats can be as low or high as possible)
> Core Rulebook and APG allowed (Ultimate Magic and Combat may be allowed on request)
> Core Races (Others may be allowed on request)
> Evil characters allowed (on request and with good story and motives. There is a church of Asmodeus after all.)
> 2 Traits (One of which must be a Campaign Trait)
> Maximum Starting Gold for Class
> Achievement Feats (from Legacy of Fire) allowed
> Able to post daily
> Character backgrounds preferable (the more detail the better).

I will be selecting between 5-6 players for this campaign.
Chaotic Evil characters will have a harder time convincing me to allow them, but could still succeed.
All Gnolls Must Die (Achievement Feat) Will be changed for a more suitable enemy.
Characters can have history with each other if desired and written into their backgrounds.
The closing date for this campaign recruitment will be October 28th, but may end sooner if lots of applicants.

Hi all, well I am finally going to give GMing a PbP a go. I have experience GMing in real life, so hopefully it won't be too much harder, but please just bear with me if I don't get it perfect to start with.

The requirements will be:
> 20 point buy system (Stats can be as low or high as possible)
> Core Rulebook and APG allowed (Ultimate Magic and Combat may be allowed on request)
> Core Races (Others may be allowed on request)
> Evil characters allowed (on request and with good story and motives. There is a church of Asmodeus after all.)
> 2 Traits (One of which must be a Campaign Trait)
> Maximum Starting Gold for Class
> Achievement Feats (from Legacy of Fire) allowed
> Able to post daily
> Character backgrounds preferable (the more detail the better).

I will be selecting between 5-6 players for this campaign.
Chaotic Evil characters will have a harder time convincing me to allow them, but could still succeed.
Characters can have history with each other if desired and written into their backgrounds.
The closing date for this campaign recruitment will be October 28th, but may end sooner if lots of applicants.

Hi all, I am interested in running a PbP game, but I am not sure on how to do it. Is there anyone who could give me some advice and help. The campaign I am thinking of running is "Curse Of The Crimson Throne" and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank-you in advance

I know everyone is very busy running current campaigns or participating in them, but I was just wondering if anyone would be able to start running a "Legacy of Fire" PbP. It is a campaign I would love to play, I have also seen a couple of others show a bit of interest in this particular campaign.

I hope someone will be able to start one soon, but I understand if anyone is too busy to start it.

Hi, I am about to start playing the Rise of the Runelords campaign and I have my heart set on a Male Shoanti Barbarian (from the Tamiir Quah - Wind Clan). I am trying to go for a pure Shoanti, so I am using the Earth-Breaker and the Hide Shirt.

However I am not sure how I can get my guy to be in Sandpoint, without him trying to kill everybody. He is a Chaotic Good guy, but he is one of the young Shoanti who vow to get Varisia and the surrounding lands back under Shoanti control. I already know that he is going to have a hard time dealing with Chelaxions because of this, but it won't make it impossible.

What I am asking is this - Does anyone have any idea's I can have this character, without causing too many problems for the GM and make it so that I can go through the campaign with a purpose?

I am going to start playing a game soon, Rise of the Runelords. I will be using a Barbarian, with the Titan Mauler archetype (From Ultimate Combat). I am going for a Shoanti, so I am using the Hide Shirt and Earth-Breaker (both typical Shoanti weapons). However I can't seem to work out the increase in damage from Large to Huge.

The Earth-Breaker does 2D6 damage at Medium size, 3D6 damage at Large size, so am I right in thinking that it would deal 4D6 at Huge?

I am not really going for this arch-type for the extra weapon size and damage, but it is a nice benifit.

I hope you guys and gals can help me out.

Faelar Braegen

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What is your memorable death you have witnessed?

Mine is:

I was controlling a friends character, a female Human Barbarian with a great sword. She was a bit of a stupid person, even for a (stereotype) Barbarian. She saw a goblin run into a house and close the door. So she decided to do a running kick to open the door (as was her style), but when she made the attack to hit the door, I rolled her a natural 1! Then to check to see if the fumble was confirmed I rolled another natural 1! Talk about bad luck.

So I pulled a Fumble card, it said "The attack hits you instead and is a critical threat, roll to confirm". So I rolled to see if it was a critical and guess what...Natural 20! Now this was just terrible luck, but I couldn't help but laugh, neither could the other players and GM. I pulled a Critical card, it said "The attack does triple damage", by this time my mouth was hung open and my jaw hurt from all the laughing. I rolled the damage to see how much it would hurt and it just happened to deal maximum damage, which meant more than her Hit Points minus included!

Death by door, even today we can't stop laughing about that. What makes it even more amusing is that the door was not even locked! Now if we ever come to a door, we make sure to check the door is unlocked!

I am currently looking for a player to join a campaign that we will be starting in a couple of months.

We are a light-hearted group that adapts to people well. Even though we are serious players, we can take jokes.

I hope to hear from people soon and hopefully find the perfect person for our group.

Faelar Braegen