
Alexei Domashev's page

68 posts. Alias of pinvendor.


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Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Hey GM Nightingale, I think I will be dropping out of the game. I picked up quite a few games, and when they are all moving, I find myself being the one who holds them up. I know that hasn't been true lately, but in my effort to stay on top of every Pbp, I have been wearing myself a little too thin. Sorry to call it quits, but since this game is still fairly early, I know you will be able to replace me easily enough without it being too much a strain lore-wise for the story.

Wish you all luck with the game! Enjoy.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei frowns at Sabina and raises an eyebrow but says nothing as he waits for the Sheriff's response.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei nods curtly as Aldern moves to lead them through the town. He hears Cordwin strike up friendly conversation with the noble as both Paldak and Sabina remain relatively quiet. As each step takes them closer to where they started, Alexei scans for more goblins and also any casualties that might still be alive but unattended. Other than some corpses, the green waist high menaces seem to be gone from Sandpoint.

He makes note of the discussion of poetry research mentioned while Cordwin and Aldern chat. Old epics and ancient song often held information about powerful relics and powerful magics. But for now...

"We should look for others who are able to stand and have the willingness to fight. We need to establish some order so we can prevent unnecessary dea—Ah!" Alexei begins to say, but stops as the Cathedral comes into view with a gathering of of exactly the kind of people he was describing.

"Sheriff!" Alexei calls out. Approaching the group, Alexei begins, "You will want to know that as far back as where we found Master Foxglove here, we have seen no signs of goblins aside from those we destroyed. Which was every one we did come across." If the party encountered any folks in need of medical attention more severe than what Sabina may have been able to provide, Alexei will describe their locations, and what the party was able to do for them.

"And now, tell me...Are we certain the threat is over? Perhaps martial law should be declared until we can be sure every citizen and tourist can enjoy the festival without threat of molestation, Sheriff," Alexei declares, the heat in his voice belying the ice in his eyes.

@DM Nightingale: I will work on responding to Kasja and try to get that posted. Based on her last entry, I'm guessing this will wrap that scene up, so I will make it succinct.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei regards the noble Aldern Foxglove with little to no expression. His eyes immediately swing around the area, and he attempts to reduce the prattle of the living human and his combat comrades to background noise in order to discern if Sandpoint is now goblin free.

No one else can die! I cannot fail!

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Unfortunately, the new chatter regarding Sabina's good looks and her inability to form coherent sentences seems to echo in his mind preventing him from truly giving the search his full attention.

Crossly, he interrupts the flirtation of Aldern and Sabina and their bardic assist from Cordwin.

"I hate to be rude, but can we save the springtime fancy for the moment we are certain these wretched creatures and their dogs have been cleansed from Sandpoint? I do recall that being of some importance."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Round 7

If Paldak is unable to kill the goblin with his AoO Alexei takes the following action, otherwise he will take a different post combat action.

Alexei moves towards the enemy and attempts to bring the fleeing goblin down with yet more Irrisen ice magic.

ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Fort Save DC 14 or slowed as the spell for 1 round. Alexei moves to F6.

Alexei mouth twists in dissatisfaction as his magic soars over the goblin's head.

Calling to the noble, he yells, "Quickly! Come to us before he heads your way!"

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Round 6

Alexei continues the flurry of ice beams.

ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Critical confirm: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Fort Save DC 14 or slowed as the spell for 1 round.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Round 5

Alexei summons up more magic to assist with the complete defeat of the rabid goblins.

ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Fort Save DC 14 or slowed as the spell.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei steps back (to H6) and once again attempts to hit the grotesque canine with freezing ice.

ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Fort Save DC 14 or slowed as the spell.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei casts ice magic once again. He remains standing in the same place.

ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Fort Save DC 14 or slowed as the spell.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

That clears that up then!

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Regarding the snowball spell:
Not trying to start an argument, but I'm very unclear how a Ride check has anything to do with the goblin dog's Touch AC. It should be a flat number unless you're homebrewing some kind of rule. RAW, Ride checks are made to determine one of two scenarios:
  • if the goblin rider can perform a difficult task and remain seated on his mount such as grab a warbanner planted in the ground
  • if the goblin rider can force the mount to do something it may not want be trained to do or would otherwise do, such as a non-combat trained horse charging into battle
The Touch AC should already include the character's Dex modifier and armor if applicable which is in theory already a simulation of the juking and jiving you seem to be implying with your Ride check. Unless of course the goblin rider has some sort of feat which allows this special action to increase the goblin dog's AC against a ranged attack. I myself am not aware of such a maneuver, but as I just thought of it on the spot, it can't be that unreasonable to imagine it might exist somewhere in all the Pathfinder material.

Regarding Round 1 actions for Alexei:
I apologize, I think I may have said Delay action when I when I meant Ready action. My intent was to say that Alexei literally waits for the other to move forward to prevent himself from standing alone and then being an open and easy target as all the goblins would then all have their actions before the rest of the party. The Ready action costs a standard action and then allows a standard action later. And as a standard action can always be traded for a move action, I just assumed Alexei would only have the move action which is why I specified nothing else. However, I see now that the Delay action may be a better choice as it would be just permanently reducing Alexei's initiative and allow a full turn of actions including a move and an attack.

In that case, let's use Delay. Alexei's initiative will permanently become 13 as we will assume he acted as Cordwin and Sabina stepped forward. In addition to Round 1's move we can add a 0 Level spell of ray of frost against the dog.
ray of frost: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3 Fort Save DC 14 or slowed as the spell. This could affect how the dog's ability to take actions starting in round 2.

Specifically regarding the strategy:
Withdraw only allows a character to leave without drawing AoOs and can't be used in "reaction" as that would require the Ready battle action which only allows Standard actions and only permits one 5 ft step if no other move has been made. Seems like a valid plan as far as getting away from the melee once we close, and it would definitely give us trouble if we don't coordinate our attack to counter it, but the real question is just how smart is this goblin rider/goblin dog combo? I might expect military trained cavalry archers or Hellknights to have this kind of fighting down, but the smaller greenskin races? Hmmm...

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Round 1: Alexei will move to H6 instead.

Round 2: Alexei summons another ball of ice and hurls it at the goblin dog.

snowball: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 v. ranged touch AC
Damage if hits: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6

Fort save DC 16 to prevent staggered.
Fort save DC 16 to prevent slow.
Rime-Blooded Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the cold descriptor, you may select one target of the spell to be slowed (as the spell) for 1 round. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + the level of cold spell + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect.

d20pfsrd wrote:


Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: one ball of ice and snow
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see below)
Spell Resistance: no
You conjure a ball of packed ice and snow that you can throw at a single target as a ranged touch attack. The snowball deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) on a successful hit, and the target must make a successful Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

This isn't good, Alexei thinks as he sees the carnage. I'm not strong enough to bear the brunt of too many attacks. Best encourage the others forward and take position to use my magic from the rear ranks.

"I'm right behind you!" Alexei says loudly to the other three. He gestures for them to move past. "My magic is best when in a support role."

Alexei delays his action and will opt to move once the others have moved forward to engage. Following Paldak's turn, Alexei will probably move to G6, but I may change that depending on how the battle positioning turns out.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Last to hear the sounds of distress, Alexei swivels to face that direction immediately.

"We must get to—!" He trails off as he realizes the others are already on the move.

Cordwin Ironbeard wrote:
"Come on Alexei! Sounds like there be more goblins that need killin'."

"Ah...yes, Indeed there are." A slight grimace appears as Alexei considers anyone in the town dying before he learned what he wanted to know. "Let's get about this business. The lives of these townsfolk is more important than all else."

He hustles after the other three.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Hey, hey! Yes, I am still alive. I will try and get caught up and post soon.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Lol, he did say Christmas, but somehow the New Year's holiday always creeps in, too. Let's see if we're back alive following this weekend. :-)

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Maybe the future will have me in a better space as well. Looking forward to the restart.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

I apologize for my complete lack of communication. These last few weeks I have been struggling creatively. I haven't been "hearing" my character's voice. I keep thinking "tomorrow" will be different, and so I talk myself out of posting even a comment in discussion.

I intend to get back into the mix and be regular. Sorry for the delay...

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei moves swiftly up the stage, dagger held before him. To L7, unless there's a reason he cannot make it.

Arcane words begin to spill from his lips, harsh sounding like ice cracking. Symbols form from the lines he draws in the air, and weak flames begin to burn. Then suddenly a mist of chill air issues from Alexei's breath. It mixes with the fire which instead of being quenched, becomes larger, brighter...but now the color of frost. A cold, blue flame appears which the sorcerer then plunges his hand into pushing it before him. It grows and grows spreading out from his hand to encompass the two goblins before him in a bright frosty gust of coldfire.

Alexei casts burning hands using his Irrisen Icemage ability (1/3) to change the energy damage from fire to cold. The cone should encompass squares K7, J6-8, & I6-8. I know people keep saying they are attacking the goblins, but no one has stated square positions nor has the map been updated to show any movement. This is just based on the map and lack of any stated map positions, so if Alexei is catching any of the others in the spell, please let me know. I am happy to change his action if I'm blasting half the party.

'Cold' burning hands +1 CL: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6

Fort DC 16 on Warchanter or else goblin is slowed as the spell.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

As Paldak said, the first diagonal is only considered 5 ft, so I am unclear why Alexei wouldn't be able to move to P7 unless you're making a change to something I am yet unaware.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Pain. Years of teaching and the reward was only a cessation of pain. That and the knowledge he was finally beginning to grasp the power of magic in his blood. But it was not the only thing he had gained from his time with the Chillblight Fey. Oh no.

The torch thumped on his modestly fashionable clothing and left a scorch mark. The impact and the heat combined left there mark on Alexei. But not as much as the goblin may have hoped.

Due to DR 1/CI, Alexei will receive 1+1(f) for only 2 of the 3 damage!

Caught in his least favorite position, the sorcerer is left to face the goblin in melee. Apparently the scaffolding wasn't nearly as high as he had thought since the small ugly creature was able to merely jump atop it with such ease. Who would have imagined they had such grace?

Alexei chooses to step back as he feels the power of magic welling up in him. 5 foot step to P7

After the short move, he raises his hand to blast the small creature full in its misshapen face.

Snowball: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Snowball damage: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9

If successful hit, Fort save DC 16 or Staggered, Fort save DC 16 or Slowed

He smiles hoping this will end the creature.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

I accept your logic, but I am confused on how Alexei still ended up in the square I requested (O7) if we're now counting walking on a wooden stage as difficult terrain. Another point of confusion is that Alexei is being attacked by a goblin presumably Small on the ground while he is elevated presumably 6 feet up and also 20 feet away from the goblin at square K6?

I'm not really sure I understand what happened, unless you're saying he flung the torch like a missile weapon?

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei moves and ascends the platform to get a better view of their adversaries. Muttering curses toward all goblins, he draws his dagger and attempts to clear his mind to summon magic once more.

Sorcerer to Warchanter's Torcher O7. Check!

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Sorry for being the bottleneck. Work has been a bear. Will have something later, or you can bot me if you want to press on before then.

@GM: Did Alexei get the last riddle correct?

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

I know you didn't ask for a Perception, but Alexei's previous 2 will stand for this.

The explosion causes echoes all around the square. Alexei spins, his eyes wide trying to pinpoint the direction of the sound, but too much noise...

The buzzing in his mind intensifies bringing a near panic about failing his grandmother to the forefront eclipsing his ability to truly focus.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Coincidentally, I almost suggested it, but I was thinking that might be more Daemonic in style. :P

But yes it looks great. No rebuke from me!

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

You could go super literal and use old Sumerian or some other Mesopotamian ancient culture. Otherwise, Latin could be a good filler. All the tenses it has which are not used could be RP'd as how the Devils use Infernal to doublespeak so many contracts and all the legal trickery.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

But the fun of tongues is trying to talk and failing even though you think you're being normal. :-D

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei stumbles as the goblin's dirty weapon lays open a grievous wound.

"Unh..." he gasps and clutches his side.

Without any delay, Paldak bisects the creature almost before it can pull back the blade which injured Alexei. There's some more fighting, but his eyes blur slightly, and the next thing he knows the woman from the bar, Sabina, is muttering a prayer. His wound knits shut with the warmth and itching that always accompanies such accelerated healing.

"Ah, well then," Alexei says blinking at the cleric. "That definitely is appreciated. Handy trick."

He staggers back from her and looks around. The dead girl catches his eye as well as any other casualties he may be able to see.

"No!" he bursts out. She...she may have seen him! Any of them could be...the one who knows where I need to go! This cannot be!

"This cannot stand!" He spins around and gestures to Cordwin and Paldak. "We must put an end to this madness. You are not to allow any more harm to these people!"

Alexei doesn't even notice how commanding he's being. All he can focus on is the strange buzzing in his head. I can't...I can't fail!

He turns back to Sabina. "You must see what can be done to help these people. No more..." he says through clenched teeth. He points to the girl and then the dog, "...of that."

The look on Alexei's face is one of rage, his lips pulled back in a snarl. He then turns wildly in a circle to discover where the next goblinoid attack is occurring.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Kasja & Alexei:
"Irrisen? Most of the stories may exaggerate things a bit, I imagine. But some do not state the truth by even half, I would wager. You know that every one hundred years, the grand witch Baba Yaga herself comes to visit and change the monarchy. This next time is only short while away if you can believe it. We humans don't always live long enough to see it, but you and I will be here when it happens. Barring nothing bad happening during this festival." Alexei chuckles and sips his wine. His other hand absentmindedly makes a ward gesture against fey (how peculiar).

Once the new riddle is presented, Alexei's eyes unfocus as his mind begins to work.

"Ah, hmm..." He leans back in his chair swirling wine. "That feels like it could represent a number of things. but so many are subjective. Hmm hmm."

Tapping one finger on the table, Alexei looks thoughtful. His thoughtful face appears as if he is cross, but he does not even notice.

"Medicine could be the thing. The maker wouldn't want it presumably, the cleric or doctor buying it wouldn't need it as it would be for a patient, and until they knew they were sick the patient wouldn't know they needed it."

He frowns. "But that supposes a lot. There are times when someone makes medicine because they are sick, so they would want it. And the sick often purchase it for themselves. So no, not medicine."

"Baby's diapers, perhaps? That fits the criteria." Alexei shakes his head. "If one assumes the creator isn't the one with the child."

The sorcerer looks into the wine goblet and watches the deep purplish red liquid swirl as he twirls the vessel. He seems to regard it as he thinks further. He cocks his head to one side and his eyes narrow.

"Hmph. Poison. It's poison, isn't it?" He raises his gaze to Kasja's. "Very clever. And if I'm wrong then I concede the win as I have no other guesses I feel adequately meet the criteria."

I honestly haven't looked any of these up. This one really stuck with me as it resembles a few others with the structure, but none of the ones I had heard before matched this one. The one I can recall goes, Those who need it do not have it, those who have it do not need it, and those who want it rarely gain it. And another: Those who need it rarely accept it, those who have it do not need it, and those who give it may not know they have it.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Oh my! I was somehow under the impression it wasn't my turn. Sorry for the delay!

Alexei says a curse under his breath as the ball of ice misses the goblin. He draws the only weapon he was carrying, his dagger, as his staff is currently locked in his room at the inn. Once in hand, he notices that the towering half-orc Paldak stands beside him.

"Here. You may find this of some benefit if you strike one of these blasted creatures quickly."

Alexei's eyes become the grey of a winter storm, and the veins in his hands display a noticeably ice blue color. His fingers slide down the blade of the barbarian's falchion in a caress, and soon the whole blade emits a cold vapor.

Alexei uses 1/7 of Bloodline Ability Cold Steel.

PRD wrote:
Cold Steel (Sp): At 1st level, you can touch a weapon or up to 50 pieces of ammunition as a standard action, giving it the frost property for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1).
PRD wrote:
Frost: Upon command, a frost weapon is sheathed in icy cold that deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. The cold does not harm the wielder. The effect remains until another command is given.

Rule question: Would Alexei ever be able to use Cold Steel on his own weapon? Since it takes the standard action to create, byt the time his turn comes around, it would have faded, unless you choose to rule it lasts until the end of his turn as "the round." How would you rule on that, DM Nightingale?

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Not that I want to complain...but I just want to confirm. I had assumed that the Blood Arcana for Rime-Blooded would have required the target to be successfully hit by the spell. I realize now that the wording of the Arcana doesn't explicitly state this however.

Are you then ruling that even if they fail to hit, Alexei's cold descriptor spells will always allow a single target to also save v. slow?

If so, awesome! If you would like to reverse this, I understand just fine.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Kasja & Alexei:
Alexei thanks Aeren with perfunctory politeness, handing the boy another copper (and any money owed for the meal).

"I do believe, I was so excited in answering your last riddle, I neglected to answer your question. While I did state I am from Irrisen to the north, the question of where I am from is altogether different. I was born there, but spent a good amount of time traveling with my father through Varisia. For a time, I would have claimed Varisia as my homeland since I was less worldly then despite my travels."

He looks thoughtful as he nibbles some of the cheese and swirls the wine inhaling the bouquet.

"Regarding the newest riddle, while several more abstract ideas such as dreams or clouds could be an answer, I'm led to believe that your riddle would be looking for an item or place which exemplifies all the clues without question or subjective."

He sips the wine and ponders.

"I can only think of one grouping of things which would match: those which represent geography but are not actually such. Maps, atlases, and globes are all examples. That is surely the answer.[/b]"

The sorcerer looks to Kasja to see if he is right.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei jumps up when the chaos begins looking for the source. No! This should not be happening! These southerners had no concept of Law. Where were the crowd pacifiers to hex those running amok into submission? Where were the fey mood enforcers to ensure the celebration remained happy? This...this is disgraceful!

Alexei snorts in disgust when his eyes land on the goblins.

Knowledge (local) to identify or know anything about goblins: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

PRD wrote:

Skill Description: Knowledge

You can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster's CR. For common monsters, such as goblins, the DC of this check equals 5 + the monster's CR.

"I think remember these creatures," he mutters aloud somewhat absentmindedly. Cordwin yells something and two of the goblins keel over while the last inflicts minor injury on himself to remain conscious.

The sorcerer sees the fallen dog, and his eyes narrow. A twist comes to his mouth. "Well then, if you don't want to accept his offer for a nap, perhaps we should cool that giant hot head of yours." There is ice in Alexei's voice and his breath suddenly puffs out as if on a cold day. Anyone near him feels a chill in the air. He strides forward while almost lazily raising his arm with his fist closed. As he arrives a short distance from the conscious goblin, he opens his fist and a packed ball of ice and snow begins to form before shooting out at the small humanoid.

Alexei moves to R11 so his snowball can reach the goblin.

snowball: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Damage if hits: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9
Fort save DC 16 to prevent staggered.
Fort save DC 16 to prevent slow.
Rime-Blooded Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the cold descriptor, you may select one target of the spell to be slowed (as the spell) for 1 round. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + the level of cold spell + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect.

d20pfsrd wrote:


Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: one ball of ice and snow
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see below)
Spell Resistance: no
You conjure a ball of packed ice and snow that you can throw at a single target as a ranged touch attack. The snowball deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) on a successful hit, and the target must make a successful Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round.

Let me say now, I'm challenging myself not to Google the riddles and try to figure them out myself.

Alexei smiles graciously at the invitation and seats himself. Ordering wine and a plate of meats, cheese, and bread, Alexei ponders Kasja's riddle.

"...falls without breaking...breaks without falling..." He taps a finger in his cheek. "Based on that, I am certain you speak of the difference between Night and Day." He smiles confident he is correct.

"Tell me, will 'winning' provide me a shiny new badge like this?" Alexei places a finger under his 1st Place Swallowtail Dragon Races badge. He winks at Kasja.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Sorry for the delay. I will have something up within a couple hours for sure. Poor doggie! :_(

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Sure thing. We can spoiler it up so it won't interfere with "present" time.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

"It is a pleasure, Mistress Kasja," Alexei says. He places a hand to his heart and leans forward slightly to match her curtsy. "Alexei Domashev of Irrisen. And clearly the first riddle will be to determine how a lady of such great bearing and wit came to be acquainted with the future dragon tamer Aeren."

He gestures to Kasja's table. "Please do not let me keep you from your repast. Since this young rapscallion has seen fit to bring our paths together for the moment, would you mind if I join you? And then we can see about proper conversation and the riddles previously offered. I could do with a spot of lunch myself."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Bottled beer? O_o

Nice game addition, Paldak! Lol. We should definitely bring some of that on our adventures!

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

After Aeren sets off abruptly, the sorcerer moves quickly to keep up. "You misunderstand me, young Aeren. I did not say I would not be willing to use my physical body for the games, but rather I would not seek out games of pure strength when those of skill, both body and mind, are available." Alexei frowns at the rascal's back for twisting his words.

Then he waves his hand to show it is of little importance. "No matter. Riddles, you say? Lead on then."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei nods in the nobleman's direction. "Patience is the key, my good man. Dragons live for ages, so patience is the key to dealing with them in the now. If you heed that advice, next time it will be you with the winner's badge." His tone is pure seriousness despite the fact they discuss lizards.

Aeren's rapid fire questions don't faze Alexei in the slightest. "Yes, I can claim some titles of lands in the north far from here. It is my pleasure, Aeren. Well met. The field of battle wins the most trustworthy friends and rivals." The sorcerer chuckles. "There are different kinds of strength, young sir, but I do not generally try my hand at games that rely on only the body and not the mind. Games of wit and presence are more of what I would like to try, but I also need to wile away the day. If there are no more of those, we can play at whatever you think you would like to challenge me."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei's smile says it all. Of course he won. Surely there had never been any real doubt the outcome would lead to this. He allows the contest judge or (his lovely assistant if there is one) to pin the badge on his lapel and favors the assembled onlookers with a confident half-smile and a wave.

Turning to the young boy who had wanted to be his rival, Alexei approaches and looks down at him with a serious expression.

"You lost today, kid," Alexei says coldly. After a moment's pause, he leans closer. "But that doesn't mean you have to like it."

Standing straight again, Alexei flips one of the two coppers he won to the boy. "Come now. Show me some more games we can challenge today. I am Lord Domashev, but I will allow you to call me Lord Alex while we compete."

The sorcerer waits for the boy to lead the way to the festival games.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei went straight for the dragon racing! I'm going to put some kind of post up about his winning so handily, but the words haven't come yet.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Coincidentally, this suggestion was given to me earlier today by a close friend and should be very doable. Assuming there is no cumbersome obstacles provided by the mobile device, this option should allow me to surmount the aforementioned web filter. :D

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Bad news: my job has started blocking access to Paizo. Sadly this means my posts will become super less frequent. I'm really sorry. :-/

While we have been relatively slow moving due to summer vacations, I usually have done most of my posting at work. I may have trouble keeping up unless I can find another way to post.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei pays his copper and surveys the "dragons." With a serious manner he looks them over for the most hearty and possible the energetic one. One has some bluish coloring reminding him of the snows back home.

"This one," he says decisively. Once the race is ready to get started, Alexei stares down the chubby boy who picked a green lizard for the opposite side lane. The boy returns the stare of his elder with equal animosity. Alexei's eyes narrowed. O-ho! A rival unbowed has appeared!

The two turn now to their champions and wait for the signal to begin goading them down the path of destiny. There can be only one winner here.

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

I think it has the story touch I like to see without a rush from one combat to another that I have seen in other PbPs. An increase in frequency of posts is the only thing I would ask for at the moment. But as a GM of my own PbP heavy on characterization and story, I understand how that goes sometimes. :-)

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei observes the speeches with a rising sense of impatience. He quashes it by reminding himself that the delay is unavoidable. It's not like I could force everyone in the village to answer my questions about my father. He is certain someone here knows something about either his father or whatever his father had been researching. He idly fantasizes about a cadre of Chillblight fey sweeping through Sandpoint and dominating the festival goers with magic so he could get his answers. The smile that blooms unwittingly on his face is cold and cruel.

That sheriff should spend some time up north, Alexei finds his mind wandering as the Father Zantus takes the podium. People like the infamous Chopper who lacked the mental fortitude to stand up to demons would be handled long before they could bring such danger to a community by their ruling witch in Irrisen. Sherrif Hemlock would learn how to really protect his community.

Upon being released to the festival by the priest's declaration, Alexei finds himself wandering over to lizard racing. The sleek reptiles are a variety of colors, scaly and lithe. Having not seen very many cold-blooded creatures during his stay in the world of winter that was his birthplace, he recalled in his youth how he had spent time with the servants' children chasing such things. The memory of a laughing boy running through the tall grass felt hazy, like it belonged to someone else. Another pang of...something came and went through his mind before the cold calculations of which lizard to pick to win began to take over. Again, the sorcerer didn't even realize what had happened.

I'm guessing Knowlege (nature) is the winner here for knowing about lizards, but if lizard racing is even semi-common in Varisia, would you allow a Knowledge (local) check even with a penalty or higher DC? Here's one just in case.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei takes a sip of coffee as Sabina's passion against her own upbringing come forth. A pang of something like regret surfaces, but just as it quickly it swirls back into the murky waters of his memory. The pain of what he is and what he lost (or never had rather) flashes across his face before his conditioning quashes it with his conscious mind none the wiser.

"I assure you, Miss—Sabina was it?—my jest is not meant to make light of the practices of your own former culture, but to assure you more that I, at least, am the last to judge anyone on where they may have been born."

He finishes off a biscuit and then sucks bacon grease off a finger. "As far as my 'company's' destination...that is not yet specifically known, but most likely will be out and around this mythical countryside. I have come to...research the old places and history that once flourished here in Varisia. The 'company' is very newly formed, so I admit I haven't had much time to really determine much more than its purpose. If you're okay with such ambiguity, I don't see a reason to turn you away."

He flashes his most charming smile. "After all, the company of one who can cook bacon so finely and brew a pot so adeptly would surely be welcome within any expedition. A skill with blades only sweetens the pie."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

"The world has all kinds in all places," Alexei says somewhat cryptically. "Where one is 'born' certainly doesn't dictate where one is 'from.' Until you choose to summon a devil and force me into some contract, I'm just going to judge you by your coffee and bacon."

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Sense Motive DC 9:
While it is apparent Alexei is more than happy to have everyone choose to be accepting of people's history and background, his eyes are in fact very judging, but not in the way Sabina seems to fear...

Instead they are rather calculating: everyone's worth and use being weighed and measured.

With a wink and smile, the sorcerer takes a bite of bacon on biscuit.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Many folks actually liken Cheliax to Spain with the diabolists representing the Spanish Inquisition. Quite a bit of irony in that view, but totally valid in my opinion. ;-)

There's some interesting possible ideas in this thread.

Ultimately, there's no "canon" association, so pick one, and we'll all run with it as our little version of Golarion's real world source for Cheliax. :-)

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Another day came. The Swallowtail Festival day. Finally. And tomorrow, he could get back to his investigations into his missing father and the old powerful rune magic of long gone Thassilon.

Alexei debates on actually getting out of bed or just sleeping the day away. He suspects no one would allow that, and sooner or la—, just sooner—someone would come looking for him wondering why he wasn't involved and enjoying the festival. That Ameiko struck him as the type. Or Cordwin.

Hmmm... Alexei pondered the offer he had made the half-orc and the dwarf. There could be a lot of advantages to having help. Especially that of brawn and charm as Alexei sometimes suffered in both categories. His aristocratic features certainly drew attention from many, but he knew his manner sometimes rubbed people the wrong way. So far, no one had been off put by the jovial Cordwin, and Paldak seemed to have quite a high level of etiquette awareness even if his manners marked him as ignorant of high society. The half-orc was trying nonetheless.

A door opens and closes, and Alexei thinks he can hear someone make their way downstairs. A few minutes later, the sorcerer's nose twitches.

*sniff, sniff*

No doubt about it, he smells bacon grease and other food. In response his stomach growls. I suppose I can't lie here all day after all, he rationalizes.

A moment later, Alexei steps lightly down the stair.

"Good morning, sir, lady," he says to Cordwin, Ameiko, and anyone else at the bar. Nodding to Sabina, he smiles slightly, "And especially to you, my dear. Somehow you knew what was on my mind even before I knew it was. If you have some to spare, I'd be happy to buy a plate."

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